| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"> |
| <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros"> |
| </PropertyGroup> |
| <PropertyGroup> |
| <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.40219.1</_ProjectFileVersion> |
| <OutDir>$(ConfigurationBuildDir)\bin$(PlatformArchitecture)\</OutDir> |
| <IntDir>$(ConfigurationBuildDir)\obj$(PlatformArchitecture)\$(ProjectName)\</IntDir> |
| <LinkIncremental>false</LinkIncremental> |
| <NMakeBuildCommandLine>%SystemDrive%\cygwin\bin\which.exe bash 2>nul |
| if errorlevel 1 set PATH=%SystemDrive%\cygwin\bin;%PATH% |
| set CONFIGURATIONBUILDDIR=$(ConfigurationBuildDir) |
| set PLATFORMARCHITECTURE=$(PlatformArchitecture) |
| nmake /nologo -f $(ProjectName).make</NMakeBuildCommandLine> |
| <NMakeReBuildCommandLine>%SystemDrive%\cygwin\bin\which.exe bash 2>nul |
| if errorlevel 1 set PATH=%SystemDrive%\cygwin\bin;%PATH% |
| set CONFIGURATIONBUILDDIR=$(ConfigurationBuildDir) |
| set PLATFORMARCHITECTURE=$(PlatformArchitecture) |
| nmake /nologo -f $(ProjectName).make clean |
| nmake /nologo -f $(ProjectName).make</NMakeReBuildCommandLine> |
| <NMakeCleanCommandLine>%SystemDrive%\cygwin\bin\which.exe bash 2>nul |
| if errorlevel 1 set PATH=%SystemDrive%\cygwin\bin;%PATH% |
| |
| set PATH=$(VSInstallDir)\VC\bin;%PATH% |
| |
| REM VS2010 has a known bug where the clean command does not recognize environment variables properly unless explicitly set here |
| set CONFIGURATIONBUILDDIR=$(ConfigurationBuildDir) |
| set PLATFORMARCHITECTURE=$(PlatformArchitecture) |
| nmake /nologo -f $(ProjectName).make clean</NMakeCleanCommandLine> |
| <TargetName>$(ProjectName)$(DebugSuffix)</TargetName> |
| </PropertyGroup> |
| <ItemDefinitionGroup> |
| <ClCompile> |
| <AdditionalOptions>/bigobj /GS %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions> |
| <PreprocessorDefinitions>_WINDOWS;WINVER=0x601;_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES=1;_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0;BUILDING_$(ProjectName);NOMINMAX;WIN32;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> |
| <PreprocessorDefinitions Condition="$(Platform)=='Win32'">WIN32;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> |
| <PreprocessorDefinitions Condition="$(Platform)=='Win64'">x64;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> |
| <ExceptionHandling>false</ExceptionHandling> |
| <RuntimeTypeInfo>false</RuntimeTypeInfo> |
| <WarningLevel>Level4</WarningLevel> |
| <TreatWarningAsError>false</TreatWarningAsError> |
| <DebugInformationFormat>ProgramDatabase</DebugInformationFormat> |
| <DisableSpecificWarnings>4018;4068;4099;4100;4127;4138;4146;4180;4189;4201;4244;4251;4267;4275;4288;4291;4305;4309;4344;4355;4389;4396;4456;4457;4458;4459;4481;4503;4505;4510;4512;4530;4610;4702;4706;4800;4819;4951;4952;4996;6011;6031;6211;6246;6255;6387;%(DisableSpecificWarnings)</DisableSpecificWarnings> |
| <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreaded</RuntimeLibrary> |
| <RuntimeLibrary Condition="$(Configuration)=='Release_WinCairo' or $(Configuration)=='Debug_WinCairo'">MultiThreadedDLL</RuntimeLibrary> |
| <FunctionLevelLinking>false</FunctionLevelLinking> |
| <FloatingPointExceptions>false</FloatingPointExceptions> |
| <OpenMPSupport>false</OpenMPSupport> |
| <PrecompiledHeaderFile> |
| </PrecompiledHeaderFile> |
| <PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile>$(IntDir)$(TargetName).pch</PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile> |
| <AssemblerListingLocation> |
| </AssemblerListingLocation> |
| <MultiProcessorCompilation>true</MultiProcessorCompilation> |
| <StringPooling>false</StringPooling> |
| <MinimalRebuild>false</MinimalRebuild> |
| <CompileAs>CompileAsCpp</CompileAs> |
| </ClCompile> |
| <Lib> |
| <AdditionalOptions>/ignore:4221 %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions> |
| <UseUnicodeResponseFiles>true</UseUnicodeResponseFiles> |
| </Lib> |
| <Midl> |
| <WarnAsError>true</WarnAsError> |
| <HeaderFileName>$(OutDir)%(Filename).h</HeaderFileName> |
| </Midl> |
| <PostBuildEvent> |
| <Command>@REM Do not edit from the Visual Studio IDE! Customize via a $(ProjectName)PostBuild.cmd file. |
| @if not exist "$(ProjectDir)$(ProjectName)PostBuild.cmd" exit /b |
| |
| @set CONFIGURATIONBUILDDIR=$(ConfigurationBuildDir) |
| @set CONFIGURATIONNAME=$(ConfigurationName) |
| @set INPUTDIR=$(InputDir) |
| @set INPUTFILENAME=$(InputFileName) |
| @set INPUTPATH=$(InputPath) |
| @set INTDIR=$(IntDir) |
| @set OUTDIR=$(OutDir) |
| @set PLATFORMARCHITECTURE=$(PlatformArchitecture) |
| @set PLATFORMNAME=$(PlatformName) |
| @set PROJECTDIR=$(ProjectDir) |
| @set PROJECTFILENAME=$(ProjectFileName) |
| @set PROJECTNAME=$(ProjectName) |
| @set PROJECTPATH=$(ProjectPath) |
| @set SOLUTIONDIR=$(SolutionDir) |
| @set SOLUTIONFILENAME=$(SolutionFileName) |
| @set SOLUTIONNAME=$(SolutionName) |
| @set SOLUTIONPATH=$(SolutionPath) |
| @set TARGETDIR=$(TargetDir) |
| @set TARGETEXT=$(TargetExt) |
| @set TARGETFILENAME=$(TargetFileName) |
| @set TARGETPATH=$(TargetPath) |
| @set DEBUGSUFFIX=$(DebugSuffix) |
| |
| @REM If any of the above variables didn't exist previously and |
| @REM were set to an empty string, set will set the errorlevel to 1, |
| @REM which will cause the project-specific script to think the build |
| @REM has failed. This cmd /c call will clear the errorlevel. |
| @cmd /c |
| |
| @"$(ProjectDir)$(ProjectName)PostBuild.cmd" |
| </Command> |
| </PostBuildEvent> |
| <PreBuildEvent> |
| <Command>@REM Do not edit from the Visual Studio IDE! Customize via a $(ProjectName)PreBuild.cmd file. |
| @if not exist "$(ProjectDir)$(ProjectName)PreBuild.cmd" exit /b |
| |
| @set CONFIGURATIONBUILDDIR=$(ConfigurationBuildDir) |
| @set CONFIGURATIONNAME=$(ConfigurationName) |
| @set INPUTDIR=$(InputDir) |
| @set INPUTFILENAME=$(InputFileName) |
| @set INPUTPATH=$(InputPath) |
| @set INTDIR=$(IntDir) |
| @set OUTDIR=$(OutDir) |
| @set PLATFORMARCHITECTURE=$(PlatformArchitecture) |
| @set PLATFORMNAME=$(PlatformName) |
| @set PROJECTDIR=$(ProjectDir) |
| @set PROJECTFILENAME=$(ProjectFileName) |
| @set PROJECTNAME=$(ProjectName) |
| @set PROJECTPATH=$(ProjectPath) |
| @set SOLUTIONDIR=$(SolutionDir) |
| @set SOLUTIONFILENAME=$(SolutionFileName) |
| @set SOLUTIONNAME=$(SolutionName) |
| @set SOLUTIONPATH=$(SolutionPath) |
| @set TARGETDIR=$(TargetDir) |
| @set TARGETEXT=$(TargetExt) |
| @set TARGETFILENAME=$(TargetFileName) |
| @set TARGETPATH=$(TargetPath) |
| @set DEBUGSUFFIX=$(DebugSuffix) |
| |
| @REM If any of the above variables didn't exist previously and |
| @REM were set to an empty string, set will set the errorlevel to 1, |
| @REM which will cause the project-specific script to think the build |
| @REM has failed. This cmd /c call will clear the errorlevel. |
| @cmd /c |
| |
| @"$(ProjectDir)$(ProjectName)PreBuild.cmd" |
| </Command> |
| </PreBuildEvent> |
| <PreLinkEvent> |
| <Command>@REM Do not edit from the Visual Studio IDE! Customize via a $(ProjectName)PreLink.cmd file. |
| @if not exist "$(ProjectDir)$(ProjectName)PreLink.cmd" exit /b |
| |
| @set CONFIGURATIONBUILDDIR=$(ConfigurationBuildDir) |
| @set CONFIGURATIONNAME=$(ConfigurationName) |
| @set INPUTDIR=$(InputDir) |
| @set INPUTFILENAME=$(InputFileName) |
| @set INPUTPATH=$(InputPath) |
| @set INTDIR=$(IntDir) |
| @set OUTDIR=$(OutDir) |
| @set PLATFORMARCHITECTURE=$(PlatformArchitecture) |
| @set PLATFORMNAME=$(PlatformName) |
| @set PROJECTDIR=$(ProjectDir) |
| @set PROJECTFILENAME=$(ProjectFileName) |
| @set PROJECTNAME=$(ProjectName) |
| @set PROJECTPATH=$(ProjectPath) |
| @set SOLUTIONDIR=$(SolutionDir) |
| @set SOLUTIONFILENAME=$(SolutionFileName) |
| @set SOLUTIONNAME=$(SolutionName) |
| @set SOLUTIONPATH=$(SolutionPath) |
| @set TARGETDIR=$(TargetDir) |
| @set TARGETEXT=$(TargetExt) |
| @set TARGETFILENAME=$(TargetFileName) |
| @set TARGETPATH=$(TargetPath) |
| @set DEBUGSUFFIX=$(DebugSuffix) |
| |
| @REM If any of the above variables didn't exist previously and |
| @REM were set to an empty string, set will set the errorlevel to 1, |
| @REM which will cause the project-specific script to think the build |
| @REM has failed. This cmd /c call will clear the errorlevel. |
| @cmd /c |
| |
| @"$(ProjectDir)$(ProjectName)PreLink.cmd" |
| </Command> |
| </PreLinkEvent> |
| <ResourceCompile> |
| <Culture>0x0409</Culture> |
| <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>$(IntDir)include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories> |
| </ResourceCompile> |
| <BuildLog /> |
| <Link> |
| <AdditionalLibraryDirectories>$(IntDir)lib$(PlatformArchitecture);$(ConfigurationBuildDir)\lib$(PlatformArchitecture);$(WEBKIT_LIBRARIES)\lib$(PlatformArchitecture)</AdditionalLibraryDirectories> |
| <LinkErrorReporting>PromptImmediately</LinkErrorReporting> |
| <CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck>false</CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck> |
| <IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries>false</IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries> |
| <AssemblyDebug>false</AssemblyDebug> |
| <SubSystem>Windows</SubSystem> |
| <HeapReserveSize> |
| </HeapReserveSize> |
| <HeapCommitSize> |
| </HeapCommitSize> |
| <StackReserveSize> |
| </StackReserveSize> |
| <StackCommitSize> |
| </StackCommitSize> |
| <LargeAddressAware> |
| </LargeAddressAware> |
| <LinkTimeCodeGeneration>Default</LinkTimeCodeGeneration> |
| <EnableUAC> |
| </EnableUAC> |
| <UACExecutionLevel> |
| </UACExecutionLevel> |
| <UACUIAccess> |
| </UACUIAccess> |
| <OptimizeReferences>true</OptimizeReferences> |
| <EnableCOMDATFolding>true</EnableCOMDATFolding> |
| <RandomizedBaseAddress>false</RandomizedBaseAddress> |
| <CLRThreadAttribute>DefaultThreadingAttribute</CLRThreadAttribute> |
| <ImportLibrary>$(ConfigurationBuildDir)\lib$(PlatformArchitecture)\$(TargetName).lib</ImportLibrary> |
| </Link> |
| <Bscmake /> |
| <Xdcmake /> |
| <ManifestResourceCompile> |
| <ResourceOutputFileName>$(IntDir)\$(TargetName)$(TargetExt).embed.manifest.res</ResourceOutputFileName> |
| </ManifestResourceCompile> |
| <ProjectReference> |
| <LinkLibraryDependencies>false</LinkLibraryDependencies> |
| </ProjectReference> |
| <BuildLog> |
| <Path>$(IntDir)BuildLog.htm</Path> |
| </BuildLog> |
| </ItemDefinitionGroup> |
| <ItemGroup> |
| <BuildMacro Include="CONFIGURATIONBUILDDIR"> |
| <EnvironmentVariable>true</EnvironmentVariable> |
| </BuildMacro> |
| <BuildMacro Include="DEBUGSUFFIX"> |
| <Value>$(DEBUGSUFFIX)</Value> |
| <EnvironmentVariable>true</EnvironmentVariable> |
| </BuildMacro> |
| <BuildMacro Include="PLATFORMARCHITECTURE"> |
| <EnvironmentVariable>true</EnvironmentVariable> |
| </BuildMacro> |
| </ItemGroup> |
| </Project> |
| |