blob: bc0ce54f912b226ccf251afe7034052cfff363cd [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Non-object imports argument: null
PASS Non-object imports argument: true
PASS Non-object imports argument: ""
PASS Non-object imports argument: symbol "Symbol()"
PASS Non-object imports argument: 1
PASS Non-object imports argument: 0.1
PASS Non-object imports argument: NaN
PASS Non-object module: undefined
PASS Non-object module: null
PASS Non-object module: true
PASS Non-object module: ""
PASS Non-object module: symbol "Symbol()"
PASS Non-object module: 1
PASS Non-object module: 0.1
PASS Non-object module: NaN
PASS Missing imports argument
PASS Imports argument with missing property: undefined
PASS Imports argument with missing property: empty object
PASS Imports argument with missing property: wrong property
PASS Importing a function with an incorrectly-typed value: undefined
PASS Importing a function with an incorrectly-typed value: null
PASS Importing a function with an incorrectly-typed value: true
PASS Importing a function with an incorrectly-typed value: ""
PASS Importing a function with an incorrectly-typed value: symbol "Symbol()"
PASS Importing a function with an incorrectly-typed value: 1
PASS Importing a function with an incorrectly-typed value: 0.1
PASS Importing a function with an incorrectly-typed value: NaN
PASS Importing a function with an incorrectly-typed value: object "[object Object]"
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: undefined
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: null
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: true
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: ""
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: symbol "Symbol()"
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: plain object
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global.prototype
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: Object.create(WebAssembly.Global.prototype)
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: BigInt
PASS Importing an i32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global object (wrong value type)
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: undefined
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: null
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: true
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: ""
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: symbol "Symbol()"
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: plain object
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global.prototype
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: Object.create(WebAssembly.Global.prototype)
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: Number
PASS Importing an i64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global object (wrong value type)
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: undefined
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: null
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: true
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: ""
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: symbol "Symbol()"
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: plain object
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global.prototype
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: Object.create(WebAssembly.Global.prototype)
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: BigInt
PASS Importing an f32 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global object (wrong value type)
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: undefined
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: null
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: true
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: ""
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: symbol "Symbol()"
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: plain object
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global.prototype
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: Object.create(WebAssembly.Global.prototype)
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: BigInt
PASS Importing an f64 global with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Global object (wrong value type)
PASS Importing an i32 mutable global with a primitive value
PASS Importing an i32 mutable global with an immutable Global object
PASS Importing an i64 mutable global with a primitive value
PASS Importing an i64 mutable global with an immutable Global object
PASS Importing an f32 mutable global with a primitive value
PASS Importing an f32 mutable global with an immutable Global object
PASS Importing an f64 mutable global with a primitive value
PASS Importing an f64 mutable global with an immutable Global object
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: undefined
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: null
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: true
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: ""
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: symbol "Symbol()"
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: 1
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: 0.1
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: NaN
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: plain object
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Memory
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Memory.prototype
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: Object.create(WebAssembly.Memory.prototype)
PASS Importing memory with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Memory object (too large)
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: undefined
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: null
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: true
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: ""
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: symbol "Symbol()"
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: 1
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: 0.1
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: NaN
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: plain object
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Table
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Table.prototype
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: Object.create(WebAssembly.Table.prototype)
PASS Importing table with an incorrectly-typed value: WebAssembly.Table object (too large)