blob: 043ce366e03dc7eb03b5c6dff07c91382f7141b4 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS onabort: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onabort: the default value must be null
PASS onabort: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onabort: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onabort: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onabort
FAIL onauxclick: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers assert_true: MathMLElement has an own property named "onauxclick" expected true got false
FAIL onauxclick: the default value must be null assert_equals: The default value of the property is null for a MathMLMathElement instance expected (object) null but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL onauxclick: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property assert_equals: The onauxclick property must be a function expected "function" but got "undefined"
FAIL onauxclick: dynamic changes on the attribute assert_equals: The onauxclick property must be null (no attribute) expected (object) null but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL onauxclick: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onauxclick assert_equals: The event must be fired at the <math> element expected (object) Element node <math></math> but got (undefined) undefined
PASS onblur: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onblur: the default value must be null
PASS onblur: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onblur: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onblur: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onblur
PASS oncancel: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS oncancel: the default value must be null
PASS oncancel: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS oncancel: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS oncancel: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.oncancel
PASS oncanplay: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS oncanplay: the default value must be null
PASS oncanplay: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS oncanplay: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS oncanplay: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.oncanplay
PASS oncanplaythrough: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS oncanplaythrough: the default value must be null
PASS oncanplaythrough: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS oncanplaythrough: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS oncanplaythrough: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.oncanplaythrough
PASS onchange: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onchange: the default value must be null
PASS onchange: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onchange: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onchange: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onchange
PASS onclick: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onclick: the default value must be null
PASS onclick: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onclick: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onclick: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onclick
PASS onclose: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onclose: the default value must be null
PASS onclose: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onclose: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onclose: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onclose
PASS oncontextmenu: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS oncontextmenu: the default value must be null
PASS oncontextmenu: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS oncontextmenu: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS oncontextmenu: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.oncontextmenu
PASS oncuechange: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS oncuechange: the default value must be null
FAIL oncuechange: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property assert_equals: The oncuechange property must be a function expected "function" but got "object"
FAIL oncuechange: dynamic changes on the attribute assert_equals: The oncuechange property must be a function (set attribute) expected "function" but got "object"
PASS oncuechange: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.oncuechange
PASS ondblclick: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ondblclick: the default value must be null
PASS ondblclick: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ondblclick: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ondblclick: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondblclick
PASS ondrag: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ondrag: the default value must be null
PASS ondrag: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ondrag: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ondrag: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondrag
PASS ondragend: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ondragend: the default value must be null
PASS ondragend: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ondragend: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ondragend: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondragend
PASS ondragenter: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ondragenter: the default value must be null
PASS ondragenter: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ondragenter: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ondragenter: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondragenter
FAIL ondragexit: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers assert_true: MathMLElement has an own property named "ondragexit" expected true got false
FAIL ondragexit: the default value must be null assert_equals: The default value of the property is null for a MathMLMathElement instance expected (object) null but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ondragexit: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property assert_equals: The ondragexit property must be a function expected "function" but got "undefined"
FAIL ondragexit: dynamic changes on the attribute assert_equals: The ondragexit property must be null (no attribute) expected (object) null but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL ondragexit: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondragexit assert_equals: The event must be fired at the <math> element expected (object) Element node <math></math> but got (undefined) undefined
PASS ondragleave: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ondragleave: the default value must be null
PASS ondragleave: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ondragleave: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ondragleave: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondragleave
PASS ondragover: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ondragover: the default value must be null
PASS ondragover: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ondragover: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ondragover: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondragover
PASS ondragstart: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ondragstart: the default value must be null
PASS ondragstart: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ondragstart: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ondragstart: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondragstart
PASS ondrop: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ondrop: the default value must be null
PASS ondrop: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ondrop: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ondrop: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondrop
PASS ondurationchange: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ondurationchange: the default value must be null
PASS ondurationchange: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ondurationchange: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ondurationchange: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ondurationchange
PASS onemptied: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onemptied: the default value must be null
PASS onemptied: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onemptied: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onemptied: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onemptied
PASS onended: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onended: the default value must be null
PASS onended: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onended: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onended: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onended
PASS onfocus: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onfocus: the default value must be null
PASS onfocus: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onfocus: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onfocus: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onfocus
FAIL onformdata: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers assert_true: MathMLElement has an own property named "onformdata" expected true got false
FAIL onformdata: the default value must be null assert_equals: The default value of the property is null for a MathMLMathElement instance expected (object) null but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL onformdata: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property assert_equals: The onformdata property must be a function expected "function" but got "undefined"
FAIL onformdata: dynamic changes on the attribute assert_equals: The onformdata property must be null (no attribute) expected (object) null but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL onformdata: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onformdata assert_equals: The event must be fired at the <math> element expected (object) Element node <math></math> but got (undefined) undefined
PASS oninput: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS oninput: the default value must be null
PASS oninput: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS oninput: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS oninput: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.oninput
PASS oninvalid: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS oninvalid: the default value must be null
PASS oninvalid: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS oninvalid: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS oninvalid: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.oninvalid
PASS onkeydown: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onkeydown: the default value must be null
PASS onkeydown: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onkeydown: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onkeydown: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onkeydown
PASS onkeypress: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onkeypress: the default value must be null
PASS onkeypress: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onkeypress: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onkeypress: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onkeypress
PASS onkeyup: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onkeyup: the default value must be null
PASS onkeyup: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onkeyup: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onkeyup: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onkeyup
PASS onload: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onload: the default value must be null
PASS onload: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onload: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onload: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onload
PASS onloadeddata: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onloadeddata: the default value must be null
PASS onloadeddata: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onloadeddata: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onloadeddata: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onloadeddata
PASS onloadedmetadata: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onloadedmetadata: the default value must be null
PASS onloadedmetadata: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onloadedmetadata: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onloadedmetadata: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onloadedmetadata
PASS onloadstart: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onloadstart: the default value must be null
PASS onloadstart: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onloadstart: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onloadstart: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onloadstart
PASS onmousedown: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onmousedown: the default value must be null
PASS onmousedown: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onmousedown: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onmousedown: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onmousedown
PASS onmouseenter: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onmouseenter: the default value must be null
PASS onmouseenter: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onmouseenter: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onmouseenter: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onmouseenter
PASS onmouseleave: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onmouseleave: the default value must be null
PASS onmouseleave: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onmouseleave: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onmouseleave: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onmouseleave
PASS onmousemove: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onmousemove: the default value must be null
PASS onmousemove: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onmousemove: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onmousemove: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onmousemove
PASS onmouseout: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onmouseout: the default value must be null
PASS onmouseout: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onmouseout: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onmouseout: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onmouseout
PASS onmouseover: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onmouseover: the default value must be null
PASS onmouseover: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onmouseover: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onmouseover: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onmouseover
PASS onmouseup: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onmouseup: the default value must be null
PASS onmouseup: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onmouseup: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onmouseup: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onmouseup
PASS onpause: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onpause: the default value must be null
PASS onpause: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onpause: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onpause: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onpause
PASS onplay: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onplay: the default value must be null
PASS onplay: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onplay: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onplay: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onplay
PASS onplaying: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onplaying: the default value must be null
PASS onplaying: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onplaying: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onplaying: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onplaying
PASS onprogress: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onprogress: the default value must be null
PASS onprogress: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onprogress: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onprogress: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onprogress
PASS onratechange: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onratechange: the default value must be null
PASS onratechange: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onratechange: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onratechange: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onratechange
PASS onreset: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onreset: the default value must be null
PASS onreset: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onreset: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onreset: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onreset
PASS onresize: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onresize: the default value must be null
PASS onresize: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onresize: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onresize: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onresize
PASS onscroll: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onscroll: the default value must be null
PASS onscroll: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onscroll: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onscroll: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onscroll
PASS onsecuritypolicyviolation: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onsecuritypolicyviolation: the default value must be null
PASS onsecuritypolicyviolation: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onsecuritypolicyviolation: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onsecuritypolicyviolation: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onsecuritypolicyviolation
PASS onseeked: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onseeked: the default value must be null
PASS onseeked: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onseeked: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onseeked: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onseeked
PASS onseeking: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onseeking: the default value must be null
PASS onseeking: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onseeking: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onseeking: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onseeking
PASS onselect: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onselect: the default value must be null
PASS onselect: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onselect: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onselect: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onselect
PASS onslotchange: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onslotchange: the default value must be null
PASS onslotchange: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onslotchange: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onslotchange: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onslotchange
PASS onstalled: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onstalled: the default value must be null
PASS onstalled: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onstalled: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onstalled: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onstalled
PASS onsubmit: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onsubmit: the default value must be null
PASS onsubmit: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onsubmit: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onsubmit: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onsubmit
PASS onsuspend: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onsuspend: the default value must be null
PASS onsuspend: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onsuspend: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onsuspend: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onsuspend
PASS ontimeupdate: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ontimeupdate: the default value must be null
PASS ontimeupdate: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ontimeupdate: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ontimeupdate: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ontimeupdate
PASS ontoggle: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS ontoggle: the default value must be null
PASS ontoggle: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS ontoggle: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS ontoggle: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.ontoggle
PASS onvolumechange: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onvolumechange: the default value must be null
PASS onvolumechange: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onvolumechange: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onvolumechange: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onvolumechange
PASS onwaiting: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onwaiting: the default value must be null
PASS onwaiting: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onwaiting: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onwaiting: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onwaiting
PASS onwebkitanimationend: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onwebkitanimationend: the default value must be null
PASS onwebkitanimationend: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onwebkitanimationend: dynamic changes on the attribute
FAIL onwebkitanimationend: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onwebkitanimationend assert_equals: The event must be fired at the <math> element expected (object) Element node <math></math> but got (undefined) undefined
PASS onwebkitanimationiteration: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onwebkitanimationiteration: the default value must be null
PASS onwebkitanimationiteration: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onwebkitanimationiteration: dynamic changes on the attribute
FAIL onwebkitanimationiteration: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onwebkitanimationiteration assert_equals: The event must be fired at the <math> element expected (object) Element node <math></math> but got (undefined) undefined
PASS onwebkitanimationstart: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onwebkitanimationstart: the default value must be null
PASS onwebkitanimationstart: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onwebkitanimationstart: dynamic changes on the attribute
FAIL onwebkitanimationstart: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onwebkitanimationstart assert_equals: The event must be fired at the <math> element expected (object) Element node <math></math> but got (undefined) undefined
PASS onwebkittransitionend: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onwebkittransitionend: the default value must be null
PASS onwebkittransitionend: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onwebkittransitionend: dynamic changes on the attribute
FAIL onwebkittransitionend: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onwebkittransitionend assert_equals: The event must be fired at the <math> element expected (object) Element node <math></math> but got (undefined) undefined
PASS onwheel: must be on the appropriate locations for GlobalEventHandlers
PASS onwheel: the default value must be null
PASS onwheel: the content attribute must be compiled into a function as the corresponding property
PASS onwheel: dynamic changes on the attribute
PASS onwheel: dispatching an Event at a <math> element must trigger element.onwheel