blob: a68419c71306f183500e6a064c205e6f655ec439 [file] [log] [blame]
// Convoluted program which will compile turn GetPrivateName into GetPrivateNameById, and then OSRExit
// from getField() due to a CheckIsConstant failure when a different identifier is used.
let assert = {
equals: function (a, e) {
if (a !== e)
throw new Error(`Expected: ${e} but got: ${a}`);
throws: function(exception, functor) {
let threwException;
try {
threwException = false;
} catch(e) {
threwException = true;
if (!e instanceof exception)
throw new Error(`Expected to throw a ${} but it threw: ${e}`);
if (!threwException)
throw new Error(`Expected to throw a ${} but did not throw`);
class Base {
constructor(i) {
if (i & 1)
this.differentStructure = `extra${i}`;
function factoryClass() {
class C extends Base {
#field = 'test';
setField(v) {
this.#field = v;
getField() {
return this.#field;
return C;
let C = factoryClass();
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
let c = new C(i);
assert.equals(c.getField(), 'test');
c.setField('foo' + i);
assert.equals(c.getField(), 'foo' + i);
let C2 = factoryClass(); // invalidate first version of setField due to Scope invalidation point
// Triggers new version without folding get_from_scope
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
let c = new C(i);
assert.equals(c.getField(), 'test');
c.setField('foo' + i);
assert.equals(c.getField(), 'foo' + i);
let c2 = new C2();
assert.throws(TypeError, function () { C()); // trigger OSR exit due to bad constant value