| // This file was procedurally generated from the following sources: |
| // - src/class-elements/private-static-field-shadowed-by-method-on-nested-class.case |
| // - src/class-elements/default/cls-expr.template |
| /*--- |
| description: PrivateName of private static field can be shadowed on inner classes by a private method (field definitions in a class expression) |
| esid: prod-FieldDefinition |
| features: [class-static-fields-private, class-static-fields-public, class-methods-private, class] |
| flags: [generated] |
| info: | |
| Updated Productions |
| |
| CallExpression[Yield, Await]: |
| CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] |
| SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] |
| CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] |
| CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] |
| CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName |
| CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] |
| CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier |
| |
| ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } |
| ... |
| 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). |
| 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. |
| ... |
| 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. |
| 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. |
| ... |
| 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, |
| a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). |
| 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, |
| a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). |
| |
| FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt |
| 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. |
| 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). |
| 3. If Initializer_opt is present, |
| a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. |
| b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. |
| c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. |
| d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). |
| e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). |
| f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). |
| 4. Else, |
| a. Let initializer be empty. |
| b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. |
| 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. |
| |
| MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier |
| 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. |
| 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). |
| 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). |
| 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. |
| 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). |
| |
| MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) |
| 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. |
| 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). |
| 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). |
| 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. |
| 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. |
| |
| ---*/ |
| |
| |
| var C = class { |
| static #m = () => 'outer class'; |
| |
| static fieldAccess() { |
| return this.#m(); |
| } |
| |
| static B = class { |
| #m() { return 'inner class'; } |
| |
| static access(o) { |
| return o.#m(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| assert.sameValue(C.fieldAccess(), 'outer class'); |
| |
| let b = new C.B(); |
| |
| assert.sameValue(C.B.access(b), 'inner class'); |
| |
| assert.throws(TypeError, function() { |
| C.B.access(C); |
| }, 'accessed private method from an arbritary object'); |