blob: 665355362e1ac4e3b88453a3d25798b7a20c1b0d [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL Frame location should update on successful navigation assert_unreached: unexpected rejection: assert_equals: expected "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/client-navigated-frame.html" but got "" Reached unreachable code
FAIL Frame location should not be accessible after redirect assert_unreached: unexpected rejection: assert_throws: function "function () { return frame.contentWindow.location.href }" did not throw Reached unreachable code
FAIL Frame location should not be accessible after cross-origin navigation assert_unreached: unexpected rejection: assert_throws: function "function () { return frame.contentWindow.location.href }" did not throw Reached unreachable code
PASS Frame location should not update on failed about:blank navigation
PASS Frame location should not update on failed mixed-content navigation
FAIL Return value should be instance of WindowClient assert_unreached: unexpected rejection: windowClient.navigate() is not yet supported Reached unreachable code
FAIL Redirecting to another origin should resolve with null assert_unreached: unexpected rejection: windowClient.navigate() is not yet supported Reached unreachable code
FAIL Navigating to different origin should resolve with null assert_unreached: unexpected rejection: windowClient.navigate() is not yet supported Reached unreachable code
FAIL Navigating to about:blank should reject with TypeError assert_unreached: unexpected rejection: assert_throws: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NotSupportedError: windowClient.navigate() is not yet supported" ("NotSupportedError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") Reached unreachable code
FAIL Navigating to mixed-content iframe should reject with TypeError assert_unreached: unexpected rejection: assert_throws: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "NotSupportedError: windowClient.navigate() is not yet supported" ("NotSupportedError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") Reached unreachable code