blob: 85d9fc1781b4ca1155caa552bf43dc5d61061eb6 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS cx and cy presentation attributes supported on circle element
PASS cx and cy presentation attributes supported on ellipse element
PASS x, y, width, and height presentation attributes supported on foreignObject element
PASS x, y, width, and height presentation attributes supported on image element
PASS x, y, width, and height presentation attributes supported on rect element
PASS x, y, width, and height presentation attributes supported on svg element
PASS x, y, width, and height presentation attributes supported on symbol element
PASS x, y, width, and height presentation attributes supported on use element
PASS r presentation attribute supported on circle element
PASS rx and ry presentation attributes supported on ellipse element
PASS rx and ry presentation attributes supported on rect element
FAIL cx and cy presentation attributes not supported on other elements assert_false: Presentation attribute cx="1" should not be supported on g element expected false got true
FAIL x, y, width, and height presentation attributes not supported on other elements assert_false: Presentation attribute x="1" should not be supported on g element expected false got true
FAIL r presentation attribute not supported on other elements assert_false: Presentation attribute r="1" should not be supported on g element expected false got true
FAIL rx and ry presentation attributes not supported on other elements assert_false: Presentation attribute rx="1" should not be supported on g element expected false got true
FAIL fill presentation attribute not supported on animate assert_false: Presentation attribute fill="blue" should not be supported on animate element expected false got true
FAIL fill presentation attribute not supported on animateMotion assert_false: Presentation attribute fill="blue" should not be supported on animateMotion element expected false got true
FAIL fill presentation attribute not supported on animateTransform assert_false: Presentation attribute fill="blue" should not be supported on animateTransform element expected false got true
FAIL fill presentation attribute not supported on discard assert_false: Presentation attribute fill="blue" should not be supported on discard element expected false got true
FAIL fill presentation attribute not supported on set assert_false: Presentation attribute fill="blue" should not be supported on set element expected false got true
FAIL transform presentation attribute supported on g assert_true: Presentation attribute transform="scale(2)" should be supported on g element expected true got false
FAIL patternTransform presentation attribute supported on pattern assert_true: Presentation attribute patternTransform="scale(2)" should be supported on pattern element expected true got false
FAIL patternTransform presentation attribute supported on linearGradient assert_true: Presentation attribute gradientTransform="scale(2)" should be supported on linearGradient element expected true got false
FAIL patternTransform presentation attribute supported on radialGradient assert_true: Presentation attribute gradientTransform="scale(2)" should be supported on radialGradient element expected true got false
PASS transform presentation attribute not supported on pattern or gradient elements
PASS patternTransform presentation attribute not supported on g or gradient elements
PASS gradientTransform presentation attribute not supported on g or pattern elements