| This test ensures PDFs loaded in embed tags are exposed in the accessibility tree. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS pdfEmbedElement.domIdentifier is 'pdfEmbed' |
| PASS pdfEmbedElement.role is 'AXRole: AXGroup' |
| PASS pdfEmbedElement.subrole is 'AXSubrole: ' |
| PASS pdfEmbedElement.childrenCount is 1 |
| PASS pdfAxObject.stringAttributeValue('AXSubrole') is 'AXPDFPluginSubrole' |
| PASS pdfAxObject.childrenCount is 1 |
| PASS pdfAxObject.parentElement().domIdentifier is 'pdfEmbed' |
| PASS pdfLayerController.stringAttributeValue('AXRole') is 'AXGroup' |
| PASS pdfLayerController.stringAttributeValue('AXDescription') is 'document' |
| PASS pdfTextNode.stringAttributeValue('AXRole') is 'AXStaticText' |
| PASS pdfTextNode.stringAttributeValue('AXValue') is 'Welcome to the website for the WebKit Open Source Project!' |
| PASS hitTestResult.stringAttributeValue('AXRole') is 'AXGroup' |
| PASS hitTestResult.stringAttributeValue('AXDescription') is 'document' |
| PASS pdfTextNode.stringAttributeValue('AXRole') is 'AXStaticText' |
| PASS pdfTextNode.stringAttributeValue('AXValue') is 'Welcome to the website for the WebKit Open Source Project!' |
| PASS searchResultElement.stringAttributeValue('AXSubrole') is 'AXPDFPluginSubrole' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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