| # This file contains generic test expectations that apply to all ports of WebKit. |
| # |
| # See http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/TestExpectations for more information on this file. |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| # Platform-specific tests. Skipped here, then re-enabled on the appropriate platform. |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| compositing/ios [ Skip ] |
| css3/touch-action [ Skip ] |
| accessibility/ios-simulator [ Skip ] |
| accessibility/gtk [ Skip ] |
| accessibility/mac [ Skip ] |
| accessibility/win [ Skip ] |
| displaylists [ Skip ] |
| editing/mac [ Skip ] |
| editing/caret/ios [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/gtk [ Skip ] |
| editing/selection/ios [ Skip ] |
| tiled-drawing [ Skip ] |
| fast/css/extrazoom [ Skip ] |
| fast/dom/Window/extrazoom [ Skip ] |
| fast/forms/extrazoom [ Skip ] |
| fast/viewport/extrazoom [ Skip ] |
| fast/visual-viewport/extrazoom [ Skip ] |
| fast/visual-viewport/tiled-drawing [ Skip ] |
| swipe [ Skip ] |
| fast/zooming/ios [ Skip ] |
| fast/forms/ios [ Skip ] |
| fast/viewport/ios [ Skip ] |
| fast/visual-viewport/ios/ [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/ios [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/extrazoom [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/touch/ios [ Skip ] |
| fast/history/ios [ Skip ] |
| fast/scrolling/ios [ Skip ] |
| fast/text/mac [ Skip ] |
| scrollingcoordinator/ios [ Skip ] |
| fast/content-observation [ Skip ] |
| media/mac [ Skip ] |
| media/ios [ Skip ] |
| media/controls/ipad [ Skip ] |
| fast/text-autosizing [ Skip ] |
| fast/css/variables/env/ios [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/events/touch/ios [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/preload/viewport [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/gzip-content-encoding [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/cookies/same-site [ Skip ] |
| system-preview [ Skip ] |
| |
| # window.showModalDialog is only tested in DumpRenderTree on Mac. |
| editing/execCommand/show-modal-dialog-during-execCommand.html [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/security/cross-origin-modal-dialog-base.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/scroll-event-during-modal-dialog.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/harness/show-modal-dialog.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| fast/shadow-dom/touch-event-on-text-assigned-to-slot.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| fast/forms/attributed-strings.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/scrolling/latching [ Skip ] |
| |
| fast/forms/search/search-padding-cancel-results-buttons.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/forms/search/search-results-hidden-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # These tests don't have to be platform-specific, but they are only implemented on Mac now. |
| fast/url/user-visible [ Skip ] |
| fast/images/eps-as-image.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Only Mac supports Dashboard widgets. |
| fast/xmlhttprequest/set-dangerous-headers-in-dashboard.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # Only applicable on macOS |
| fast/css/apple-system-control-colors.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Only Mac supports force tests. |
| fast/events/cancelled-force-click-link-navigation.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/force-click-link-selection-behavior.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/force-click-on-link-navigation.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/force-click-text-selection-behavior.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/mouse-force-changed.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/mouse-force-down.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/mouse-force-up.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Document autoscroll tests only work on Mac WK2 |
| fast/events/autoscroll-when-zoomed.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/events/autoscroll-main-document.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Drag and drop via EventSender is only supported on Mac WK1 |
| editing/pasteboard/drag-drop-href-as-url.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-get-data-on-drop-custom.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-get-data-on-drop-plain-text.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-get-data-on-drop-rich-text.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-get-data-on-drop-url.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-is-unique-for-dragenter-and-dragleave.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-item-list-add-file-on-drag.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-items-drag-drop-file-promise.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-items-drop-file.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-items-drop-file-promise.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-set-data-sanitize-html-when-dragging-in-null-origin.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/data-transfer-set-data-sanitize-url-when-dragging-in-null-origin.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/datatransfer-items-drop-plaintext-file-promise.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/datatransfer-types-dropping-text-file-promise.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/drag-end-crash-accessing-item-list.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/drag-file-promises-to-editable-element-as-URLs.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/drag-file-promises-to-editable-element-as-attachment.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/pasteboard/file-input-files-access-promise.html [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/security/clipboard/drag-drop-html-cross-origin-iframe-in-same-origin.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Only iOS supports QuickLook |
| quicklook [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/quicklook [ Skip ] |
| |
| # These tests are WebKit2-only |
| http/tests/appcache/decide-navigation-policy-after-delay.html [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/misc/will-send-request-with-client-provided-http-body.html [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/loading/resourceLoadStatistics/ [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/ [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/storageAccess/ [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/navigation/process-swap-window-open.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Only Mac and iOS have an implementation of UIScriptController::doAsyncTask(). |
| fast/harness/uiscriptcontroller [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test only makes sense on Mac |
| fast/attachment/attachment-subtitle-resize.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test only makes sense on iOS |
| fast/attachment/attachment-wrapping-action.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/attachment/attachment-borderless.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/selection/character-granularity-selected-range-after-dismissing-selection.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/selection/character-granularity-select-text-with-click-handler.html [ Skip ] |
| editing/selection/caret-after-tap-in-editable-selection.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/images/pdf-as-image-dest-rect-change.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Only iOS has selection UI drawn by UIKit |
| editing/selection/character-granularity-rect.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test is for ios-simulator-wk1 |
| editing/input/focus-change-with-marked-text.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # These only run on Mac and iOS WK2 |
| accessibility/smart-invert.html [ Skip ] |
| accessibility/smart-invert-reference.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/media/mq-inverted-colors-live-update.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/media/mq-inverted-colors-live-update-in-subframes.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/media/mq-monochrome-live-update.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/media/mq-prefers-reduced-motion-live-update.html [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/loading/basic-auth-remove-credentials.html [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/security/strip-referrer-to-origin-for-third-party-redirects-in-private-mode.html [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/security/strip-referrer-to-origin-for-third-party-requests-in-private-mode.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # ApplePay is only available on iOS (greater than iOS 10) and macOS (greater than macOS 10.12) and only for WebKit2. |
| http/tests/ssl/applepay/ [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Only WK2 allows unconstrained scrolling |
| fast/visual-viewport/rubberbanding-viewport-rects.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/visual-viewport/rubberbanding-viewport-rects-header-footer.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # DataDetectors tests only make sense on Mac |
| fast/events/do-not-drag-and-drop-data-detectors-link.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Shared Workers are unsupported |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/secure-contexts/basic-shared-worker.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/secure-contexts/basic-shared-worker.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/secure-contexts/shared-worker-insecure-first.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/secure-contexts/shared-worker-secure-first.https.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test seems wrong as it call update() for a script that does not change and expected an updatefound event. |
| # Per specification, if the scripts are identical, we do not install the new script and return the existing registration. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/import-scripts-redirect.https.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test is timing out because it relies on http://www1.localhost:8800 host for cross origin checks. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/remote-origin.htm [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Skip service worker tests that are timing out. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/abort/general-serviceworker.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/performance-timeline.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/postmessage.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/respond-with-body-accessed-response.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/sandboxed-iframe-fetch-event.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/update-bytecheck.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/client-navigate.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/clients-matchall-include-uncontrolled.https.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Requires additional test infrastructure. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/update-after-oneday.https.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Unsupported features: SharedWorker, NavigationPreload |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/navigation-preload [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/shared-worker-controlled.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/claim-shared-worker-fetch.https.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Reliably ASSERTS in ServiceWorkerClientFetch::didFinish |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/navigation-redirect-body.https.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/websocket.https.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Console log lines may appear in a different order so we silence them. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/history/the-location-interface/location-protocol-setter-non-broken.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/history/the-location-interface/location-protocol-setter-non-broken-weird.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| # Line number in the console logging may change so we silence it to avoid flakiness. |
| http/tests/security/frame-loading-via-document-write.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| http/tests/security/frame-loading-via-document-write-async-delegates.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/basic/mode-same-origin.any.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/basic/scheme-about.any.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/basic/scheme-about.any.worker.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/redirect/redirect-mode-worker.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/redirect/redirect-to-dataurl.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/181901 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-cors-xhr.https.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| webkit.org/b/181897 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-canvas-tainting.https.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| webkit.org/b/181900 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-canvas-tainting-cache.https.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-response-taint.https.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/register-closed-window.https.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/registration-security-error.https.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-request-redirect.https.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/clients-matchall-order.https.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/getregistrations.https.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/interfaces-sw.https.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/ready.https.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/multiple-update.https.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/windowclient-navigate.https.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/activation.https.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/worker-interception.https.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/registration-mime-types.https.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # Reenable it when having a custom gc exposed in service workers. |
| [ Debug ] http/wpt/service-workers/fetchEvent.https.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| [ Debug ] http/tests/workers/worker-messageport-2.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # Skip workers tests that are timing out or are SharedWorker related only |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/constructors/Worker/same-origin.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/data-url-shared.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/interfaces/WorkerUtils/importScripts/006.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/nested_worker.worker.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/opaque-origin.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/semantics/interface-objects/003.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/semantics/structured-clone/shared.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/semantics/structured-clone/dedicated.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/semantics/multiple-workers/003.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/semantics/multiple-workers/005.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/Worker_cross_origin_security_err.htm [ Skip ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/constructors/SharedWorker [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/SharedWorker_blobUrl.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/redirect/redirect-mode.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/cors/cors-preflight-redirect.any.worker.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-and-redirects.htm [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-basic-cors-safelisted-request-headers.htm [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-basic-get-fail-non-simple.htm [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-basic-post-with-non-cors-safelisted-content-type.htm [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/send-authentication-cors-setrequestheader-no-cred.htm [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/send-authentication-cors-basic-setrequestheader.htm [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/request-headers.htm [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| http/tests/security/cross-origin-cached-images-parallel.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| # textarea.animate is not supported |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/caret-color-018.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/caret-color-019.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/caret-color-020.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test tests a feature that only exists on iOS. |
| fast/text/accessibility-bold-system-font-2.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test is specific to Core Text. |
| fast/text/font-lookup-dot-prefix-case-sensitive.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Payment Request is only enabled on Cocoa platforms. |
| http/tests/paymentrequest [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/inspector/paymentrequest [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/payment-request [ Skip ] |
| |
| http/tests/xmlhttprequest/redirect-cross-origin-sync-double.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/send-redirect-bogus-sync.htm [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/xmlhttprequest-sync-default-feature-policy.sub.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/179607 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-and-redirects-async.htm [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179607 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-and-redirects-async-same-origin.htm [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179608 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-preflight-async-header-denied.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179608 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-preflight-async-method-denied.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179608 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-preflight-async-not-supported.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179608 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-preflight-sync-header-denied.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179608 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-preflight-sync-method-denied.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179608 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/access-control-preflight-sync-not-supported.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179608 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/send-conditional-cors.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179611 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/send-entity-body-document.htm [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-002.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-003.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-004.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-005.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-006.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-007.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-008.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-009.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-010.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-011.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145566 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/alignment/self-baseline/grid-self-baseline-changes-grid-area-size-012.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/nested-cloning-large-multiple.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/nested-cloning-large.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/nested-cloning-small.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cssom/interfaces.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cssom-view/interfaces.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/182292 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cssom-view/scrollingElement-quirks-dynamic-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182292 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cssom-view/scrollingElement-quirks-dynamic-002.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/text-overflow-010.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/text-overflow-012.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/text-overflow-015.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/text-overflow-017.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/text-overflow-021.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/dom/nodes/Document-constructor-svg.svg [ Timeout ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/security/dangling-markup-mitigation.tentative.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/hr-time/timeOrigin.html [ Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/eventsource/dedicated-worker/eventsource-constructor-non-same-origin.htm [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/eventsource/request-credentials.htm [ Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/mediacapture-fromelement/capture.html [ Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/mediacapture-fromelement/ended.html [ Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/history/the-history-interface/traverse_the_history_4.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/185407 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/interfaces.worker.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/mediacapture-fromelement/creation.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/180240 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/resource-timing/single-entry-per-resource.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # The follow two tests change their output each run |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/abort/general.any.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/abort/general.any.worker.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Not supported |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/background-fetch [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This is a resources folder. |
| http/tests/workers/service/other_resources [ Skip ] |
| |
| # These are resource files. |
| http/wpt/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/click.html |
| http/wpt/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/href.html |
| |
| # We fail this reftest |
| webkit.org/b/179881 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/eof-shift_jis.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # These tests are so slow that on debug builds they time out even if marked Slow, so skip them |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode-cseuckr.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode-csksc56011987.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode-iso-ir-149.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode-korean.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode-ksc5601.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode-ksc_5601.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode-ks_c_5601-1987.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode-ks_c_5601-1989.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode-windows-949.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-korean/euc-kr/euckr-decode.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-tchinese/big5/big5-decode.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-tchinese/big5/big5-decode-big5-hkscs.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-tchinese/big5/big5-decode-cn-big5.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-tchinese/big5/big5-decode-csbig5.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-tchinese/big5/big5-decode-x-x-big5.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-tchinese/big5/big5-encode-form-errors-extBa.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encoding/legacy-mb-tchinese/big5/big5-encode-form-errors-extBb.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| |
| # Content encoding sniffing is only supported by CFNetwork. |
| http/tests/xmlhttprequest/gzip-content-type-no-content-encoding.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Only supported in WebKit2. |
| http/tests/from-origin/ [ Skip ] |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| # End platform-specific tests. |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| # media/video-seek-after-end.html is flaky |
| webkit.org/b/116293 media/video-seek-after-end.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/116473 editing/selection/user-drag-element-and-user-select-none.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/139862 editing/spelling/editing-multiple-words-with-markers.html [ Timeout Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/139903 editing/spelling/grammar-paste.html [ Timeout Pass ] |
| |
| # media/W3C/video/networkState/networkState_during_progress.html is flaky |
| webkit.org/b/76280 media/W3C/video/networkState/networkState_during_progress.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # This test will run slowly in debug mode, but is plenty fast in release. |
| [ Debug ] js/slow-stress/emscripten-memops.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/112521 [ Release ] webaudio/javascriptaudionode.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/112521 [ Debug ] webaudio/javascriptaudionode.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/112521 [ Release ] webaudio/javascriptaudionode-upmix2-8channel-input.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/112521 [ Debug ] webaudio/javascriptaudionode-upmix2-8channel-input.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/112521 [ Release ] webaudio/javascriptaudionode-downmix8-2channel-input.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/112521 [ Debug ] webaudio/javascriptaudionode-downmix8-2channel-input.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/112521 [ Release ] webaudio/audioprocessingevent.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/112521 [ Debug ] webaudio/audioprocessingevent.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/137359 webaudio/distance-linear.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/139590 animations/cross-fade-webkit-mask-image.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139590 legacy-animation-engine/animations/cross-fade-webkit-mask-image.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # The test frequently times out, and is just unsuccessful at detecting incorrect behavior when it passes. |
| webkit.org/b/72698 media/audio-garbage-collect.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test times out. |
| webkit.org/b/172527 fast/mediacapturefromelement/CanvasCaptureMediaStream-request-frame-events.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/53990 fast/forms/search-event-delay.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/126142 css3/calc/transitions-dependent.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/126142 legacy-animation-engine/css3/calc/transitions-dependent.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/124932 media/video-size.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-int32array.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-uint16array.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-float32array.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-uint8clampedarray.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-int8array.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-float64array.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-uint8array.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-int16array.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-int32array-overflow-values.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-uint32array.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/126166 [ Debug ] js/dfg-uint32array-overflow-values.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test verifies that a mismatch reftest will fail as intended if both results are same. (introduced in r93187) |
| fast/harness/sample-fail-mismatch-reftest.html [ WontFix ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/127697 fast/writing-mode/ruby-text-logical-left.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/83618 fast/dom/inline-event-attributes-release.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/129057 media/controls-styling-strict.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # These tests will be rewritten, just skip them until that time. |
| webkit.org/b/148036 http/tests/inspector/css/ [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/148036 http/tests/inspector/page/ [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Debugger stepping tests can timeout if they run slowly due to a short timer scheduled in the frontend: |
| webkit.org/b/161951 [ Debug ] inspector/debugger/stepping [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/161951 [ Release ] inspector/debugger/stepping [ Slow Pass Failure ] |
| |
| [ Debug ] inspector/debugger/breakpoints [ Skip ] |
| [ Release ] inspector/debugger/breakpoints [ Slow ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/129639 inspector/dom/dom-search-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/128736 inspector/debugger/setBreakpoint-dfg.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/134982 inspector/debugger/setBreakpoint-dfg-and-modify-local.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/142208 inspector/timeline/debugger-paused-while-recording.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/142208 inspector/timeline/exception-in-injected-script-while-recording.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test is fast enough in release but quite slow in debug builds. |
| [ Debug ] inspector/debugger/debugger-stack-overflow.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] inspector/canvas/recording-2d.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] inspector/canvas/recording-webgl.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # Debugger stepping tests can timeout if they run slowly due to a short timer scheduled in the frontend. |
| webkit.org/b/161951 [ Debug ] inspector/debugger/paused-scopes.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # These conformance tests are no longer in sync with the latest specification |
| # and expect compareDocumentPosition() to return: |
| # for disconnected nodes (missing PRECEDING / FOLLOWING information). |
| # We cannot check rebaseline them because their output is likely to change |
| # between test runs as it decides PRECEDING / FOLLOWING using pointer |
| # comparison. |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodecomparedocumentposition03.xhtml [ WontFix ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodecomparedocumentposition05.xhtml [ WontFix ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodecomparedocumentposition16.xhtml [ WontFix ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodecomparedocumentposition33.xhtml [ WontFix ] |
| |
| # Node::compareDocumentPosition() wrongly reports an attribute and its content as disconnected. |
| webkit.org/b/119325 dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodecomparedocumentposition38.xhtml [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Expando properties on attribute nodes disappear |
| webkit.org/b/88045 fast/dom/gc-attribute-node.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # These tests are incorrect in the CSS test suite and should be fixed there first. |
| css2.1/20110323/replaced-intrinsic-001.htm [ Failure ] |
| css2.1/20110323/replaced-intrinsic-002.htm [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/132791 svg/as-object/sizing/svg-in-object-placeholder-height-fixed.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/132791 svg/as-object/sizing/svg-in-object-placeholder-height-percentage.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/132791 svg/as-object/sizing/svg-in-object-placeholder-height-auto.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/133057 fast/table/border-collapsing/collapsed-borders-adjoining-sections.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/169075 editing/selection/extend-by-character-007.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # CSS Font Loading is not yet enabled on all platforms |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-download-error.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-events.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-loadingdone.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-multiple-faces-download-error.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-multiple-faces.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-multiple-families.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-page-cache.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 fast/css/fontloader-svg-select.svg [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/135390 http/tests/webfont/fontloader-loading-attribute.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Various failures from the W3C CSS Shapes test suite import |
| |
| webkit.org/b/137788 css3/shapes/shape-outside/shape-image/shape-image-010.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137788 css3/shapes/shape-outside/shape-image/shape-image-024.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # border painting diff (Path vs. drawLine) |
| webkit.org/b/136078 fast/borders/border-painting-dashed.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136078 fast/borders/border-painting-dotted.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136078 fast/borders/border-painting-double.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # official flexbox tests |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/css-box-justify-content.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/143294 css3/flexbox/csswg/css-flexbox-height-animation-stretch.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/143294 legacy-animation-engine/css3/flexbox/csswg/css-flexbox-height-animation-stretch.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/css-flexbox-img-expand-evenly.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flex-align-items-center.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flex-flexitem-percentage-prescation.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flex-items-flexibility.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flex-lines/multi-line-wrap-reverse-column-reverse.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flex-lines/multi-line-wrap-with-column-reverse.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flexbox_generated-container.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flexbox_justifycontent-center-overflow.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flexbox_min-height-auto.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flexbox_min-width-auto.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flexbox_stf-table-singleline.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flexbox_visibility-collapse-line-wrapping.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/flexbox_visibility-collapse.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/order/order-with-column-reverse.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/ttwf-reftest-flex-direction-row-reverse.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/ttwf-reftest-flex-inline.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/ttwf-reftest-flex-order.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/ttwf-reftest-flex-wrap-reverse.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/136754 css3/flexbox/csswg/ttwf-reftest-flex-wrap.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # grid layout tests |
| webkit.org/b/165062 fast/css-grid-layout/grid-baseline.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/165062 fast/css-grid-layout/grid-baseline-margins.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/169271 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/grid-items/grid-items-sizing-alignment-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/abspos/absolute-positioning-changing-containing-block-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/abspos/grid-item-absolute-positioning-dynamic-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Flaky tests at import time |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-scoping/css-scoping-shadow-host-namespace.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/abort-in-initial-upgradeneeded.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/clone-before-keypath-eval.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/bindings-inject-key.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Those WPT tests are flaky when failing. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/document-metadata/the-meta-element/pragma-directives/attr-meta-http-equiv-refresh/allow-scripts-flag-changing-1.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/document-metadata/the-meta-element/pragma-directives/attr-meta-http-equiv-refresh/allow-scripts-flag-changing-2.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # selectors |
| webkit.org/b/64861 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/selectors/selectors-dir-selector-ltr-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/64861 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/selectors/selectors-dir-selector-rtl-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/selectors/selector-placeholder-shown-type-change-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/selectors/selector-placeholder-shown-type-change-002.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/selectors/selector-placeholder-shown-type-change-003.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/selectors/selector-read-write-type-change-002.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/selectors/selector-required-type-change-002.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/issues/8547 |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/mediaqueries/device-aspect-ratio-001.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/mediaqueries/device-aspect-ratio-005.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/mediaqueries/min-width-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/156684 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/mediaqueries/relative-units-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/156684 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/mediaqueries/mq-calc-005.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # nth-child tests takes long time and Debug build sometimes timeouts because there are many test cases. |
| webkit.org/b/137149 fast/selectors/nth-child-of-basics.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # Promises/A+ 2.3.3 has many tests and it sometimes exceeds the time limit. |
| webkit.org/b/136878 js/promises-tests/promises-tests-2-3-3.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # Skip W3C tests that are too slow in debug builds. |
| webkit.org/b/148546 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/dom/interfaces.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/148546 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/dom/ranges/Range-compareBoundaryPoints.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/148546 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/dom/ranges/Range-comparePoint.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/148546 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/dom/ranges/Range-isPointInRange.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/148546 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/dom/ranges/Range-mutations.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/148546 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/dom/ranges/Range-set.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/148736 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/interfaces.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/148822 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/interfaces.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/154310 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/reflection-embedded.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/154310 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/reflection-forms.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/154310 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/reflection-grouping.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/154310 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/reflection-metadata.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/154310 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/reflection-misc.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/154310 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/reflection-obsolete.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/154310 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/reflection-sections.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/154310 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/reflection-tabular.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/154310 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/reflection-text.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/171322 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/tabular-data/processing-model-1/span-limits.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/162517 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/the-xhtml-syntax/parsing-xhtml-documents/xhtml-mathml-dtd-entity-support.htm [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/175588 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/webappapis/scripting/events/event-handler-all-global-events.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Tests that are flaky due to console log / error messages |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/basic.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/credentials-flag.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/preflight-cache.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/preflight-failure.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/redirect-origin.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/redirect-preflight.htm [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/redirect-preflight-2.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/simple-requests.htm [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/status-preflight.htm [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/status-async.htm [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/169565 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/304.htm [ Failure ] |
| |
| # These tests used to have deterministic load delegate callback order before webkit.org/b/160677 |
| http/tests/svg/svg-use-external.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| http/tests/loading/text-content-type-with-binary-extension.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Tests that are flakey due to unhandled promise rejection error messages |
| webkit.org/b/171094 streams/brand-checks.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/171094 streams/reference-implementation/abstract-ops.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # tee.html is flaky with release and crashes with debug builds |
| webkit.org/b/171094 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/streams/readable-streams/tee.html [ Pass Failure Crash ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/streams/readable-streams/tee.serviceworker.https.html [ Failure ] |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/streams/readable-streams/tee.dedicatedworker.html [ Crash ] |
| |
| # WPT tests that fail after doing full test repository reimport and need further investigation |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/dom/nodes/Document-createElement-namespace.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/windows/nested-browsing-contexts/frameElement.sub.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/windows/targeting-cross-origin-nested-browsing-contexts.sub.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # These MathML WPT tests fail. |
| webkit.org/b/180013 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/mathml/relations/css-styling/lengths-1.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/180013 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/mathml/relations/css-styling/lengths-2.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/180013 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/mathml/relations/css-styling/lengths-3.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # XMLHttpRequest tests requiring DTR/WTR to allow other URLs than localhost to not be blocked and be reachable (www2.localhost) |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/send-redirect-bogus.htm [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/send-redirect-to-cors.htm [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/send-redirect-to-non-cors.htm [ Skip ] |
| # Failing assertion with dynamic message |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/responsexml-document-properties.htm [ Failure ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/basic/block-mime-as-script.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/cors/cors-origin.any.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/cors/cors-preflight-status.any.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/cors/cors-preflight.any.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/cors/cors-redirect-preflight.any.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/request/request-cache-only-if-cached.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/161088 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/resource-timing/resource-timing.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/resource-timing/test_resource_timing.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/168357 http/wpt/resource-timing/rt-initiatorType-media.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/168448 http/wpt/resource-timing/rt-shared-resource-in-frames.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/168448 http/wpt/resource-timing/rt-shared-resource-in-workers.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/171511 http/wpt/resource-timing/rt-revalidate-requests.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/161312 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/document-metadata/the-link-element/document-without-browsing-context.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/178241 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/basic/integrity.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/178241 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/basic/integrity-worker.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/response/response-stream-disturbed-6.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/http-cache/partial.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159724 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/send-redirect-post-upload.htm [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| # Flaky tests due to always changing assertion error message |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/form-submission-0/url-encoded.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # New W3C ref tests that are failing. |
| webkit.org/b/148856 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-video-element/video_initially_paused.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # @supports W3C Failures |
| webkit.org/b/137568 css3/conditional/w3c/at-supports-014.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| transitions/svg-text-shadow-transition.html [ Failure ] |
| legacy-animation-engine/transitions/svg-text-shadow-transition.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/background-transitions.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/background-transitions.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/border-radius-transition.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/border-radius-transition.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/change-values-during-transition.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/change-values-during-transition.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/clip-transition.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/clip-transition.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/color-transition-all.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/color-transition-all.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/color-transition-premultiplied.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/color-transition-premultiplied.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/color-transition-rounding.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/color-transition-rounding.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/cross-fade-background-image.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/cross-fade-background-image.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/cross-fade-border-image.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/cross-fade-border-image.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-color.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-color.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-length.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-length.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-shadow.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-shadow.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-svg-length.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-svg-length.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-transform.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/cubic-bezier-overflow-transform.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/delay.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/delay.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/equivalent-background-image-no-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/equivalent-background-image-no-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/flex-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/flex-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/interrupt-transform-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/interrupt-transform-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/interrupt-zero-duration.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/interrupt-zero-duration.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/interrupted-accelerated-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/interrupted-accelerated-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/longhand-vs-shorthand-initial.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/longhand-vs-shorthand-initial.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/mask-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/mask-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/matched-transform-functions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/matched-transform-functions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/mismatched-shadow-styles.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/mismatched-shadow-styles.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/mismatched-shadow-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/mismatched-shadow-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/mixed-type.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/mixed-type.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/move-after-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/move-after-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/multiple-background-size-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/multiple-background-size-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/multiple-background-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/multiple-background-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/multiple-mask-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/multiple-mask-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/multiple-shadow-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/multiple-shadow-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/negative-delay.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/negative-delay.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/repeated-firing-background-color.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/repeated-firing-background-color.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/retargetted-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/retargetted-transition.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/rounded-rect-becomes-non-renderable-while-transitioning.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/rounded-rect-becomes-non-renderable-while-transitioning.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/shorthand-border-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/shorthand-border-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/shorthand-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/shorthand-transitions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/started-while-suspended.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/started-while-suspended.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/transition-shorthand-delay.html |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/transition-shorthand-delay.html |
| webkit.org/b/137883 transitions/transition-timing-function.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/137883 legacy-animation-engine/transitions/transition-timing-function.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # W3C web platform tests infrastructure directories are skipped as they may contain html files |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/common [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fonts [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/images [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/tools [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Imported W3C canvas failed tests |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.pattern.image.null.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.pattern.image.incomplete.omitted.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.drawImage.null.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.path.rect.winding.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.drawImage.image.incomplete.omitted.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/security.pattern.canvas.fillStyle.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/security.reset.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/security.pattern.cross.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.pattern.image.incomplete.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.drawImage.animated.poster.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.imageData.put.null.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/security.pattern.image.strokeStyle.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.imageData.get.nonfinite.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.line.cap.round.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.gradient.object.invalidoffset.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/security.pattern.canvas.strokeStyle.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.gradient.radial.nonfinite.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.imageData.object.ctor.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.drawImage.incomplete.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.imageData.create2.nonfinite.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.composite.operation.clear.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.composite.operation.darker.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/security.drawImage.image.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.drawImage.broken.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.imageData.create1.zero.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.gradient.linear.nonfinite.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/security.drawImage.canvas.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/security.pattern.image.fillStyle.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.imageData.put.nonfinite.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.pattern.image.incomplete.empty.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Imported W3C canvas tests need to be changed such that they can be automatically verified |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fontface.repeat.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fill.maxWidth.small.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fill.rtl.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.stroke.basic.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.align.end.rtl.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.align.left.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.align.right.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.shadow.blur.high.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.space.collapse.nonspace.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fontface.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.space.basic.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.scaled.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.measure.width.basic.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fontface.notinpage.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.coordinatespace.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fill.maxWidth.fontface.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fill.maxWidth.zero.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/security.dataURI.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fill.maxWidth.bound.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.drawImage.animated.gif.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.pattern.animated.gif.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.pattern.modify.image1.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.pattern.modify.image2.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.align.center.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fill.basic.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.baseline.alphabetic.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.kern.consistent.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.fill.maxWidth.large.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.shadow.blur.low.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.align.start.ltr.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.drawImage.animated.apng.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.align.start.rtl.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/2d.text.draw.align.end.ltr.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/canvas_colorsandstyles_createlineargradient_001.htm [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/canvas_compositing_globalcompositeoperation_001.htm [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/canvas_complexshapes_beziercurveto_001.htm [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/canvas_shadows_001.htm [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/canvas_state_restore_001.htm [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/canvas_text_font_001.htm [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/canvas_complexshapes_arcto_001.htm [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/canvas_linestyles_linecap_001.htm [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/138676 imported/w3c/canvas/canvas_transformations_scale_001.htm [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/139595 http/tests/xmlhttprequest/workers/abort-exception-assert.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| # Debug assertions are tracked as <rdar://problem/18216390>. |
| [ Debug ] fast/history/go-back-to-iframe-with-plugin.html [ Skip ] |
| [ Debug ] fast/history/history-back-while-pdf-in-pagecache.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/121628 [ Release ] fast/history/history-back-while-pdf-in-pagecache.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| [ Debug ] fullscreen/full-screen-iframe-legacy.html [ Pass Crash ] |
| webkit.org/b/151488 [ Debug ] imported/blink/editing/selection/deleteFromDocument-undo-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/172337 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/url/failure.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/139634 [ Debug ] fast/selectors/matches-backtracking.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/139634 [ Debug ] fast/selectors/nth-child-of-register-requirement.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/139634 [ Debug ] fast/selectors/not-backtracking.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/61932 [ Debug ] jquery/manipulation.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] jquery/core.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] jquery/event.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] jquery/offset.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] jquery/traversing.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/139638 [ Debug ] svg/filters/svg-deeply-nested-crash.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/126420 svg/custom/resource-invalidation-crash.svg [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/139639 [ Debug ] cssom/non-subpixel-scroll-top-left-values.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/139640 [ Debug ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/glsl/misc/shader-uniform-packing-restrictions.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| [ Debug ] fast/workers/worker-cloneport.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # Imported W3C HTML/DOM ref tests that are failing. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/elements/global-attributes/dir_auto-pre-N-between-Rs.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/elements/global-attributes/dir_auto-textarea-N-between-Rs.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/elements/global-attributes/dir_auto-textarea-script-N-between-Rs.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/dynamic-markup-insertion/opening-the-input-stream/010.html [ Failure Timeout ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-img-element/environment-changes/viewport-change.html [ Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-img-element/sizes/parse-a-sizes-attribute.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Imported Mozilla SVG tests |
| webkit.org/b/5968 imported/mozilla/svg/linearGradient-basic-03.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/32177 imported/mozilla/svg/as-image/background-image-rect-1png.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/32177 imported/mozilla/svg/as-image/background-image-rect-2.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/32177 imported/mozilla/svg/text-white-space-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/72401 imported/mozilla/svg/pathLength-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/112032 imported/mozilla/svg/text-layout-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139107 imported/mozilla/svg/clip-02a.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139107 imported/mozilla/svg/clip-02b.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139115 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-conditions-03.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139115 imported/mozilla/svg/svg-integration/dynamic-conditions-outer-svg-02.xhtml [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139116 imported/mozilla/svg/conditions-07.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139117 imported/mozilla/svg/conditions-08.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139118 imported/mozilla/svg/cssComment-in-attribute-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-conditions-08.svg [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-conditions-12.svg [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-holes-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-multiple-dx-anchor-end-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-holes-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-holes-multiple-dx-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-multiple-dx-anchor-end-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-anchor-end-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-anchor-end-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-multiple-dx-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-x-multiple-dx-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/simple-multiple-dx-anchor-end-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/simple-multiple-dx-anchor-end-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/simple-multiple-dx-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/simple-multiple-dx-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/simple-multiple-dx-anchor-middle-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-chunks-multiple-dx-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-chunks-multiple-dx-different-anchor-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-chunks-multiple-dx-different-anchor-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-chunks-multiple-dx-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-chunks-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-chunks-different-anchor-rtl.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-chunks-different-anchor-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139119 imported/mozilla/svg/text/multiple-chunks-bidi.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139132 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-switch-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139154 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-marker-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139155 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-textPath-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139155 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-textPath-02.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139155 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-textPath-03.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139155 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-pattern-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139155 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-use-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139155 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-use-03.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139155 imported/mozilla/svg/dynamic-use-07.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139183 imported/mozilla/svg/text/pseudo-first-letter.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139184 imported/mozilla/svg/text/pseudo-first-line.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139184 imported/mozilla/svg/text/simple-multiline-anchor-end.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139184 imported/mozilla/svg/text/simple-multiline-number.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139184 imported/mozilla/svg/text/simple-multiline-pc.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139184 imported/mozilla/svg/text/simple-multiline.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139186 imported/mozilla/svg/text/pseudo-first-line-2.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139186 imported/mozilla/svg/text/textpath-multiline.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139186 imported/mozilla/svg/text/textpath-multiline-2.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139186 imported/mozilla/svg/text/ignore-text-align-2.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139192 imported/mozilla/svg/smil/transform/rotate-angle-4.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139192 imported/mozilla/svg/smil/transform/rotate-angle-5.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139199 imported/mozilla/svg/as-image/img-content-outside-viewBox-1.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/131354 imported/mozilla/svg/blend-color.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/131354 imported/mozilla/svg/blend-difference-stacking.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/131354 imported/mozilla/svg/blend-hard-light.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/131354 imported/mozilla/svg/blend-hue.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/131354 imported/mozilla/svg/blend-luminosity.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/131354 imported/mozilla/svg/blend-saturation.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139210 imported/mozilla/svg/text/textLength-5.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139210 imported/mozilla/svg/text/textLength-6.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139237 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/feComposite-1.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139258 imported/mozilla/svg/text-layout-05.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139266 imported/mozilla/svg/text/dynamic-multiple-x.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139282 imported/mozilla/svg/image/image-filter-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139322 imported/mozilla/svg/text/dynamic-non-scaling-stroke.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139407 imported/mozilla/svg/as-image/border-image-simple-1.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139412 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/svg-filter-chains/clip-input.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139412 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/svg-filter-chains/clip-output.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139414 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/feColorMatrix-1.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139414 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/feColorMatrix-2.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139414 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/feConvolveMatrix-bias-01.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139417 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/filter-marked-line-02.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139417 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/filter-marked-line-03.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139417 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/filter-marked-line-04.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139417 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/filter-marked-line-05.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139417 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/filter-marked-line-06.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139417 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/filter-marked-line-07.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139417 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/filter-marked-line-08.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/139417 imported/mozilla/svg/filters/filter-marked-line-09.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/84759 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-containing-block-001.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84760 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-containing-block-002.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84761 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-filling-001.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84770 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-007.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84771 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-009.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84772 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-010.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84773 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-012.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/84777 ietestcenter/css3/multicolumn/column-width-applies-to-015.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/85308 ietestcenter/css3/valuesandunits/units-000.htm [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| [ Debug ] fast/loader/document-with-fragment-url-3.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| [ Debug ] fast/loader/document-with-fragment-url-4.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/110546 [ Debug ] fast/parser/document-write-fighting-eof.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/110546 [ Debug ] fast/parser/document-write-partial-entity-before-load.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/85902 [ Debug ] fast/overflow/lots-of-sibling-inline-boxes.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/121452 [ Debug ] fast/frames/lots-of-objects.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/121452 [ Debug ] fast/frames/lots-of-iframes.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/135053 [ Debug ] html5lib/webkit-resumer.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] js/dfg-double-vote-fuzz.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] js/dom/string-replacement-outofmemory.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] webgl/1.0.2/conformance/uniforms/gl-uniform-arrays.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] js/dfg-osr-entry-hoisted-clobbered-structure-check.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] editing/selection/move-by-character-brute-force.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] fast/workers/dedicated-worker-lifecycle.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] js/dom/random-array-gc-stress.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] editing/selection/move-by-word-visually-crash-test-5.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] editing/selection/caret-at-bidi-boundary.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] js/dom/line-column-numbers.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] css3/flexbox/multiline-justify-content.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] accessibility/table-sections.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/142175 js/promises-tests/promises-tests-2-1-2.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/139840 fast/xmlhttprequest/xmlhttprequest-recursive-sync-event.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/140043 js/dom/Promise.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/134550 http/tests/cache/iframe-304-crash.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| webkit.org/b/141267 http/tests/misc/detached-frame-console.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| http/tests/appcache/deferred-events-delete-while-raising-timer.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| http/tests/appcache/deferred-events-delete-while-raising.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| http/tests/appcache/fail-on-update.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| http/tests/appcache/fail-on-update-2.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| http/tests/appcache/404-resource-with-slow-main-resource.php [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/141370 http/tests/security/appcache-in-private-browsing.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # The current expectations for this test only make sense for WebKit on iOS; other platforms can have very different behaviors. |
| webkit.org/b/141488 fast/replaced/pdf-as-object-and-embed.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/141695 [ Debug ] fast/selectors/nth-last-child-of-register-requirement.html [ Slow ] |
| [ Debug ] fast/selectors/case-insensitive-attribute-register-requirement-1.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # Content extensions are Mac-WK2-only for now |
| http/tests/contentextensions [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/websocket/tests/hybi/contentextensions [ Skip ] |
| http/wpt/beacon/contentextensions [ Skip ] |
| |
| http/wpt/beacon/cors/cors-redirect-failure.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/149072 svg/animations/svgboolean-animation-1.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/143085 media/track/track-mode.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| # In ES6, Object type restrictions on a first parameter of several Object.* functions are relaxed. |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/142937 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| |
| # In ES6, Array.prototype methods use toLength rather than toUint32 when computing the length. |
| ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/173506 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 ietestcenter/Javascript/ [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/173506 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.4_Array/15.4.4/ [ Skip ] |
| |
| # IDBVersionChangeEvent tests need to be rewritten to use event constructors instead of createEvent, |
| # after we implement the IDBVersionChangeEvent constructor. |
| webkit.org/b/145390 storage/indexeddb/events.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145390 storage/indexeddb/events-private.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145390 storage/indexeddb/removed.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145390 storage/indexeddb/removed-private.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/145390 storage/indexeddb/deleteIndex-bug110792-private.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/145390 storage/indexeddb/deleteIndex-bug110792.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # DumpRenderTree does not allow GIFs to animate, thus animated GIF tests don't work in WebKit1. |
| fast/images/animated-gif-no-layout.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/images/gif-loop-count.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/146182 editing/selection/leak-document-with-selection-inside.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Media Sessions is not yet enabled by default: ENABLE(MEDIA_SESSION) |
| media/session [ Skip ] |
| |
| webrtc/datachannel/multiple-connections.html [ Slow ] |
| webkit.org/b/171094 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/rtcpeerconnection/rtcpeerconnection-idl.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/172f21 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/getstats.html [ Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-ontrack.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setLocalDescription-offer.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-closed-state.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-iceconnectionstatechange-event.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-more-media-to-negotiate.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-overloaded-operations-params.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/mediastream/RTCRtpSender-replaceTrack.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-dtmf.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-inspect-offer-bundlePolicy-bundle-only.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Only iOS WK1 has testRunner.setPagePaused. |
| fast/dom/timer-fire-after-page-pause.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/148026 [ Debug ] animations/restart-after-scroll.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/148026 [ Debug ] legacy-animation-engine/animations/restart-after-scroll.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/148650 fast/repaint/add-table-overpaint.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/148801 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t422-rgba-onscreen-b.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148801 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t422-rgba-onscreen-multiple-boxes-c.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148801 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t425-hsla-onscreen-multiple-boxes-c.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148801 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t425-hsla-onscreen-b.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # lab/lch not supported |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lab-001.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lab-002.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lab-003.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lab-004.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lab-005.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lab-006.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lab-007.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lch-001.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lch-002.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lch-003.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lch-004.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lch-005.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lch-006.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/lch-007.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # New rgb/rgba syntax not supported |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgb-001.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgb-002.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgb-003.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgb-004.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgb-005.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgb-006.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgb-007.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgb-008.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgba-001.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgba-002.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgba-003.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgba-004.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgba-005.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgba-006.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgba-007.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/180209 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/rgba-008.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Initial failures on the import of css-color |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/currentcolor-002.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t31-color-text-a.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t32-opacity-offscreen-with-alpha-c.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t421-rgb-values-meaning-b.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t424-hsl-basic-a.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t424-hsl-parsing-f.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t425-hsla-parsing-f.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t425-hsla-values-b.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-color/t44-currentcolor-inherited-c.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Many CSS WG multicol-1 tests fail with 1px differences |
| webkit.org/b/148806 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-count-large-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148806 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-count-large-002.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148806 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-rule-fraction-003.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148806 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-count-computed-002.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-multicol/#column-span0 |
| # A spanning element takes up more space than the element would take up otherwise. |
| # When space is limited, it may be impossible to find room for the spanning element. |
| # In these cases, user agents may treat the element as if ‘none’ had been specified on this property. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-all-child-002.xht [ WontFix ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/148818 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-fill-auto-block-children-002.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] # only scrollbar |
| webkit.org/b/148816 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-rule-004.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148823 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-all-margin-nested-003.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Causes the following test to be flaky. |
| webkit.org/b/148950 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/document-metadata/the-base-element/base_href_specified.sub.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/history/the-history-interface/history_go_zero.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/history-traversal/window-name-after-cross-origin-main-frame-navigation.sub.html [ Timeout ] |
| |
| # FIXME: The following failures need individual bugs. |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-inherit-003.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-inherit-004.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-all-margin-002.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-all-margin-bottom-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-all-margin-nested-002.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-count-computed-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-width-ems-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] # Could be a bad test? |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-nested-margin-002.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-nested-margin-003.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-nested-margin-004.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-nested-margin-005.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-all-margin-nested-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-fill-auto.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148805 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-all-child-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-rule-color-inherit-002.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-rule-shorthand-2.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-none-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-width-ch-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-basic-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-basic-002.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-basic-003.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-basic-004.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-rule-002.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-rule-px-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-rule-stacking-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-shorthand-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-all-block-sibling-003.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/182087 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-multicol/multicol-span-all-margin-nested-firstchild-001.xht [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/148884 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/textfieldselection/selection.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Does timeout |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webaudio/idlharness.https.html [ Skip ] |
| # Do assert in OfflineAudioContext |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webaudio/ [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-channelmergernode-interface/audiochannelmerger-disconnect.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/148922 svg/as-object/svg-in-object-dynamic-attribute-change.html [ Pass ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/148925 svg/dom/svg-root-lengths.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/150541 imported/blink/transitions/unprefixed-perspective.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/150541 legacy-animation-engine/imported/blink/transitions/unprefixed-perspective.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| # Subpixel table failures. |
| # This test makes no sense (ceil on table and expect the same result) |
| fast/text/hyphen-min-preferred-width.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| # These fail the same way on FF. |
| fast/css-intrinsic-dimensions/height-css-tables.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/sub-pixel/input-caret-on-subpixel-bound.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/css-intrinsic-dimensions/height-tables.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| # integral hittest vs. subpixel table |
| fast/table/hittest-tablecell-with-borders-right-edge.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| fast/table/hittest-tablecell-right-edge.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| fast/css/appearance-apple-pay-button.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/151949 streams/reference-implementation/pipe-to.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/154687 streams/pipe-to.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/52185 fast/css/vertical-align-baseline-rowspan-010.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Content Security Policy failures |
| webkit.org/b/111869 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/eval-blocked-and-sends-report.html |
| webkit.org/b/153148 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/eval-allowed-in-report-only-mode-and-sends-report.php |
| webkit.org/b/153150 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1/child-src/frame-fires-load-event-when-blocked.html |
| webkit.org/b/153150 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1/child-src/frame-fires-load-event-when-redirect-blocked.html |
| webkit.org/b/153155 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1/scripthash-basic-blocked-error-event.html |
| webkit.org/b/153155 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1/stylehash-basic-blocked-error-event.html |
| webkit.org/b/153155 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1/stylehash-svg-style-basic-blocked-error-event.html |
| webkit.org/b/153155 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1/stylenonce-basic-blocked-error-event.html |
| webkit.org/b/153155 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1/stylenonce-svg-style-basic-blocked-error-event.html |
| webkit.org/b/153155 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/style-src-blocked-error-event.html |
| webkit.org/b/153159 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/image-document-default-src-none.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/153160 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/object-src-does-not-affect-child.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/153160 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/plugin-in-iframe-with-csp.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/153161 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/register-bypassing-scheme-partial.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/153162 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/report-multiple-violations-01.php [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/153162 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/report-multiple-violations-02.php [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/154203 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1/frame-ancestors/frame-ancestors-overrides-xfo.html |
| webkit.org/b/154522 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/1.1/securitypolicyviolation-base-uri-deny.html |
| webkit.org/b/155132 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/video-with-https-url-allowed-by-csp-media-src-star.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/158480 http/tests/websocket/tests/hybi/upgrade-simple-ws.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # These state object tests purposefully stress a resource limit, and take multiple seconds to run. |
| loader/stateobjects/pushstate-size-iframe.html [ Slow ] |
| loader/stateobjects/pushstate-size.html [ Slow ] |
| loader/stateobjects/replacestate-size-iframe.html [ Slow ] |
| loader/stateobjects/replacestate-size.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # outline: auto -focusring. |
| imported/blink/fast/multicol/outlines-at-column-boundaries.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/multicol/multicol-with-child-renderLayer-for-input.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # Assertion failure in MessagePort::contextDestroyed, usually attributed to later tests |
| webkit.org/b/94458 http/tests/security/MessagePort/event-listener-context.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| ######################################## |
| ### START OF IndexedDB failures |
| |
| # Times out for unexplored reasons |
| storage/indexeddb/database-quota.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/database-quota-private.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Modern IDB page cache interaction not yet sorted out |
| fast/history/page-cache-indexed-closed-db.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # IDB is currently disabled in private browsing. |
| # With Modern IDB and the in-memory backing store, that should change. |
| storage/indexeddb/open-db-private-browsing.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Relies on internals.observeGC |
| storage/indexeddb/connection-leak-private.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/connection-leak.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/cursor-leak-private.html [ Failure ] |
| storage/indexeddb/cursor-leak.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/cursor-request-cycle-private.html [ Failure ] |
| storage/indexeddb/cursor-request-cycle.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/delete-closed-database-object-private.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/delete-closed-database-object.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/request-leak-private.html [ Failure ] |
| storage/indexeddb/request-leak.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/154619 storage/indexeddb/odd-strings.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # IDB workers test fails - The worker's attempt to open the database creates a new UniqueIDBDatabase |
| # Could be a SessionID difference? Something is giving the worker a different namespace. |
| storage/indexeddb/dont-commit-on-blocked-private.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Test's behavior specific to Legacy IDB with LevelDB backend |
| # Modern IDB is spec-compliant without supporting this behavior |
| storage/indexeddb/transaction-starvation.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Times out because we only consider "onblocked"'ing one test at a time, |
| # which is allowed by the spec and is what Firefox and Edge do. |
| storage/indexeddb/deletedatabase-delayed-by-versionchange.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # We allowed disabling IDB at runtime to support polyfills in WK1 before Modern IDB. |
| # It's unclear if we need to continue supporting this. |
| storage/indexeddb/properties-disabled-at-runtime.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # In debug builds, runs too slowly for the test timeout. |
| [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/idbindex-multientry-big.htm [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Test is crashing |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/keypath-exceptions.htm [ Skip ] |
| |
| # SQLite backend tests that timeout |
| storage/indexeddb/modern/transaction-scheduler-1.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/modern/transaction-scheduler-2.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/modern/transaction-scheduler-5.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/modern/transaction-scheduler-6.html [ Skip ] |
| storage/indexeddb/transaction-coordination-within-database.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # These two IDB tests are, by their nature, very slow |
| # Skip these until we have a fix for webkit.org/b/155041 |
| storage/indexeddb/modern/exceed-open-file-limit.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/155028 storage/indexeddb/modern/256-open-databases.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| ### END OF IndexedDB failures |
| ######################################## |
| |
| # RTL Scrollbars are only implemented for GTK+ and certain versions of OS X |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-simple.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-overflow-contents.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-overflow-dir-rtl.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-overflow-padding.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-overflow-simple.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-overflow.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-overflow-elementFromPoint.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-overflow-position-absolute.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-overflow-text-selection-scrolled.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-position-absolute.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-position-fixed.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-text-selection-scrolled.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-text-selection.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-iframe-offset.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-elementFromPoint-static.html [ Failure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-iframe-scrolled.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-positioning.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-listbox-scroll.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-listbox-select-left.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-listbox-select-right.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-listbox-simple.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-listbox.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-positioned-intersect-scrollbars.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-alternate-body-dir-attr-does-not-update-scrollbar-placement.html [ Skip ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-alternate-body-dir-attr-does-not-update-scrollbar-placement-2.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-alternate-iframe-body-dir-attr-does-not-update-scrollbar-placement.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| fast/scrolling/rtl-scrollbars-animation-property.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/157849 fast/frames/crash-during-iframe-load-stop.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/158085 http/tests/css/shared-stylesheet-mutation.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # PiP tests are only relevant on macOS Sierra and newer. |
| media/click-placeholder-not-pausing.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/controls/picture-in-picture.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/controls/pip-placeholder-without-video-controls.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/element-containing-pip-video-going-into-fullscreen.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/fullscreen-api-enabled-media-with-presentation-mode.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/fullscreen-video-going-into-pip.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/navigate-with-pip-should-not-crash.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/pip-video-going-into-fullscreen.html [ WontFix ] |
| media/video-contained-in-fullscreen-element-going-into-pip.html [ WontFix ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/159370 [ Debug ] fast/history/page-cache-destroy-document.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # This test is way too slow for debug. |
| [ Debug ] workers/bomb.html [ Skip ] |
| # This test is just way too slow. |
| workers/bomb-with-v8.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Disable the SharedArrayBuffers tests |
| imported/blink/fast/beacon/beacon-basic.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/webappapis/scripting/processing-model-2/integration-with-the-javascript-agent-formalism/canblock-dedicatedworker.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/webappapis/scripting/processing-model-2/integration-with-the-javascript-agent-formalism/canblock-serviceworker.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/webappapis/scripting/processing-model-2/integration-with-the-javascript-agent-formalism/canblock-window.html [ Skip ] |
| js/shared-array-buffer-webgl.html [ Skip ] |
| workers/sab/cascade_lock.html [ Skip ] |
| workers/sab/multi-memory-multi-buffer.html [ Skip ] |
| workers/sab/multi-memory.html [ Skip ] |
| workers/sab/no-transfer.html [ Skip ] |
| workers/sab/postMessage-clones.html [ Skip ] |
| workers/sab/postMessage-transfer-type-error.html [ Skip ] |
| workers/sab/sent-from-worker-no-transfer.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # These tests are slow by design. |
| workers/wasm-hashset-many.html [ Slow ] |
| workers/wasm-hashset-many-2.html [ Slow ] |
| workers/wasm-hashset.html [ Slow ] |
| workers/wasm-long-compile-many.html [ Slow ] |
| workers/wasm-long-compile.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # Flaky WebCrypto API tests |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/wrapKey_unwrapKey/test_wrapKey_unwrapKey.https.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/derive_bits_keys/pbkdf2.https.worker.html [ Pass Failure Slow ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/test_successes_RSA-OAEP.https.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # WebCryptoAPI tests that take too long to complete |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/successes_RSA-OAEP.https.worker.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/successes_RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.https.worker.html [ Slow ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/import_export/rsa_importKey.https.worker.html [ Slow ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/import_export/test_rsa_importKey.https.html [ Slow ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/successes_RSA-PSS.https.worker.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # Imported Beacon test that is flaky because its last check is very slow. |
| webkit.org/b/175202 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/beacon/beacon-basic-string.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| |
| # WebCryptoAPI features that haven't been enabled for current OS |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/wrapKey_unwrapKey/wrapKey_unwrapKey.https.worker.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/ecdh-import-pkcs8-key-p256-validate-ecprivatekey-parameters-publickey.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/ecdh-import-pkcs8-key-p384-validate-ecprivatekey-parameters-publickey.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/ecdsa-import-pkcs8-key-p256-validate-ecprivatekey-parameters-publickey.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/ecdsa-import-pkcs8-key-p384-validate-ecprivatekey-parameters-publickey.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/ecdh-import-spki-key-ecdh-identifier.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-generate-export-key-jwk-sha1.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-generate-export-key-jwk-sha224.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-generate-export-key-jwk-sha256.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-generate-export-key-jwk-sha384.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-generate-export-key-jwk-sha512.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-generate-export-key-pkcs8.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-generate-export-key-spki.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-generate-key.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-jwk-private-key.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-jwk-public-key-empty-usages.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-jwk-public-key-sha1.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-jwk-public-key-sha224.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-jwk-public-key-sha256.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-jwk-public-key-sha384.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-jwk-public-key-sha512.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-key-sign-large-salt.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-key-sign.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-key-verify.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-pkcs8-key.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-spki-key-empty-usages.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/subtle/rsa-pss-import-spki-key.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/workers/subtle/rsa-pss-import-key-sign.html [ Skip ] |
| crypto/workers/subtle/rsa-pss-import-key-verify.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # WebCryptoAPI superset tests |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/successes.worker.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.worker.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| editing/deleting/delete-emoji.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| # New emoji requires system support. |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-num-glyphs.html [ Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-2-3.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-2-4.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-2-5.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-2-6.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-2-7.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-2-8.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-2-9.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-3.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-4.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-5.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-6.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-8.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-9.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-fe0f-3.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-fe0f-4.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-fe0f-5.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-fe0f-6.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-fe0f-7.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-fe0f-8.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender-fe0f-9.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/159755 fast/text/emoji-gender.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/160017 js/regress-139548.html [ Slow ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/172056 fast/text/multiglyph-characters.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Only iOS has implemented lettepress. |
| fast/text/letterpress-different.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| # CSS Shapes tests |
| webkit.org/b/163706 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-shapes/shape-outside/shape-image/shape-image-010.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/163706 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-shapes/shape-outside/shape-image/shape-image-024.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/172537 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-shapes/spec-examples/shape-outside-018.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/blink/http/tests/security/shape-image-cors-disallow-origin.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/blink/http/tests/security/shape-image-cors-port.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/163887 svg/as-image/svg-image-with-data-uri-use-data-uri.svg [ Pass Crash ] |
| |
| # Temporary failure until we start using ANGLE as a WebGL backend |
| webkit.org/b/163924 fast/canvas/webgl/bufferData-offset-length.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/164080 http/tests/websocket/tests/hybi/closed-when-entering-page-cache.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/164080 http/tests/websocket/tests/hybi/stop-on-resume-in-error-handler.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/164539 http/tests/security/module-crossorigin-error-event-information.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/164539 http/tests/security/module-crossorigin-onerror-information.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/165764 http/tests/misc/module-script-async.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| # After rebasing WPT, we should investigate deterministic error handling, which is the updated spec. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/compilation-error-1.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/compilation-error-2.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/crossorigin.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/instantiation-error-8.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Clean layout tree after FrameView::layout |
| webkit.org/b/164856 [ Debug ] editing/execCommand/indent-block-in-list.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/162831 [ Debug ] imported/blink/css3/flexbox/relpos-with-scrollable-with-abspos-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/162828 [ Debug ] tables/table-section-overflow-clip-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/162828 [ Debug ] legacy-animation-engine/tables/table-section-overflow-clip-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/164797 js/dom/domjit-function-get-element-by-id-licm.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/164797 js/dom/domjit-function-get-element-by-id-changed.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| # The following tests match Blink/Chrome, but we're not sure yet what to do with them when the |
| # new CSS parser is turned on. The tests may be right, and these may be bugs in Blink/Chrome, or |
| # the tests may be wrong. |
| webkit.org/b/165195 fast/css/parsing-css-allowed-string-characters.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Visual viewports |
| webkit.org/b/165460 compositing/repaint/scroll-fixed-layer-no-content.html [ Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/165460 compositing/repaint/scroll-fixed-layer-out-of-view.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/166911 fast/dom/Window/window-properties-performance.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/166911 fast/dom/Window/window-properties-performance-resource-timing.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/interactive-elements/the-details-element/toggleEvent.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/168175 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/grouping-content/the-li-element/grouping-li-reftest-list-owner-skip-no-boxes.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/168175 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/grouping-content/the-li-element/grouping-li-reftest-list-owner-menu.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/168175 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/history-traversal/same-url.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/168175 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/offline/browser-state/navigator_online_online.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-img-element/document-adopt-base-url.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/168066 performance-api/performance-now-api.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/168005 performance-api/performance-now-time-origin-in-worker.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/168238 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/dom/events/EventListener-invoke-legacy.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # Ignore MIME type refused console messages when comparing nosniff tests results as their ordering is non-deterministic. |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/nosniff [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/sandbox-ascii-case-insensitive.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| ######################################## |
| ### START OF display: contents failures |
| |
| webkit.org/b/157477 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-display/display-contents-dynamic-table-001-inline.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/157477 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-display/display-flow-root-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| ### END OF display: contents failures |
| ######################################## |
| |
| webkit.org/b/170122 http/tests/preload/single_download_preload_headers_charset.php [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| ######################################## |
| ### START OF -disabled tests |
| |
| webkit.org/b/20871 js/garbage-collect-after-string-appends.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/58323 compositing/objects/composited-object-alignment.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/48454 compositing/tiling/huge-layer-resize.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/48454 compositing/tiling/huge-layer.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/17557 css2.1/t1204-increment-00-c-o.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/17557 css2.1/t1204-increment-01-c-o.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/17557 css2.1/t1204-increment-02-c-o.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/17557 css2.1/t1204-reset-00-c-o.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/17557 css2.1/t1204-reset-01-c-o.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/17557 css2.1/t1204-reset-02-c-o.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/19581 dom/xhtml/level2/html/HTMLFrameElement09.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/65187 dom/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi01.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/65187 dom/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi02.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/10993 editing/execCommand/create-list-1.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/9640 editing/input/attributed-substring-from-range-lines.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/7899 editing/pasteboard/paste-empty-startcontainer.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/72503 fast/css/font-face-in-shadow-DOM.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/23650 fast/dom/Window/timeout-released-on-close.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/79333 fast/dynamic/crash-paint-no-documentElement-renderer.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/18057 fast/events/key-events-in-frame.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/17391 fast/frames/iframe-scroll-page-up-down.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/94130 fast/html/marquee-alternate.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/12930 fast/leaks/003.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/36425 fast/loader/api-test-go-to-current-back-forward-item.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/35594 fast/loader/api-test-new-window-data-load-base-url.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/67007 fast/ruby/after-block-doesnt-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/67007 fast/ruby/after-table-doesnt-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/67007 fast/ruby/generated-after-counter-doesnt-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/67007 fast/ruby/generated-before-and-after-counter-doesnt-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/164888 fast/shadow-dom/copy-shadow-tree.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/81826 fast/table/double-height-table-no-tbody.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/56140 fast/text/large-text-composed-char-dos.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/63268 http/tests/multipart/win-boundary-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/56080 jquery/effects.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/6547 js/kde/Date.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/15046 js/string-concatenate-outofmemory.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/24690 platform/mac/plugins/pluginDocumentView-deallocated-dataSource.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/42625 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.9_Date/15.9.3/S15.9.3.1_A5_T1.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/42625 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.9_Date/15.9.3/S15.9.3.1_A5_T2.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/42625 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.9_Date/15.9.3/S15.9.3.1_A5_T3.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/42625 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.9_Date/15.9.3/S15.9.3.1_A5_T4.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/42625 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.9_Date/15.9.3/S15.9.3.1_A5_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/42625 sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.9_Date/15.9.3/S15.9.3.1_A5_T6.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/17392 svg/batik/text/textBiDi.svg [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/11662 svg/custom/js-font-test.svg [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/63186 svg/zoom/page/zoom-svg-through-object-with-text.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r37513 for causing next test to hang |
| animations/font-size-using-ems.html [ Skip ] |
| legacy-animation-engine/animations/font-size-using-ems.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Tests disabled in r18642 due to font-dependent issue with Armenian numbering |
| css2.1/t1202-counter-10-b.html [ Skip ] |
| css2.1/t1202-counters-10-b.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r11286 since it removes entire document tree so is hard to show results |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/documentadoptnode22.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Tests landed disabled in r10628 for webkit.org/b/4907 |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/documentnormalizedocument06.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/domimplementationregistry12.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/domimplementationregistry23.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodecomparedocumentposition14.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodecomparedocumentposition15.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/noderemovechild03.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodereplacechild06.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodereplacechild07.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| dom/xhtml/level3/core/nodereplacechild08.xhtml [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r30326 |
| editing/selection/inconsistent-in-removeChildNode.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r29882 after it mysteriously started passing |
| editing/style/5091898.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r28820 since it has different results per hardware |
| fast/css/css2-system-color.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r64074 after dropping -khtml prefix support |
| fast/css/limited-vendor-prefix-behavior.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r42420 since it hits test-only release assert |
| fast/dom/gc-8.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r27657 |
| fast/dom/Window/window-resize-nan.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Tests disabled in r38547 for webkit.org/b/22306 |
| fast/events/destroyed-atomic-string.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r12843 |
| fast/loader/form-events-back-forward.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r42628 |
| http/tests/navigation/post-goback-repost-policy.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Tests landed disabled in r15970; never enabled |
| http/tests/navigation/success200-frames-goback.html [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/navigation/success200-frames-reload.html [ Skip ] |
| http/tests/navigation/success200-subframeload-goback.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r45078 |
| media/video-canvas.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Tests disabled in r59504 for taking over 10 seconds to run |
| sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.1_The_Global_Object/15.1.3/ [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Conformance/15_Native_Objects/15.1_The_Global_Object/15.1.3/ [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_218/S7.6_A3.1.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_218/S7.6_A3.2.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Tests landed disabled in r58534; never enabled |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_218/S7.6_A1.1_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_218/S7.6_A5.2_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_320/S7.6_A1.1_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_320/S7.6_A5.2_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_410/S7.6_A1.1_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_410/S7.6_A5.2_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_500/S7.6_A1.1_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_500/S7.6_A5.2_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_510/S7.6_A1.1_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| sputnik/Unicode/Unicode_510/S7.6_A5.2_T5.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled in r42921 for flaky failure |
| svg/custom/filter-source-alpha.svg [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test landed disabled in r26904; never enabled |
| svg/custom/font-face-fallback.svg [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test disabled until we can fix layout of orthogonal writing mode roots |
| fast/table/colspanMinWidth-vertical.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Test only works on iOS WK2. webkit.org/b/165535 |
| fast/forms/range/range-remove-on-drag.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # CSSOM View module |
| webkit.org/b/5991 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cssom-view/scrollingElement.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # FileAPI |
| webkit.org/b/172099 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/FileAPI/url/url_xmlhttprequest_img.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/FileAPI/url/sandboxed-iframe.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| # Secure Contexts tests that timeout |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/secure-contexts/basic-dedicated-worker.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/secure-contexts/basic-dedicated-worker.https.html [ Skip ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/secure-contexts/basic-popup-and-iframe-tests.https.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| # CSS3 Text support is not yet enabled (needs ENABLE_CSS3_TEXT). |
| webkit.org/b/76173 fast/css3-text/css3-text-align-last [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/99945 fast/css3-text/css3-text-justify [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/112755 fast/css3-text/css3-text-indent/text-indent-each-line-hanging.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/112755 fast/css3-text/css3-text-indent/getComputedStyle [ Skip ] |
| |
| # Link prefetch is disabled by default (needs ENABLE_LINK_PREFETCH) |
| webkit.org/b/3652 fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/link-and-subresource-test.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/3652 fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/link-and-subresource-test-nonexistent.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/3652 fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/3652 fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch-beforeload.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/3652 fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch-onerror.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/3652 fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch-onload.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/3652 fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/prefetch-too-many-clients.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/3652 fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/subresource.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/3652 http/tests/misc/link-rel-prefetch-and-subresource.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/3652 http/tests/misc/prefetch-purpose.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| ### END OF -disabled tests |
| ######################################## |
| |
| webkit.org/b/163046 [ Release ] js/regress-141098.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/163046 [ Debug ] js/regress-141098.html [ Slow Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/169625 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/cors/status.htm [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/170130 fast/events/before-unload-adopt-subframe-to-outside.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/170355 [ Release ] fast/mediastream/MediaStream-page-muted.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/170355 [ Debug ] fast/mediastream/MediaStream-page-muted.html [ Pass Crash ] |
| |
| # Only relevant on Mac-WK2 |
| compositing/tiling/non-visible-window-tile-coverage.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/170699 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/webappapis/timers/negative-settimeout.html [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/90724 compositing/iframes/iframe-size-from-zero.html [ Failure Pass ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/171031 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XMLHttpRequest/getallresponseheaders-cl.htm [ Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/172961 fast/mediacapturefromelement/CanvasCaptureMediaStream-2d-events.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/172378 fast/loader/recursive-before-unload-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/172378 fast/repaint/table-hover-on-link.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/172378 http/tests/misc/slow-loading-mask.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/172378 http/tests/multipart/policy-ignore-crash.php [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/172378 http/tests/navigation/back-twice-without-commit.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/172378 imported/blink/fast/block/float/float-mark-descendants-for-layout-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/172378 imported/blink/fast/frames/freed-frame.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/172378 imported/blink/printing/print-document-without-documentElement-crash.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/172609 fetch/closing-while-fetching-blob.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/172514 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/innerText/getter.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/175291 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/outline-018.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/175287 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/box-sizing-014.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175287 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/box-sizing-015.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175287 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/box-sizing-016.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175287 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/box-sizing-018.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175287 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/box-sizing-019.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175287 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/box-sizing-024.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175287 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/box-sizing-025.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/175288 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/outline-005.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175288 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/outline-007.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175288 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/outline-013.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175288 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/outline-014.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175288 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/outline-015.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175288 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/outline-016.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175288 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/outline-019.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| webkit.org/b/175290 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-ui/text-overflow-005.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/171945 perf/class-list-remove.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/176183 fast/block/inside-inlines/opacity-on-inline.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/166025 http/tests/fetch/fetching-same-resource-with-different-options.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-pseudo/first-letter-001.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-pseudo/first-letter-002.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-pseudo/first-letter-003.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/177799 accessibility/table-detection.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/177997 webgl/1.0.2/conformance/textures/copy-tex-image-2d-formats.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/179069 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-iframe-element/sandbox_032.htm [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/179287 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/timelines/document-timelines.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/179287 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/timelines/timelines.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/181116 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/finished.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/181120 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/onfinish.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/181121 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/updating-the-finished-state.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/181122 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/endDelay.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/181123 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/finish.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/181888 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animation-effects/current-iteration.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/183818 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_pseudoElement-get-animations.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/184011 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_animation-cancel.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/183821 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_animation-cancel.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183822 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_animation-finished.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183823 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_animation-computed-timing.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183824 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_animation-id.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183825 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_animation-currenttime.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183826 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_animation-pausing.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183827 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_animation-finished.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183828 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_animation-playstate.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183829 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_animation-pausing.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183830 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_animation-ready.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183831 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_animation-ready.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183832 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_animation-reverse.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183833 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_animation-starttime.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183834 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_animation-starttime.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183835 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_csstransition-transitionproperty.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183836 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_animations-dynamic-changes.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183837 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_document-get-animations.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183838 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_cssanimation-animationname.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183840 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_document-get-animations.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183841 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_element-get-animations.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183844 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_element-get-animations.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183846 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_pseudoElement-get-animations.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183847 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_event-order.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183849 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_setting-effect.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| webkit.org/b/183850 imported/mozilla/css-transitions/test_setting-effect.html [ Pass Failure Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/183848 imported/mozilla/css-animations/test_keyframeeffect-getkeyframes.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/177440 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/origin/relaxing-the-same-origin-restriction/document_domain_setter_null.tentative.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/157068 [ Debug ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/nosniff/importscripts.html [ Pass Crash ] |
| |
| # Application Manifest tests |
| webkit.org/b/153152 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/manifest-src-allowed.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/153152 http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/manifest-src-blocked.html [ Skip ] |
| webkit.org/b/158205 applicationmanifest/ [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/178785 perf/object-keys.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # There is a bug in the test |
| imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/worker-performance.worker.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/183390 http/wpt/html/browsers/history/the-location-interface/location-protocol-setter-non-broken-async-delegate.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr Pass Failure ] |
| |
| # We sometimes get 2 console log messages about CSP instead of 1 due to preloading. |
| http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/block-all-mixed-content/insecure-css-in-main-frame.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| media/event-queue-crash.html [ DumpJSConsoleLogInStdErr ] |
| |
| # This is flaky since r229831. |
| webkit.org/b/183885 fast/loader/javascript-url-iframe-remove-on-navigate.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/183885 fast/loader/javascript-url-iframe-remove-on-navigate-async-delegate.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/172243 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/IndexedDB/idbdatabase-createObjectStore-exception-order.htm [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/179851 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/offline/manifest_url_check.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/182177 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/errorhandling.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/182311 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/navigation-redirect.https.html [ Skip ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/90980 fast/forms/textarea/textarea-state-restore.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/182928 http/tests/cache-storage/cache-representation.https.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/116621 fast/replaced/preferred-widths.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/184198 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/browsers/offline/appcache/workers/appcache-worker.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/184058 storage/indexeddb/dont-wedge-private.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/184061 http/tests/appcache/interrupted-update.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/184453 imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/name-property.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/48451 animations/combo-transform-translate+scale.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/48451 animations/play-state.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/48451 animations/suspend-resume-animation.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| webkit.org/b/48451 animations/3d/transform-origin-vs-functions.html [ Pass Failure ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/184800 http/tests/workers/worker-importScripts-banned-mimetype.html [ Pass Timeout ] |
| |
| webkit.org/b/184802 http/tests/security/contentTypeOptions/nosniff-importScript-blocked.html [ Pass Timeout ] |