blob: 95068861a4c4fbc84b3a9cd98997eb44999c6229 [file] [log] [blame]
grammar WSL;
* Lexer
Whitespace: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
LineComment: '//'[^\r\n] -> skip ;
LongComment: '/*'.*?'*/' -> skip ;
// Note: we forbid leading 0s in decimal integers. to bikeshed.
fragment CoreDecimalIntLiteral: [1-9] [0-9]* ;
// Note: we allow a leading '-' but not a leading '+' in all kind of numeric literals. to bikeshed.
fragment DecimalIntLiteral: '-'? CoreDecimalIntLiteral ;
fragment DecimalUIntLiteral: CoreDecimalIntLiteral 'u' ;
fragment CoreHexadecimalIntLiteral: '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ;
fragment HexadecimalIntLiteral: '-'? CoreHexadecimalIntLiteral;
fragment HexadecimalUIntLiteral: CoreHexadecimalIntLiteral 'u';
IntLiteral: DecimalIntLiteral | DecimalUIntLiteral | HexadecimalIntLiteral | HexadecimalUIntLiteral ;
// Do we want to allow underscores in the middle of numbers for readability?
fragment CoreFloatLiteral: [0-9]+'.'[0-9]* | [0-9]*'.'[0-9]+ ;
FloatLiteral: '-'? CoreFloatLiteral [fd]? ;
// TODO: what to do about floats that are too big or too small to represent?
// TODO: what is the default precision? double?
// IDEA: add Nan, +infinity, -infinity
// IDEA: add half-precision literals
// One rule per keyword, to prevent them from being recognized as identifiers
STRUCT: 'struct';
PROTOCOL: 'protocol';
TYPEDEF: 'typedef';
ENUM: 'enum';
OPERATOR: 'operator';
IF: 'if';
ELSE: 'else';
CONTINUE: 'continue';
BREAK: 'break';
SWITCH: 'switch';
CASE: 'case';
DEFAULT: 'default';
FALLTHROUGH: 'fallthrough';
FOR: 'for';
WHILE: 'while';
DO: 'do';
RETURN: 'return';
TRAP: 'trap';
NULL: 'null';
TRUE: 'true';
FALSE: 'false';
// Note: We could make these three fully case sensitive or insensitive. to bikeshed.
CONSTANT: 'constant';
DEVICE: 'device';
THREADGROUP: 'threadgroup';
THREAD: 'thread';
VERTEX: 'vertex';
FRAGMENT: 'fragment';
NATIVE: 'native';
RESTRICTED: 'restricted';
// Note: these could be only keyword in the native mode, but I decided to make them always reserved. to bikeshed.
AUTO: 'auto';
// Note: these are currently not used by the grammar, but I would like to make them reserved keywords for future expansion of the language. to bikeshed
fragment ValidIdentifier: [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]* ;
Identifier: ValidIdentifier ;
// Note: this currently excludes unicode, but allows digits in the middle of identifiers. We could easily restrict or extend this definition. to bikeshed
: 'operator' ('>>' | '<<' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '&&' | '||' | '&' | '^' | '|' | '>=' | '<=' | '==' | '<' | '>' | '++' | '--' | '!' | '~' | '[]' | '[]=' | '&[]')
| 'operator&.' ValidIdentifier
| 'operator.' ValidIdentifier '='
| 'operator.' ValidIdentifier ;
// Note: operator!= is not user-definable, it is automatically derived from operator==
* Parser: Top-level
file: topLevelDecl* EOF ;
: ';'
| variableDecls ';'
| typeDef
| structDef
| enumDef
| funcDef
| nativeFuncDecl
| nativeTypeDecl
| protocolDecl ;
typeDef: TYPEDEF Identifier typeParameters '=' type ';' ;
structDef: STRUCT Identifier typeParameters '{' structElement* '}' ;
structElement: type Identifier ';' ;
enumDef: ENUM Identifier (':' type)? '{' enumMember (',' enumMember)* '}' ;
// Note: we could allow an extra ',' at the end of the list of enumMembers, ala Rust, to make it easier to reorder the members. to bikeshed
enumMember: Identifier ('=' constexpr)? ;
funcDef: RESTRICTED? funcDecl block;
: (VERTEX | FRAGMENT) type Identifier parameters
| type (Identifier | OperatorName) typeParameters parameters
| OPERATOR typeParameters type parameters ;
// Note: the return type is moved in a different place for operator casts, as a hint that it plays a role in overload resolution. to bikeshed
: '(' ')'
| '(' parameter (',' parameter)* ')' ;
parameter: type Identifier? ;
nativeFuncDecl: RESTRICTED? NATIVE funcDecl ';' ;
nativeTypeDecl: NATIVE TYPEDEF Identifier typeParameters ';' ;
protocolDecl: PROTOCOL Identifier (':' protocolRef (',' protocolRef)*)? '{' (funcDecl ';')* '}' ;
// Note: I forbid empty extensions lists in protocol declarations, while the original js parser allowed them. to bikeshed
protocolRef: Identifier ;
* Parser: Types
: '<' typeParameter (',' typeParameter)* '>'
| ('<' '>')?;
// Note: contrary to C++ for example, we allow '<>' and consider it equivalent to having no type parameters at all. to bikeshed
: type Identifier
| Identifier (':' protocolRef ('+' protocolRef)*)? ;
: addressSpace Identifier typeArguments typeSuffixAbbreviated+
| Identifier typeArguments typeSuffixNonAbbreviated* ;
typeSuffixAbbreviated: '*' | '[]' | '[' IntLiteral ']';
typeSuffixNonAbbreviated: '*' addressSpace | '[]' addressSpace | '[' IntLiteral ']' ;
// Note: in this formulation of typeSuffix*, we don't allow whitespace between the '[' and the ']' in '[]'. We easily could at the cost of a tiny more bit of lookahead. to bikeshed
: '<' (typeArgument ',')* addressSpace? Identifier '<' (typeArgument (',' typeArgument)*)? '>>'
//Note: this first alternative is a horrible hack to deal with nested generics that end with '>>'. As far as I can tell it works fine, but requires arbitrary lookahead.
| '<' typeArgument (',' typeArgument)* '>'
| ('<' '>')? ;
typeArgument: constexpr | type ;
* Parser: Statements
block: '{' blockBody '}' ;
blockBody: stmt* ;
: block
| ifStmt
| switchStmt
| forStmt
| whileStmt
| doStmt ';'
| BREAK ';'
| TRAP ';'
| RETURN expr? ';'
| variableDecls ';'
| effectfulExpr ';' ;
ifStmt: IF '(' expr ')' stmt (ELSE stmt)? ;
switchStmt: SWITCH '(' expr ')' '{' switchCase* '}' ;
switchCase: (CASE constexpr | DEFAULT) ':' blockBody ;
forStmt: FOR '(' (variableDecls | effectfulExpr) ';' expr? ';' expr? ')' stmt ;
whileStmt: WHILE '(' expr ')' stmt ;
doStmt: DO stmt WHILE '(' expr ')' ;
variableDecls: type variableDecl (',' variableDecl)* ;
variableDecl: Identifier ('=' expr)? ;
* Parser: Expressions
: literal
| Identifier // to get the (constexpr) value of a type variable
| Identifier '.' Identifier; // to get a value out of an enum
// Note: we separate effectful expressions from normal expressions, and only allow the former in statement positions, to disambiguate the following:
// "x * y;". Without this trick, it would look like both an expression and a variable declaration, and could not be disambiguated until name resolution.
effectfulExpr: ((effAssignment ',')* effAssignment)? ;
: possiblePrefix assignOperator possibleTernaryConditional
| effPrefix ;
assignOperator: '=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '^=' | '&=' | '|=' | '>>=' | '<<=' ;
: ('++' | '--') possiblePrefix
| effSuffix ;
: possibleSuffix ('++' | '--')
| callExpression
| '(' expr ')' ;
// Note: this last case is to allow craziness like "(x < y ? z += 42 : w += 13);"
// TODO: Not sure at all how useful it is, I also still have to double check that it introduces no ambiguity.
: '.' Identifier
| '->' Identifier
| '[' expr ']' ;
expr: (possibleTernaryConditional ',')* possibleTernaryConditional;
// TODO: I tried to mimic with regards to assignment and ternary conditionals, but it still needs some testing
: possibleLogicalBinop '?' expr ':' possibleTernaryConditional
| possiblePrefix assignOperator possibleTernaryConditional
| possibleLogicalBinop ;
possibleLogicalBinop: possibleRelationalBinop (logicalBinop possibleRelationallBinop)*;
logicalBinop: '||' | '&&' | '|' | '^' | '&' ;
// Note: the list above may need some manipulation to get the proper left-to-right associativity
possibleRelationalBinop: possibleShift (relationalBinop possibleShift)?;
relationalBinop: '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '==' | '!=' ;
// Note: we made relational binops non-associative to better disambiguate "x<y>(z)" into a call expression and not a comparison of comparison
// Idea:
possibleShift: possibleAdd (('>>' | '<<') possibleAdd)* ;
possibleAdd: possibleMult (('+' | '-') possibleMult)* ;
possibleMult: possiblePrefix (('*' | '/' | '%') possiblePrefix)* ;
possiblePrefix: prefixOp* possibleSuffix ;
prefixOp: '++' | '--' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' | '&' | '@' | '*' ;
: callExpression limitedSuffixOperator*
| term (limitedSuffixOperator | '++' | '--')* ;
callExpression: Identifier typeArguments '(' (possibleTernaryConditional (',' possibleTernaryConditional)*)? ')';
: literal
| Identifier
| '(' expr ')' ;
literal: IntLiteral | FloatLiteral | NULL | TRUE | FALSE;