blob: 3b2ea8fb2f5a7e1ab4f31f07e24a5cb66c77f521 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Calling StylePropertyMap.has with an unsupported property throws a TypeError
FAIL Calling StylePropertyMap.has with a property not in the property model returns false styleMap.has is not a function. (In 'styleMap.has(property)', 'styleMap.has' is undefined)
FAIL Calling StylePropertyMap.has with a custom property not in the property model returns false styleMap.has is not a function. (In 'styleMap.has(property)', 'styleMap.has' is undefined)
FAIL Calling StylePropertyMap.has with a valid property in mixed case returns false styleMap.has is not a function. (In 'styleMap.has(property)', 'styleMap.has' is undefined)
FAIL Calling StylePropertyMap.has with a valid property returns true styleMap.has is not a function. (In 'styleMap.has(property)', 'styleMap.has' is undefined)
FAIL Calling StylePropertyMap.has with a valid property in mixed case returns true styleMap.has is not a function. (In 'styleMap.has(property)', 'styleMap.has' is undefined)
FAIL Calling StylePropertyMap.has with a valid custom property returns true styleMap.has is not a function. (In 'styleMap.has(property)', 'styleMap.has' is undefined)
FAIL Calling StylePropertyMap.has with a valid list-valued property returns true styleMap.has is not a function. (In 'styleMap.has(property)', 'styleMap.has' is undefined)