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| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="1.322" y="12">Global Common Subexpression Elimination</tspan> |
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| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="71.1515" y="12">Strength Reduction</tspan> |
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| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="62.981" y="12">Critical Edge Breaking</tspan> |
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| <text transform="translate(426 263.93036)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="54.544" y="12">Object Allocation Sinking</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_53"> |
| <rect x="421" y="289.4059" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="289.4059" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 295.61154)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="68.506" y="12">ValueRep Reduction</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_55"> |
| <rect x="421" y="321.08708" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="321.08708" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 327.29272)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="76.3385" y="12">Liveness Analysis</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_54"> |
| <rect x="421" y="352.76826" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="352.76826" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 358.9739)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="71.041" y="12">Abstract Interpreter</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_56"> |
| <rect x="421" y="384.44944" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="384.44944" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 390.6551)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="77.658" y="12">Constant Folding</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_58"> |
| <rect x="421" y="416.1306" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="416.1306" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 422.33626)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="76.3385" y="12">Liveness Analysis</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_57"> |
| <rect x="421" y="447.8118" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="447.8118" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 454.01744)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="71.041" y="12">Abstract Interpreter</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_59"> |
| <rect x="421" y="479.493" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="479.493" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 485.6986)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="46.354" y="12">Loop Invariant Code Motion</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_60"> |
| <rect x="421" y="511.17416" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="511.17416" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 517.3798)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="76.3385" y="12">Liveness Analysis</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_61"> |
| <rect x="421" y="542.85534" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="542.85534" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 549.061)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="48.1675" y="12">Integer Range Optimization</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_62"> |
| <rect x="421" y="574.5365" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="574.5365" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 580.74216)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="100.4145" y="12">Clean Up</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_63"> |
| <rect x="421" y="606.2177" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="606.2177" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 612.42334)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="53.335" y="12">Integer Check Combining</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_64"> |
| <rect x="421" y="637.8989" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="637.8989" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 644.1045)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="1.322" y="12">Global Common Subexpression Elimination</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_66"> |
| <rect x="421" y="669.58006" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="669.58006" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 675.7857)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="76.3385" y="12">Liveness Analysis</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_65"> |
| <rect x="421" y="701.2612" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="701.2612" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 707.4669)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="71.041" y="12">Abstract Interpreter</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_68"> |
| <rect x="421" y="732.9424" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="732.9424" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 739.1481)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="43.247" y="12">Global Store Barrier Insertion</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_69"> |
| <rect x="421" y="764.6236" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="764.6236" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 770.8292)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="59.497" y="12">Store Barrier Clustering</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_70"> |
| <rect x="421" y="796.3048" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="796.3048" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 802.5104)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="75.851" y="12">MovHint Removal</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_71"> |
| <rect x="421" y="827.986" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="827.986" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 834.1916)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="100.4145" y="12">Clean Up</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_72"> |
| <rect x="421" y="859.6671" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="859.6671" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 865.8728)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="60.9205" y="12">Dead Code Elimination</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_73"> |
| <rect x="421" y="891.3483" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="891.3483" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 897.554)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="89.332" y="12">Stack Layout</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_74"> |
| <rect x="421" y="923.0295" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="923.0295" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 929.2351)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="76.3385" y="12">Liveness Analysis</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_75"> |
| <rect x="421" y="954.7107" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="954.7107" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 960.9163)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="55.636" y="12">OSR Availability Analysis</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_76"> |
| <rect x="421" y="986.3919" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#236ca5"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="986.3919" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 992.5975)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="63.4555" y="12">Watchpoint Collection</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_77"> |
| <rect x="421" y="1018.073" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_2)"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="1018.073" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 1023.7721)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="700" fill="white" x="74.6485" y="13">Lower DFG to B3</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_79"> |
| <rect x="421" y="1049.7542" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="421" y="1049.7542" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(426 1055.9599)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="57.794" y="12">Reduce Double To Float</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_80"> |
| <rect x="728" y="99.31882" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="99.31882" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 105.52446)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="78.4965" y="12">Reduce Strength</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_81"> |
| <rect x="728" y="131" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="131" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 137.20564)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="48.2845" y="12">Hoist Loop Invariant Values</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_82"> |
| <rect x="728" y="162.68118" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="162.68118" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 168.88682)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="24.072" y="12">Eliminate Common Subexpressions</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_84"> |
| <rect x="728" y="194.36236" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="194.36236" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 200.568)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="66.218" y="12">Eliminate Dead Code</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_85"> |
| <rect x="728" y="226.04354" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="226.04354" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 232.24918)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="86.342" y="12">Infer Switches</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_86"> |
| <rect x="728" y="257.72472" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="257.72472" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 263.93036)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="61.759" y="12">Reduce Loop Strength</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_87"> |
| <rect x="728" y="289.4059" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="289.4059" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 295.61154)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="85.6075" y="12">Duplicate Tails</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_88"> |
| <rect x="728" y="321.08708" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="321.08708" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 327.29272)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="104.516" y="12">Fix SSA</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_89"> |
| <rect x="728" y="352.76826" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="352.76826" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 358.9739)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="68.025" y="12">Fold Path Constants</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_90"> |
| <rect x="728" y="384.44944" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="384.44944" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 390.6551)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="86.095" y="12">Lower Macros</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_91"> |
| <rect x="728" y="416.1306" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="416.1306" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 422.33626)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="15.6675" y="12">Optimize Associative Expression Trees</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_92"> |
| <rect x="728" y="447.8118" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="447.8118" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 454.01744)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="78.4965" y="12">Reduce Strength</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_93"> |
| <rect x="728" y="479.493" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="479.493" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 485.6986)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="28.674" y="12">Lower Macros After Optimizations</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_94"> |
| <rect x="728" y="511.17416" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="511.17416" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 517.3798)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="55.493" y="12">Legalize Memory Offsets</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_95"> |
| <rect x="728" y="542.85534" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="542.85534" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 549.061)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="79.8225" y="12">Move Constants</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_96"> |
| <rect x="728" y="574.5365" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bd6cc2"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="574.5365" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 580.74216)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="66.218" y="12">Eliminate Dead Code</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_97"> |
| <rect x="728" y="606.2177" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_3)"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="606.2177" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 612.42334)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="82.4875" y="12">Lower B3 to Air</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_99"> |
| <rect x="728" y="637.8989" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bf8979"/> |
| <rect x="728" y="637.8989" width="265" height="27.77528" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/> |
| <text transform="translate(733 644.1045)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="89.2215" y="12">Simplify CFG</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_100"> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 675.7857)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="86.095" y="12">Lower Macros</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 707.4669)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="66.218" y="12">Eliminate Dead Code</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_102"> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 739.1481)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="19.2945" y="12">Allocate Registers By Graph Coloring</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_103"> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 770.8292)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="75.617" y="12">Fix Obvious Spills</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_104"> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 802.5104)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="64.32" y="12">Lower After Reg Alloc</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 834.1916)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="30" y="12">Allocate Stack By Graph Coloring</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_106"> |
| <rect x="728" y="859.6671" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bf8979"/> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 865.8728)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="76.1695" y="12">Lower Stack Args</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_107"> |
| <rect x="728" y="891.3483" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bf8979"/> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 897.554)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="61.538" y="12">Report Used Registers</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_108"> |
| <rect x="728" y="923.0295" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bf8979"/> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 929.2351)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="55.2915" y="12">Fix Partial Register Stalls</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_109"> |
| <rect x="728" y="954.7107" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bf8979"/> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 960.9163)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="71.1775" y="12">Lower Entry Switch</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_110"> |
| <rect x="728" y="986.3919" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bf8979"/> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 992.5975)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="89.2215" y="12">Simplify CFG</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_111"> |
| <rect x="728" y="1018.073" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bf8979"/> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 1024.2787)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="65.0155" y="12">Optimize Block Order</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_112"> |
| <rect x="728" y="1049.7542" width="265" height="27.77528" fill="#bf8979"/> |
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| <text transform="translate(733 1055.9599)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="400" fill="white" x="59.4775" y="12">Generate (the backend)</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Line_114"> |
| <path d="M 246.5 1077.5295 L 246.5 1100 L 401 1100 L 401 78 L 553.5 78 L 553.5 89.41882" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="white" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-dasharray="1.0,4.0" stroke-width="1"/> |
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| <g id="Line_115"> |
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| <g id="Graphic_125"> |
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| <text transform="translate(292.5 1126)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="16" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="white" x="235.944" y="15">Legend</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_116"> |
| <text transform="translate(355.89076 1160.3833)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="14" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="white" x="0" y="13">DFG IR</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
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| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="14" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="white" x="0" y="13">DFG SSA IR</tspan> |
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| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_127"> |
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| <text transform="translate(651.0326 1157.6167)" fill="white"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="14" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="white" x="0" y="13">B3 IR</tspan> |
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| </g> |
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| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="14" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="white" x="0" y="13">Air</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
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| </g> |
| </g> |
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