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<title>CSS Test (Selectors): :focus-visible doesn't match on ShadowRoot</title>
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#warning {
display: none;
background: red;
@supports not selector(:focus-visible) {
#instructions {
display: none;
#warning {
display: block;
#host:focus-visible {
outline: 0;
background-color: red;
<p>This test checks that <code>:focus-visible</code> doesn't math on ShadowRoot.</p>
<ol id="instructions">
<li>The input should be focused on load, if it's not focused, focus it via mouse or keyboard.</li>
<li>If you see no red the test result is SUCCESS.</li>
<p id="warning">Your user-agent does not support <code>:focus-visible</code> pseudo-class, please SKIP this test.</p>
<div id="host" style="height: 100px;"></div>
const shadowRoot = host.attachShadow({mode: 'open', delegatesFocus: true});
shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<input id="target" autofocus value="Focus me">';
// Check that :focus-visible is supported.
async_test((t) => {
window.requestAnimationFrame(t.step_func_done(() => {
assert_not_equals(getComputedStyle(host).backgroundColor, "rgb(255, 0, 0)", `backgroundColor for ${host.tagName}#${} should NOT be red`);
let focusVisiblePseudoAll = document.querySelectorAll(':focus-visible');
assert_equals(focusVisiblePseudoAll.length, 0, "No element matches ':focus-visible'");
let focusVisibleShadowDOMPseudoAll = shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(':focus-visible');
assert_equals(focusVisibleShadowDOMPseudoAll.length, 1, "Only one element matches ':focus-visible' in the Shadow DOM");
let target = shadowRoot.getElementById("target");
assert_equals(target, focusVisibleShadowDOMPseudoAll[0], "${target.tagName}#${} matches ':focus-visible'");
}, ":focus-visible doesn't match on ShadowRoot");