| // Generated by generate_entry_points.py using data from gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml. |
| // |
| // Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // validationES2_autogen.h: |
| // Validation functions for the OpenGL ES 2.0 entry points. |
| |
| |
| #include "common/PackedEnums.h" |
| #include "common/entry_points_enum_autogen.h" |
| |
| namespace gl |
| { |
| class Context; |
| |
| bool ValidateActiveTexture(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum texture); |
| bool ValidateAttachShader(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| ShaderProgramID shaderPacked); |
| bool ValidateBindAttribLocation(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| GLuint index, |
| const GLchar *name); |
| bool ValidateBindBuffer(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| BufferBinding targetPacked, |
| BufferID bufferPacked); |
| bool ValidateBindFramebuffer(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum target, |
| FramebufferID framebufferPacked); |
| bool ValidateBindRenderbuffer(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum target, |
| RenderbufferID renderbufferPacked); |
| bool ValidateBindTexture(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureType targetPacked, |
| TextureID texturePacked); |
| bool ValidateBlendColor(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLfloat red, |
| GLfloat green, |
| GLfloat blue, |
| GLfloat alpha); |
| bool ValidateBlendEquation(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum mode); |
| bool ValidateBlendEquationSeparate(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum modeRGB, |
| GLenum modeAlpha); |
| bool ValidateBlendFunc(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum sfactor, |
| GLenum dfactor); |
| bool ValidateBlendFuncSeparate(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum sfactorRGB, |
| GLenum dfactorRGB, |
| GLenum sfactorAlpha, |
| GLenum dfactorAlpha); |
| bool ValidateBufferData(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| BufferBinding targetPacked, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| const void *data, |
| BufferUsage usagePacked); |
| bool ValidateBufferSubData(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| BufferBinding targetPacked, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| const void *data); |
| bool ValidateCheckFramebufferStatus(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum target); |
| bool ValidateClear(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLbitfield mask); |
| bool ValidateClearColor(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLfloat red, |
| GLfloat green, |
| GLfloat blue, |
| GLfloat alpha); |
| bool ValidateClearDepthf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat d); |
| bool ValidateClearStencil(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLint s); |
| bool ValidateColorMask(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLboolean red, |
| GLboolean green, |
| GLboolean blue, |
| GLboolean alpha); |
| bool ValidateCompileShader(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID shaderPacked); |
| bool ValidateCompressedTexImage2D(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureTarget targetPacked, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void *data); |
| bool ValidateCompressedTexSubImage2D(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureTarget targetPacked, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void *data); |
| bool ValidateCopyTexImage2D(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureTarget targetPacked, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border); |
| bool ValidateCopyTexSubImage2D(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureTarget targetPacked, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| bool ValidateCreateProgram(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint); |
| bool ValidateCreateShader(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderType typePacked); |
| bool ValidateCullFace(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| CullFaceMode modePacked); |
| bool ValidateDeleteBuffers(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLsizei n, |
| const BufferID *buffersPacked); |
| bool ValidateDeleteFramebuffers(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLsizei n, |
| const FramebufferID *framebuffersPacked); |
| bool ValidateDeleteProgram(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked); |
| bool ValidateDeleteRenderbuffers(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLsizei n, |
| const RenderbufferID *renderbuffersPacked); |
| bool ValidateDeleteShader(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID shaderPacked); |
| bool ValidateDeleteTextures(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLsizei n, |
| const TextureID *texturesPacked); |
| bool ValidateDepthFunc(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum func); |
| bool ValidateDepthMask(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLboolean flag); |
| bool ValidateDepthRangef(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLfloat n, |
| GLfloat f); |
| bool ValidateDetachShader(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| ShaderProgramID shaderPacked); |
| bool ValidateDisable(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum cap); |
| bool ValidateDisableVertexAttribArray(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index); |
| bool ValidateDrawArrays(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| PrimitiveMode modePacked, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count); |
| bool ValidateDrawElements(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| PrimitiveMode modePacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| DrawElementsType typePacked, |
| const void *indices); |
| bool ValidateEnable(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum cap); |
| bool ValidateEnableVertexAttribArray(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index); |
| bool ValidateFinish(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint); |
| bool ValidateFlush(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint); |
| bool ValidateFramebufferRenderbuffer(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum renderbuffertarget, |
| RenderbufferID renderbufferPacked); |
| bool ValidateFramebufferTexture2D(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| TextureTarget textargetPacked, |
| TextureID texturePacked, |
| GLint level); |
| bool ValidateFrontFace(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum mode); |
| bool ValidateGenBuffers(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLsizei n, |
| const BufferID *buffersPacked); |
| bool ValidateGenFramebuffers(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLsizei n, |
| const FramebufferID *framebuffersPacked); |
| bool ValidateGenRenderbuffers(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLsizei n, |
| const RenderbufferID *renderbuffersPacked); |
| bool ValidateGenTextures(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLsizei n, |
| const TextureID *texturesPacked); |
| bool ValidateGenerateMipmap(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureType targetPacked); |
| bool ValidateGetActiveAttrib(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLsizei *length, |
| const GLint *size, |
| const GLenum *type, |
| const GLchar *name); |
| bool ValidateGetActiveUniform(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLsizei *length, |
| const GLint *size, |
| const GLenum *type, |
| const GLchar *name); |
| bool ValidateGetAttachedShaders(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| GLsizei maxCount, |
| const GLsizei *count, |
| const ShaderProgramID *shadersPacked); |
| bool ValidateGetAttribLocation(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| const GLchar *name); |
| bool ValidateGetBooleanv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLboolean *data); |
| bool ValidateGetBufferParameteriv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| BufferBinding targetPacked, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| bool ValidateGetError(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint); |
| bool ValidateGetFloatv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLfloat *data); |
| bool ValidateGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| bool ValidateGetIntegerv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *data); |
| bool ValidateGetProgramInfoLog(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLsizei *length, |
| const GLchar *infoLog); |
| bool ValidateGetProgramiv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| bool ValidateGetRenderbufferParameteriv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| bool ValidateGetShaderInfoLog(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID shaderPacked, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLsizei *length, |
| const GLchar *infoLog); |
| bool ValidateGetShaderPrecisionFormat(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum shadertype, |
| GLenum precisiontype, |
| const GLint *range, |
| const GLint *precision); |
| bool ValidateGetShaderSource(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID shaderPacked, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLsizei *length, |
| const GLchar *source); |
| bool ValidateGetShaderiv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID shaderPacked, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| bool ValidateGetString(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum name); |
| bool ValidateGetTexParameterfv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureType targetPacked, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLfloat *params); |
| bool ValidateGetTexParameteriv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureType targetPacked, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| bool ValidateGetUniformLocation(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| const GLchar *name); |
| bool ValidateGetUniformfv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| const GLfloat *params); |
| bool ValidateGetUniformiv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| const GLint *params); |
| bool ValidateGetVertexAttribPointerv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| void *const *pointer); |
| bool ValidateGetVertexAttribfv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLfloat *params); |
| bool ValidateGetVertexAttribiv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| bool ValidateHint(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum target, GLenum mode); |
| bool ValidateIsBuffer(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, BufferID bufferPacked); |
| bool ValidateIsEnabled(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum cap); |
| bool ValidateIsFramebuffer(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| FramebufferID framebufferPacked); |
| bool ValidateIsProgram(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked); |
| bool ValidateIsRenderbuffer(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| RenderbufferID renderbufferPacked); |
| bool ValidateIsShader(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID shaderPacked); |
| bool ValidateIsTexture(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureID texturePacked); |
| bool ValidateLineWidth(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat width); |
| bool ValidateLinkProgram(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked); |
| bool ValidatePixelStorei(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint param); |
| bool ValidatePolygonOffset(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLfloat factor, |
| GLfloat units); |
| bool ValidateReadPixels(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *pixels); |
| bool ValidateReleaseShaderCompiler(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint); |
| bool ValidateRenderbufferStorage(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| bool ValidateSampleCoverage(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLfloat value, |
| GLboolean invert); |
| bool ValidateScissor(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| bool ValidateShaderBinary(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const ShaderProgramID *shadersPacked, |
| GLenum binaryformat, |
| const void *binary, |
| GLsizei length); |
| bool ValidateShaderSource(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID shaderPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLchar *const *string, |
| const GLint *length); |
| bool ValidateStencilFunc(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum func, |
| GLint ref, |
| GLuint mask); |
| bool ValidateStencilFuncSeparate(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum face, |
| GLenum func, |
| GLint ref, |
| GLuint mask); |
| bool ValidateStencilMask(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLuint mask); |
| bool ValidateStencilMaskSeparate(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum face, |
| GLuint mask); |
| bool ValidateStencilOp(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum fail, |
| GLenum zfail, |
| GLenum zpass); |
| bool ValidateStencilOpSeparate(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLenum face, |
| GLenum sfail, |
| GLenum dpfail, |
| GLenum dppass); |
| bool ValidateTexImage2D(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureTarget targetPacked, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *pixels); |
| bool ValidateTexParameterf(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureType targetPacked, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat param); |
| bool ValidateTexParameterfv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureType targetPacked, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLfloat *params); |
| bool ValidateTexParameteri(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureType targetPacked, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint param); |
| bool ValidateTexParameteriv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureType targetPacked, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| bool ValidateTexSubImage2D(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| TextureTarget targetPacked, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *pixels); |
| bool ValidateUniform1f(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLfloat v0); |
| bool ValidateUniform1fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| bool ValidateUniform1i(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLint v0); |
| bool ValidateUniform1iv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint *value); |
| bool ValidateUniform2f(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLfloat v0, |
| GLfloat v1); |
| bool ValidateUniform2fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| bool ValidateUniform2i(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLint v0, |
| GLint v1); |
| bool ValidateUniform2iv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint *value); |
| bool ValidateUniform3f(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLfloat v0, |
| GLfloat v1, |
| GLfloat v2); |
| bool ValidateUniform3fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| bool ValidateUniform3i(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLint v0, |
| GLint v1, |
| GLint v2); |
| bool ValidateUniform3iv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint *value); |
| bool ValidateUniform4f(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLfloat v0, |
| GLfloat v1, |
| GLfloat v2, |
| GLfloat v3); |
| bool ValidateUniform4fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| bool ValidateUniform4i(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLint v0, |
| GLint v1, |
| GLint v2, |
| GLint v3); |
| bool ValidateUniform4iv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint *value); |
| bool ValidateUniformMatrix2fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| bool ValidateUniformMatrix3fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| bool ValidateUniformMatrix4fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| UniformLocation locationPacked, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| bool ValidateUseProgram(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked); |
| bool ValidateValidateProgram(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| ShaderProgramID programPacked); |
| bool ValidateVertexAttrib1f(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLfloat x); |
| bool ValidateVertexAttrib1fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| const GLfloat *v); |
| bool ValidateVertexAttrib2f(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y); |
| bool ValidateVertexAttrib2fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| const GLfloat *v); |
| bool ValidateVertexAttrib3f(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z); |
| bool ValidateVertexAttrib3fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| const GLfloat *v); |
| bool ValidateVertexAttrib4f(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z, |
| GLfloat w); |
| bool ValidateVertexAttrib4fv(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| const GLfloat *v); |
| bool ValidateVertexAttribPointer(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLint size, |
| VertexAttribType typePacked, |
| GLboolean normalized, |
| GLsizei stride, |
| const void *pointer); |
| bool ValidateViewport(const Context *context, |
| angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| } // namespace gl |
| |