blob: 21b9f16515a0f6f053a2176dd44f094c0edefb5d [file] [log] [blame]
This tests the presence and functionality of features of the `ElementCSSInlineStyle` interface for MathMLElements
PASS The <math> element style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The annotation's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The annotation-xml's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The maction's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The menclose's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The merror's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mfrac's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mi's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mmultiscripts's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mn's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mo's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mover's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mpadded's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mphantom's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mprescripts's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mroot's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mrow's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The ms's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mspace's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The msqrt's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mstyle's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The msub's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The msubsup's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The msup's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mtable's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mtd's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mtext's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The mtr's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The munder's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The munderover's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The none's style property should be present and be functional.
PASS The semantics's style property should be present and be functional.