blob: 65f7912c08ba76a58f4a0c95cf6ae68ec670f504 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Setup
PASS align-content (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS align-content: "flex-end" onto "flex-start"
PASS align-content: "flex-start" onto "flex-end"
PASS align-items (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS align-items: "flex-end" onto "flex-start"
PASS align-items: "flex-start" onto "flex-end"
PASS align-self (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS align-self: "flex-end" onto "flex-start"
PASS align-self: "flex-start" onto "flex-end"
PASS backface-visibility (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS backface-visibility: "hidden" onto "visible"
PASS backface-visibility: "visible" onto "hidden"
PASS background-attachment (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS background-attachment: "local" onto "fixed"
PASS background-attachment: "fixed" onto "local"
PASS background-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL background-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS background-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS background-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS background-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS background-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS background-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS background-clip (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS background-clip: "content-box" onto "padding-box"
PASS background-clip: "padding-box" onto "content-box"
PASS background-image (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS background-image: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS background-image: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS background-origin (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS background-origin: "content-box" onto "padding-box"
PASS background-origin: "padding-box" onto "content-box"
PASS background-repeat (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS background-repeat: "round" onto "space"
PASS background-repeat: "space" onto "round"
PASS border-bottom-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL border-bottom-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS border-bottom-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS border-bottom-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS border-bottom-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS border-bottom-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS border-bottom-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS border-bottom-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-bottom-style: "solid" onto "dotted"
PASS border-bottom-style: "dotted" onto "solid"
PASS border-bottom-width (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-bottom-width: length
PASS border-bottom-width: length of rem
PASS border-collapse (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-collapse: "separate" onto "collapse"
PASS border-collapse: "collapse" onto "separate"
PASS border-image-repeat (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-image-repeat: "round space" onto "stretch repeat"
PASS border-image-repeat: "stretch repeat" onto "round space"
PASS border-image-source (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-image-source: "url("http://localhost/test-2")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-1")"
PASS border-image-source: "url("http://localhost/test-1")" onto "url("http://localhost/test-2")"
PASS border-left-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL border-left-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS border-left-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS border-left-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS border-left-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS border-left-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS border-left-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS border-left-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-left-style: "solid" onto "dotted"
PASS border-left-style: "dotted" onto "solid"
PASS border-left-width (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-left-width: length
PASS border-left-width: length of rem
PASS border-right-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL border-right-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS border-right-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS border-right-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS border-right-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS border-right-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS border-right-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS border-right-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-right-style: "solid" onto "dotted"
PASS border-right-style: "dotted" onto "solid"
PASS border-right-width (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-right-width: length
PASS border-right-width: length of rem
PASS border-spacing (type: lengthPair) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-spacing: length pair
PASS border-spacing: length pair of rem
PASS border-top-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL border-top-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS border-top-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS border-top-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS border-top-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS border-top-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS border-top-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS border-top-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-top-style: "solid" onto "dotted"
PASS border-top-style: "dotted" onto "solid"
PASS border-top-width (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS border-top-width: length
PASS border-top-width: length of rem
PASS box-shadow (type: boxShadowList) has testAccumulation function
PASS box-shadow: shadow
PASS box-sizing (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS box-sizing: "border-box" onto "content-box"
PASS box-sizing: "content-box" onto "border-box"
PASS caption-side (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS caption-side: "bottom" onto "top"
PASS caption-side: "top" onto "bottom"
PASS caret-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL caret-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS caret-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS caret-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS caret-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS caret-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS caret-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS clear (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS clear: "right" onto "left"
PASS clear: "left" onto "right"
PASS clip (type: rect) has testAccumulation function
PASS clip: rect
PASS clip (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS clip: "auto" onto "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)"
PASS clip: "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)" onto "auto"
PASS clip: "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, auto)" onto "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)"
PASS clip: "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)" onto "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, auto)"
PASS color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS column-count (type: positiveInteger) has testAccumulation function
PASS column-count: positive integer
PASS column-count (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS column-count: "10" onto "auto"
PASS column-count: "auto" onto "10"
PASS column-gap (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS column-gap: length
PASS column-gap: length of rem
PASS column-gap (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS column-gap: "200px" onto "normal"
PASS column-gap: "normal" onto "200px"
PASS column-rule-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL column-rule-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS column-rule-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS column-rule-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS column-rule-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS column-rule-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS column-rule-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS column-fill (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS column-fill: "balance" onto "auto"
PASS column-fill: "auto" onto "balance"
PASS column-rule-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS column-rule-style: "dotted" onto "none"
PASS column-rule-style: "none" onto "dotted"
PASS column-rule-width (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS column-rule-width: length
PASS column-rule-width: length of rem
PASS column-width (type: length) has testAccumulation function
PASS column-width: length
PASS column-width: length of rem
PASS column-width (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS column-width: "1px" onto "auto"
PASS column-width: "auto" onto "1px"
PASS cursor (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS cursor: "wait" onto "pointer"
PASS cursor: "pointer" onto "wait"
PASS empty-cells (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS empty-cells: "hide" onto "show"
PASS empty-cells: "show" onto "hide"
PASS fill-opacity (type: opacity) has testAccumulation function
FAIL fill-opacity: [0, 1] number assert_equals: The value should be 0.6 at 0ms expected "0.6" but got "0.6000000238418579"
FAIL fill-opacity: [0, 1] number (clamped) assert_equals: The value should be 1 at 0ms expected "1" but got "1.100000023841858"
PASS filter (type: filterList) has testAccumulation function
FAIL filter: same ordered filter functions assert_equals: The value should be blur(30px) brightness(0) at 0ms expected "blur(30px) brightness(0)" but got "blur(30px) brightness(0.4)"
PASS filter: mismatched ordered filter functions
PASS flex-basis (type: lengthPercentageOrCalc) has testAccumulation function
PASS flex-basis: length
PASS flex-basis: length of rem
PASS flex-basis: percentage
PASS flex-basis: units "%" onto "px"
PASS flex-basis: units "px" onto "%"
PASS flex-basis: units "rem" onto "%"
PASS flex-basis: units "%" onto "rem"
PASS flex-basis: units "rem" onto "em"
PASS flex-basis: units "em" onto "rem"
PASS flex-basis: units "calc" onto "px"
PASS flex-basis: calc
PASS flex-basis (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS flex-basis: "10px" onto "auto"
PASS flex-basis: "auto" onto "10px"
PASS flex-direction (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS flex-direction: "row-reverse" onto "row"
PASS flex-direction: "row" onto "row-reverse"
PASS flex-grow (type: positiveNumber) has testAccumulation function
FAIL flex-grow: positive number assert_equals: The value should be 2.2 at 0ms expected "2.2" but got "2.200000047683716"
PASS flex-shrink (type: positiveNumber) has testAccumulation function
FAIL flex-shrink: positive number assert_equals: The value should be 2.2 at 0ms expected "2.2" but got "2.200000047683716"
PASS flex-wrap (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS flex-wrap: "wrap" onto "nowrap"
PASS flex-wrap: "nowrap" onto "wrap"
PASS flood-color (type: color) has testAccumulation function
FAIL flood-color supports animating as color of rgb() with overflowed from and to values assert_equals: The value should be rgb(255, 128, 255) at 500ms expected "rgb(255, 128, 255)" but got "rgb(192, 128, 192)"
PASS flood-color supports animating as color of #RGB
PASS flood-color supports animating as color of hsl()
PASS flood-color supports animating as color of #RGBa
PASS flood-color supports animating as color of rgba()
PASS flood-color supports animating as color of hsla()
PASS flood-opacity (type: opacity) has testAccumulation function
FAIL flood-opacity: [0, 1] number assert_equals: The value should be 0.6 at 0ms expected "0.6" but got "0.6000000238418579"
FAIL flood-opacity: [0, 1] number (clamped) assert_equals: The value should be 1 at 0ms expected "1" but got "1.100000023841858"
PASS font-stretch (type: percentage) has testAccumulation function
PASS font-stretch: percentage
PASS font-style (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS font-style: "oblique" onto "italic"
PASS font-style: "italic" onto "oblique"
PASS float (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS float: "right" onto "left"
PASS float: "left" onto "right"
PASS font-variation-settings (type: fontVariationSettings) has testAccumulation function
FAIL font-variation-settings with composite type accumulate assert_equals: The value should be "wght" 2.2 at 250ms expected "\"wght\" 2.2" but got "\"wght\" 1.2"
PASS font-variation-settings (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS font-variation-settings: ""wdth" 5" onto ""wdth" 1, "wght" 1.1"
FAIL font-variation-settings: ""wdth" 1, "wght" 1.1" onto ""wdth" 5" assert_equals: The value should be "wdth" 1, "wght" 1.1 at 0ms expected "\"wdth\" 1, \"wght\" 1.1" but got "\"wght\" 1.1, \"wdth\" 1"
PASS font-variation-settings: "normal" onto ""wdth" 5"
PASS font-variation-settings: ""wdth" 5" onto "normal"
PASS grid-auto-columns (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS grid-auto-columns: "5px" onto "1px"
PASS grid-auto-columns: "1px" onto "5px"
PASS grid-auto-flow (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS grid-auto-flow: "column" onto "row"
PASS grid-auto-flow: "row" onto "column"
PASS grid-auto-rows (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS grid-auto-rows: "5px" onto "1px"
PASS grid-auto-rows: "1px" onto "5px"
PASS grid-column-end (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS grid-column-end: "5" onto "1"
PASS grid-column-end: "1" onto "5"
PASS grid-column-start (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS grid-column-start: "5" onto "1"
PASS grid-column-start: "1" onto "5"
PASS grid-row-end (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS grid-row-end: "5" onto "1"
PASS grid-row-end: "1" onto "5"
PASS grid-row-start (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS grid-row-start: "5" onto "1"
PASS grid-row-start: "1" onto "5"
PASS image-orientation (type: discrete) has testAccumulation function
PASS image-orientation: "from-image" onto "none"
PASS image-orientation: "none" onto "from-image"