blob: 4ee2493b5229096bd0da1d853c6089c1f5990a1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// CLPlatform.h: Defines the cl::Platform class, which provides information about platform-specific
// OpenCL features.
#include "libANGLE/CLObject.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/CLPlatformImpl.h"
#include "anglebase/no_destructor.h"
namespace cl
class Platform final : public _cl_platform_id, public Object
// Front end entry functions, only called from OpenCL entry points
static void Initialize(const cl_icd_dispatch &dispatch,
rx::CLPlatformImpl::CreateFuncs &&createFuncs);
static Platform *GetDefault();
static Platform *CastOrDefault(cl_platform_id platform);
static bool IsValidOrDefault(const _cl_platform_id *platform);
static cl_int GetPlatformIDs(cl_uint numEntries,
cl_platform_id *platforms,
cl_uint *numPlatforms);
cl_int getInfo(PlatformInfo name, size_t valueSize, void *value, size_t *valueSizeRet) const;
cl_int getDeviceIDs(DeviceType deviceType,
cl_uint numEntries,
cl_device_id *devices,
cl_uint *numDevices) const;
static cl_context CreateContext(const cl_context_properties *properties,
cl_uint numDevices,
const cl_device_id *devices,
ContextErrorCB notify,
void *userData,
cl_int &errorCode);
static cl_context CreateContextFromType(const cl_context_properties *properties,
DeviceType deviceType,
ContextErrorCB notify,
void *userData,
cl_int &errorCode);
cl_int unloadCompiler();
~Platform() override;
const rx::CLPlatformImpl::Info &getInfo() const;
cl_version getVersion() const;
bool isVersionOrNewer(cl_uint major, cl_uint minor) const;
const DevicePtrs &getDevices() const;
template <typename T = rx::CLPlatformImpl>
T &getImpl() const;
static const PlatformPtrs &GetPlatforms();
static constexpr const char *GetVendor();
explicit Platform(const rx::CLPlatformImpl::CreateFunc &createFunc);
DevicePtrs createDevices(rx::CLDeviceImpl::CreateDatas &&createDatas);
static PlatformPtrs &GetPointers();
const rx::CLPlatformImpl::Ptr mImpl;
const rx::CLPlatformImpl::Info mInfo;
const DevicePtrs mDevices;
static constexpr char kVendor[] = "ANGLE";
static constexpr char kIcdSuffix[] = "ANGLE";
inline Platform *Platform::GetDefault()
return GetPlatforms().empty() ? nullptr : GetPlatforms().front().get();
inline Platform *Platform::CastOrDefault(cl_platform_id platform)
return platform != nullptr ? &platform->cast<Platform>() : GetDefault();
// Our CL implementation defines that a nullptr value chooses the platform that we provide as
// default, so this function returns true for a nullptr value if a default platform exists.
inline bool Platform::IsValidOrDefault(const _cl_platform_id *platform)
return platform != nullptr ? IsValid(platform) : GetDefault() != nullptr;
inline const rx::CLPlatformImpl::Info &Platform::getInfo() const
return mInfo;
inline cl_version Platform::getVersion() const
return mInfo.version;
inline bool Platform::isVersionOrNewer(cl_uint major, cl_uint minor) const
return mInfo.version >= CL_MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, 0u);
inline const DevicePtrs &Platform::getDevices() const
return mDevices;
template <typename T>
inline T &Platform::getImpl() const
return static_cast<T &>(*mImpl);
inline const PlatformPtrs &Platform::GetPlatforms()
return GetPointers();
constexpr const char *Platform::GetVendor()
return kVendor;
inline PlatformPtrs &Platform::GetPointers()
static angle::base::NoDestructor<PlatformPtrs> sPointers;
return *sPointers;
} // namespace cl