blob: 1fe31c30bc7f38e048a0e2c264910c56ab316ff9 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null
TIMEOUT <iframe src='javascript:'> blocked without 'unsafe-inline'. Test timed out
FAIL <iframe> navigated to 'javascript:' blocked without 'unsafe-inline'. assert_unreached: The CSP event should be fired in the embedding document, not in the embedee. Reached unreachable code
TIMEOUT <iframe src='...'> with 'unsafe-inline' navigated to 'javascript:' blocked in this document Test timed out
FAIL <iframe src='...'> without 'unsafe-inline' navigated to 'javascript:' blocked in this document. assert_unreached: The CSP event should be fired in the embedding document, not in the embedee. Reached unreachable code