blob: 23da9781578c2724cf39a58bea11c6683cd73523 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS reports 'idle' for an animation with an unresolved current time and no pending tasks
PASS reports 'paused' for an animation with a pending pause task
PASS reports 'paused' for an animation with a resolved current time and unresolved start time
PASS reports 'running' for an animation with a resolved start time and current time
PASS reports 'finished' when playback rate > 0 and current time = target effect end
PASS reports 'running' when playback rate = 0 and current time = target effect end
PASS reports 'running' when playback rate < 0 and current time = target effect end
PASS reports 'running' when playback rate > 0 and current time = 0
PASS reports 'running' when playback rate = 0 and current time = 0
PASS reports 'finished' when playback rate < 0 and current time = 0
PASS reports 'finished' when playback rate > 0 and current time = target effect end and there is a pending play task
PASS reports 'running' when playback rate > 0 and current time < target effect end and there is a pending play task
PASS reports 'running' for a play-pending animation
PASS reports 'paused' for a pause-pending animation
PASS reports 'finished' for a finished-pending animation
PASS reports the play state based on the pending playback rate