blob: 6185b83aec5fe0d7841343f1b52ee87aaca19c5f [file] [log] [blame]
PASS HTTP cache stores partial content and reuses it
FAIL HTTP cache stores complete response and serves smaller ranges from it (byte-range-spec) assert_less_than: Response 2 does not come from cache expected a number less than 2 but got 2
FAIL HTTP cache stores complete response and serves smaller ranges from it (absent last-byte-pos) assert_less_than: Response 2 does not come from cache expected a number less than 2 but got 2
FAIL HTTP cache stores complete response and serves smaller ranges from it (suffix-byte-range-spec) assert_less_than: Response 2 does not come from cache expected a number less than 2 but got 2
FAIL HTTP cache stores partial response and serves smaller ranges from it (byte-range-spec) assert_less_than: Response 2 does not come from cache expected a number less than 2 but got 2
FAIL HTTP cache stores partial response and serves smaller ranges from it (absent last-byte-pos) assert_less_than: Response 2 does not come from cache expected a number less than 2 but got 2
FAIL HTTP cache stores partial response and serves smaller ranges from it (suffix-byte-range-spec) assert_less_than: Response 2 does not come from cache expected a number less than 2 but got 2
FAIL HTTP cache stores partial content and completes it assert_equals: request 2 header range value is "undefined", not "bytes=5-" expected (string) "bytes=5-" but got (undefined) undefined