| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../../resources/js-test.js"></script> |
| <script src="resources/webgl-test.js"></script> |
| <script src="resources/webgl-test-utils.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <div id="description"></div> |
| <div id="console"></div> |
| |
| <script> |
| if (window.internals) |
| window.internals.settings.setWebGLErrorsToConsoleEnabled(false); |
| |
| var wtu = WebGLTestUtils; |
| var gl = null; |
| var tex = null; |
| var error = 0; |
| |
| function enumToString(value) { |
| return wtu.glEnumToString(gl, value); |
| } |
| |
| function testTexImage2D(testCase) |
| { |
| var level = 0; |
| var width = 16; |
| var height = 16; |
| var msg = "" + |
| " internalFormat: " + enumToString(testCase.internalFormat) + |
| " target: " + enumToString(testCase.target) + |
| " format: " + enumToString(testCase.format) + |
| " type: " + enumToString(testCase.type) + |
| " border: " + testCase.border; |
| |
| gl.texImage2D(testCase.target, level, testCase.internalFormat, width, height, testCase.border, testCase.format, testCase.type, null); |
| error = testCase.expectedError; |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, error, msg); |
| } |
| |
| function testTexSubImage2D(testCase) |
| { |
| var level = 0; |
| var xoffset = 0; |
| var yoffset = 0; |
| var width = 16; |
| var height = 16; |
| var msg = ""+ |
| " format: " + enumToString(testCase.format) + |
| " type: " + enumToString(testCase.type); |
| var array = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4); |
| gl.texSubImage2D(testCase.target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, testCase.format, testCase.type, array); |
| error = testCase.expectedError; |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, error, msg); |
| } |
| |
| function testTexParameter(testCase) |
| { |
| var msg = "paramName: " + enumToString(testCase.pname); |
| error = testCase.expectedError; |
| gl.texParameteri(testCase.target, testCase.pname, testCase.param); |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, error, msg); |
| gl.texParameterf(testCase.target, testCase.pname, testCase.param); |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, error, msg); |
| } |
| |
| function testGetTexParameter(testCase) |
| { |
| var msg = "paramName: " + enumToString(testCase.pname); |
| error = testCase.expectedError; |
| gl.getTexParameter(testCase.target, testCase.pname); |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, error, msg); |
| } |
| |
| function testCopyTexImage2D(testCase) |
| { |
| var level = 0; |
| var x = 0; |
| var y = 0; |
| var width = 16; |
| var height = 16; |
| |
| var msg = "" + |
| " colorBufferFormat: " + enumToString(testCase.colorBufferFormat) + |
| " internalFormat: " + enumToString(testCase.internalFormat) + |
| " target: " + enumToString(testCase.target) + |
| " border: " + testCase.border; |
| |
| gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, testCase.colorBufferFormat, width, height); |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, gl.NO_ERROR); |
| shouldBe("gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER)", "gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE"); |
| |
| gl.copyTexImage2D(testCase.target, level, testCase.internalFormat, x, y, width, height, testCase.border); |
| error = testCase.expectedError; |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, error, msg); |
| } |
| |
| function testCopyTexSubImage2D(testCase) |
| { |
| var level = 0; |
| var x = 0; |
| var y = 0; |
| var width = 16; |
| var height = 16; |
| var xoffset = 0; |
| var yoffset = 0; |
| var border = 0; |
| var type = gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE; |
| var msg = "" + |
| " colorBufferFormat: " + enumToString(testCase.colorBufferFormat) + |
| " internalFormat: " + enumToString(testCase.internalFormat) + |
| " target: " + enumToString(testCase.target); |
| |
| gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, testCase.colorBufferFormat, width, height); |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, gl.NO_ERROR); |
| shouldBe("gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER)", "gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE"); |
| |
| gl.texImage2D(testCase.target, level, testCase.internalFormat, xoffset + width, yoffset + height, border, testCase.internalFormat, type, null); |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, gl.NO_ERROR); |
| |
| gl.copyTexSubImage2D(testCase.target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height); |
| error = testCase.expectedError; |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, error, msg); |
| } |
| |
| function testCopyFromInternalFBO(testCase) |
| { |
| var target = gl.TEXTURE_2D; |
| var level = 0; |
| var x = 0; |
| var y = 0; |
| var width = 16; |
| var height = 16; |
| var xoffset = 0; |
| var yoffset = 0; |
| var border = 0; |
| var type = gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE; |
| var msg = "" + |
| " colorBufferFormat: " + enumToString(testCase.contextAlpha ? gl.RGBA : gl.RGB) + |
| " internalFormat: " + enumToString(testCase.internalFormat); |
| |
| if (testCase.contextAlpha) |
| gl = create3DContext(null, { alpha: true }); |
| else |
| gl = create3DContext(null, { alpha: false }); |
| shouldBeNonNull("gl"); |
| shouldBeNonNull("tex = gl.createTexture()"); |
| gl.bindTexture(target, tex); |
| if (testCase.subImage) { |
| gl.texImage2D(target, level, testCase.internalFormat, xoffset + width, yoffset + height, border, testCase.internalFormat, type, null); |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, gl.NO_ERROR); |
| gl.copyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height); |
| } else { |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, gl.NO_ERROR); |
| gl.copyTexImage2D(target, level, testCase.internalFormat, x, y, width, height, border); |
| } |
| error = testCase.expectedError; |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, error, msg); |
| } |
| |
| description("Validate tex functions input parameters"); |
| |
| shouldBeNonNull("gl = create3DContext()"); |
| shouldBeNonNull("tex = gl.createTexture()"); |
| gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tex); |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, gl.NO_ERROR); |
| |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Checking TexImage2D: a set of inputs that are valid in GL but invalid in GLES2"); |
| |
| var testCases = |
| [ {target: 0x8064, // GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| border: 0, |
| format: gl.RGBA, |
| type: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| internalFormat: 0x1903, // GL_RED |
| border: 0, |
| format: 0x1903, // GL_RED |
| type: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| border: 1, |
| format: gl.RGBA, |
| type: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_VALUE}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| border: 0, |
| format: gl.RGB, |
| type: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_OPERATION}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| border: 0, |
| format: gl.RGBA, |
| type: gl.BYTE, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| border: 0, |
| format: gl.RGBA, |
| type: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, |
| expectedError: gl.NO_ERROR} ]; |
| |
| for (var ii = 0; ii < testCases.length; ++ii) |
| testTexImage2D(testCases[ii]); |
| |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Checking TexSubImage2D: a set of inputs that are valid in GL but invalid in GLES2"); |
| |
| testCases = |
| [ {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| format: 0x1903, // GL_RED |
| type: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| format: gl.RGBA, |
| type: gl.BYTE, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| format: gl.RGBA, |
| type: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, |
| expectedError: gl.NO_ERROR} ]; |
| |
| for (var ii = 0; ii < testCases.length; ++ii) |
| testTexSubImage2D(testCases[ii]); |
| |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Checking TexParameter: a set of inputs that are valid in GL but invalid in GLES2"); |
| |
| testCases = |
| [ {target: 0x0DE0, // GL_TEXTURE_1D |
| pname: gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, |
| param: gl.REPEAT, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| pname: 0x813A, // GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD |
| param: 0, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| pname: gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, |
| param: 0x2900, // GL_CLAMP |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| pname: gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, |
| param: gl.REPEAT, |
| expectedError: gl.NO_ERROR} ]; |
| |
| for (var ii = 0; ii < testCases.length; ++ii) |
| testTexParameter(testCases[ii]); |
| |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Checking GetTexParameter: a set of inputs that are valid in GL but invalid in GLES2"); |
| |
| testCases = |
| [ {target: 0x0DE0, // GL_TEXTURE_1D |
| pname: gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| pname: 0x813A, // GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| pname: gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, |
| expectedError: gl.NO_ERROR} ]; |
| |
| for (var ii = 0; ii < testCases.length; ++ii) |
| testGetTexParameter(testCases[ii]); |
| |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Checking CopyTexImage2D: a set of inputs that are valid in GL but invalid in GLES2"); |
| |
| var colorBuffer = null; |
| var fbo = null; |
| |
| shouldBeNonNull("fbo = gl.createFramebuffer()"); |
| gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo); |
| shouldBeNonNull("colorBuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer()"); |
| gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, colorBuffer); |
| gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.RENDERBUFFER, colorBuffer); |
| glErrorShouldBe(gl, gl.NO_ERROR); |
| |
| testCases = |
| [ {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| colorBufferFormat: gl.RGB565, |
| internalFormat: 0x8054, // GL_RGB16 |
| border: 0, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_ENUM}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| colorBufferFormat: gl.RGB565, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| border: 1, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_VALUE}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| colorBufferFormat: gl.RGB565, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| border: 0, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_OPERATION}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| colorBufferFormat: gl.RGB565, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGB, |
| border: 0, |
| expectedError: gl.NO_ERROR} ]; |
| |
| for (var ii = 0; ii < testCases.length; ++ii) |
| testCopyTexImage2D(testCases[ii]); |
| |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Checking CopyTexSubImage2D: a set of inputs that are valid in GL but invalid in GLES2"); |
| |
| testCases = |
| [ {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| colorBufferFormat: gl.RGB5_A1, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| expectedError: gl.NO_ERROR}, |
| {target: gl.TEXTURE_2D, |
| colorBufferFormat: gl.RGB565, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_OPERATION} ]; |
| |
| for (var ii = 0; ii < testCases.length; ++ii) |
| testCopyTexSubImage2D(testCases[ii]); |
| |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Checking CopyTex{Sub}Image2D: copy from WebGL internal framebuffer"); |
| |
| testCases = |
| [ {contextAlpha: true, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| subImage: false, |
| expectedError: gl.NO_ERROR}, |
| {contextAlpha: false, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| subImage: false, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_OPERATION}, |
| {contextAlpha: true, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| subImage: true, |
| expectedError: gl.NO_ERROR}, |
| {contextAlpha: false, |
| internalFormat: gl.RGBA, |
| subImage: true, |
| expectedError: gl.INVALID_OPERATION} ]; |
| |
| for (var ii = 0; ii < testCases.length; ++ii) |
| testCopyFromInternalFBO(testCases[ii]); |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |