blob: a76a28733584941a750615f16b5d0108d39b7d30 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Setup
PASS isolation (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS isolation uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "isolate" with linear easing
PASS isolation uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "isolate" with effect easing
PASS isolation uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "isolate" with keyframe easing
PASS justify-content (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS justify-content uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with linear easing
PASS justify-content uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with effect easing
PASS justify-content uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with keyframe easing
PASS justify-items (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS justify-items uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with linear easing
PASS justify-items uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with effect easing
PASS justify-items uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with keyframe easing
PASS justify-self (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS justify-self uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with linear easing
PASS justify-self uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with effect easing
PASS justify-self uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with keyframe easing
PASS letter-spacing (type: length) has testInterpolation function
PASS letter-spacing supports animating as a length
PASS letter-spacing supports animating as a length of rem
PASS lighting-color (type: color) has testInterpolation function
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of rgb()
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS list-style-image (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
FAIL list-style-image uses discrete animation when animating between "url("http://localhost/test-1")" and "url("http://localhost/test-2")" with linear easing assert_equals: The value should be url("http://localhost/test-1") at 499ms expected "url(\"http://localhost/test-1\")" but got "url(\"http://localhost/test-2\")"
FAIL list-style-image uses discrete animation when animating between "url("http://localhost/test-1")" and "url("http://localhost/test-2")" with effect easing assert_equals: The value should be url("http://localhost/test-1") at 940ms expected "url(\"http://localhost/test-1\")" but got "url(\"http://localhost/test-2\")"
FAIL list-style-image uses discrete animation when animating between "url("http://localhost/test-1")" and "url("http://localhost/test-2")" with keyframe easing assert_equals: The value should be url("http://localhost/test-1") at 940ms expected "url(\"http://localhost/test-1\")" but got "url(\"http://localhost/test-2\")"
PASS list-style-position (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS list-style-position uses discrete animation when animating between "inside" and "outside" with linear easing
PASS list-style-position uses discrete animation when animating between "inside" and "outside" with effect easing
PASS list-style-position uses discrete animation when animating between "inside" and "outside" with keyframe easing
PASS list-style-type (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS list-style-type uses discrete animation when animating between "circle" and "square" with linear easing
PASS list-style-type uses discrete animation when animating between "circle" and "square" with effect easing
PASS list-style-type uses discrete animation when animating between "circle" and "square" with keyframe easing
PASS mix-blend-mode (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS mix-blend-mode uses discrete animation when animating between "multiply" and "screen" with linear easing
PASS mix-blend-mode uses discrete animation when animating between "multiply" and "screen" with effect easing
PASS mix-blend-mode uses discrete animation when animating between "multiply" and "screen" with keyframe easing
PASS object-fit (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS object-fit uses discrete animation when animating between "fill" and "contain" with linear easing
PASS object-fit uses discrete animation when animating between "fill" and "contain" with effect easing
PASS object-fit uses discrete animation when animating between "fill" and "contain" with keyframe easing
PASS offset-distance (type: lengthPercentageOrCalc) has testInterpolation function
PASS offset-distance supports animating as a length
PASS offset-distance supports animating as a length of rem
PASS offset-distance supports animating as a percentage
PASS offset-distance supports animating as combination units "px" and "%"
PASS offset-distance supports animating as combination units "%" and "em"
PASS offset-distance supports animating as combination units "em" and "rem"
PASS offset-distance supports animating as combination units "px" and "calc"
PASS offset-distance supports animating as a calc
PASS order (type: integer) has testInterpolation function
PASS order supports animating as an integer
PASS outline-color (type: color) has testInterpolation function
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of rgb()
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS outline-offset (type: length) has testInterpolation function
PASS outline-offset supports animating as a length
PASS outline-offset supports animating as a length of rem
PASS outline-style (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS outline-style uses discrete animation when animating between "none" and "dotted" with linear easing
PASS outline-style uses discrete animation when animating between "none" and "dotted" with effect easing
PASS outline-style uses discrete animation when animating between "none" and "dotted" with keyframe easing
PASS outline-width (type: length) has testInterpolation function
PASS outline-width supports animating as a length
PASS outline-width supports animating as a length of rem
PASS overflow-wrap (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS overflow-wrap uses discrete animation when animating between "normal" and "break-word" with linear easing
PASS overflow-wrap uses discrete animation when animating between "normal" and "break-word" with effect easing
PASS overflow-wrap uses discrete animation when animating between "normal" and "break-word" with keyframe easing
PASS overflow-x (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS overflow-x uses discrete animation when animating between "visible" and "hidden" with linear easing
PASS overflow-x uses discrete animation when animating between "visible" and "hidden" with effect easing
PASS overflow-x uses discrete animation when animating between "visible" and "hidden" with keyframe easing
PASS overflow-y (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS overflow-y uses discrete animation when animating between "visible" and "hidden" with linear easing
PASS overflow-y uses discrete animation when animating between "visible" and "hidden" with effect easing
PASS overflow-y uses discrete animation when animating between "visible" and "hidden" with keyframe easing
PASS page-break-after (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS page-break-after uses discrete animation when animating between "always" and "auto" with linear easing
PASS page-break-after uses discrete animation when animating between "always" and "auto" with effect easing
PASS page-break-after uses discrete animation when animating between "always" and "auto" with keyframe easing
PASS page-break-before (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS page-break-before uses discrete animation when animating between "always" and "auto" with linear easing
PASS page-break-before uses discrete animation when animating between "always" and "auto" with effect easing
PASS page-break-before uses discrete animation when animating between "always" and "auto" with keyframe easing
PASS page-break-inside (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS page-break-inside uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "avoid" with linear easing
PASS page-break-inside uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "avoid" with effect easing
PASS page-break-inside uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "avoid" with keyframe easing
PASS paint-order (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS paint-order uses discrete animation when animating between "fill" and "stroke" with linear easing
PASS paint-order uses discrete animation when animating between "fill" and "stroke" with effect easing
PASS paint-order uses discrete animation when animating between "fill" and "stroke" with keyframe easing
PASS perspective (type: length) has testInterpolation function
PASS perspective supports animating as a length
PASS perspective supports animating as a length of rem
PASS perspective-origin (type: position) has testInterpolation function
PASS perspective-origin supports animating as a length pair
PASS perspective-origin supports animating as a length pair of rem
PASS perspective-origin supports animating as a position of percent
PASS pointer-events (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS pointer-events uses discrete animation when animating between "fill" and "none" with linear easing
PASS pointer-events uses discrete animation when animating between "fill" and "none" with effect easing
PASS pointer-events uses discrete animation when animating between "fill" and "none" with keyframe easing
PASS position (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS position uses discrete animation when animating between "absolute" and "fixed" with linear easing
PASS position uses discrete animation when animating between "absolute" and "fixed" with effect easing
PASS position uses discrete animation when animating between "absolute" and "fixed" with keyframe easing
PASS resize (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS resize uses discrete animation when animating between "both" and "horizontal" with linear easing
PASS resize uses discrete animation when animating between "both" and "horizontal" with effect easing
PASS resize uses discrete animation when animating between "both" and "horizontal" with keyframe easing
PASS shape-outside (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS shape-outside uses discrete animation when animating between "url("http://localhost/test-1")" and "url("http://localhost/test-2")" with linear easing
PASS shape-outside uses discrete animation when animating between "url("http://localhost/test-1")" and "url("http://localhost/test-2")" with effect easing
PASS shape-outside uses discrete animation when animating between "url("http://localhost/test-1")" and "url("http://localhost/test-2")" with keyframe easing
PASS stop-color (type: color) has testInterpolation function
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of rgb()
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS stop-opacity (type: opacity) has testInterpolation function
FAIL stop-opacity supports animating as a [0, 1] number assert_equals: The value should be 0.55 at 500ms expected "0.55" but got "0.550000011920929"
PASS stroke-dasharray (type: dasharray) has testInterpolation function
PASS stroke-dasharray supports animating as a percentage
FAIL stroke-dasharray supports animating as a positive number assert_equals: The value should be 1.3px at 500ms expected "1.3px" but got "1.2999999523162842px"
PASS stroke-dasharray supports animating as a dasharray (mismatched length)
PASS stroke-dasharray supports animating as a dasharray (mixed lengths and percentages)
PASS stroke-dasharray (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS stroke-dasharray uses discrete animation when animating between "none" and "10px, 20px" with linear easing
PASS stroke-dasharray uses discrete animation when animating between "none" and "10px, 20px" with effect easing
PASS stroke-dasharray uses discrete animation when animating between "none" and "10px, 20px" with keyframe easing
PASS stroke-miterlimit (type: positiveNumber) has testInterpolation function
FAIL stroke-miterlimit supports animating as a positive number assert_equals: The value should be 1.3 at 500ms expected "1.3" but got "1.2999999523162842"
PASS stroke-opacity (type: opacity) has testInterpolation function
FAIL stroke-opacity supports animating as a [0, 1] number assert_equals: The value should be 0.55 at 500ms expected "0.55" but got "0.550000011920929"
PASS table-layout (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS table-layout uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "fixed" with linear easing
PASS table-layout uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "fixed" with effect easing
PASS table-layout uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "fixed" with keyframe easing
PASS text-align (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS text-align uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with linear easing
PASS text-align uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with effect easing
PASS text-align uses discrete animation when animating between "start" and "end" with keyframe easing
PASS text-decoration-color (type: color) has testInterpolation function
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of rgb()
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS text-decoration-line (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS text-decoration-line uses discrete animation when animating between "underline" and "overline" with linear easing
PASS text-decoration-line uses discrete animation when animating between "underline" and "overline" with effect easing
PASS text-decoration-line uses discrete animation when animating between "underline" and "overline" with keyframe easing
PASS text-decoration-style (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS text-decoration-style uses discrete animation when animating between "solid" and "dotted" with linear easing
PASS text-decoration-style uses discrete animation when animating between "solid" and "dotted" with effect easing
PASS text-decoration-style uses discrete animation when animating between "solid" and "dotted" with keyframe easing
PASS text-overflow (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS text-overflow uses discrete animation when animating between "clip" and "ellipsis" with linear easing
PASS text-overflow uses discrete animation when animating between "clip" and "ellipsis" with effect easing
PASS text-overflow uses discrete animation when animating between "clip" and "ellipsis" with keyframe easing
PASS text-shadow (type: textShadowList) has testInterpolation function
PASS text-shadow: from none to other
PASS text-shadow: from other to none
PASS text-shadow: single shadow
PASS text-shadow: shadow list
PASS text-shadow: mismatched list length (from longer to shorter)
PASS text-shadow: mismatched list length (from shorter to longer)
PASS text-shadow: with currentcolor
PASS text-transform (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS text-transform uses discrete animation when animating between "capitalize" and "uppercase" with linear easing
PASS text-transform uses discrete animation when animating between "capitalize" and "uppercase" with effect easing
PASS text-transform uses discrete animation when animating between "capitalize" and "uppercase" with keyframe easing
PASS touch-action (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS touch-action uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "none" with linear easing
PASS touch-action uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "none" with effect easing
PASS touch-action uses discrete animation when animating between "auto" and "none" with keyframe easing
PASS transform (type: transformList) has testInterpolation function
PASS transform: translate
PASS transform: rotate
PASS transform: scale
PASS transform: skew
PASS transform: rotate and translate
PASS transform: translate and rotate
FAIL transform: extend shorter list (from) assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, -50, 0) but got matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 0): The value should be matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, -50, 0) at 500ms but got matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 0) expected -1 +/- 0.0001 but got 1
FAIL transform: extend shorter list (to) assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, -50, 0) but got matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 0): The value should be matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, -50, 0) at 500ms but got matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 0) expected -1 +/- 0.0001 but got 1
PASS transform: mismatch order of translate and rotate
PASS transform: matrix
PASS transform: rotate3d
PASS transform: matrix3d
PASS transform: mismatched 3D transforms
PASS transform: rotateY
FAIL transform: non-invertible matrices assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) but got matrix(-0.070657, 0.719998, -0.395146, -0.260079, 87.65015, 62.44985): The value should be matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 200, 0) at 499ms but got matrix(-0.070657, 0.719998, -0.395146, -0.260079, 87.65015, 62.44985) expected -1 +/- 0.0001 but got -0.070657
FAIL transform: non-invertible matrices in matched transform lists assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0) but got matrix(-0.229966, -0.692507, 0.329012, -0.3263, 162.600147, 62.44985): The value should be matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0) at 499ms but got matrix(-0.229966, -0.692507, 0.329012, -0.3263, 162.600147, 62.44985) expected 0 +/- 0.0001 but got -0.229966
FAIL transform: non-invertible matrices in mismatched transform lists assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0) but got matrix(0.457235, 1.576158, -1.117609, -0.657221, 112.65025, 49.9): The value should be matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0) at 499ms but got matrix(0.457235, 1.576158, -1.117609, -0.657221, 112.65025, 49.9) expected -2 +/- 0.0001 but got 0.457235
PASS transform: perspective
PASS transform-box (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS transform-box uses discrete animation when animating between "fill-box" and "border-box" with linear easing
PASS transform-box uses discrete animation when animating between "fill-box" and "border-box" with effect easing
PASS transform-box uses discrete animation when animating between "fill-box" and "border-box" with keyframe easing
PASS transform-style (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS transform-style uses discrete animation when animating between "flat" and "preserve-3d" with linear easing
PASS transform-style uses discrete animation when animating between "flat" and "preserve-3d" with effect easing
PASS transform-style uses discrete animation when animating between "flat" and "preserve-3d" with keyframe easing
PASS rotate (type: rotateList) has testInterpolation function
PASS rotate without rotation axes
PASS rotate with rotation axes
PASS rotate with rotation axes and range over 360 degrees
PASS rotate with different rotation axes
PASS translate (type: translateList) has testInterpolation function
PASS translate with two unspecified values
PASS translate with one unspecified value
PASS translate with all three values specified
PASS translate with combination of percentages and lengths
PASS scale (type: scaleList) has testInterpolation function
PASS scale with two unspecified values
PASS scale with one unspecified value
PASS scale
PASS visibility (type: visibility) has testInterpolation function
PASS visibility uses visibility animation when animating from "visible" to "hidden"
PASS visibility uses visibility animation when animating from "hidden" to "visible"
PASS visibility uses visibility animation when animating from "hidden" to "collapse"
PASS visibility uses visibility animation when animating from "visible" to "hidden" with easeInOutBack easing
PASS white-space (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS white-space uses discrete animation when animating between "pre" and "nowrap" with linear easing
PASS white-space uses discrete animation when animating between "pre" and "nowrap" with effect easing
PASS white-space uses discrete animation when animating between "pre" and "nowrap" with keyframe easing
PASS word-break (type: discrete) has testInterpolation function
PASS word-break uses discrete animation when animating between "keep-all" and "break-all" with linear easing
PASS word-break uses discrete animation when animating between "keep-all" and "break-all" with effect easing
PASS word-break uses discrete animation when animating between "keep-all" and "break-all" with keyframe easing
PASS word-spacing (type: lengthPercentageOrCalc) has testInterpolation function
PASS word-spacing supports animating as a length
PASS word-spacing supports animating as a length of rem
FAIL word-spacing supports animating as a percentage assert_equals: The value should be 30% at 500ms expected "30%" but got "0.75px"
FAIL word-spacing supports animating as combination units "px" and "%" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 5px) at 500ms expected "calc(10% + 5px)" but got "0.5px"
FAIL word-spacing supports animating as combination units "%" and "em" assert_equals: The value should be calc(5% + 10px) at 500ms expected "calc(5% + 10px)" but got "20px"
PASS word-spacing supports animating as combination units "em" and "rem"
FAIL word-spacing supports animating as combination units "px" and "calc" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 10px) at 500ms expected "calc(10% + 10px)" but got "0px"
FAIL word-spacing supports animating as a calc assert_equals: The value should be calc(15% + 15px) at 500ms expected "calc(15% + 15px)" but got "0px"