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<title>WebAssembly JS API: Default [[Prototype]] value is from NewTarget's Realm</title>
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<iframe id="constructor-iframe" hidden></iframe>
<iframe id="new-target-iframe" hidden></iframe>
<iframe id="other-iframe" hidden></iframe>
"use strict";
const constructorRealm = document.querySelector("#constructor-iframe").contentWindow;
const newTargetRealm = document.querySelector("#new-target-iframe").contentWindow;
const otherRealm = document.querySelector("#other-iframe").contentWindow;
const emptyModuleBinary = new WasmModuleBuilder().toBuffer();
const interfaces = [
["Module", emptyModuleBinary],
["Instance", new WebAssembly.Module(emptyModuleBinary)],
["Memory", {initial: 0}],
["Table", {element: "anyfunc", initial: 0}],
["Global", {value: "i32"}],
// See step 2 of
const primitives = [
const getNewTargets = function* (realm) {
for (const primitive of primitives) {
const newTarget = new realm.Function();
newTarget.prototype = primitive;
yield [newTarget, "cross-realm NewTarget with `" + format_value(primitive) + "` prototype"];
// GetFunctionRealm ( coverage:
const bindOther = otherRealm.Function.prototype.bind;
const ProxyOther = otherRealm.Proxy;
const bound = new realm.Function();
bound.prototype = undefined;
yield [, "bound cross-realm NewTarget with `undefined` prototype"];
const boundBound = new realm.Function();
boundBound.prototype = null;
yield [, "bound bound cross-realm NewTarget with `null` prototype"];
const boundProxy = new realm.Function();
boundProxy.prototype = false;
yield [ ProxyOther(boundProxy, {})), "bound Proxy of cross-realm NewTarget with `false` prototype"];
const proxy = new realm.Function();
proxy.prototype = true;
yield [new ProxyOther(proxy, {}), "Proxy of cross-realm NewTarget with `true` prototype"];
const proxyProxy = new realm.Function();
proxyProxy.prototype = -0;
yield [new ProxyOther(new ProxyOther(proxyProxy, {}), {}), "Proxy of Proxy of cross-realm NewTarget with `-0` prototype"];
const proxyBound = new realm.Function();
proxyBound.prototype = NaN;
yield [new ProxyOther(, {}), "Proxy of bound cross-realm NewTarget with `NaN` prototype"];
for (const [interfaceName, constructorArg] of interfaces) {
for (const [newTarget, testDescription] of getNewTargets(newTargetRealm)) {
test(() => {
const Constructor = constructorRealm.WebAssembly[interfaceName];
const object = Reflect.construct(Constructor, [constructorArg], newTarget);
const NewTargetConstructor = newTargetRealm.WebAssembly[interfaceName];
assert_true(object instanceof NewTargetConstructor);
assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(object), NewTargetConstructor.prototype);
}, `WebAssembly.${interfaceName}: ${testDescription}`);