blob: e2cfbabe93682179f5f891bbc6d58ebfc68816ec [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Setup
PASS isolation (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS isolation: "isolate" onto "auto"
PASS isolation: "auto" onto "isolate"
PASS justify-content (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS justify-content: "end" onto "start"
PASS justify-content: "start" onto "end"
PASS justify-items (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS justify-items: "end" onto "start"
PASS justify-items: "start" onto "end"
PASS justify-self (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS justify-self: "end" onto "start"
PASS justify-self: "start" onto "end"
PASS letter-spacing (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS letter-spacing: length
PASS letter-spacing: length of rem
PASS lighting-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL lighting-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS lighting-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS list-style-image (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS list-style-image: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS list-style-image: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS list-style-position (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS list-style-position: "outside" onto "inside"
PASS list-style-position: "inside" onto "outside"
PASS list-style-type (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS list-style-type: "square" onto "circle"
PASS list-style-type: "circle" onto "square"
PASS mix-blend-mode (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS mix-blend-mode: "screen" onto "multiply"
PASS mix-blend-mode: "multiply" onto "screen"
PASS object-fit (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS object-fit: "contain" onto "fill"
PASS object-fit: "fill" onto "contain"
PASS offset-distance (type: lengthPercentageOrCalc) has testAccumulation function
PASS offset-distance: length
PASS offset-distance: length of rem
PASS offset-distance: percentage
PASS offset-distance: units "%" onto "px"
PASS offset-distance: units "px" onto "%"
PASS offset-distance: units "rem" onto "%"
PASS offset-distance: units "%" onto "rem"
PASS offset-distance: units "rem" onto "em"
PASS offset-distance: units "em" onto "rem"
PASS offset-distance: units "calc" onto "px"
PASS offset-distance: calc
PASS order (type: integer) has testAccumulation function
PASS order: integer
PASS outline-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL outline-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS outline-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS outline-offset (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS outline-offset: length
PASS outline-offset: length of rem
PASS outline-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS outline-style: "dotted" onto "none"
PASS outline-style: "none" onto "dotted"
PASS outline-width (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS outline-width: length
PASS outline-width: length of rem
PASS overflow-wrap (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS overflow-wrap: "break-word" onto "normal"
PASS overflow-wrap: "normal" onto "break-word"
PASS overflow-x (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS overflow-x: "hidden" onto "visible"
PASS overflow-x: "visible" onto "hidden"
PASS overflow-y (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS overflow-y: "hidden" onto "visible"
PASS overflow-y: "visible" onto "hidden"
PASS page-break-after (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS page-break-after: "auto" onto "always"
PASS page-break-after: "always" onto "auto"
PASS page-break-before (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS page-break-before: "auto" onto "always"
PASS page-break-before: "always" onto "auto"
PASS page-break-inside (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS page-break-inside: "avoid" onto "auto"
PASS page-break-inside: "auto" onto "avoid"
PASS paint-order (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS paint-order: "stroke" onto "fill"
PASS paint-order: "fill" onto "stroke"
PASS perspective (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS perspective: length
PASS perspective: length of rem
PASS perspective-origin (type: position) has testAccumulation function
PASS perspective-origin: length pair
PASS perspective-origin: length pair of rem
PASS perspective-origin: position of percentage
PASS pointer-events (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS pointer-events: "none" onto "fill"
PASS pointer-events: "fill" onto "none"
PASS position (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS position: "fixed" onto "absolute"
PASS position: "absolute" onto "fixed"
PASS resize (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS resize: "horizontal" onto "both"
PASS resize: "both" onto "horizontal"
PASS shape-outside (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS shape-outside: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS shape-outside: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS stop-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL stop-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS stop-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS stop-opacity (type: opacity) has testAccumulation function
FAIL stop-opacity: [0, 1] number assert_equals: The value should be 0.6 at 0ms expected "0.6" but got "0.6000000238418579"
FAIL stop-opacity: [0, 1] number (clamped) assert_equals: The value should be 1 at 0ms expected "1" but got "1.100000023841858"
PASS stroke-dasharray (type: dasharray) has testAccumulation function
PASS stroke-dasharray: dasharray
PASS stroke-dasharray (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS stroke-dasharray: "10px, 20px" onto "none"
PASS stroke-dasharray: "none" onto "10px, 20px"
PASS stroke-miterlimit (type: positiveNumber) has testAccumulation function
FAIL stroke-miterlimit: positive number assert_equals: The value should be 2.2 at 0ms expected "2.2" but got "2.200000047683716"
PASS stroke-opacity (type: opacity) has testAccumulation function
FAIL stroke-opacity: [0, 1] number assert_equals: The value should be 0.6 at 0ms expected "0.6" but got "0.6000000238418579"
FAIL stroke-opacity: [0, 1] number (clamped) assert_equals: The value should be 1 at 0ms expected "1" but got "1.100000023841858"
PASS table-layout (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS table-layout: "fixed" onto "auto"
PASS table-layout: "auto" onto "fixed"
PASS text-align (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-align: "end" onto "start"
PASS text-align: "start" onto "end"
PASS text-decoration-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL text-decoration-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS text-decoration-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS text-decoration-line (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-decoration-line: "overline" onto "underline"
PASS text-decoration-line: "underline" onto "overline"
PASS text-decoration-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-decoration-style: "dotted" onto "solid"
PASS text-decoration-style: "solid" onto "dotted"
PASS text-overflow (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-overflow: "ellipsis" onto "clip"
PASS text-overflow: "clip" onto "ellipsis"
PASS text-shadow (type: textShadowList) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-shadow: shadow
PASS text-transform (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS text-transform: "uppercase" onto "capitalize"
PASS text-transform: "capitalize" onto "uppercase"
PASS touch-action (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS touch-action: "none" onto "auto"
PASS touch-action: "auto" onto "none"
PASS transform (type: transformList) has testAccumulation function
PASS transform: translate
PASS transform: rotate
PASS transform: scale
PASS transform: skew
FAIL transform: rotate on translate assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0) but got matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0): The value should be matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0) at 0ms but got matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0) expected 100 +/- 0.0001 but got 0
FAIL transform: translate on rotate assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0) but got matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0): The value should be matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0) at 0ms but got matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0) expected 0 +/- 0.0001 but got 1
PASS transform: rotate and translate on rotate
PASS transform: rotate on rotate and translate
FAIL transform: matrix assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0) but got matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0): The value should be matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 100, 0) at 0ms but got matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 0) expected 0 +/- 0.0001 but got 1
PASS transform: rotate3d
FAIL transform: matrix3d assert_approx_equals: expected matrix3d(0.853553, 0.146447, 0.5, 0, 0.146447, 0.853553, -0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.707107, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) but got matrix3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.707107, 0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.707107, 0, -0.707107, 0.707107, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1): The value should be matrix3d(0.853553, 0.146447, 0.5, 0, 0.146447, 0.853553, -0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.707107, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) at 0ms but got matrix3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.707107, 0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.707107, 0, -0.707107, 0.707107, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) expected 0.853553 +/- 0.0001 but got 0.5
FAIL transform: none assert_equals: dimension of the matrix: The value should be matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1) at 0ms but got matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) expected 16 but got 6
PASS transform: non-invertible matrices (non-invertible onto invertible)
PASS transform: non-invertible matrices (invertible onto non-invertible)
FAIL transform: non-invertible matrices in matched transform lists (non-invertible onto invertible) assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(-1, -1, 0, 0, 100, 100) but got matrix(0, 0, 1, 1, 150, 100): The value should be matrix(-1, -1, 0, 0, 100, 100) at 0ms but got matrix(0, 0, 1, 1, 150, 100) expected -1 +/- 0.0001 but got 0
FAIL transform: non-invertible matrices in matched transform lists (invertible onto non-invertible) assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0) but got matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 350, 0): The value should be matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 250, 0) at 0ms but got matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 350, 0) expected -1 +/- 0.0001 but got 1
FAIL transform: non-invertible matrices in mismatched transform lists (non-invertible onto invertible) assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100) but got matrix(1, 1, 1, 1, 150, 100): The value should be matrix(1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100) at 0ms but got matrix(1, 1, 1, 1, 150, 100) expected 100 +/- 0.0001 but got 150
FAIL transform: non-invertible matrices in mismatched transform lists (invertible onto non-invertible) assert_approx_equals: expected matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0) but got matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 350, 0): The value should be matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 250, 0) at 0ms but got matrix(-2, 0, 0, -2, 350, 0) expected 250 +/- 0.0001 but got 350
PASS transform-box (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS transform-box: "border-box" onto "fill-box"
PASS transform-box: "fill-box" onto "border-box"
PASS transform-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS transform-style: "preserve-3d" onto "flat"
PASS transform-style: "flat" onto "preserve-3d"
PASS rotate (type: rotateList) has testAccumulation function
PASS rotate without rotation axes
PASS rotate with underlying transform
PASS rotate with different rotation axes
PASS translate (type: translateList) has testAccumulation function
PASS translate
PASS translate with transform
PASS scale (type: scaleList) has testAccumulation function
PASS scale with two unspecified values
PASS scale with one unspecified value
PASS scale
PASS visibility (type: visibility) has testAccumulation function
PASS visibility: onto "visible"
PASS visibility: onto "hidden"
PASS white-space (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS white-space: "nowrap" onto "pre"
PASS white-space: "pre" onto "nowrap"
PASS word-break (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS word-break: "break-all" onto "keep-all"
PASS word-break: "keep-all" onto "break-all"
PASS word-spacing (type: lengthPercentageOrCalc) has testAccumulation function
PASS word-spacing: length
PASS word-spacing: length of rem
FAIL word-spacing: percentage assert_equals: The value should be 130% at 0ms expected "130%" but got "3.25px"
FAIL word-spacing: units "%" onto "px" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 10px) at 0ms expected "calc(10% + 10px)" but got "0.25px"
FAIL word-spacing: units "px" onto "%" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 10px) at 0ms expected "calc(10% + 10px)" but got "3355443px"
FAIL word-spacing: units "rem" onto "%" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 20px) at 0ms expected "calc(10% + 20px)" but got "3355443px"
FAIL word-spacing: units "%" onto "rem" assert_equals: The value should be calc(10% + 20px) at 0ms expected "calc(10% + 20px)" but got "0.25px"
PASS word-spacing: units "rem" onto "em"
PASS word-spacing: units "em" onto "rem"
FAIL word-spacing: units "calc" onto "px" assert_equals: The value should be calc(20% + 30px) at 0ms expected "calc(20% + 30px)" but got "20px"
FAIL word-spacing: calc assert_equals: The value should be calc(30% + 30px) at 0ms expected "calc(30% + 30px)" but got "0px"