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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test repeatedly chaining video.rVFC() callbacks.</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/media.js"></script>
promise_test(async function(t) {
let done;
const promise = new Promise(resolve => done = resolve);
let video = document.createElement('video');
let firstTime;
video.requestVideoFrameCallback(t.step_func((time) => {
firstTime = time;
// Queue up a callback and make sure it's not immediately executed.
let secondTime;
video.requestVideoFrameCallback(t.step_func((time) => {
secondTime = time;
assert_greater_than(secondTime, firstTime, "Callbacks should be executed on the next frame");
// Queue up a second callback, and make sure it's called at the same time
// as the one we just queued up.
video.requestVideoFrameCallback(t.step_func((time) => {
assert_equals(time, secondTime, "Callbacks queued together should be called at the same time");
video.src = getVideoURI('/media/movie_5');
return promise;
}, 'Test new callbacks are only called on the next frame.');
promise_test(async function(t) {
let done;
const promise = new Promise(resolve => done = resolve);
let video = document.createElement('video');
let maxNumberOfCalls = 10;
let currentCallNumber = 0;
let lastMetadata;
function verifyMetadata(last, current) {
assert_greater_than(current.presentedFrames, last.presentedFrames, "presentedFrames should be monotonically increasing");
assert_greater_than(current.presentationTime, last.presentationTime, "presentationTime should be monotonically increasing");
assert_greater_than(current.expectedDisplayTime, last.expectedDisplayTime, "expectedDisplayTime should be monotonically increasing");
// We aren't seeking through the file, so this should be increasing from frame to frame.
assert_greater_than(current.mediaTime, last.mediaTime, "mediaTime should be increasing");
// The test video's size doesn't change.
assert_equals(current.width, last.width, "width should remain constant");
assert_equals(current.height, last.height, "height should remain constant");
function repeatingCallback(time, metadata) {
// Skip the first call to verifyMetadata.
if (currentCallNumber)
verifyMetadata(lastMetadata, metadata)
lastMetadata = metadata;
if (++currentCallNumber > maxNumberOfCalls) {
} else {
video.src = getVideoURI('/media/movie_5');
return promise;
}, 'Test chaining calls to video.rVFC, and verify the required parameters.');