| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| * are met: |
| * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| // FIXME: Provide Parameter lists for the constructors themselves? (new RegExp(...)). |
| // FIXME: Provide Parameter lists for global functions (eval, decodeURI, ...). |
| |
| WI.NativeConstructorFunctionParameters = { |
| Object: { |
| assign: "target, ...sources", |
| create: "prototype, [propertiesObject]", |
| defineProperties: "object, properties", |
| defineProperty: "object, propertyName, descriptor", |
| freeze: "object", |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor: "object, propertyName", |
| getOwnPropertyNames: "object", |
| getOwnPropertySymbols: "object", |
| getPrototypeOf: "object", |
| is: "value1, value2", |
| isExtensible: "object", |
| isFrozen: "object", |
| isSealed: "object", |
| keys: "object", |
| preventExtensions: "object", |
| seal: "object", |
| setPrototypeOf: "object, prototype", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Array: { |
| from: "arrayLike, [mapFunction], [thisArg]", |
| isArray: "object", |
| of: "[...values]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| ArrayBuffer: { |
| isView: "object", |
| transfer: "oldBuffer, [newByteLength=length]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Number: { |
| isFinite: "value", |
| isInteger: "value", |
| isNaN: "value", |
| isSafeInteger: "value", |
| parseFloat: "string", |
| parseInt: "string, [radix]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Math: { |
| abs: "x", |
| acos: "x", |
| acosh: "x", |
| asin: "x", |
| asinh: "x", |
| atan2: "y, x", |
| atan: "x", |
| atanh: "x", |
| cbrt: "x", |
| ceil: "x", |
| clz32: "x", |
| cos: "x", |
| cosh: "x", |
| exp: "x", |
| expm1: "x", |
| floor: "x", |
| fround: "x", |
| hypot: "[...x]", |
| imul: "x", |
| log: "x", |
| log1p: "x", |
| log2: "x", |
| log10: "x", |
| max: "[...x]", |
| min: "[...x]", |
| pow: "x, y", |
| round: "x", |
| sign: "x", |
| sin: "x", |
| sinh: "x", |
| sqrt: "x", |
| tan: "x", |
| tanh: "x", |
| trunc: "x", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| JSON: { |
| parse: "text, [reviver]", |
| stringify: "value, [replacer], [space]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Date: { |
| parse: "dateString", |
| UTC: "year, [month], [day], [hour], [minute], [second], [ms]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Promise: { |
| all: "iterable", |
| race: "iterable", |
| reject: "reason", |
| resolve: "value", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Reflect: { |
| apply: "target, thisArgument, argumentsList", |
| construct: "target, argumentsList, [newTarget=target]", |
| defineProperty: "target, propertyKey, attributes", |
| deleteProperty: "target, propertyKey", |
| get: "target, propertyKey, [receiver]", |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor: "target, propertyKey", |
| getPrototypeOf: "target", |
| has: "target, propertyKey", |
| isExtensible: "target", |
| ownKeys: "target", |
| preventExtensions: "target", |
| set: "target, propertyKey, value, [receiver]", |
| setPrototypeOf: "target, prototype", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| String: { |
| fromCharCode: "...codeUnits", |
| fromCodePoint: "...codePoints", |
| raw: "template, ...substitutions", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Symbol: { |
| for: "key", |
| keyFor: "symbol", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Console: { |
| assert: "condition, [message], [...values]", |
| count: "label = \"default\"", |
| countReset: "label = \"default\"", |
| debug: "message, [...values]", |
| dir: "object", |
| dirxml: "object", |
| error: "message, [...values]", |
| group: "[name]", |
| groupCollapsed: "[name]", |
| groupEnd: "[name]", |
| info: "message, [...values]", |
| log: "message, [...values]", |
| profile: "name", |
| profileEnd: "name", |
| record: "object, [options]", |
| recordEnd: "object", |
| screenshot: "[node]", |
| table: "data, [columns]", |
| takeHeapSnapshot: "[label]", |
| time: "label = \"default\"", |
| timeLog: "label = \"default\"", |
| timeEnd: "label = \"default\"", |
| timeStamp: "[label]", |
| trace: "message, [...values]", |
| warn: "message, [...values]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| // Autogenerated DOM Interface static methods. |
| |
| IDBKeyRangeConstructor: { |
| bound: "lower, upper, [lowerOpen], [upperOpen]", |
| lowerBound: "lower, [open]", |
| only: "value", |
| upperBound: "upper, [open]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MediaSourceConstructor: { |
| isTypeSupported: "type", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MediaStreamTrackConstructor: { |
| getSources: "callback", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| NotificationConstructor: { |
| requestPermission: "[callback]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| URLConstructor: { |
| createObjectURL: "blob", |
| revokeObjectURL: "url", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebKitMediaKeysConstructor: { |
| isTypeSupported: "keySystem, [type]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| }; |
| |
| WI.NativePrototypeFunctionParameters = { |
| |
| // Built-in JavaScript objects. |
| // FIXME: TypedArrays (Int8Array, etc), |
| |
| Object: { |
| __defineGetter__: "propertyName, getterFunction", |
| __defineSetter__: "propertyName, setterFunction", |
| __lookupGetter__: "propertyName", |
| __lookupSetter__: "propertyName", |
| hasOwnProperty: "propertyName", |
| isPrototypeOf: "property", |
| propertyIsEnumerable: "propertyName", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Array: { |
| concat: "value, ...", |
| copyWithin: "targetIndex, startIndex, [endIndex=length]", |
| every: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| fill: "value, [startIndex=0], [endIndex=length]", |
| filter: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| find: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| findIndex: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| findLast: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| findLastIndex: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| forEach: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| groupBy: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| groupByToMap: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| includes: "searchValue, [startIndex=0]", |
| indexOf: "searchValue, [startIndex=0]", |
| join: "[separator=\",\"]", |
| lastIndexOf: "searchValue, [startIndex=length]", |
| map: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| push: "value, ...", |
| reduce: "callback, [initialValue]", |
| reduceRight: "callback, [initialValue]", |
| slice: "[startIndex=0], [endIndex=length]", |
| some: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| sort: "[compareFunction]", |
| splice: "startIndex, [deleteCount=0], ...itemsToAdd", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| ArrayBuffer: { |
| slice: "startIndex, [endIndex=byteLength]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DataView: { |
| setInt8: "byteOffset, value", |
| setInt16: "byteOffset, value, [littleEndian=false]", |
| setInt23: "byteOffset, value, [littleEndian=false]", |
| setUint8: "byteOffset, value", |
| setUint16: "byteOffset, value, [littleEndian=false]", |
| setUint32: "byteOffset, value, [littleEndian=false]", |
| setFloat32: "byteOffset, value, [littleEndian=false]", |
| setFloat64: "byteOffset, value, [littleEndian=false]", |
| getInt8: "byteOffset", |
| getInt16: "byteOffset, [littleEndian=false]", |
| getInt23: "byteOffset, [littleEndian=false]", |
| getUint8: "byteOffset", |
| getUint16: "byteOffset, [littleEndian=false]", |
| getUint32: "byteOffset, [littleEndian=false]", |
| getFloat32: "byteOffset, [littleEndian=false]", |
| getFloat64: "byteOffset, [littleEndian=false]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Date: { |
| setDate: "day", |
| setFullYear: "year, [month=getMonth()], [day=getDate()]", |
| setHours: "hours, [minutes=getMinutes()], [seconds=getSeconds()], [ms=getMilliseconds()]", |
| setMilliseconds: "ms", |
| setMinutes: "minutes, [seconds=getSeconds()], [ms=getMilliseconds()]", |
| setMonth: "month, [day=getDate()]", |
| setSeconds: "seconds, [ms=getMilliseconds()]", |
| setTime: "time", |
| setUTCDate: "day", |
| setUTCFullYear: "year, [month=getUTCMonth()], [day=getUTCDate()]", |
| setUTCHours: "hours, [minutes=getUTCMinutes()], [seconds=getUTCSeconds()], [ms=getUTCMilliseconds()]", |
| setUTCMilliseconds: "ms", |
| setUTCMinutes: "minutes, [seconds=getUTCSeconds()], [ms=getUTCMilliseconds()]", |
| setUTCMonth: "month, [day=getUTCDate()]", |
| setUTCSeconds: "seconds, [ms=getUTCMilliseconds()]", |
| setUTCTime: "time", |
| setYear: "year", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Function: { |
| apply: "thisObject, [argumentsArray]", |
| bind: "thisObject, ...arguments", |
| call: "thisObject, ...arguments", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Map: { |
| delete: "key", |
| forEach: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| get: "key", |
| has: "key", |
| set: "key, value", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Number: { |
| toExponential: "[digits]", |
| toFixed: "[digits]", |
| toPrecision: "[significantDigits]", |
| toString: "[radix=10]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| RegExp: { |
| compile: "pattern, flags", |
| exec: "string", |
| test: "string", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Set: { |
| delete: "value", |
| forEach: "callback, [thisArg]", |
| has: "value", |
| add: "value", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| String: { |
| charAt: "index", |
| charCodeAt: "index", |
| codePoints: "index", |
| concat: "string, ...", |
| includes: "searchValue, [startIndex=0]", |
| indexOf: "searchValue, [startIndex=0]", |
| lastIndexOf: "searchValue, [startIndex=length]", |
| localeCompare: "string", |
| match: "regex", |
| repeat: "count", |
| replace: "regex|string, replaceString|replaceHandler, [flags]", |
| search: "regex", |
| slice: "startIndex, [endIndex=length]", |
| split: "[separator], [limit]", |
| substr: "startIndex, [numberOfCharacters]", |
| substring: "startIndex, [endIndex=length]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WeakMap: { |
| delete: "key", |
| get: "key", |
| has: "key", |
| set: "key, value", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WeakSet: { |
| delete: "value", |
| has: "value", |
| add: "value", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Promise: { |
| catch: "rejectionHandler", |
| then: "resolvedHandler, rejectionHandler", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Generator: { |
| next: "value", |
| return: "value", |
| throw: "exception", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| // Curated DOM Interfaces. |
| |
| Element: { |
| closest: "selectors", |
| getAttribute: "attributeName", |
| getAttributeNS: "namespace, attributeName", |
| getAttributeNode: "attributeName", |
| getAttributeNodeNS: "namespace, attributeName", |
| hasAttribute: "attributeName", |
| hasAttributeNS: "namespace, attributeName", |
| matches: "selector", |
| removeAttribute: "attributeName", |
| removeAttributeNS: "namespace, attributeName", |
| removeAttributeNode: "attributeName", |
| scrollIntoView: "[alignWithTop]", |
| scrollIntoViewIfNeeded: "[centerIfNeeded]", |
| setAttribute: "name, value", |
| setAttributeNS: "namespace, name, value", |
| setAttributeNode: "attributeNode", |
| setAttributeNodeNS: "namespace, attributeNode", |
| webkitMatchesSelector: "selectors", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Node: { |
| appendChild: "child", |
| cloneNode: "[deep]", |
| compareDocumentPosition: "[node]", |
| contains: "[node]", |
| insertBefore: "insertElement, referenceElement", |
| isDefaultNamespace: "[namespace]", |
| isEqualNode: "[node]", |
| lookupNamespaceURI: "prefix", |
| removeChild: "node", |
| replaceChild: "newChild, oldChild", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Window: { |
| alert: "[message]", |
| atob: "encodedData", |
| btoa: "stringToEncode", |
| cancelAnimationFrame: "id", |
| clearInterval: "intervalId", |
| clearTimeout: "timeoutId", |
| confirm: "[message]", |
| find: "string, [caseSensitive], [backwards], [wrapAround]", |
| getComputedStyle: "[element], [pseudoElement]", |
| getMatchedCSSRules: "[element], [pseudoElement]", |
| matchMedia: "mediaQueryString", |
| moveBy: "[deltaX], [deltaY]", |
| moveTo: "[screenX], [screenY]", |
| open: "url, windowName, [featuresString]", |
| openDatabase: "name, version, displayName, estimatedSize, [creationCallback]", |
| postMessage: "message, targetOrigin, [...transferables]", |
| prompt: "[message], [value]", |
| requestAnimationFrame: "callback", |
| resizeBy: "[deltaX], [deltaY]", |
| resizeTo: "[width], [height]", |
| scrollBy: "[deltaX], [deltaY]", |
| scrollTo: "[x], [y]", |
| setInterval: "func, [delay], [...params]", |
| setTimeout: "func, [delay], [...params]", |
| showModalDialog: "url, [arguments], [options]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Document: { |
| adoptNode: "[node]", |
| caretRangeFromPoint: "[x], [y]", |
| createAttribute: "attributeName", |
| createAttributeNS: "namespace, qualifiedName", |
| createCDATASection: "data", |
| createComment: "data", |
| createElement: "tagName", |
| createElementNS: "namespace, qualifiedName", |
| createEntityReference: "name", |
| createEvent: "type", |
| createExpression: "xpath, resolver", |
| createNSResolver: "node", |
| createNodeIterator: "root, whatToShow, filter", |
| createProcessingInstruction: "target, data", |
| createTextNode: "data", |
| createTreeWalker: "root, whatToShow, filter, entityReferenceExpansion", |
| elementFromPoint: "x, y", |
| evaluate: "xpath, contextNode, namespaceResolver, resultType, result", |
| execCommand: "command, userInterface, value", |
| getCSSCanvasContext: "contextId, name, width, height", |
| getElementById: "id", |
| getElementsByName: "name", |
| importNode: "node, deep", |
| queryCommandEnabled: "command", |
| queryCommandIndeterm: "command", |
| queryCommandState: "command", |
| queryCommandSupported: "command", |
| queryCommandValue: "command", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| // Autogenerated DOM Interfaces. |
| |
| ANGLEInstancedArrays: { |
| drawArraysInstancedANGLE: "mode, first, count, primcount", |
| drawElementsInstancedANGLE: "mode, count, type, offset, primcount", |
| vertexAttribDivisorANGLE: "index, divisor", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| AnalyserNode: { |
| getByteFrequencyData: "array", |
| getByteTimeDomainData: "array", |
| getFloatFrequencyData: "array", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| AudioBuffer: { |
| getChannelData: "channelIndex", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| AudioBufferCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "audioBuffer", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| AudioBufferSourceNode: { |
| noteGrainOn: "when, grainOffset, grainDuration", |
| noteOff: "when", |
| noteOn: "when", |
| start: "[when], [grainOffset], [grainDuration]", |
| stop: "[when]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| AudioListener: { |
| setOrientation: "x, y, z, xUp, yUp, zUp", |
| setPosition: "x, y, z", |
| setVelocity: "x, y, z", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| AudioNode: { |
| connect: "destination, [output], [input]", |
| disconnect: "[output]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| AudioParam: { |
| cancelScheduledValues: "startTime", |
| exponentialRampToValueAtTime: "value, time", |
| linearRampToValueAtTime: "value, time", |
| setTargetAtTime: "target, time, timeConstant", |
| setTargetValueAtTime: "targetValue, time, timeConstant", |
| setValueAtTime: "value, time", |
| setValueCurveAtTime: "values, time, duration", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| AudioTrackList: { |
| getTrackById: "id", |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| BiquadFilterNode: { |
| getFrequencyResponse: "frequencyHz, magResponse, phaseResponse", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Blob: { |
| slice: "[start], [end], [contentType]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CSS: { |
| supports: "property, value", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CSSKeyframesRule: { |
| appendRule: "[rule]", |
| deleteRule: "[key]", |
| findRule: "[key]", |
| insertRule: "[rule]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CSSMediaRule: { |
| deleteRule: "[index]", |
| insertRule: "[rule], [index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CSSPrimitiveValue: { |
| getFloatValue: "[unitType]", |
| setFloatValue: "[unitType], [floatValue]", |
| setStringValue: "[stringType], [stringValue]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CSSRuleList: { |
| item: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CSSStyleDeclaration: { |
| getPropertyCSSValue: "[propertyName]", |
| getPropertyPriority: "[propertyName]", |
| getPropertyShorthand: "[propertyName]", |
| getPropertyValue: "[propertyName]", |
| isPropertyImplicit: "[propertyName]", |
| item: "[index]", |
| removeProperty: "[propertyName]", |
| setProperty: "[propertyName], [value], [priority]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CSSStyleSheet: { |
| addRule: "[selector], [style], [index]", |
| deleteRule: "[index]", |
| insertRule: "[rule], [index]", |
| removeRule: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CSSSupportsRule: { |
| deleteRule: "[index]", |
| insertRule: "[rule], [index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CSSValueList: { |
| item: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CanvasGradient: { |
| addColorStop: "[offset], [color]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CanvasRenderingContext2D: { |
| arc: "x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, [anticlockwise]", |
| arcTo: "x1, y1, x2, y2, radius", |
| bezierCurveTo: "cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y", |
| clearRect: "x, y, width, height", |
| clip: "path, [winding]", |
| createImageData: "imagedata", |
| createConicGradient: "angle, x, y", |
| createLinearGradient: "x0, y0, x1, y1", |
| createPattern: "canvas, repetitionType", |
| createRadialGradient: "x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1", |
| drawFocusIfNeeded: "element", |
| drawImage: "image, x, y", |
| drawImageFromRect: "image, [sx], [sy], [sw], [sh], [dx], [dy], [dw], [dh], [compositeOperation]", |
| ellipse: "x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, [anticlockwise]", |
| fill: "path, [winding]", |
| fillRect: "x, y, width, height", |
| fillText: "text, x, y, [maxWidth]", |
| getImageData: "sx, sy, sw, sh", |
| isPointInPath: "path, x, y, [winding]", |
| isPointInStroke: "path, x, y", |
| lineTo: "x, y", |
| measureText: "text", |
| moveTo: "x, y", |
| putImageData: "imagedata, dx, dy", |
| quadraticCurveTo: "cpx, cpy, x, y", |
| rect: "x, y, width, height", |
| rotate: "angle", |
| scale: "sx, sy", |
| setAlpha: "[alpha]", |
| setCompositeOperation: "[compositeOperation]", |
| setFillColor: "color, [alpha]", |
| setLineCap: "[cap]", |
| setLineDash: "dash", |
| setLineJoin: "[join]", |
| setLineWidth: "[width]", |
| setMiterLimit: "[limit]", |
| setShadow: "width, height, blur, [color], [alpha]", |
| setStrokeColor: "color, [alpha]", |
| setTransform: "m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy", |
| stroke: "path", |
| strokeRect: "x, y, width, height", |
| strokeText: "text, x, y, [maxWidth]", |
| transform: "m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy", |
| translate: "tx, ty", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CharacterData: { |
| appendData: "[data]", |
| deleteData: "[offset], [length]", |
| insertData: "[offset], [data]", |
| replaceData: "[offset], [length], [data]", |
| substringData: "[offset], [length]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CommandLineAPIHost: { |
| copyText: "text", |
| databaseId: "database", |
| getEventListeners: "target", |
| inspect: "objectId, hints", |
| storageId: "storage", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CompositionEvent: { |
| initCompositionEvent: "[typeArg], [canBubbleArg], [cancelableArg], [viewArg], [dataArg]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Crypto: { |
| getRandomValues: "array", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CustomElementRegistry: { |
| define: "name, constructor", |
| get: "name", |
| whenDefined: "name", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| CustomEvent: { |
| initCustomEvent: "type, [bubbles], [cancelable], [detail]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DOMApplicationCache: { |
| /* EventTarget */ |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DOMImplementation: { |
| createCSSStyleSheet: "[title], [media]", |
| createDocument: "[namespaceURI], [qualifiedName], [doctype]", |
| createDocumentType: "[qualifiedName], [publicId], [systemId]", |
| createHTMLDocument: "[title]", |
| hasFeature: "[feature], [version]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DOMParser: { |
| parseFromString: "[str], [contentType]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DOMStringList: { |
| contains: "[string]", |
| item: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DOMTokenList: { |
| add: "tokens...", |
| contains: "token", |
| item: "index", |
| remove: "tokens...", |
| toggle: "token, [force]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DataTransfer: { |
| clearData: "[type]", |
| getData: "type", |
| setData: "type, data", |
| setDragImage: "image, x, y", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DataTransferItem: { |
| getAsString: "[callback]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DataTransferItemList: { |
| add: "file", |
| item: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Database: { |
| changeVersion: "oldVersion, newVersion, [callback], [errorCallback], [successCallback]", |
| readTransaction: "callback, [errorCallback], [successCallback]", |
| transaction: "callback, [errorCallback], [successCallback]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DatabaseCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "database", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope: { |
| postMessage: "message, [messagePorts]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DeviceMotionEvent: { |
| initDeviceMotionEvent: "[type], [bubbles], [cancelable], [acceleration], [accelerationIncludingGravity], [rotationRate], [interval]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DeviceOrientationEvent: { |
| initDeviceOrientationEvent: "[type], [bubbles], [cancelable], [alpha], [beta], [gamma], [absolute]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| DocumentFragment: { |
| getElementById: "id", |
| querySelector: "selectors", |
| querySelectorAll: "selectors", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Event: { |
| initEvent: "type, [bubbles], [cancelable]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| FileList: { |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| FileReader: { |
| readAsArrayBuffer: "blob", |
| readAsBinaryString: "blob", |
| readAsDataURL: "blob", |
| readAsText: "blob, [encoding]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| FileReaderSync: { |
| readAsArrayBuffer: "blob", |
| readAsBinaryString: "blob", |
| readAsDataURL: "blob", |
| readAsText: "blob, [encoding]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| FontFaceSet: { |
| add: "font", |
| check: "font, [text=\" \"]", |
| delete: "font", |
| load: "font, [text=\" \"]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| FormData: { |
| append: "[name], [value], [filename]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Geolocation: { |
| clearWatch: "watchID", |
| getCurrentPosition: "successCallback, [errorCallback], [options]", |
| watchPosition: "successCallback, [errorCallback], [options]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLAllCollection: { |
| item: "[index]", |
| namedItem: "name", |
| tags: "name", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLButtonElement: { |
| setCustomValidity: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLCanvasElement: { |
| getContext: "contextId", |
| toDataURL: "[type]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLCollection: { |
| item: "[index]", |
| namedItem: "[name]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLDocument: { |
| write: "[html]", |
| writeln: "[html]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLElement: { |
| insertAdjacentElement: "[position], [element]", |
| insertAdjacentHTML: "[position], [html]", |
| insertAdjacentText: "[position], [text]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLFieldSetElement: { |
| setCustomValidity: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLFormControlsCollection: { |
| namedItem: "[name]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLInputElement: { |
| setCustomValidity: "error", |
| setRangeText: "replacement", |
| setSelectionRange: "start, end, [direction]", |
| stepDown: "[n]", |
| stepUp: "[n]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLKeygenElement: { |
| setCustomValidity: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLMediaElement: { |
| addTextTrack: "kind, [label], [language]", |
| canPlayType: "[type], [keySystem]", |
| fastSeek: "time", |
| webkitAddKey: "keySystem, key, [initData], [sessionId]", |
| webkitCancelKeyRequest: "keySystem, [sessionId]", |
| webkitGenerateKeyRequest: "keySystem, [initData]", |
| webkitSetMediaKeys: "mediaKeys", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLObjectElement: { |
| setCustomValidity: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLOptionsCollection: { |
| add: "element, [before]", |
| namedItem: "[name]", |
| remove: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLOutputElement: { |
| setCustomValidity: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLSelectElement: { |
| add: "element, [before]", |
| item: "index", |
| namedItem: "[name]", |
| setCustomValidity: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLSlotElement: { |
| assignedNodes: "[options]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLTableElement: { |
| deleteRow: "index", |
| insertRow: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLTableRowElement: { |
| deleteCell: "index", |
| insertCell: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLTableSectionElement: { |
| deleteRow: "index", |
| insertRow: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLTextAreaElement: { |
| setCustomValidity: "error", |
| setRangeText: "replacement", |
| setSelectionRange: "[start], [end], [direction]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HTMLVideoElement: { |
| webkitSetPresentationMode: "mode", |
| webkitSupportsPresentationMode: "mode", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| HashChangeEvent: { |
| initHashChangeEvent: "[type], [canBubble], [cancelable], [oldURL], [newURL]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| History: { |
| go: "[distance]", |
| pushState: "data, title, [url]", |
| replaceState: "data, title, [url]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| IDBCursor: { |
| advance: "count", |
| continue: "[key]", |
| update: "value", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| IDBDatabase: { |
| createObjectStore: "name, [options]", |
| deleteObjectStore: "name", |
| transaction: "storeName, [mode]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| IDBFactory: { |
| cmp: "first, second", |
| deleteDatabase: "name", |
| open: "name, [version]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| IDBIndex: { |
| count: "[range]", |
| get: "key", |
| getKey: "key", |
| openCursor: "[range], [direction]", |
| openKeyCursor: "[range], [direction]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| IDBObjectStore: { |
| add: "value, [key]", |
| count: "[range]", |
| createIndex: "name, keyPath, [options]", |
| delete: "keyRange", |
| deleteIndex: "name", |
| get: "key", |
| index: "name", |
| openCursor: "[range], [direction]", |
| put: "value, [key]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| IDBTransaction: { |
| objectStore: "name", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| ImageBitmapRenderingContext: { |
| transferFromImageBitmap: "[bitmap]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| KeyboardEvent: { |
| initKeyboardEvent: "[type], [canBubble], [cancelable], [view], [keyIdentifier], [location], [ctrlKey], [altKey], [shiftKey], [metaKey], [altGraphKey]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Location: { |
| assign: "[url]", |
| reload: "[force=false]", |
| replace: "[url]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MediaController: { |
| /* EventTarget */ |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MediaControlsHost: { |
| displayNameForTrack: "track", |
| mediaUIImageData: "partID", |
| setSelectedTextTrack: "track", |
| sortedTrackListForMenu: "trackList", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MediaList: { |
| appendMedium: "[newMedium]", |
| deleteMedium: "[oldMedium]", |
| item: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MediaQueryList: { |
| addListener: "[listener]", |
| removeListener: "[listener]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MediaSource: { |
| addSourceBuffer: "type", |
| endOfStream: "[error]", |
| removeSourceBuffer: "buffer", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MediaStreamTrack: { |
| applyConstraints: "constraints", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MediaStreamTrackSourcesCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "sources", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MessageEvent: { |
| initMessageEvent: "type, [bubbles], [cancelable], [data], [origin], [lastEventId], [source], [messagePorts]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MessagePort: { |
| /* EventTarget */ |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MimeTypeArray: { |
| item: "[index]", |
| namedItem: "[name]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MouseEvent: { |
| initMouseEvent: "[type], [canBubble], [cancelable], [view], [detail], [screenX], [screenY], [clientX], [clientY], [ctrlKey], [altKey], [shiftKey], [metaKey], [button], [relatedTarget]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MutationEvent: { |
| initMutationEvent: "[type], [canBubble], [cancelable], [relatedNode], [prevValue], [newValue], [attrName], [attrChange]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| MutationObserver: { |
| observe: "target, options", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| NamedNodeMap: { |
| getNamedItem: "[name]", |
| getNamedItemNS: "[namespaceURI], [localName]", |
| item: "[index]", |
| removeNamedItem: "[name]", |
| removeNamedItemNS: "[namespaceURI], [localName]", |
| setNamedItem: "[node]", |
| setNamedItemNS: "[node]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Navigator: { |
| getUserMedia: "options, successCallback, errorCallback", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "stream", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| NodeFilter: { |
| acceptNode: "[n]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| NodeList: { |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Notification: { |
| /* EventTarget */ |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| NotificationCenter: { |
| createNotification: "iconUrl, title, body", |
| requestPermission: "[callback]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| NotificationPermissionCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "permission", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| OESVertexArrayObject: { |
| bindVertexArrayOES: "[arrayObject]", |
| deleteVertexArrayOES: "[arrayObject]", |
| isVertexArrayOES: "[arrayObject]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| OscillatorNode: { |
| noteOff: "when", |
| noteOn: "when", |
| setPeriodicWave: "wave", |
| start: "[when]", |
| stop: "[when]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Path2D: { |
| addPath: "path, [transform]", |
| arc: "[x], [y], [radius], [startAngle], [endAngle], [anticlockwise]", |
| arcTo: "[x1], [y1], [x2], [y2], [radius]", |
| bezierCurveTo: "[cp1x], [cp1y], [cp2x], [cp2y], [x], [y]", |
| ellipse: "x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, [anticlockwise]", |
| lineTo: "[x], [y]", |
| moveTo: "[x], [y]", |
| quadraticCurveTo: "[cpx], [cpy], [x], [y]", |
| rect: "[x], [y], [width], [height]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Performance: { |
| clearMarks: "[name]", |
| clearMeasures: "name", |
| getEntriesByName: "name, [type]", |
| getEntriesByType: "type", |
| mark: "name", |
| measure: "name, [startMark], [endMark]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| PerformanceObserver: { |
| observe: "options", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| PerformanceObserverEntryList: { |
| getEntriesByName: "name, [type]", |
| getEntriesByType: "type", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Plugin: { |
| item: "[index]", |
| namedItem: "[name]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| PluginArray: { |
| item: "[index]", |
| namedItem: "[name]", |
| refresh: "[reload]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| PositionCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "position", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| PositionErrorCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| RTCDTMFSender: { |
| insertDTMF: "tones, [duration], [interToneGap]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| RTCDataChannel: { |
| send: "data", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| RTCSessionDescriptionCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "sdp", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| RTCStatsCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "response", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| RTCStatsReport: { |
| stat: "name", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| RTCStatsResponse: { |
| namedItem: "[name]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Range: { |
| collapse: "[toStart]", |
| compareBoundaryPoints: "[how], [sourceRange]", |
| compareNode: "[refNode]", |
| comparePoint: "[refNode], [offset]", |
| createContextualFragment: "[html]", |
| expand: "[unit]", |
| insertNode: "[newNode]", |
| intersectsNode: "[refNode]", |
| isPointInRange: "[refNode], [offset]", |
| selectNode: "[refNode]", |
| selectNodeContents: "[refNode]", |
| setEnd: "[refNode], [offset]", |
| setEndAfter: "[refNode]", |
| setEndBefore: "[refNode]", |
| setStart: "[refNode], [offset]", |
| setStartAfter: "[refNode]", |
| setStartBefore: "[refNode]", |
| surroundContents: "[newParent]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| ReadableStream: { |
| cancel: "reason", |
| pipeThrough: "dest, options", |
| pipeTo: "streams, options", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WritableStream: { |
| abort: "reason", |
| close: "", |
| write: "chunk", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| RequestAnimationFrameCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "highResTime", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SQLResultSetRowList: { |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SQLStatementCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "transaction, resultSet", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SQLStatementErrorCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "transaction, error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SQLTransaction: { |
| executeSql: "sqlStatement, arguments, [callback], [errorCallback]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SQLTransactionCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "transaction", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SQLTransactionErrorCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGAngle: { |
| convertToSpecifiedUnits: "unitType", |
| newValueSpecifiedUnits: "unitType, valueInSpecifiedUnits", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGAnimationElement: { |
| beginElementAt: "[offset]", |
| endElementAt: "[offset]", |
| hasExtension: "[extension]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGColor: { |
| setColor: "colorType, rgbColor, iccColor", |
| setRGBColor: "rgbColor", |
| setRGBColorICCColor: "rgbColor, iccColor", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGCursorElement: { |
| hasExtension: "[extension]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGDocument: { |
| createEvent: "[eventType]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGElement: { |
| getPresentationAttribute: "[name]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGFEDropShadowElement: { |
| setStdDeviation: "[stdDeviationX], [stdDeviationY]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGFEGaussianBlurElement: { |
| setStdDeviation: "[stdDeviationX], [stdDeviationY]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGFEMorphologyElement: { |
| setRadius: "[radiusX], [radiusY]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGFilterElement: { |
| setFilterRes: "[filterResX], [filterResY]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGGraphicsElement: { |
| getTransformToElement: "[element]", |
| hasExtension: "[extension]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGLength: { |
| convertToSpecifiedUnits: "unitType", |
| newValueSpecifiedUnits: "unitType, valueInSpecifiedUnits", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGLengthList: { |
| appendItem: "item", |
| getItem: "index", |
| initialize: "item", |
| insertItemBefore: "item, index", |
| removeItem: "index", |
| replaceItem: "item, index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGMarkerElement: { |
| setOrientToAngle: "[angle]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGMaskElement: { |
| hasExtension: "[extension]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGMatrix: { |
| multiply: "secondMatrix", |
| rotate: "angle", |
| rotateFromVector: "x, y", |
| scale: "scaleFactor", |
| scaleNonUniform: "scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY", |
| skewX: "angle", |
| skewY: "angle", |
| translate: "x, y", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGNumberList: { |
| appendItem: "item", |
| getItem: "index", |
| initialize: "item", |
| insertItemBefore: "item, index", |
| removeItem: "index", |
| replaceItem: "item, index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGPaint: { |
| setPaint: "paintType, uri, rgbColor, iccColor", |
| setUri: "uri", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGPathElement: { |
| createSVGPathSegArcAbs: "[x], [y], [r1], [r2], [angle], [largeArcFlag], [sweepFlag]", |
| createSVGPathSegArcRel: "[x], [y], [r1], [r2], [angle], [largeArcFlag], [sweepFlag]", |
| createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs: "[x], [y], [x1], [y1], [x2], [y2]", |
| createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel: "[x], [y], [x1], [y1], [x2], [y2]", |
| createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs: "[x], [y], [x2], [y2]", |
| createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel: "[x], [y], [x2], [y2]", |
| createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs: "[x], [y], [x1], [y1]", |
| createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel: "[x], [y], [x1], [y1]", |
| createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs: "[x], [y]", |
| createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel: "[x], [y]", |
| createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs: "[x], [y]", |
| createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs: "[x]", |
| createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel: "[x]", |
| createSVGPathSegLinetoRel: "[x], [y]", |
| createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs: "[y]", |
| createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel: "[y]", |
| createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs: "[x], [y]", |
| createSVGPathSegMovetoRel: "[x], [y]", |
| getPathSegAtLength: "[distance]", |
| getPointAtLength: "[distance]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGPathSegList: { |
| appendItem: "newItem", |
| getItem: "index", |
| initialize: "newItem", |
| insertItemBefore: "newItem, index", |
| removeItem: "index", |
| replaceItem: "newItem, index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGPatternElement: { |
| hasExtension: "[extension]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGPoint: { |
| matrixTransform: "matrix", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGPointList: { |
| appendItem: "item", |
| getItem: "index", |
| initialize: "item", |
| insertItemBefore: "item, index", |
| removeItem: "index", |
| replaceItem: "item, index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGSVGElement: { |
| checkEnclosure: "[element], [rect]", |
| checkIntersection: "[element], [rect]", |
| createSVGTransformFromMatrix: "[matrix]", |
| getElementById: "[elementId]", |
| getEnclosureList: "[rect], [referenceElement]", |
| getIntersectionList: "[rect], [referenceElement]", |
| setCurrentTime: "[seconds]", |
| suspendRedraw: "[maxWaitMilliseconds]", |
| unsuspendRedraw: "[suspendHandleId]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGStringList: { |
| appendItem: "item", |
| getItem: "index", |
| initialize: "item", |
| insertItemBefore: "item, index", |
| removeItem: "index", |
| replaceItem: "item, index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGTextContentElement: { |
| getCharNumAtPosition: "[point]", |
| getEndPositionOfChar: "[offset]", |
| getExtentOfChar: "[offset]", |
| getRotationOfChar: "[offset]", |
| getStartPositionOfChar: "[offset]", |
| getSubStringLength: "[offset], [length]", |
| selectSubString: "[offset], [length]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGTransform: { |
| setMatrix: "matrix", |
| setRotate: "angle, cx, cy", |
| setScale: "sx, sy", |
| setSkewX: "angle", |
| setSkewY: "angle", |
| setTranslate: "tx, ty", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SVGTransformList: { |
| appendItem: "item", |
| createSVGTransformFromMatrix: "matrix", |
| getItem: "index", |
| initialize: "item", |
| insertItemBefore: "item, index", |
| removeItem: "index", |
| replaceItem: "item, index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SecurityPolicy: { |
| allowsConnectionTo: "url", |
| allowsFontFrom: "url", |
| allowsFormAction: "url", |
| allowsFrameFrom: "url", |
| allowsImageFrom: "url", |
| allowsMediaFrom: "url", |
| allowsObjectFrom: "url", |
| allowsPluginType: "type", |
| allowsScriptFrom: "url", |
| allowsStyleFrom: "url", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Selection: { |
| addRange: "[range]", |
| collapse: "[node], [index]", |
| containsNode: "[node], [allowPartial]", |
| extend: "[node], [offset]", |
| getRangeAt: "[index]", |
| modify: "[alter], [direction], [granularity]", |
| selectAllChildren: "[node]", |
| setBaseAndExtent: "[baseNode], [baseOffset], [extentNode], [extentOffset]", |
| setPosition: "[node], [offset]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SourceBuffer: { |
| appendBuffer: "data", |
| remove: "start, end", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SourceBufferList: { |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SpeechSynthesis: { |
| speak: "utterance", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| SpeechSynthesisUtterance: { |
| /* EventTarget */ |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Storage: { |
| getItem: "key", |
| key: "index", |
| removeItem: "key", |
| setItem: "key, data", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| StorageErrorCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "error", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| StorageEvent: { |
| initStorageEvent: "[typeArg], [canBubbleArg], [cancelableArg], [keyArg], [oldValueArg], [newValueArg], [urlArg], [storageAreaArg]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| StorageInfo: { |
| queryUsageAndQuota: "storageType, [usageCallback], [errorCallback]", |
| requestQuota: "storageType, newQuotaInBytes, [quotaCallback], [errorCallback]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| StorageQuota: { |
| queryUsageAndQuota: "usageCallback, [errorCallback]", |
| requestQuota: "newQuotaInBytes, [quotaCallback], [errorCallback]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| StorageQuotaCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "grantedQuotaInBytes", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| StorageUsageCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "currentUsageInBytes, currentQuotaInBytes", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| StringCallback: { |
| handleEvent: "data", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| StyleMedia: { |
| matchMedium: "[mediaquery]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| StyleSheetList: { |
| item: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Text: { |
| replaceWholeText: "[content]", |
| splitText: "offset", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| TextEvent: { |
| initTextEvent: "[typeArg], [canBubbleArg], [cancelableArg], [viewArg], [dataArg]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| TextTrack: { |
| addCue: "cue", |
| addRegion: "region", |
| removeCue: "cue", |
| removeRegion: "region", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| TextTrackCue: { |
| /* EventTarget */ |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| TextTrackCueList: { |
| getCueById: "id", |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| TextTrackList: { |
| getTrackById: "id", |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| TimeRanges: { |
| end: "index", |
| start: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| TouchEvent: { |
| initTouchEvent: "[touches], [targetTouches], [changedTouches], [type], [view], [screenX], [screenY], [clientX], [clientY], [ctrlKey], [altKey], [shiftKey], [metaKey]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| TouchList: { |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| UIEvent: { |
| initUIEvent: "[type], [canBubble], [cancelable], [view], [detail]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| UserMessageHandler: { |
| postMessage: "message", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| VTTRegionList: { |
| getRegionById: "id", |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| VideoTrackList: { |
| getTrackById: "id", |
| item: "index", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebGL2RenderingContext: { |
| beginQuery: "target, query", |
| beginTransformFeedback: "primitiveMode", |
| bindBufferBase: "target, index, buffer", |
| bindBufferRange: "target, index, buffer, offset, size", |
| bindSampler: "unit, sampler", |
| bindTransformFeedback: "target, id", |
| bindVertexArray: "vertexArray", |
| blitFramebuffer: "srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter", |
| clearBufferfi: "buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil", |
| clearBufferfv: "buffer, drawbuffer, value", |
| clearBufferiv: "buffer, drawbuffer, value", |
| clearBufferuiv: "buffer, drawbuffer, value", |
| clientWaitSync: "sync, flags, timeout", |
| compressedTexImage3D: "target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data", |
| compressedTexSubImage3D: "target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data", |
| copyBufferSubData: "readTarget, writeTarget, readOffset, writeOffset, size", |
| copyTexSubImage3D: "target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height", |
| deleteQuery: "query", |
| deleteSampler: "sampler", |
| deleteSync: "sync", |
| deleteTransformFeedback: "id", |
| deleteVertexArray: "vertexArray", |
| drawArraysInstanced: "mode, first, count, instanceCount", |
| drawBuffers: "buffers", |
| drawElementsInstanced: "mode, count, type, offset, instanceCount", |
| drawRangeElements: "mode, start, end, count, type, offset", |
| endQuery: "target", |
| fenceSync: "condition, flags", |
| framebufferTextureLayer: "target, attachment, texture, level, layer", |
| getActiveUniformBlockName: "program, uniformBlockIndex", |
| getActiveUniformBlockParameter: "program, uniformBlockIndex, pname", |
| getActiveUniforms: "program, uniformIndices, pname", |
| getBufferSubData: "target, offset, returnedData", |
| getFragDataLocation: "program, name", |
| getIndexedParameter: "target, index", |
| getInternalformatParameter: "target, internalformat, pname", |
| getQuery: "target, pname", |
| getQueryParameter: "query, pname", |
| getSamplerParameter: "sampler, pname", |
| getSyncParameter: "sync, pname", |
| getTransformFeedbackVarying: "program, index", |
| getUniformBlockIndex: "program, uniformBlockName", |
| getUniformIndices: "program, uniformNames", |
| invalidateFramebuffer: "target, attachments", |
| invalidateSubFramebuffer: "target, attachments, x, y, width, height", |
| isQuery: "query", |
| isSampler: "sampler", |
| isSync: "sync", |
| isTransformFeedback: "id", |
| isVertexArray: "vertexArray", |
| readBuffer: "src", |
| renderbufferStorageMultisample: "target, samples, internalformat, width, height", |
| samplerParameterf: "sampler, pname, param", |
| samplerParameteri: "sampler, pname, param", |
| texImage3D: "target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels", |
| texStorage2D: "target, levels, internalformat, width, height", |
| texStorage3D: "target, levels, internalformat, width, height, depth", |
| texSubImage3D: "target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels", |
| transformFeedbackVaryings: "program, varyings, bufferMode", |
| uniform1ui: "location, v0", |
| uniform1uiv: "location, value", |
| uniform2ui: "location, v0, v1", |
| uniform2uiv: "location, value", |
| uniform3ui: "location, v0, v1, v2", |
| uniform3uiv: "location, value", |
| uniform4ui: "location, v0, v1, v2, v3", |
| uniform4uiv: "location, value", |
| uniformBlockBinding: "program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding", |
| uniformMatrix2x3fv: "location, transpose, value", |
| uniformMatrix2x4fv: "location, transpose, value", |
| uniformMatrix3x2fv: "location, transpose, value", |
| uniformMatrix3x4fv: "location, transpose, value", |
| uniformMatrix4x2fv: "location, transpose, value", |
| uniformMatrix4x3fv: "location, transpose, value", |
| vertexAttribDivisor: "index, divisor", |
| vertexAttribI4i: "index, x, y, z, w", |
| vertexAttribI4iv: "index, v", |
| vertexAttribI4ui: "index, x, y, z, w", |
| vertexAttribI4uiv: "index, v", |
| vertexAttribIPointer: "index, size, type, stride, offset", |
| waitSync: "sync, flags, timeout", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebGLDebugShaders: { |
| getTranslatedShaderSource: "shader", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebGLDrawBuffers: { |
| drawBuffersWEBGL: "buffers", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebGLMultiDraw: { |
| multiDrawArraysWebGL: "mode, firstsList, firstsOffset, countsList, countsOffset, drawcount", |
| multiDrawArraysInstancedWebGL: "mode, firstsList, firstsOffset, countsList, countsOffset, instanceCountsList, instanceCountsOffset, drawcount", |
| multiDrawElementsWebGL: "mode, countsList, countsOffset, type, offsetsList, offsetsOffset, drawcount", |
| multiDrawElementsInstancedWebGL: "mode, countsList, countsOffset, type, offsetsList, offsetsOffset, instanceCountsList, instanceCountsOffset, drawcount", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebGLRenderingContextBase: { |
| activeTexture: "texture", |
| attachShader: "program, shader", |
| bindAttribLocation: "program, index, name", |
| bindBuffer: "target, buffer", |
| bindFramebuffer: "target, framebuffer", |
| bindRenderbuffer: "target, renderbuffer", |
| bindTexture: "target, texture", |
| blendColor: "red, green, blue, alpha", |
| blendEquation: "mode", |
| blendEquationSeparate: "modeRGB, modeAlpha", |
| blendFunc: "sfactor, dfactor", |
| blendFuncSeparate: "srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha", |
| bufferData: "target, data, usage", |
| bufferSubData: "target, offset, data", |
| checkFramebufferStatus: "target", |
| clear: "mask", |
| clearColor: "red, green, blue, alpha", |
| clearDepth: "depth", |
| clearStencil: "s", |
| colorMask: "red, green, blue, alpha", |
| compileShader: "shader", |
| compressedTexImage2D: "target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, data", |
| compressedTexSubImage2D: "target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, data", |
| copyTexImage2D: "target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border", |
| copyTexSubImage2D: "target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height", |
| createShader: "type", |
| cullFace: "mode", |
| deleteBuffer: "buffer", |
| deleteFramebuffer: "framebuffer", |
| deleteProgram: "program", |
| deleteRenderbuffer: "renderbuffer", |
| deleteShader: "shader", |
| deleteTexture: "texture", |
| depthFunc: "func", |
| depthMask: "flag", |
| depthRange: "zNear, zFar", |
| detachShader: "program, shader", |
| disable: "cap", |
| disableVertexAttribArray: "index", |
| drawArrays: "mode, first, count", |
| drawElements: "mode, count, type, offset", |
| enable: "cap", |
| enableVertexAttribArray: "index", |
| framebufferRenderbuffer: "target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer", |
| framebufferTexture2D: "target, attachment, textarget, texture, level", |
| frontFace: "mode", |
| generateMipmap: "target", |
| getActiveAttrib: "program, index", |
| getActiveUniform: "program, index", |
| getAttachedShaders: "program", |
| getAttribLocation: "program, name", |
| getBufferParameter: "target, pname", |
| getExtension: "name", |
| getFramebufferAttachmentParameter: "target, attachment, pname", |
| getParameter: "pname", |
| getProgramInfoLog: "program", |
| getProgramParameter: "program, pname", |
| getRenderbufferParameter: "target, pname", |
| getShaderInfoLog: "shader", |
| getShaderParameter: "shader, pname", |
| getShaderPrecisionFormat: "shadertype, precisiontype", |
| getShaderSource: "shader", |
| getTexParameter: "target, pname", |
| getUniform: "program, location", |
| getUniformLocation: "program, name", |
| getVertexAttrib: "index, pname", |
| getVertexAttribOffset: "index, pname", |
| hint: "target, mode", |
| isBuffer: "buffer", |
| isEnabled: "cap", |
| isFramebuffer: "framebuffer", |
| isProgram: "program", |
| isRenderbuffer: "renderbuffer", |
| isShader: "shader", |
| isTexture: "texture", |
| lineWidth: "width", |
| linkProgram: "program", |
| pixelStorei: "pname, param", |
| polygonOffset: "factor, units", |
| readPixels: "x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels", |
| renderbufferStorage: "target, internalformat, width, height", |
| sampleCoverage: "value, invert", |
| scissor: "x, y, width, height", |
| shaderSource: "shader, string", |
| stencilFunc: "func, ref, mask", |
| stencilFuncSeparate: "face, func, ref, mask", |
| stencilMask: "mask", |
| stencilMaskSeparate: "face, mask", |
| stencilOp: "fail, zfail, zpass", |
| stencilOpSeparate: "face, fail, zfail, zpass", |
| texImage2D: "target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels", |
| texParameterf: "target, pname, param", |
| texParameteri: "target, pname, param", |
| texSubImage2D: "target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels", |
| uniform1f: "location, x", |
| uniform1fv: "location, v", |
| uniform1i: "location, x", |
| uniform1iv: "location, v", |
| uniform2f: "location, x, y", |
| uniform2fv: "location, v", |
| uniform2i: "location, x, y", |
| uniform2iv: "location, v", |
| uniform3f: "location, x, y, z", |
| uniform3fv: "location, v", |
| uniform3i: "location, x, y, z", |
| uniform3iv: "location, v", |
| uniform4f: "location, x, y, z, w", |
| uniform4fv: "location, v", |
| uniform4i: "location, x, y, z, w", |
| uniform4iv: "location, v", |
| uniformMatrix2fv: "location, transpose, array", |
| uniformMatrix3fv: "location, transpose, array", |
| uniformMatrix4fv: "location, transpose, array", |
| useProgram: "program", |
| validateProgram: "program", |
| vertexAttrib1f: "indx, x", |
| vertexAttrib1fv: "indx, values", |
| vertexAttrib2f: "indx, x, y", |
| vertexAttrib2fv: "indx, values", |
| vertexAttrib3f: "indx, x, y, z", |
| vertexAttrib3fv: "indx, values", |
| vertexAttrib4f: "indx, x, y, z, w", |
| vertexAttrib4fv: "indx, values", |
| vertexAttribPointer: "indx, size, type, normalized, stride, offset", |
| viewport: "x, y, width, height", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebKitCSSMatrix: { |
| multiply: "[secondMatrix]", |
| rotate: "[rotX], [rotY], [rotZ]", |
| rotateAxisAngle: "[x], [y], [z], [angle]", |
| scale: "[scaleX], [scaleY], [scaleZ]", |
| setMatrixValue: "[string]", |
| skewX: "[angle]", |
| skewY: "[angle]", |
| translate: "[x], [y], [z]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebKitMediaKeySession: { |
| update: "key", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebKitMediaKeys: { |
| createSession: "[type], [initData]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebKitNamedFlow: { |
| getRegionsByContent: "contentNode", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebKitNamedFlowCollection: { |
| item: "index", |
| namedItem: "name", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebKitSubtleCrypto: { |
| decrypt: "algorithm, key, data", |
| digest: "algorithm, data", |
| encrypt: "algorithm, key, data", |
| exportKey: "format, key", |
| generateKey: "algorithm, [extractable], [keyUsages]", |
| importKey: "format, keyData, algorithm, [extractable], [keyUsages]", |
| sign: "algorithm, key, data", |
| unwrapKey: "format, wrappedKey, unwrappingKey, unwrapAlgorithm, unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, [extractable], [keyUsages]", |
| verify: "algorithm, key, signature, data", |
| wrapKey: "format, key, wrappingKey, wrapAlgorithm", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WebSocket: { |
| close: "[code], [reason]", |
| send: "data", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WheelEvent: { |
| initWebKitWheelEvent: "[wheelDeltaX], [wheelDeltaY], [view], [screenX], [screenY], [clientX], [clientY], [ctrlKey], [altKey], [shiftKey], [metaKey]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| Worker: { |
| postMessage: "message, [messagePorts]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| WorkerGlobalScope: { |
| clearInterval: "[handle]", |
| clearTimeout: "[handle]", |
| setInterval: "handler, [timeout]", |
| setTimeout: "handler, [timeout]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| XMLHttpRequest: { |
| getResponseHeader: "header", |
| open: "method, url, [async], [user], [password]", |
| overrideMimeType: "override", |
| setRequestHeader: "header, value", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| XMLHttpRequestUpload: { |
| /* EventTarget */ |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| XMLSerializer: { |
| serializeToString: "[node]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| XPathEvaluator: { |
| createExpression: "[expression], [resolver]", |
| createNSResolver: "[nodeResolver]", |
| evaluate: "[expression], [contextNode], [resolver], [type], [inResult]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| XPathExpression: { |
| evaluate: "[contextNode], [type], [inResult]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| XPathNSResolver: { |
| lookupNamespaceURI: "[prefix]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| XPathResult: { |
| snapshotItem: "[index]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| XSLTProcessor: { |
| getParameter: "namespaceURI, localName", |
| importStylesheet: "[stylesheet]", |
| removeParameter: "namespaceURI, localName", |
| setParameter: "namespaceURI, localName, value", |
| transformToDocument: "[source]", |
| transformToFragment: "[source], [docVal]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| webkitAudioContext: { |
| createBuffer: "numberOfChannels, numberOfFrames, sampleRate", |
| createChannelMerger: "[numberOfInputs]", |
| createChannelSplitter: "[numberOfOutputs]", |
| createDelay: "[maxDelayTime]", |
| createDelayNode: "[maxDelayTime]", |
| createJavaScriptNode: "bufferSize, [numberOfInputChannels], [numberOfOutputChannels]", |
| createMediaElementSource: "mediaElement", |
| createPeriodicWave: "real, imag", |
| createScriptProcessor: "bufferSize, [numberOfInputChannels], [numberOfOutputChannels]", |
| decodeAudioData: "audioData, successCallback, [errorCallback]", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| webkitAudioPannerNode: { |
| setOrientation: "x, y, z", |
| setPosition: "x, y, z", |
| setVelocity: "x, y, z", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| webkitMediaStream: { |
| addTrack: "track", |
| getTrackById: "trackId", |
| removeTrack: "track", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| webkitRTCPeerConnection: { |
| addIceCandidate: "candidate, successCallback, failureCallback", |
| addStream: "stream", |
| createAnswer: "successCallback, failureCallback, [answerOptions]", |
| createDTMFSender: "track", |
| createDataChannel: "label, [options]", |
| createOffer: "successCallback, failureCallback, [offerOptions]", |
| getStats: "successCallback, failureCallback, [selector]", |
| getStreamById: "streamId", |
| removeStream: "stream", |
| setLocalDescription: "description, successCallback, failureCallback", |
| setRemoteDescription: "description, successCallback, failureCallback", |
| updateIce: "configuration", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| |
| EventTarget: { |
| addEventListener: "type, listener, [useCapture=false]", |
| removeEventListener: "type, listener, [useCapture=false]", |
| dispatchEvent: "event", |
| __proto__: null, |
| }, |
| }; |
| |
| (function() { |
| var ElementQueries = { |
| getElementsByClassName: "classNames", |
| getElementsByTagName: "tagName", |
| getElementsByTagNameNS: "namespace, localName", |
| querySelector: "selectors", |
| querySelectorAll: "selectors", |
| }; |
| Object.assign(WI.NativePrototypeFunctionParameters.Element, ElementQueries); |
| Object.assign(WI.NativePrototypeFunctionParameters.Document, ElementQueries); |
| |
| var ChildNode = { |
| after: "[node|string]...", |
| before: "[node|string]...", |
| replaceWith: "[node|string]...", |
| }; |
| Object.assign(WI.NativePrototypeFunctionParameters.Element, ChildNode); |
| Object.assign(WI.NativePrototypeFunctionParameters.CharacterData, ChildNode); |
| |
| var ParentNode = { |
| append: "[node|string]...", |
| prepend: "[node|string]...", |
| }; |
| Object.assign(WI.NativePrototypeFunctionParameters.Element, ParentNode); |
| Object.assign(WI.NativePrototypeFunctionParameters.Document, ParentNode); |
| Object.assign(WI.NativePrototypeFunctionParameters.DocumentFragment, ParentNode); |
| |
| })(); |