blob: 1407528dc6aaa0ec0b90da0c0d6a8917c870fa57 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Setting a StylePropertyMap with an unsupported property name throws TypeError
PASS Setting a StylePropertyMap with an null property name throws TypeError
PASS Setting a StylePropertyMap with a descriptor throws TypeError
PASS Setting a StylePropertyMap with an invalid CSSStyleValue throws TypeError
PASS Setting a StylePropertyMap with an invalid String throws TypeError
PASS Setting a non list-valued property with multiple arguments throws TypeError
PASS Setting a non list-valued property with list-valued string throws TypeError
PASS Setting a list-valued property with a CSSUnparsedValue and other values throws TypeError
PASS Setting a list-valued property with a var ref() and other values throws TypeError
FAIL Setting a property with CSSStyleValue or String updates its value undefined is not an object (evaluating 'styleMap.set')
FAIL Setting a list-valued property with CSSStyleValue or String updates its values undefined is not an object (evaluating 'styleMap.set')
FAIL Setting a list-valued property with a list-valued string updates its value undefined is not an object (evaluating 'styleMap.set')
FAIL Setting a custom property with CSSStyleValue or String updates its value undefined is not an object (evaluating 'styleMap.set')
FAIL StylePropertyMap.set is case-insensitive undefined is not an object (evaluating 'styleMap.set')