blob: 4f6664a5854889e9cefbeb50f3e12603f3384482 [file] [log] [blame]
Sync allow, reason shouldn't be NPRES_USER_BREAK...true
Sync allow, URL should be the final URL...true
Sync deny, reason should be NPRES_USER_BREAK...true
Sync deny, URL should be the previous URL...true
Async allow, reason shouldn't be NPRES_USER_BREAK...true
Async allow, URL should be the final URL...true
Async deny, reason should be NPRES_USER_BREAK...true
Async deny, URL should be the previous URL...true
Async multiple allow, reason shouldn't be NPRES_USER_BREAK...true
Async multiple allow, URL should be the final URL...true
Async multiple deny, reason should be NPRES_USER_BREAK...true
Async multiple deny, URL should be the previous URL...true