blob: 4db5c8216ffa08185d000593f7e521bd5116e2af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Igalia S.L.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "SVGBoundingBoxComputation.h"
#include "RenderChildIterator.h"
#include "RenderSVGContainer.h"
#include "RenderSVGForeignObject.h"
#include "RenderSVGImage.h"
#include "RenderSVGInline.h"
#include "RenderSVGResourceClipper.h"
#include "RenderSVGResourceFilter.h"
#include "RenderSVGResourceMarker.h"
#include "RenderSVGResourceMasker.h"
#include "RenderSVGRoot.h"
#include "RenderSVGShape.h"
#include "RenderSVGText.h"
#include "SVGResources.h"
#include "SVGResourcesCache.h"
namespace WebCore {
SVGBoundingBoxComputation::SVGBoundingBoxComputation(const RenderLayerModelObject& renderer)
: m_renderer(renderer)
FloatRect SVGBoundingBoxComputation::computeDecoratedBoundingBox(const SVGBoundingBoxComputation::DecorationOptions& options, bool* boundingBoxValid) const
// SVG2: Bounding boxes algorithm (
// The following algorithm defines how to compute a bounding box for a given element. The inputs to the algorithm are:
// - element, the element we are computing a bounding box for;
// - space, a coordinate space in which the bounding box will be computed;
// - fill, a boolean indicating whether the bounding box includes the geometry of the element and its descendants;
// - stroke, a boolean indicating whether the bounding box includes the stroke of the element and its descendants;
// - markers, a boolean indicating whether the bounding box includes the markers of the element and its descendants; and
// - clipped, a boolean indicating whether the bounding box is affected by any clipping paths applied to the element and its descendants.
// The algorithm to compute the bounding box is as follows, depending on the type of element:
// - a shape (RenderSVGShape)
// - a text content element (RenderSVGText or RenderSVGInline)
// - an "a" element within a text content element (-> creates RenderSVGInline)
if (is<RenderSVGShape>(m_renderer) || is<RenderSVGText>(m_renderer) || is<RenderSVGInline>(m_renderer))
return handleShapeOrTextOrInline(options, boundingBoxValid);
// - a container element (RenderSVGRoot / RenderSVGContainer)
// - "use" (RenderSVGTransformableContainer)
if (is<RenderSVGRoot>(m_renderer) || is<RenderSVGContainer>(m_renderer))
return handleRootOrContainer(options, boundingBoxValid);
// - "foreignObject"
// - "image"
// FIXME: [LBSE] Upstream new RenderSVGImage implementation
// if (is<RenderSVGForeignObject>(m_renderer) || is<RenderSVGImage>(m_renderer))
if (is<RenderSVGForeignObject>(m_renderer))
return handleForeignObjectOrImage(options, boundingBoxValid);
return FloatRect();
FloatRect SVGBoundingBoxComputation::handleShapeOrTextOrInline(const SVGBoundingBoxComputation::DecorationOptions& options, bool* boundingBoxValid) const
// 1. Let box be a rectangle initialized to (0, 0, 0, 0).
FloatRect box;
// 2. Let fill-shape be the equivalent path of element if it is a shape, or a shape that includes each of the
// glyph cells corresponding to the text within the elements otherwise.
// 3. If fill is true, then set box to the tightest rectangle in the coordinate system space that contains fill-shape.
// Note: The values of the fill, fill-opacity and fill-rule properties do not affect fill-shape.
if (options.contains(DecorationOption::IncludeFillShape))
box = m_renderer.objectBoundingBox();
// 4. If stroke is true and the element's stroke is anything other than none, then set box to be the union of box
// and the tightest rectangle in coordinate system space that contains the stroke shape of the element, with the
// assumption that the element has no dash pattern.
// Note: The values of the stroke-opacity, stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset do not affect the calculation of the stroke shape.
if (options.contains(DecorationOption::IncludeStrokeShape))
// 5. If markers is true, then for each marker marker rendered on the element:
// - For each descendant graphics element child of the "marker" element that defines marker's content:
// - If child has an ancestor element within the "marker" that is 'display: none', has a failing conditional processing attribute,
// or is not an "a", "g", "svg" or "switch" element, then continue to the next descendant graphics element.
// - Otherwise, set box to be the union of box and the result of invoking the algorithm to compute a bounding box with child as
// the element, space as the target coordinate space, true for fill, stroke and markers, and clipped for clipped.
if (options.contains(DecorationOption::IncludeMarkers) && is<RenderSVGShape>(m_renderer)) {
DecorationOptions optionsForMarker = { DecorationOption::IncludeFillShape, DecorationOption::IncludeStrokeShape, DecorationOption::IncludeMarkers };
if (options.contains(DecorationOption::IncludeClippers))
// 6. If clipped is true and the value of clip-path on element is not none, then set box to be the tightest rectangle
// in coordinate system space that contains the intersection of box and the clipping path.
adjustBoxForClippingAndEffects(options, box);
// 7. Return box.
if (boundingBoxValid)
*boundingBoxValid = true;
return box;
FloatRect SVGBoundingBoxComputation::handleRootOrContainer(const SVGBoundingBoxComputation::DecorationOptions& options, bool* boundingBoxValid) const
auto transformationMatrixFromChild = [] (const RenderLayerModelObject& child) -> std::optional<TransformationMatrix> {
if (!child.hasTransform())
return std::nullopt;
auto* container = child.parent();
bool containerSkipped = false;
ASSERT(container == child.container(nullptr, containerSkipped));
ASSERT_UNUSED(containerSkipped, !containerSkipped);
TransformationMatrix layerTransform;
child.getTransformFromContainer(container, LayoutSize(), layerTransform);
return layerTransform.isIdentity() ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(WTFMove(layerTransform));
auto uniteBoundingBoxRespectingValidity = [] (bool& boxValid, FloatRect& box, const RenderLayerModelObject& child, const FloatRect& childBoundingBox) {
bool isBoundingBoxValid = is<RenderSVGContainer>(child) ? downcast<RenderSVGContainer>(child).isObjectBoundingBoxValid() : true;
if (!isBoundingBoxValid)
if (boxValid) {
box = childBoundingBox;
boxValid = true;
// 1. Let box be a rectangle initialized to (0, 0, 0, 0).
FloatRect box;
bool boxValid = false;
// 2. Let parent be the container element if it is one, or the root of the "use" element's shadow tree otherwise.
// 3. For each descendant graphics element child of parent:
// - If child is not rendered then continue to the next descendant graphics element.
// - Otherwise, set box to be the union of box and the result of invoking the algorithm to compute a bounding box with child
// as the element and the same values for space, fill, stroke, markers and clipped as the corresponding algorithm input values.
for (auto& child : childrenOfType<RenderLayerModelObject>(m_renderer)) {
// FIXME: [LBSE] Upstream new RenderSVGHiddenContainer implementation
// if (is<RenderSVGHiddenContainer>(child) || (is<RenderSVGShape>(child) && downcast<RenderSVGShape>(child).isRenderingDisabled()))
if (is<RenderSVGShape>(child) && downcast<RenderSVGShape>(child).isRenderingDisabled())
SVGBoundingBoxComputation childBoundingBoxComputation(child);
auto childBox = childBoundingBoxComputation.computeDecoratedBoundingBox(options);
if (options.contains(DecorationOption::OverrideBoxWithFilterBoxForChildren) && is<RenderSVGContainer>(child))
childBoundingBoxComputation.adjustBoxForClippingAndEffects({ DecorationOption::OverrideBoxWithFilterBox }, childBox);
if (!options.contains(DecorationOption::IgnoreTransformations)) {
if (auto layerTransform = transformationMatrixFromChild(child))
childBox = layerTransform->mapRect(childBox);
if (options == objectBoundingBoxDecoration)
uniteBoundingBoxRespectingValidity(boxValid, box, child, childBox);
// 4. If clipped is true:
// - If the value of clip-path on element is not none, then set box to be the tightest rectangle in coordinate system space that
// contains the intersection of box and the clipping path.
// - If the overflow property applies to the element and does not have a value of visible, then set box to be the tightest rectangle
// in coordinate system space that contains the intersection of box and the element's overflow bounds.
// - If the clip property applies to the element and does not have a value of auto, then set box to be the tightest rectangle in coordinate
// system space that contains the intersection of box and the rectangle specified by clip. (TODO!)
adjustBoxForClippingAndEffects(options, box, { DecorationOption::OverrideBoxWithFilterBox });
if (options.contains(DecorationOption::IncludeClippers) && m_renderer.hasNonVisibleOverflow()) {
// FIXME: [LBSE] Upstream new RenderSVGViewportContainer / RenderSVGResourceMarker implementation
// ASSERT(is<RenderSVGViewportContainer>(m_renderer) || is<RenderSVGResourceMarker>(m_renderer) || is<RenderSVGRoot>(m_renderer));
LayoutRect overflowClipRect;
if (is<RenderSVGModelObject>(m_renderer))
overflowClipRect = downcast<RenderSVGModelObject>(m_renderer).overflowClipRect(LayoutPoint());
else if (is<RenderBox>(m_renderer))
overflowClipRect = downcast<RenderBox>(m_renderer).overflowClipRect(LayoutPoint());
else {
return FloatRect();
// 5. Return box.
if (boundingBoxValid)
*boundingBoxValid = boxValid;
return box;
FloatRect SVGBoundingBoxComputation::handleForeignObjectOrImage(const SVGBoundingBoxComputation::DecorationOptions& options, bool* boundingBoxValid) const
// 1. Let box be the tightest rectangle in coordinate space space that contains the positioning rectangle
// defined by the "x", "y", "width" and "height" geometric properties of the element.
// Note: The fill, stroke and markers input arguments to this algorithm do not affect the bounding box returned for these elements.
auto box = m_renderer.objectBoundingBox();
// 2. If clipped is true and the value of clip-path on element is not none, then set box to be the tightest rectangle
// in coordinate system space that contains the intersection of box and the clipping path.
adjustBoxForClippingAndEffects(options, box);
// 3. Return box.
if (boundingBoxValid)
*boundingBoxValid = true;
return box;
void SVGBoundingBoxComputation::adjustBoxForClippingAndEffects(const SVGBoundingBoxComputation::DecorationOptions& options, FloatRect& box, const SVGBoundingBoxComputation::DecorationOptions& optionsToCheckForFilters) const
bool includeFilter = false;
for (auto filterOption : optionsToCheckForFilters) {
if (options.contains(filterOption)) {
includeFilter = true;
bool includeClipper = options.contains(DecorationOption::IncludeClippers);
bool includeMasker = options.contains(DecorationOption::IncludeMaskers);
if (includeFilter || includeClipper || includeMasker) {
if (auto* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderer(m_renderer)) {
if (includeFilter) {
if (auto* filter = resources->filter())
box = filter->resourceBoundingBox(m_renderer);
if (includeClipper) {
if (auto* clipper = resources->clipper())
if (includeMasker) {
if (auto* masker = resources->masker())
if (options.contains(DecorationOption::IncludeOutline))