blob: ff6ca7a4c48c2bf4d85c876d590f8f077872b04e [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import os
from unittest import mock
import jsone
import pytest
import requests
import yaml
from jsonschema import validate
from import decision
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, "..", "..", "..", ".."))
def data_path(filename):
return os.path.join(here, "..", "testdata", filename)
def test_verify_taskcluster_yml():
"""Verify that the json-e in the .taskcluster.yml is valid"""
with open(os.path.join(root, ".taskcluster.yml"), encoding="utf8") as f:
template = yaml.safe_load(f)
events = [("pr_event.json", "github-pull-request", "Pull Request"),
("master_push_event.json", "github-push", "Push to master")]
for filename, tasks_for, title in events:
with open(data_path(filename), encoding="utf8") as f:
event = json.load(f)
context = {"tasks_for": tasks_for,
"event": event,
"as_slugid": lambda x: x}
jsone.render(template, context)
def test_verify_payload():
"""Verify that the decision task produces tasks with a valid payload"""
from import decide
r = requests.get("")
create_task_schema = r.json()
r = requests.get("")
payload_schema = r.json()
jobs = ["lint",
for filename in ["pr_event.json", "master_push_event.json"]:
with open(data_path(filename), encoding="utf8") as f:
event = json.load(f)
with mock.patch("", return_value=(None, event["after"], None)):
with mock.patch("", return_value=set(jobs)):
task_id_map = decide(event)
for name, (task_id, task_data) in task_id_map.items():
validate(instance=task_data, schema=create_task_schema)
validate(instance=task_data["payload"], schema=payload_schema)
except Exception as e:
print("Validation failed for task '%s':\n%s" % (name, json.dumps(task_data, indent=2)))
raise e
@pytest.mark.parametrize("event_path,is_pr,files_changed,expected", [
("master_push_event.json", False, None,
("pr_event.json", True, {".taskcluster.yml", ".travis.yml", "tools/ci/"},
'tools/ unittests (Python 3.6)',
'tools/ unittests (Python 3.9)',
'tools/ integration tests (Python 3.6)',
'tools/ integration tests (Python 3.9)',
'resources/ tests (Python 3.6)',
'resources/ tests (Python 3.9)',
'infrastructure/ tests',
# More tests are affected in the actual PR but it shouldn't affect the scheduled tasks
("pr_event_tests_affected.json", True, {"layout-instability/clip-negative-bottom-margin.html",
("epochs_daily_push_event.json", False, None,
def test_schedule_tasks(event_path, is_pr, files_changed, expected):
with mock.patch("", return_value=(None, None, None)):
with mock.patch("tools.wpt.testfiles.repo_files_changed",
with open(data_path(event_path), encoding="utf8") as event_file:
event = json.load(event_file)
scheduled = decision.decide(event)
assert list(scheduled.keys()) == expected