blob: 6b726d6e18e9939b4bdeb06a02562e14f43f7a56 [file] [log] [blame]
This test ensures WebGL implementations properly handle bindAttribLocation before compiling shaders.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS [object WebGLRenderingContext] is non-null.
Checking gl.bindAttribLocation.
PASS getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : bindAttribLocation should return NO_ERROR when called before compiling shader.
PASS program linked successfully
vColor :2
PASS location of _glesVertex should be 5
PASS location of vColor should be 2
PASS drawing is correct
PASS program linked successfully
vColor :1
PASS location of _glesVertex should be 5
PASS location of vColor should be 1
FAIL pixel at (20,15) is (0,255,0,255), should be (255,0,0,255)
PASS getError was expected value: NO_ERROR :
PASS successfullyParsed is true
Some tests failed.