blob: 73768c9bc5750c038be1ebff5ee6a278fd3f172b [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Consume String request's body as text
PASS Consume String request's body as blob
PASS Consume String request's body as arrayBuffer
PASS Consume String request's body as JSON
PASS Consume ArrayBuffer request's body as text
PASS Consume ArrayBuffer request's body as blob
PASS Consume ArrayBuffer request's body as arrayBuffer
PASS Consume ArrayBuffer request's body as JSON
PASS Consume Uint8Array request's body as text
PASS Consume Uint8Array request's body as blob
PASS Consume Uint8Array request's body as arrayBuffer
PASS Consume Uint8Array request's body as JSON
PASS Consume Int8Array request's body as text
PASS Consume Int8Array request's body as blob
PASS Consume Int8Array request's body as arrayBuffer
PASS Consume Int8Array request's body as JSON
PASS Consume Float32Array request's body as text
PASS Consume Float32Array request's body as blob
PASS Consume Float32Array request's body as arrayBuffer
PASS Consume Float32Array request's body as JSON
PASS Consume DataView request's body as text
PASS Consume DataView request's body as blob
PASS Consume DataView request's body as arrayBuffer
PASS Consume DataView request's body as JSON
PASS Consume FormData request's body as FormData
PASS Consume blob response's body as blob
PASS Consume blob response's body as text
PASS Consume blob response's body as json
PASS Consume blob response's body as arrayBuffer
PASS Consume blob response's body as blob (empty blob as input)
PASS Consume JSON from text: '"null"'
PASS Consume JSON from text: '"1"'
PASS Consume JSON from text: '"true"'
PASS Consume JSON from text: '"\"string\""'
FAIL Trying to consume bad JSON text as JSON: 'undefined' promise_rejects_js: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern." ("SyntaxError") expected instance of function "function SyntaxError() {
[native code]
}" ("SyntaxError")
FAIL Trying to consume bad JSON text as JSON: '{' promise_rejects_js: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern." ("SyntaxError") expected instance of function "function SyntaxError() {
[native code]
}" ("SyntaxError")
FAIL Trying to consume bad JSON text as JSON: 'a' promise_rejects_js: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern." ("SyntaxError") expected instance of function "function SyntaxError() {
[native code]
}" ("SyntaxError")
FAIL Trying to consume bad JSON text as JSON: '[' promise_rejects_js: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern." ("SyntaxError") expected instance of function "function SyntaxError() {
[native code]
}" ("SyntaxError")