blob: b2fbb7118916d08aa255aa796fc67f6b66f0596c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Wrapper for Khronos's glslang compiler for MSL.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "compiler/translator/TranslatorMetalDirect.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/ShaderMtl.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_glslang_mtl_utils.h"
namespace rx
constexpr char kXfbBindingsMarker[] = "@@XFB-Bindings@@";
constexpr char kXfbOutMarker[] = "ANGLE_@@XFB-OUT@@";
constexpr char kUserDefinedNamePrefix[] = "_u"; // Defined in GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h
template <size_t N>
constexpr size_t ConstStrLen(const char (&)[N])
static_assert(N > 0, "C++ shouldn't allow N to be zero");
// The length of a string defined as a char array is the size of the array minus 1 (the
// terminating '\0').
return N - 1;
std::string GetXfbBufferNameMtl(const uint32_t bufferIndex)
return "xfbBuffer" + Str(bufferIndex);
} //
namespace mtl
void TranslatedShaderInfo::reset()
metalLibrary = nil;
hasUBOArgumentBuffer = false;
for (mtl::SamplerBinding &binding : actualSamplerBindings)
binding.textureBinding = mtl::kMaxShaderSamplers;
binding.samplerBinding = 0;
for (uint32_t &binding : actualUBOBindings)
binding = mtl::kMaxShaderBuffers;
for (uint32_t &binding : actualXFBBindings)
binding = mtl::kMaxShaderBuffers;
// Original mapping of front end from sampler name to multiple sampler slots (in form of
// slot:count pair)
using OriginalSamplerBindingMap =
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>>>;
bool MappedSamplerNameNeedsUserDefinedPrefix(const std::string &originalName)
return originalName.find('.') == std::string::npos;
static std::string MSLGetMappedSamplerName(const std::string &originalName)
std::string samplerName = originalName;
// Samplers in structs are extracted.
std::replace(samplerName.begin(), samplerName.end(), '.', '_');
// Remove array elements
auto out = samplerName.begin();
for (auto in = samplerName.begin(); in != samplerName.end(); in++)
if (*in == '[')
while (*in != ']')
ASSERT(in != samplerName.end());
*out++ = *in;
samplerName.erase(out, samplerName.end());
if (MappedSamplerNameNeedsUserDefinedPrefix(originalName))
samplerName = sh::kUserDefinedNamePrefix + samplerName;
return samplerName;
void MSLGetShaderSource(const gl::ProgramState &programState,
const gl::ProgramLinkedResources &resources,
gl::ShaderMap<std::string> *shaderSourcesOut,
ShaderInterfaceVariableInfoMap *variableInfoMapOut)
for (const gl::ShaderType shaderType : gl::AllShaderTypes())
gl::Shader *glShader = programState.getAttachedShader(shaderType);
(*shaderSourcesOut)[shaderType] = glShader ? glShader->getTranslatedSource() : "";
void GetAssignedSamplerBindings(const sh::TranslatorMetalReflection *reflection,
const OriginalSamplerBindingMap &originalBindings,
std::unordered_set<std::string> &structSamplers,
std::array<SamplerBinding, mtl::kMaxGLSamplerBindings> *bindings)
for (auto &sampler : reflection->getSamplerBindings())
const std::string &name = sampler.first;
const uint32_t actualSamplerSlot = (uint32_t)reflection->getSamplerBinding(name);
const uint32_t actualTextureSlot = (uint32_t)reflection->getTextureBinding(name);
// Assign sequential index for subsequent array elements
const bool structSampler = structSamplers.find(name) != structSamplers.end();
const std::string mappedName =
structSampler ? name : MSLGetMappedSamplerName(sh::kUserDefinedNamePrefix + name);
auto original = originalBindings.find(mappedName);
if (original != originalBindings.end())
const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> &resOrignalBindings =;
uint32_t currentTextureSlot = actualTextureSlot;
uint32_t currentSamplerSlot = actualSamplerSlot;
for (const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> &originalBindingRange : resOrignalBindings)
SamplerBinding &actualBinding = bindings->at(originalBindingRange.first);
actualBinding.textureBinding = currentTextureSlot;
actualBinding.samplerBinding = currentSamplerSlot;
currentTextureSlot += originalBindingRange.second;
currentSamplerSlot += originalBindingRange.second;
sh::TranslatorMetalReflection *getReflectionFromShader(gl::Shader *shader)
ShaderMtl *shaderInstance = static_cast<ShaderMtl *>(shader->getImplementation());
return shaderInstance->getTranslatorMetalReflection();
std::string updateShaderAttributes(std::string shaderSourceIn, const gl::ProgramState &programState)
// Build string to attrib map.
const auto &programAttributes = programState.getProgramInputs();
std::ostringstream stream;
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> attributeBindings;
for (auto &attribute : programAttributes)
const int regs = gl::VariableRegisterCount(attribute.type);
if (regs > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < regs; i++)
stream << " " << kUserDefinedNamePrefix << << "_"
<< std::to_string(i) << sh::kUnassignedAttributeString;
attributeBindings.insert({std::string(stream.str()), i + attribute.location});
stream << " " << kUserDefinedNamePrefix <<
<< sh::kUnassignedAttributeString;
attributeBindings.insert({std::string(stream.str()), attribute.location});
// Rewrite attributes
std::string outputSource = shaderSourceIn;
for (auto it = attributeBindings.begin(); it != attributeBindings.end(); ++it)
std::size_t attribFound = outputSource.find(it->first);
if (attribFound != std::string::npos)
stream << "[[attribute(" << it->second << ")]]";
outputSource = outputSource.replace(
attribFound + it->first.length() - strlen(sh::kUnassignedAttributeString),
strlen(sh::kUnassignedAttributeString), stream.str());
return outputSource;
std::string SubstituteTransformFeedbackMarkers(const std::string &originalSource,
const std::string &xfbBindings,
const std::string &xfbOut)
const size_t xfbBindingsMarkerStart = originalSource.find(kXfbBindingsMarker);
bool hasBindingsMarker = xfbBindingsMarkerStart != std::string::npos;
const size_t xfbBindingsMarkerEnd = xfbBindingsMarkerStart + ConstStrLen(kXfbBindingsMarker);
const size_t xfbOutMarkerStart = originalSource.find(kXfbOutMarker, xfbBindingsMarkerStart);
bool hasOutMarker = xfbOutMarkerStart != std::string::npos;
const size_t xfbOutMarkerEnd = xfbOutMarkerStart + ConstStrLen(kXfbOutMarker);
// The shader is the following form:
// ..part1..
// ..part2..
// @@ XFB-OUT @@;
// ..part3..
// Construct the string by concatenating these five pieces, replacing the markers with the given
// values.
std::string result;
if (hasBindingsMarker && hasOutMarker)
result.append(&originalSource[0], &originalSource[xfbBindingsMarkerStart]);
result.append(&originalSource[xfbBindingsMarkerEnd], &originalSource[xfbOutMarkerStart]);
result.append(&originalSource[xfbOutMarkerEnd], &originalSource[originalSource.size()]);
return result;
return originalSource;
std::string GenerateTransformFeedbackVaryingOutput(const gl::TransformFeedbackVarying &varying,
const gl::UniformTypeInfo &info,
size_t strideBytes,
size_t offset,
const std::string &bufferIndex)
std::ostringstream result;
ASSERT(strideBytes % 4 == 0);
size_t stride = strideBytes / 4;
const size_t arrayIndexStart = varying.arrayIndex == GL_INVALID_INDEX ? 0 : varying.arrayIndex;
const size_t arrayIndexEnd = arrayIndexStart + varying.size();
for (size_t arrayIndex = arrayIndexStart; arrayIndex < arrayIndexEnd; ++arrayIndex)
for (int col = 0; col < info.columnCount; ++col)
for (int row = 0; row < info.rowCount; ++row)
result << " ";
result << "ANGLE_"
<< "xfbBuffer" << bufferIndex << "["
<< "ANGLE_" << std::string(sh::kUniformsVar) << ".ANGLE_xfbBufferOffsets["
<< bufferIndex << "] + (gl_VertexID + ANGLE_instanceIdMod * "
<< "ANGLE_" << std::string(sh::kUniformsVar)
<< ".ANGLE_xfbVerticesPerInstance) * " << stride << " + " << offset << "] = "
<< "as_type<float>"
<< "("
<< "ANGLE_vertexOut.";
if (!varying.isBuiltIn())
result << kUserDefinedNamePrefix;
result <<;
if (varying.isArray())
result << "[" << arrayIndex << "]";
if (info.columnCount > 1)
result << "[" << col << "]";
if (info.rowCount > 1)
result << "[" << row << "]";
result << ");\n";
return result.str();
void GenerateTransformFeedbackEmulationOutputs(
const GlslangSourceOptions &options,
const gl::ProgramState &programState,
std::string *vertexShader,
std::array<uint32_t, kMaxShaderXFBs> *xfbBindingRemapOut)
const std::vector<gl::TransformFeedbackVarying> &varyings =
const std::vector<GLsizei> &bufferStrides = programState.getTransformFeedbackStrides();
const bool isInterleaved =
programState.getTransformFeedbackBufferMode() == GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS;
const size_t bufferCount = isInterleaved ? 1 : varyings.size();
std::vector<std::string> xfbIndices(bufferCount);
std::string xfbBindings;
for (uint32_t bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < bufferCount; ++bufferIndex)
const std::string xfbBinding = Str(0);
xfbIndices[bufferIndex] = Str(bufferIndex);
std::string bufferName = GetXfbBufferNameMtl(bufferIndex);
xfbBindings += ", ";
// TODO: offset from last used buffer binding from front end
// XFB buffer is allocated slot starting from last discrete Metal buffer slot.
uint32_t bindingPoint = kMaxShaderBuffers - 1 - bufferIndex;
xfbBindingRemapOut->at(bufferIndex) = bindingPoint;
xfbBindings +=
"device float* ANGLE_" + bufferName + " [[buffer(" + Str(bindingPoint) + ")]]";
std::string xfbOut = "#if TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ENABLED\n {\n";
size_t outputOffset = 0;
for (size_t varyingIndex = 0; varyingIndex < varyings.size(); ++varyingIndex)
const size_t bufferIndex = isInterleaved ? 0 : varyingIndex;
const gl::TransformFeedbackVarying &varying = varyings[varyingIndex];
// For every varying, output to the respective buffer packed. If interleaved, the output is
// always to the same buffer, but at different offsets.
const gl::UniformTypeInfo &info = gl::GetUniformTypeInfo(varying.type);
xfbOut += GenerateTransformFeedbackVaryingOutput(varying, info, bufferStrides[bufferIndex],
outputOffset, xfbIndices[bufferIndex]);
if (isInterleaved)
outputOffset += info.columnCount * info.rowCount * varying.size();
xfbOut += " }\n#endif\n";
*vertexShader = SubstituteTransformFeedbackMarkers(*vertexShader, xfbBindings, xfbOut);
angle::Result GlslangGetMSL(const gl::Context *glContext,
const gl::ProgramState &programState,
const gl::Caps &glCaps,
const gl::ShaderMap<std::string> &shaderSources,
const ShaderInterfaceVariableInfoMap &variableInfoMap,
gl::ShaderMap<TranslatedShaderInfo> *mslShaderInfoOut,
gl::ShaderMap<std::string> *mslCodeOut,
size_t xfbBufferCount)
const GlslangSourceOptions options;
// Retrieve original uniform buffer bindings generated by front end. We will need to do a remap.
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> uboOriginalBindings;
const std::vector<gl::InterfaceBlock> &blocks = programState.getUniformBlocks();
for (uint32_t bufferIdx = 0; bufferIdx < blocks.size(); ++bufferIdx)
const gl::InterfaceBlock &block = blocks[bufferIdx];
if (!uboOriginalBindings.count(
uboOriginalBindings[] = bufferIdx;
// Retrieve original sampler bindings produced by front end.
OriginalSamplerBindingMap originalSamplerBindings;
const std::vector<gl::SamplerBinding> &samplerBindings = programState.getSamplerBindings();
const std::vector<gl::LinkedUniform> &uniforms = programState.getUniforms();
std::unordered_set<std::string> structSamplers = {};
for (uint32_t textureIndex = 0; textureIndex < samplerBindings.size(); ++textureIndex)
const gl::SamplerBinding &samplerBinding = samplerBindings[textureIndex];
uint32_t uniformIndex = programState.getUniformIndexFromSamplerIndex(textureIndex);
const gl::LinkedUniform &samplerUniform = uniforms[uniformIndex];
bool isSamplerInStruct ='.') != std::string::npos;
std::string mappedSamplerName = isSamplerInStruct
? MSLGetMappedSamplerName(
: MSLGetMappedSamplerName(samplerUniform.mappedName);
// These need to be prefixed later seperately
if (isSamplerInStruct)
{textureIndex, static_cast<uint32_t>(samplerBinding.boundTextureUnits.size())});
for (gl::ShaderType type : {gl::ShaderType::Vertex, gl::ShaderType::Fragment})
std::string source;
if (type == gl::ShaderType::Vertex)
source = updateShaderAttributes(shaderSources[type], programState);
// Write transform feedback output code.
if (!source.empty())
if (programState.getLinkedTransformFeedbackVaryings().empty())
source = SubstituteTransformFeedbackMarkers(source, "", "");
options, programState, &source,
source = shaderSources[type];
(*mslCodeOut)[type] = source;
(*mslShaderInfoOut)[type].metalShaderSource = source;
gl::Shader *shader = programState.getAttachedShader(type);
const sh::TranslatorMetalReflection *reflection = getReflectionFromShader(shader);
if (reflection->hasUBOs)
(*mslShaderInfoOut)[type].hasUBOArgumentBuffer = true;
for (auto &uboBinding : reflection->getUniformBufferBindings())
const std::string &uboName = uboBinding.first;
const sh::UBOBindingInfo &bindInfo = uboBinding.second;
const uint32_t uboBindIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(bindInfo.bindIndex);
const uint32_t uboArraySize = static_cast<uint32_t>(bindInfo.arraySize);
const uint32_t originalBinding =;
uint32_t currentSlot = static_cast<uint>(uboBindIndex);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < uboArraySize; ++i)
// Use consecutive slot for member in array
(*mslShaderInfoOut)[type].actualUBOBindings[originalBinding + i] =
currentSlot + i;
// Retrieve automatic texture slot assignments
if (originalSamplerBindings.size() > 0)
GetAssignedSamplerBindings(reflection, originalSamplerBindings, structSamplers,
(*mslShaderInfoOut)[type].hasInvariantOrAtan =
reflection->hasAtan || reflection->hasInvariance;
return angle::Result::Continue;
uint MslGetShaderShadowCompareMode(GLenum mode, GLenum func)
// See SpirvToMslCompiler::emit_header()
if (mode == GL_NONE)
return 0;
switch (func)
case GL_LESS:
return 1;
return 2;
return 3;
return 4;
case GL_NEVER:
return 5;
return 6;
case GL_EQUAL:
return 7;
return 8;
return 1;
} // namespace mtl
} // namespace rx