blob: b189d7aba0e6edc2458aca21c7dbb5e74f7cae9d [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 205: WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: getParameter: invalid parameter name, WEBGL_draw_buffers not enabled
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 205: WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: getParameter: invalid parameter name, WEBGL_draw_buffers not enabled
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1313: WebGL: ERROR: 0:2: 'GL_EXT_draw_buffers' : extension is not supported
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 24: *** Error compiling shader '[object WebGLShader]':ERROR: 0:2: 'GL_EXT_draw_buffers' : extension is not supported
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 24: Error in compiling shader
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 294: WebGL: INVALID_ENUM: framebufferTexture2D: invalid attachment
This test verifies the functionality of the WEBGL_draw_buffers extension, if it is available.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS WebGL context exists
Testing binding enum with extension disabled
PASS getError was expected value: INVALID_ENUM : MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_WEBGL should not be queryable if extension is disabled
PASS getError was expected value: INVALID_ENUM : MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_WEBGL should not be queryable if extension is disabled
PASS getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : there should be no errors
test shaders disabled
vertex shader
fragement shader
PASS GL_EXT_draw_buffers should not be defined in GLSL
vertex shader
fragement shader
PASS #extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers should not be allowed in GLSL
PASS getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : there should be no errors
test attachment disabled
PASS getError was expected value: INVALID_ENUM : should not be able to attach to gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT1
PASS getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : there should be no errors
PASS No WEBGL_draw_buffers support -- this is legal
PASS WEBGL_draw_buffers not listed as supported and getExtension failed -- this is legal
PASS successfullyParsed is true