| |
| PASS Executing "initialize" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createGain" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createDelay" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createBufferSource" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createStereoPanner" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createDynamicsCompressor" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createBiquadFilter" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createOscillator" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createPanner" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createConstantSource" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createBuffer" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createIIRFilter" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createWaveShaper" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createConvolver" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createAnalyser" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createScriptProcessor" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createPeriodicWave" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createChannelSplitter" |
| PASS Executing "Offline createChannelMerger" |
| PASS Executing "Online createMediaElementSource" |
| PASS Executing "Online createMediaStreamDestination" |
| PASS Executing "AudioListener" |
| PASS Executing "verifyTests" |
| PASS Executing "automation" |
| PASS Audit report |
| PASS > [initialize] |
| PASS Create offline context for tests did not throw an exception. |
| PASS Create online context for tests did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [initialize] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createGain] |
| PASS GainNode.gain.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS GainNode.gain.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS GainNode.gain.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS GainNode.gain.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS GainNode.gain.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS GainNode.gain.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of GainNode are correct |
| PASS < [Offline createGain] All assertions passed. (total 7 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createDelay] |
| PASS DelayNode.delayTime.minValue is equal to 0. |
| PASS DelayNode.delayTime.maxValue is equal to 1.5. |
| PASS DelayNode.delayTime.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DelayNode.delayTime.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS DelayNode.delayTime.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DelayNode.delayTime.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set DelayNode.delayTime.value = -1 is equal to 0. |
| PASS Set DelayNode.delayTime.value = 4 is equal to 1.5. |
| PASS DelayNode.delayTime was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of DelayNode are correct |
| PASS < [Offline createDelay] All assertions passed. (total 10 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createBufferSource] |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.detune.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.detune.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.detune.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.detune.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.detune.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioBufferSourceNode.detune.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of AudioBufferSourceNode are correct |
| PASS < [Offline createBufferSource] All assertions passed. (total 13 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createStereoPanner] |
| PASS StereoPannerNode.pan.minValue is equal to -1. |
| PASS StereoPannerNode.pan.maxValue is equal to 1. |
| PASS StereoPannerNode.pan.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS StereoPannerNode.pan.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS StereoPannerNode.pan.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS StereoPannerNode.pan.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set StereoPannerNode.pan.value = -3 is equal to -1. |
| PASS Set StereoPannerNode.pan.value = 3 is equal to 1. |
| PASS StereoPannerNode.pan was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of StereoPannerNode are correct |
| PASS < [Offline createStereoPanner] All assertions passed. (total 10 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createDynamicsCompressor] |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.minValue is equal to -100. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.maxValue is equal to 0. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.value = -201 is equal to -100. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold.value = 1 is equal to 0. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.minValue is equal to 0. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.maxValue is equal to 40. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.value = -1 is equal to 0. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.knee.value = 81 is equal to 40. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.knee was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.minValue is equal to 1. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.maxValue is equal to 20. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.value = 1 is equal to 1. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio.value = 41 is equal to 20. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.minValue is equal to 0. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.maxValue is equal to 1. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.value = -1 is equal to 0. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.attack.value = 3 is equal to 1. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.attack was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.release.minValue is equal to 0. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.release.maxValue is equal to 1. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.release.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.release.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.release.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.release.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.release.value = -1 is equal to 0. |
| PASS Set DynamicsCompressorNode.release.value = 3 is equal to 1. |
| PASS DynamicsCompressorNode.release was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of DynamicsCompressorNode are correct |
| PASS < [Offline createDynamicsCompressor] All assertions passed. (total 46 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createBiquadFilter] |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.frequency.minValue is equal to 0. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.frequency.maxValue is equal to 24000. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.frequency.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.frequency.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.frequency.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.frequency.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set BiquadFilterNode.frequency.value = -1 is equal to 0. |
| PASS Set BiquadFilterNode.frequency.value = 48001 is equal to 24000. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.frequency was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.detune.minValue is equal to -153600. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.detune.maxValue is equal to 153600. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.detune.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.detune.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.detune.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.detune.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set BiquadFilterNode.detune.value = -307201 is equal to -153600. |
| PASS Set BiquadFilterNode.detune.value = 307201 is equal to 153600. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.detune was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.Q.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.Q.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.Q.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.Q.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.Q.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.Q.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.gain.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.gain.maxValue is equal to 1541.273682. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.gain.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.gain.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.gain.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.gain.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set BiquadFilterNode.gain.value = 3083.547363 is equal to 1541.273682. |
| PASS BiquadFilterNode.gain was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of BiquadFilterNode are correct |
| PASS < [Offline createBiquadFilter] All assertions passed. (total 33 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createOscillator] |
| PASS OscillatorNode.frequency.minValue is equal to -24000. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.frequency.maxValue is equal to 24000. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.frequency.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.frequency.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.frequency.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.frequency.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set OscillatorNode.frequency.value = -48001 is equal to -24000. |
| PASS Set OscillatorNode.frequency.value = 48001 is equal to 24000. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.frequency was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.detune.minValue is equal to -153600. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.detune.maxValue is equal to 153600. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.detune.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.detune.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.detune.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.detune.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Set OscillatorNode.detune.value = -307201 is equal to -153600. |
| PASS Set OscillatorNode.detune.value = 307201 is equal to 153600. |
| PASS OscillatorNode.detune was clipped to lie within the nominal range is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of OscillatorNode are correct |
| PASS < [Offline createOscillator] All assertions passed. (total 19 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createPanner] |
| PASS PannerNode.positionX.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionX.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionX.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionX.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionX.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionX.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionY.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionY.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionY.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionY.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionY.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionY.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionZ.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionZ.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionZ.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionZ.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionZ.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.positionZ.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationX.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationX.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationX.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationX.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationX.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationX.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationY.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationY.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationY.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationY.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationY.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationY.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationZ.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationZ.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationZ.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationZ.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationZ.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS PannerNode.orientationZ.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of PannerNode are correct |
| PASS < [Offline createPanner] All assertions passed. (total 37 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createConstantSource] |
| PASS ConstantSourceNode.offset.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS ConstantSourceNode.offset.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS ConstantSourceNode.offset.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS ConstantSourceNode.offset.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS ConstantSourceNode.offset.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS ConstantSourceNode.offset.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of ConstantSourceNode are correct |
| PASS < [Offline createConstantSource] All assertions passed. (total 7 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createBuffer] |
| PASS AudioBuffer has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Offline createBuffer] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createIIRFilter] |
| PASS IIRFilterNode has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Offline createIIRFilter] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createWaveShaper] |
| PASS WaveShaperNode has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Offline createWaveShaper] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createConvolver] |
| PASS ConvolverNode has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Offline createConvolver] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createAnalyser] |
| PASS AnalyserNode has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Offline createAnalyser] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createScriptProcessor] |
| PASS ScriptProcessorNode has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Offline createScriptProcessor] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createPeriodicWave] |
| PASS PeriodicWave has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Offline createPeriodicWave] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createChannelSplitter] |
| PASS ChannelSplitterNode has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Offline createChannelSplitter] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Offline createChannelMerger] |
| PASS ChannelMergerNode has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Offline createChannelMerger] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Online createMediaElementSource] |
| PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Online createMediaElementSource] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [Online createMediaStreamDestination] |
| PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode has no AudioParams as expected |
| PASS < [Online createMediaStreamDestination] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [AudioListener] |
| PASS AudioListener.positionX.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionX.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionX.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionX.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionX.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionX.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionY.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionY.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionY.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionY.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionY.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionY.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionZ.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionZ.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionZ.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionZ.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionZ.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.positionZ.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardX.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardX.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardX.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardX.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardX.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardX.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardY.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardY.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardY.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardY.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardY.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardY.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardZ.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardZ.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardZ.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardZ.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardZ.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.forwardZ.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.upX.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.upX.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.upX.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.upX.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.upX.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.upX.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.upY.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.upY.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.upY.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.upY.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.upY.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.upY.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.upZ.minValue is equal to -3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.upZ.maxValue is equal to 3.402823e+38. |
| PASS AudioListener.upZ.minValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.upZ.minValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS AudioListener.upZ.maxValue = 42 is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AudioListener.upZ.maxValue is read-only is equal to true. |
| PASS Nominal ranges for AudioParam(s) of AudioListener are correct |
| PASS < [AudioListener] All assertions passed. (total 55 assertions) |
| PASS > [verifyTests] |
| PASS Number of nodes not tested : 0 |
| PASS < [verifyTests] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [automation] |
| PASS Test automations (check console logs) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [automation] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS # AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 24 tasks ran successfully. |
| |