blob: 065e97781a1d349e0f3380303883c329edc1a4d3 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS unsafe-none document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: ""
PASS unsafe-none document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "unsafe-none"
PASS unsafe-none document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "jibberish"
PASS unsafe-none document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-site"
PASS unsafe-none document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-site unsafe-allow-outgoing"
PASS unsafe-none document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin unsafe-allow-outgoing"
PASS unsafe-none document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin"
PASS unsafe-none document opening popup to https://localhost:9443 with COOP: "same-origin-allow-popups"