blob: 94f6a7ecba1e11abe3403dda59028e9d125ea7fd [file] [log] [blame]
PASS initial_color: div#div_subject.color
PASS initial_color: div#div_child.color
PASS initial_color: div#div_grandchild.color
PASS add .child to #div_child: div#div_subject.color
PASS remove .child from #div_child: div#div_subject.color
PASS add .child to #div_grandchild: div#div_subject.color
PASS remove .child from #div_grandchild: div#div_subject.color
PASS add .descendant to #div_child: div#div_subject.color
PASS remove .descendant from #div_child: div#div_subject.color
PASS add .descendant to #div_grandchild: div#div_subject.color
PASS remove .descendant from #div_grandchild: div#div_subject.color
PASS set descendant to #div_grandchild[attrname]: div#div_subject.color
PASS clear #div_grandchild[attrname]: div#div_subject.color
FAIL change #div_grandchild to #div_descendant: div#div_subject.color assert_equals: expected "rgb(255, 255, 0)" but got "rgb(128, 128, 128)"
PASS change #div_descendant to #div_grandchild: div#div_subject.color
FAIL add descendant to #div_subject: div#div_subject.color assert_equals: expected "rgb(154, 205, 50)" but got "rgb(128, 128, 128)"
PASS remove descendant from #div_subject: div#div_subject.color
FAIL add "div > descendant" to #div_subject: div#div_subject.color assert_equals: expected "rgb(154, 205, 50)" but got "rgb(128, 128, 128)"
PASS remove "div > descendant" from #div_subject: div#div_subject.color