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<!doctype html>
<title> Check enforcement of COEP in a DedicatedWorker using CacheStorage. </title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
// See also: ./shared-worker-cache-storage.https.html
function remote(path) {
const REMOTE_ORIGIN = get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN;
return new URL(path, REMOTE_ORIGIN);
const iframe_path = "./resources/iframe.html?pipe=";
const dedicated_worker_path = "./universal-worker.js?pipe=";
const ressource_path = "/images/blue.png?pipe=";
const coep_header= {
"coep-none" : "",
"coep-require-corp" : "|header(Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy,require-corp)",
const corp_header = {
"corp-undefined": "",
"corp-cross-origin": "|header(Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy,cross-origin)",
// Check enforcement of COEP in a DedicatedWorker using CacheStorage.
// 1) Fetch a response from a document with COEP:none. Store it in the
// CacheStorage. The response is cross-origin without any CORS header.
// 2) From an iframe, start a DedicatedWorker and try to retrieve the response
// from the CacheStorage.
// Test parameters:
// - |iframe_coep| the COEP header of the iframe's document response
// - |worker_coep| the COEP header of the DedicatedWorker's script response.
// - |response_corp| the CORP header of the response.
// Test expectations:
// |result|
// - "success" when the worker is able to fetch the response from the
// CacheStorage,
// - "failure" when the worker is not able to fetch the response from the
// CacheStorage, and
// - "error" when it is unable to create a worker.
function check(
// Test parameters:
// Test expectations:
result) {
promise_test(async (t) => {
// 1) Fetch a response from a document with COEP:none. Store it in the
// CacheStorage. The response is cross-origin without any CORS header.
const resource_path = ressource_path + corp_header[response_corp];
const resource_url = remote(resource_path);
const fetch_request = new Request(resource_url, {mode: 'no-cors'});
const cache = await'v1');
const fetch_response = await fetch(fetch_request);
await cache.put(fetch_request, fetch_response);
// 2) From an iframe, start a DedicatedWorker and try to retrieve the
// response from the CacheStorage.
const worker_url = dedicated_worker_path + coep_header[worker_coep];
const worker_eval = `
(async function() {
const cache = await'v1');
const request = new Request('${resource_url}', {
mode: 'no-cors'
try {
const response = await cache.match(request);
} catch(error) {
const iframe_url = iframe_path + coep_header[iframe_coep];
const iframe_eval = `
(async function() {
const w = new Worker('${worker_url}');
const worker_response = new Promise(resolve => w.onmessage = resolve);
w.onerror = () => parent.postMessage('error');
const response = await worker_response;
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
t.add_cleanup(() => iframe.remove());
iframe.src = iframe_url;
const iframe_loaded = new Promise(resolve => iframe.onload = resolve);
await iframe_loaded;
const iframe_response = new Promise(resolve => {
window.addEventListener("message", resolve);
const {data} = await iframe_response;
assert_equals(data, result);
}, `${iframe_coep} ${worker_coep} ${response_corp}`)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// iframe_coep , worker_coep , response_corp , loaded
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check("coep-none" , "coep-none" , "corp-cross-origin" , "success");
check("coep-none" , "coep-none" , "corp-undefined" , "success");
check("coep-none" , "coep-require-corp" , "corp-cross-origin" , "success");
check("coep-none" , "coep-require-corp" , "corp-undefined" , "failure");
check("coep-require-corp" , "coep-none" , "corp-cross-origin" , "error");
check("coep-require-corp" , "coep-none" , "corp-undefined" , "error");
check("coep-require-corp" , "coep-require-corp" , "corp-cross-origin" , "success");
check("coep-require-corp" , "coep-require-corp" , "corp-undefined" , "failure");