blob: 6416de4d581b6c101d284ded81e018b2974acdf7 [file] [log] [blame]
Test DOMQuad interface
PASS test Constructor no args
PASS test Constructor with one init DOMPoint arg
PASS test Constructor with two init DOMPoint args
PASS test Constructor with three init DOMPoint args
PASS test Constructor with four init DOMPoint args
PASS test Constructor with one DOMPoint arg
PASS test Constructor with two DOMPoint args
PASS test Constructor with three DOMPoint args
PASS test Constructor with four DOMPoint args
PASS test Constructor with invaild integer args
PASS test Constructor with invaild string args
PASS test Constructor with NaN
PASS test fromRect
PASS test fromRect with Infinity
PASS test fromQuad
PASS test p1, p2, p3, p4 are readonly
PASS test getBounds