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<title>Numeric normalization tests</title>
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'use strict';
function test_numeric_normalization(test, property, cssText, expected) {
assert_style_value_equals(CSSNumericValue.parse(cssText), expected);
assert_style_value_equals(CSSStyleValue.parse(property, cssText), expected);
createInlineStyleMap(test, property + ': ' + cssText).get(property),
test(t => {
test_numeric_normalization(t, 'line-height', '3.14', CSS.number(3.14));
}, 'Normalizing a <number> returns a number CSSUnitValue');
test(t => {
test_numeric_normalization(t, 'width', '3.14%', CSS.percent(3.14));
}, 'Normalizing a <percentage> returns a percent CSSUnitValue');
test(t => {
test_numeric_normalization(t, 'width', '3.14px', CSS.px(3.14));
}, 'Normalizing a <dimension> returns a CSSUnitValue with the correct unit');
test(t => {
test_numeric_normalization(t, 'opacity', '0', CSS.number(0));
}, 'Normalizing a <number> with a unitless zero returns 0');
test(t => {
test_numeric_normalization(t, 'width',
'calc(1px + calc(1px) + calc(1px * 2) + 1%)',
new CSSMathSum(CSS.px(4), CSS.percent(1)));
}, 'Normalizing a <calc> returns simplified expression');
test(t => {
assert_style_value_equals(CSSStyleValue.parse('width', '0px'), CSS.px(0));
createInlineStyleMap(t, 'width: 0').get('width'),
}, 'Normalizing a <dimension> with a unitless zero returns 0px');