blob: e3f05eb2edecaf92f6574adf8113dae289f8a793 [file] [log] [blame]
<p>This test should be run in DumpRenderTree, as it requires a special fonts.conf</p>
<p>The following text should render without anti-aliasing:</p>
<p style="font-family: NonAntiAliasedSans">Non anti-aliased sans.</p>
The following text should be slightly-hinted Liberation Serif. The dots
should be equally spaced, and letters in the word "government" should be
naturally spaced.
<p style="font-family:SlightHintedSerif">
government ................................
The following text should be unhinted Liberation Sans. The fontconfig
configuration for this is contradictory, setting both full-hinting
and no-hinting. The latter should win out.
<p style="font-family:NonHintedSans">
Here is Tigger doing what tiggers do best &hellip; operating
hydraulic exoskeletons.
The following text should show a difference caused by
forcing autohinting. Note: the effect is subtle.
<span style="font-family:AutohintedSerif; font-size:0.6em;">autohinted</span>
<span style="font-family:HintedSerif; font-size:0.6em;">not-autohinted</span></p>
The following text should be the same. It verifies that, given the
contradictory settings <tt>hintfull</tt> and <tt>autohint</tt>, the
latter wins out:
<span style="font-family:AutohintedSerif; font-size:0.6em;">autohinted</span>
<span style="font-family:FullAndAutoHintedSerif; font-size:0.6em;">hopefully autohinted</span></p>
The following text should show that fontconfig can be used to enable
or disable subpixel rendering.
<span style="font-family:SubpixelEnabledSans">subpixel</span>
<span style="font-family:SubpixelDisabledSans">no subpixel</span></p>