blob: 52924c71b42683a481389912bbf23bbc538f72a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: Operator remove leading StrWhiteSpaceChar
esid: sec-parsefloat-string
description: "StrWhiteSpaceChar :: LF (U+000A)"
if (parseFloat("\u000A1.1") !== parseFloat("1.1")) {
throw new Test262Error('#1: parseFloat("\\u000A1.1") === parseFloat("1.1"). Actual: ' + (parseFloat("\u000A1.1")));
if (parseFloat("\u000A\u000A-1.1") !== parseFloat("-1.1")) {
throw new Test262Error('#2: parseFloat("\\u000A\\u000A-1.1") === parseFloat("-1.1"). Actual: ' + (parseFloat("\u000A\u000A-1.1")));
assert.sameValue(parseFloat("\u000A"), NaN);