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<title>CSS Images Module Level 4: parsing gradients with color interpolation methods</title>
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{ input: '30deg' },
{ input: '0', output: '0deg' }, // unitless 0 special case
{ input: 'to left' },
{ input: 'to right bottom' },
{ input: 'to bottom right', output: 'to right bottom' },
{ input: '50px' },
{ input: '50px at left top' },
{ input: 'circle 50px', output: '50px' },
{ input: 'circle 50px at left', output: '50px at left center' },
{ input: '50px 50%' },
{ input: 'ellipse 50% 40em', output: '50% 40em' },
{ input: 'at right center' },
{ input: 'from 30deg' },
{ input: 'from 30deg at left', output: 'from 30deg at left center' },
{ input: 'at left', output: 'at left center' },
{ input: 'from 30deg at center 10%' },
{ input: 'at center 10%' },
{ input: 'from 30deg at right 20% top 30%' },
{ input: 'at right 20% top 30%' },
{ input: 'from 30deg at left 10px top 50em' },
{ input: 'at left 10px top 50em' },
const legacy_stops = "red, blue"
const non_legacy_stops = "color(srgb 1 0 0), blue"
function test_gradients_no_specified_interpolation_method(gradientFunction, specifiers, stops)
for (const specifier of specifiers) {
const input = specifier.input
const output = specifier.output ? specifier.output : specifier.input
test_valid_value(`background-image`, `${gradientFunction}(${input}, ${stops})`, `${gradientFunction}(${output}, ${stops})`)
function test_gradients(gradientFunction, colorInterpolationMethod, colorInterpolationMethodResult, specifiers, stops) {
const resultForNoSpecifierCase = (colorInterpolationMethodResult == "") ? "" : `in ${colorInterpolationMethodResult}, `
test_valid_value(`background-image`, `${gradientFunction}(in ${colorInterpolationMethod}, ${stops})`, `${gradientFunction}(${resultForNoSpecifierCase}${stops})`)
for (const specifier of specifiers) {
const input = specifier.input
const output = specifier.output ? specifier.output : specifier.input
const result = colorInterpolationMethodResult == "" ? ", " : ` in ${colorInterpolationMethodResult}, `
test_valid_value(`background-image`, `${gradientFunction}(${input} in ${colorInterpolationMethod}, ${stops})`, `${gradientFunction}(${output}${result}${stops})`)
test_valid_value(`background-image`, `${gradientFunction}(in ${colorInterpolationMethod} ${input}, ${stops})`, `${gradientFunction}(${output}${result}${stops})`)
function test_gradient_with_interpolation_method(gradientFunction, colorInterpolationMethod, colorInterpolationMethodResult, specifiers, stops) {
const colorInterpolationMethodResultForLegacyStops = (colorInterpolationMethodResult == "srgb") ? "" : colorInterpolationMethodResult;
test_gradients(gradientFunction, colorInterpolationMethod, colorInterpolationMethodResultForLegacyStops, specifiers, legacy_stops)
const colorInterpolationMethodResultForNonLegacyStops = (colorInterpolationMethodResult == "oklab") ? "" : colorInterpolationMethodResult;
test_gradients(gradientFunction, colorInterpolationMethod, colorInterpolationMethodResultForNonLegacyStops, specifiers, non_legacy_stops)
function test_each_interpolation_method(gradientFunction, specifiers) {
test_gradients_no_specified_interpolation_method(gradientFunction, specifiers, legacy_stops)
test_gradients_no_specified_interpolation_method(gradientFunction, specifiers, non_legacy_stops)
for (const colorSpace of [ "lab", "oklab", "srgb", "srgb-linear", "xyz", "xyz-d50", "xyz-d65" ]) {
const colorInterpolationMethod = colorSpace
const colorInterpolationMethodResult = colorSpace == "xyz" ? "xyz-d65" : colorInterpolationMethod
test_gradient_with_interpolation_method(gradientFunction, colorInterpolationMethod, colorInterpolationMethodResult, specifiers)
for (const colorSpace of [ "hsl", "hwb", "lch", "oklch" ]) {
for (const hueInterpolationMethod of [ "", " shorter hue", " longer hue", " increasing hue", " decreasing hue", " specified hue" ]) {
const colorInterpolationMethod = `${colorSpace}${hueInterpolationMethod}`
const colorInterpolationMethodResult = hueInterpolationMethod == " shorter hue" ? colorSpace : colorInterpolationMethod
test_gradient_with_interpolation_method(gradientFunction, colorInterpolationMethod, colorInterpolationMethodResult, specifiers)
test_each_interpolation_method("linear-gradient", LINEAR_GRADIENT_SPECIFIERS)
test_each_interpolation_method("radial-gradient", RADIAL_GRADIENT_SPECIFIERS)
test_each_interpolation_method("conic-gradient", CONIC_GRADIENT_SPECIFIERS)