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<title>CSS Values and Units Test: calc() function with angle values</title>
Original test is:
Issue 917718: [css-values] calc-with-time-angle-and-frequency-values
test is highly unreliable, transition-delay testing causes side effects
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<meta content="This test checks that additions, substractions, multiplications and divisions in calc() function when applied to angle units." name="assert">
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function startTesting()
var targetElement = document.getElementById("target");
function compareValueCloseTo(property_name, calcValue, epsilon, expectedValue, description)
{, "initial");
Since we are running many consecutive tests on the same
element, then it is necessary to reset its property
to an initial value before actually re-testing it.
*/, calcValue);
var computedCalcValue = getComputedStyle(targetElement)[property_name];
We first strip out the word "matrix" with the
opening parenthesis "(" and the closing
parenthesis ")"
computedCalcValue = computedCalcValue.replace("matrix(", "").replace(")", "");
Then, we split the string at each comma ","
and store the resulting 6 sub-strings into
var tableSplitCalcValue = computedCalcValue.split(",");
We convert the 6 sub-strings into numerical floating values
so that mathematical operations (substraction, absolute value,
comparison) can be performed.
tableSplitCalcValue[0] = parseFloat(tableSplitCalcValue[0]);
tableSplitCalcValue[1] = parseFloat(tableSplitCalcValue[1]);
tableSplitCalcValue[2] = parseFloat(tableSplitCalcValue[2]);
tableSplitCalcValue[3] = parseFloat(tableSplitCalcValue[3]);
tableSplitCalcValue[4] = parseFloat(tableSplitCalcValue[4]);
tableSplitCalcValue[5] = parseFloat(tableSplitCalcValue[5]);
Now, we execute the same steps with the expectedValue
*/, expectedValue);
var computedExpectedValue = getComputedStyle(targetElement)[property_name];
We first strip out the word "matrix" with the
opening parenthesis "(" and the closing
parenthesis ")"
computedExpectedValue = computedExpectedValue.replace("matrix(", "").replace(")", "");
Then, we split the string at each comma ","
and store the resulting 6 sub-strings into
var tableSplitExpectedValue = computedExpectedValue.split(",");
We convert the 6 sub-strings into numerical floating values
so that mathematical operations (substraction, absolute value,
comparison) can be performed.
tableSplitExpectedValue[0] = parseFloat(tableSplitExpectedValue[0]);
tableSplitExpectedValue[1] = parseFloat(tableSplitExpectedValue[1]);
tableSplitExpectedValue[2] = parseFloat(tableSplitExpectedValue[2]);
tableSplitExpectedValue[3] = parseFloat(tableSplitExpectedValue[3]);
tableSplitExpectedValue[4] = parseFloat(tableSplitExpectedValue[4]);
tableSplitExpectedValue[5] = parseFloat(tableSplitExpectedValue[5]);
assert_array_approx_equals(tableSplitCalcValue, tableSplitExpectedValue, epsilon);
In this mega-test of 27 sub-tests, we intentionally
set the tolerance precision (epsilon) to a rather big
value (0.0001 === 100 millionths). The reason for this
is we want to verify if browsers and CSS-capable
applications do the right calculations. We do not want
to penalize browsers and CSS-capable applications that
have modest precision (not capable of a 1 millionth
level precision).
} , description);
Degrees. There are 360 degrees in a full circle.
Gradians, also known as "gons" or "grades". There are 400 gradians in a full circle.
Radians. There are 2π radians in a full circle.
1rad == 57.295779513°
π == Math.PI == 3.141592653589793
Turns. There is 1 turn in a full circle.
/* Addition of angle units */
/* compareValueCloseTo(property_name, calcValue, epsilon, expectedValue, description) */
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(45deg + 45deg))", 0.0001, "rotate(90deg)", "addition of 2 angle units: deg plus deg");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(45deg + 1rad))", 0.0001, "rotate(102.29578deg)", "addition of 2 angle units: deg plus rad");
1 radian == 57.295779513 degrees
The original test was using the slightly imprecise rotate(102.3deg)
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(20deg + 200grad))", 0.0001, "rotate(200deg)", "addition of 2 angle units: deg plus grad");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(200deg + 0.5turn))", 0.0001, "rotate(380deg)", "addition of 2 angle units: deg plus turn");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(45rad + 45rad))", 0.0001, "rotate(90rad)", "addition of 2 angle units: rad plus rad");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(1rad + 40grad))", 0.0001, "rotate(93.29578deg)", "addition of 2 angle units: rad plus grad");
1 radian == 57.295779513 degrees; 40 gradians is 36 degrees.
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(1rad + 0.5turn))", 0.0001, "rotate(237.29578deg)", "addition of 2 angle units: rad plus turn");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(45grad + 45grad))", 0.0001, "rotate(90grad)", "addition of 2 angle units: grad plus grad");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(10grad + 0.5turn))", 0.0001, "rotate(189deg)", "addition of 2 angle units: grad plus turn");
10 gradians is 9 degrees.
/* compareValueCloseTo(property_name, calcValue, epsilon, expectedValue, description) */
/* Substraction of angle unit */
/* compareValueCloseTo(property_name, calcValue, epsilon, expectedValue, description) */
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(45deg - 15deg))", 0.0001, "rotate(30deg)", "substraction of angle unit: deg minus deg");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(90deg - 1rad))", 0.0001, "rotate(32.70422deg)", "substraction of angle unit: deg minus rad");
1 radian == 57.295779513 degrees
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(38deg - 20grad))", 0.0001, "rotate(20deg)", "substraction of angle unit: deg minus grad");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(360deg - 0.5turn))", 0.0001, "rotate(180deg)", "substraction of angle unit: deg minus turn");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(45rad - 15rad))", 0.0001, "rotate(30rad)", "substraction of angle unit: rad minus rad");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(30rad - 10grad))", 0.0001, "rotate(1709.87339deg)", "substraction of angle unit: rad minus grad");
30 radians is 1718.8733854 degrees ; 10 gradians is 9 degrees.
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(4rad - 0.1turn))", 0.0001, "rotate(193.18312deg)", "substraction of angle unit: rad minus turn");
4 radians is 229.183118052 degrees ; 0.1 turn is 36 degrees.
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(45grad - 15grad))", 0.0001, "rotate(30grad)", "substraction of angle unit: grad minus grad");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(100grad - 0.25turn))", 0.0001, "rotate(0deg)", "substraction of angle unit: grad minus turn");
/* Multiplication of angle unit */
/* compareValueCloseTo(property_name, calcValue, epsilon, expectedValue, description) */
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(45deg * 2))", 0.0001, "rotate(90deg)", "multiplication of angle unit: deg multiplied by int");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(2 * 45rad))", 0.0001, "rotate(90rad)", "multiplication of angle unit: int multiplied by rad");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(45grad * 2))", 0.0001, "rotate(90grad)", "multiplication of angle unit: grad multiplied by int");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(2 * 45turn))", 0.0001, "rotate(90turn)", "multiplication of angle unit: int multiplied by turn");
/* Division of angle unit */
/* compareValueCloseTo(property_name, calcValue, epsilon, expectedValue, description) */
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(90deg / 2))", 0.0001, "rotate(45deg)", "division of angle unit: deg divided by int");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(90rad / 2))", 0.0001, "rotate(45rad)", "division of angle unit: rad divided by int");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(90grad / 2))", 0.0001, "rotate(45grad)", "division of angle unit: grad divided by int");
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(90turn / 2))", 0.0001, "rotate(45turn)", "division of angle unit: turn divided by int");
/* compareValueCloseTo(property_name, calcValue, epsilon, expectedValue, description) */
Degrees. There are 360 degrees in a full circle.
Gradians, also known as "gons" or "grades". There are 400 gradians in a full circle.
Radians. There are 2π radians in a full circle.
1rad == 57.295779513°
π == Math.PI == 3.141592653589793
Turns. There is 1 turn in a full circle.
/* Testing conversion of angle unit */
/* compareValueCloseTo(property_name, calcValue, epsilon, expectedValue, description) */
compareValueCloseTo("transform", "rotate(calc(50grad)", 0.0001, "rotate(45deg)", "conversion of angle unit: grad into deg");