| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| * are met: |
| * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #import "config.h" |
| |
| #import "DeprecatedGlobalValues.h" |
| #import "PlatformUtilities.h" |
| #import "Test.h" |
| #import "TestNavigationDelegate.h" |
| #import "TestUIDelegate.h" |
| #import "TestWKWebView.h" |
| #import <WebKit/WKContentWorld.h> |
| #import <WebKit/WKProcessPoolPrivate.h> |
| #import <WebKit/WKScriptMessage.h> |
| #import <WebKit/WKScriptMessageHandlerWithReply.h> |
| #import <WebKit/WKUserContentControllerPrivate.h> |
| #import <WebKit/WKUserScript.h> |
| #import <WebKit/WKUserScriptPrivate.h> |
| #import <WebKit/WKWebViewConfigurationPrivate.h> |
| #import <WebKit/WebKit.h> |
| #import <WebKit/_WKProcessPoolConfiguration.h> |
| #import <WebKit/_WKUserContentWorld.h> |
| #import <WebKit/_WKUserStyleSheet.h> |
| #import <wtf/RetainPtr.h> |
| #import <wtf/Vector.h> |
| #import <wtf/WeakObjCPtr.h> |
| |
| static bool isDoneWithNavigation; |
| |
| @interface SimpleNavigationDelegate : NSObject <WKNavigationDelegate> |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation SimpleNavigationDelegate |
| |
| - (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didFinishNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation |
| { |
| isDoneWithNavigation = true; |
| } |
| |
| @end |
| |
| static Vector<RetainPtr<WKScriptMessage>> scriptMessagesVector; |
| |
| @interface ScriptMessageHandler : NSObject <WKScriptMessageHandler> |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation ScriptMessageHandler |
| |
| - (void)userContentController:(WKUserContentController *)userContentController didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage *)message |
| { |
| receivedScriptMessage = true; |
| scriptMessagesVector.append(message); |
| } |
| |
| @end |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, ScriptMessageHandlerBasicPost) |
| { |
| scriptMessagesVector.clear(); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| RetainPtr<ScriptMessageHandler> handler = adoptNS([[ScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"testHandler"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"simple" withExtension:@"html" subdirectory:@"TestWebKitAPI.resources"]]; |
| |
| [webView loadRequest:request]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript:@"window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('Hello')" completionHandler:nil]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"Hello", (NSString *)[scriptMessagesVector[0] body]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, ScriptMessageHandlerBasicPostIsolatedWorld) |
| { |
| scriptMessagesVector.clear(); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<ScriptMessageHandler> handler = adoptNS([[ScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKUserScript> userScript = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] _initWithSource:@"window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('Hello')" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] associatedURL:nil contentWorld:world.get() deferRunningUntilNotification:NO]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] _addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"testHandler" contentWorld:world.get()]; |
| [[configuration userContentController] addUserScript:userScript.get()]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<SimpleNavigationDelegate> delegate = adoptNS([[SimpleNavigationDelegate alloc] init]); |
| [webView setNavigationDelegate:delegate.get()]; |
| |
| NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"simple" withExtension:@"html" subdirectory:@"TestWebKitAPI.resources"]]; |
| |
| isDoneWithNavigation = false; |
| [webView loadRequest:request]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"Hello", (NSString *)[scriptMessagesVector[0] body]); |
| |
| if (!isDoneWithNavigation) |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&isDoneWithNavigation); |
| |
| __block bool isDoneEvaluatingScript = false; |
| __block RetainPtr<NSString> resultValue = @""; |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript: |
| @"var result;" |
| "if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler) {" |
| " result = { 'result': 'FAIL' };" |
| "} else {" |
| " result = { 'result': 'PASS' };" |
| "} " |
| "result;" |
| completionHandler:^(id value, NSError *error) { |
| resultValue = ((NSDictionary *)value)[@"result"]; |
| isDoneEvaluatingScript = true; |
| }]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&isDoneEvaluatingScript); |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"PASS", resultValue.get()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, ScriptMessageHandlerBasicRemove) |
| { |
| scriptMessagesVector.clear(); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| RetainPtr<ScriptMessageHandler> handler = adoptNS([[ScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = [configuration userContentController]; |
| [userContentController addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"handlerToRemove"]; |
| [userContentController addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"handlerToPost"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"simple" withExtension:@"html" subdirectory:@"TestWebKitAPI.resources"]]; |
| |
| [webView loadRequest:request]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| // Test that handlerToRemove was succesfully added. |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript: |
| @"if (window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToRemove) {" |
| " window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToPost.postMessage('PASS');" |
| "} else {" |
| " window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToPost.postMessage('FAIL');" |
| "}" completionHandler:nil]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"PASS", (NSString *)[scriptMessagesVector[0] body]); |
| |
| [userContentController removeScriptMessageHandlerForName:@"handlerToRemove"]; |
| |
| // Test that handlerToRemove has been removed. |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript: |
| @"if (window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToRemove) {" |
| " window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToPost.postMessage('FAIL');" |
| "} else {" |
| " window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToPost.postMessage('PASS');" |
| "}" completionHandler:nil]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"PASS", (NSString *)[scriptMessagesVector[0] body]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, ScriptMessageHandlerCallRemovedHandler) |
| { |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| RetainPtr<ScriptMessageHandler> handler = adoptNS([[ScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = [configuration userContentController]; |
| [userContentController addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"handlerToRemove"]; |
| [userContentController addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"handlerToPost"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"simple" withExtension:@"html" subdirectory:@"TestWebKitAPI.resources"]]; |
| |
| [webView loadRequest:request]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript:@"var handlerToRemove = window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToRemove;" completionHandler:nil]; |
| |
| [userContentController removeScriptMessageHandlerForName:@"handlerToRemove"]; |
| |
| __block bool done = false; |
| // Test that we throw an exception if you try to use a message handler that has been removed. |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:@"return handlerToRemove.postMessage('FAIL')" arguments:nil inFrame:nil inContentWorld:[WKContentWorld pageWorld] completionHandler:^ (id value, NSError * error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(value); |
| EXPECT_NOT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([[error description] containsString:@"InvalidAccessError"]); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| } |
| |
| static RetainPtr<WKWebView> webViewForScriptMessageHandlerMultipleHandlerRemovalTest(WKWebViewConfiguration *configuration) |
| { |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| RetainPtr<ScriptMessageHandler> handler = adoptNS([[ScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configurationCopy = adoptNS([configuration copy]); |
| [configurationCopy setUserContentController:adoptNS([[WKUserContentController alloc] init]).get()]; |
| [[configurationCopy userContentController] addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"handlerToRemove"]; |
| [[configurationCopy userContentController] addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"handlerToPost"]; |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configurationCopy.get()]); |
| NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"simple" withExtension:@"html" subdirectory:@"TestWebKitAPI.resources"]]; |
| [webView loadRequest:request]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| return webView; |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, ScriptMessageHandlerMultipleHandlerRemoval) |
| { |
| scriptMessagesVector.clear(); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<_WKProcessPoolConfiguration> processPoolConfiguration = adoptNS([[_WKProcessPoolConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| [configuration setProcessPool:adoptNS([[WKProcessPool alloc] _initWithConfiguration:processPoolConfiguration.get()]).get()]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = webViewForScriptMessageHandlerMultipleHandlerRemovalTest(configuration.get()); |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView2 = webViewForScriptMessageHandlerMultipleHandlerRemovalTest(configuration.get()); |
| |
| [[[webView configuration] userContentController] removeScriptMessageHandlerForName:@"handlerToRemove"]; |
| [[[webView2 configuration] userContentController] removeScriptMessageHandlerForName:@"handlerToRemove"]; |
| |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript: |
| @"try {" |
| " handlerToRemove.postMessage('FAIL');" |
| "} catch (e) {" |
| " window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToPost.postMessage('PASS');" |
| "}" completionHandler:nil]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"PASS", (NSString *)[scriptMessagesVector[0] body]); |
| } |
| |
| #if !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) // FIXME: hangs in the iOS simulator |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, ScriptMessageHandlerWithNavigation) |
| { |
| scriptMessagesVector.clear(); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| RetainPtr<ScriptMessageHandler> handler = adoptNS([[ScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"testHandler"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"simple" withExtension:@"html" subdirectory:@"TestWebKitAPI.resources"]]; |
| [webView loadRequest:request]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript:@"window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('First Message')" completionHandler:nil]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"First Message", (NSString *)[scriptMessagesVector[0] body]); |
| |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| [webView loadRequest:request]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript:@"window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('Second Message')" completionHandler:nil]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"Second Message", (NSString *)[scriptMessagesVector[1] body]); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, ScriptMessageHandlerReplaceWithSameName) |
| { |
| scriptMessagesVector.clear(); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| RetainPtr<ScriptMessageHandler> handler = adoptNS([[ScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = [configuration userContentController]; |
| [userContentController addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"handlerToReplace"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"simple" withExtension:@"html" subdirectory:@"TestWebKitAPI.resources"]]; |
| |
| [webView loadRequest:request]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| // Test that handlerToReplace was succesfully added. |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript:@"window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToReplace.postMessage('PASS1');" completionHandler:nil]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"PASS1", (NSString *)[scriptMessagesVector[0] body]); |
| |
| [userContentController removeScriptMessageHandlerForName:@"handlerToReplace"]; |
| [userContentController addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"handlerToReplace"]; |
| |
| // Test that handlerToReplace still works. |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript:@"window.webkit.messageHandlers.handlerToReplace.postMessage('PASS2');" completionHandler:nil]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(@"PASS2", (NSString *)[scriptMessagesVector[1] body]); |
| } |
| |
| static NSString *styleSheetSource = @"body { background-color: green !important; }"; |
| static NSString *backgroundColorScript = @"window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).getPropertyValue('background-color')"; |
| static NSString *frameBackgroundColorScript = @"window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentDocument.body, null).getPropertyValue('background-color')"; |
| static NSString *styleSheetSourceForSpecificityLevelTests = @"#body { background-color: green; }"; |
| static const char* greenInRGB = "rgb(0, 128, 0)"; |
| static const char* redInRGB = "rgb(255, 0, 0)"; |
| static const char* whiteInRGB = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"; |
| static const char* blueInRGB = "rgb(0, 0, 255)"; |
| |
| static void expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(WKWebView *webView, NSString *script, const char* color) |
| { |
| static bool didCheckBackgroundColor; |
| |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript:script completionHandler:^ (id value, NSError * error) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ(color, value); |
| didCheckBackgroundColor = true; |
| }]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&didCheckBackgroundColor); |
| didCheckBackgroundColor = false; |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, AddUserStyleSheetBeforeCreatingView) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:nil forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:nil excludeMatchPatternStrings:nil baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleUserLevel contentWorld:nil]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, NonCanonicalizedURL) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:nil forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] baseURL:adoptNS([[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"http://CamelCase/"]).get() level:_WKUserStyleUserLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, AddUserStyleSheetAfterCreatingView) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forMainFrameOnly:YES]); |
| [[webView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingOnlyMainFrame) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forMainFrameOnly:YES]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'><iframe></iframe></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| // The main frame should be affected. |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| |
| // The subframe shouldn't be affected. |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), frameBackgroundColorScript, whiteInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingAllFrames) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'><iframe></iframe></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| // The main frame should be affected. |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| |
| // The subframe should also be affected. |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), frameBackgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetRemove) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = adoptNS([[WKUserContentController alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| [userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, [userContentController _userStyleSheets].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheet.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][0]); |
| |
| [userContentController _removeUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, [userContentController _userStyleSheets].count); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetRemoveAll) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = adoptNS([[WKUserContentController alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:nil forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleUserLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| |
| [userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| [userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, [userContentController _userStyleSheets].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheet.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][0]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][1]); |
| |
| [userContentController _removeAllUserStyleSheets]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, [userContentController _userStyleSheets].count); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetRemoveAllByWorld) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = adoptNS([[WKUserContentController alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:nil forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleUserLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld2 = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:nil forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleUserLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| |
| [userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| [userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld.get()]; |
| [userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld2.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, [userContentController _userStyleSheets].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheet.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][0]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][1]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld2.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][2]); |
| |
| [userContentController _removeAllUserStyleSheetsAssociatedWithContentWorld:world.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, [userContentController _userStyleSheets].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheet.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][0]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetRemoveAllByNormalWorld) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = adoptNS([[WKUserContentController alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:nil forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleUserLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld2 = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:nil forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleUserLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| |
| [userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| [userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld.get()]; |
| [userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld2.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, [userContentController _userStyleSheets].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheet.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][0]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][1]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld2.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][2]); |
| |
| [userContentController _removeAllUserStyleSheetsAssociatedWithContentWorld:[WKContentWorld pageWorld]]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, [userContentController _userStyleSheets].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][0]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(styleSheetAssociatedWithWorld2.get(), [userContentController _userStyleSheets][1]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingOnlySpecificWebView) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> targetWebView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]); |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> otherWebView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]); |
| |
| [targetWebView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [targetWebView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| [otherWebView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [otherWebView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(targetWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(otherWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| auto styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:targetWebView.get() forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:nil excludeMatchPatternStrings:nil baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleAuthorLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[targetWebView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(targetWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(otherWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingSpecificWebViewInjectionImmediatelyAfterCreation) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> targetWebView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]); |
| [targetWebView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:targetWebView.get() forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:nil excludeMatchPatternStrings:nil baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleAuthorLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[targetWebView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| [targetWebView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(targetWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingSpecificWebViewInjectionAndRemovalImmediatelyAfterCreation) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> targetWebView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]); |
| [targetWebView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:targetWebView.get() forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:nil excludeMatchPatternStrings:nil baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleAuthorLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[targetWebView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| [[targetWebView configuration].userContentController _removeUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| [targetWebView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(targetWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingOnlySpecificWebViewSharedConfiguration) |
| { |
| auto configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> targetWebView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> otherWebView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| [targetWebView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [targetWebView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| [otherWebView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [otherWebView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(targetWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(otherWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:targetWebView.get() forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:nil excludeMatchPatternStrings:nil baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleAuthorLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[targetWebView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(targetWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(otherWebView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingOnlySpecificWebViewRemoval) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:webView.get() forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:nil excludeMatchPatternStrings:nil baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleAuthorLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[webView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| |
| [[webView configuration].userContentController _removeUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingOnlySpecificWebViewRemovalAfterMultipleAdditions) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:webView.get() forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:nil excludeMatchPatternStrings:nil baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleAuthorLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[webView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| |
| [[webView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| |
| [[webView configuration].userContentController _removeUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingOnlySpecificWebViewRemovalAfterNavigation) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)]); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:webView.get() forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:nil excludeMatchPatternStrings:nil baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleAuthorLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[webView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: blue;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, blueInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| static RetainPtr<_WKProcessPoolConfiguration> psonProcessPoolConfiguration() |
| { |
| auto processPoolConfiguration = adoptNS([[_WKProcessPoolConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| processPoolConfiguration.get().processSwapsOnNavigation = YES; |
| processPoolConfiguration.get().usesWebProcessCache = YES; |
| processPoolConfiguration.get().prewarmsProcessesAutomatically = YES; |
| return processPoolConfiguration; |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetAffectingOnlySpecificWebViewRemovalAfterNavigationPSON) |
| { |
| auto processPoolConfiguration = psonProcessPoolConfiguration(); |
| auto processPool = adoptNS([[WKProcessPool alloc] _initWithConfiguration:processPoolConfiguration.get()]); |
| |
| auto webViewConfiguration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| [webViewConfiguration setProcessPool:processPool.get()]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:webViewConfiguration.get()]); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: red;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSource forWKWebView:webView.get() forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:nil excludeMatchPatternStrings:nil baseURL:nil level:_WKUserStyleAuthorLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[webView configuration].userContentController _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<body style='background-color: blue;'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, blueInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetSpecificityLevelNotSpecified) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSourceForSpecificityLevelTests forMainFrameOnly:YES]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<style>body { background-color: red }</style><body id='body'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| // By default, the injected style sheet will not be able to override due to the "user" level being used. |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetSpecificityLevelUser) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSourceForSpecificityLevelTests forWKWebView:nil forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] baseURL:[[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"http://example.com/"] level:_WKUserStyleUserLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<style>body { background-color: red }</style><body id='body'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| // The injected style sheet will not be able to override due to the "user" level being used. |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, redInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserStyleSheetSpecificityLevelAuthor) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<_WKUserStyleSheet> styleSheet = adoptNS([[_WKUserStyleSheet alloc] initWithSource:styleSheetSourceForSpecificityLevelTests forWKWebView:nil forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] baseURL:[[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"http://example.com/"] level:_WKUserStyleAuthorLevel contentWorld:world.get()]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] _addUserStyleSheet:styleSheet.get()]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKWebView> webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| [webView loadHTMLString:@"<style>body { background-color: red }</style><body id='body'></body>" baseURL:nil]; |
| [webView _test_waitForDidFinishNavigation]; |
| |
| // The injected style sheet *will* be able to override due to the "author" level being used. |
| expectScriptEvaluatesToColor(webView.get(), backgroundColorScript, greenInRGB); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserScriptRemove) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = adoptNS([[WKUserContentController alloc] init]); |
| RetainPtr<WKUserScript> userScript = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:@"" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| [userContentController addUserScript:userScript.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, [userContentController userScripts].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScript.get(), [userContentController userScripts][0]); |
| |
| [userContentController _removeUserScript:userScript.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, [userContentController userScripts].count); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserScriptRemoveAll) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = adoptNS([[WKUserContentController alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKUserScript> userScript = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:@"" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| auto userScriptAssociatedWithWorld = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] _initWithSource:@"" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] associatedURL:nil contentWorld:world.get() deferRunningUntilNotification:NO]); |
| |
| [userContentController addUserScript:userScript.get()]; |
| [userContentController addUserScript:userScriptAssociatedWithWorld.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, [userContentController userScripts].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScript.get(), [userContentController userScripts][0]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScriptAssociatedWithWorld.get(), [userContentController userScripts][1]); |
| |
| [userContentController removeAllUserScripts]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, [userContentController userScripts].count); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserScriptRemoveAllByWorld) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = adoptNS([[WKUserContentController alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKUserScript> userScript = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:@"" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| RetainPtr<WKUserScript> userScriptAssociatedWithWorld = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] _initWithSource:@"" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] associatedURL:nil contentWorld:world.get() deferRunningUntilNotification:NO]); |
| RetainPtr<WKUserScript> userScriptAssociatedWithWorld2 = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] _initWithSource:@"" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] associatedURL:nil contentWorld:world.get() deferRunningUntilNotification:NO]); |
| |
| [userContentController addUserScript:userScript.get()]; |
| [userContentController addUserScript:userScriptAssociatedWithWorld.get()]; |
| [userContentController addUserScript:userScriptAssociatedWithWorld2.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, [userContentController userScripts].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScript.get(), [userContentController userScripts][0]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScriptAssociatedWithWorld.get(), [userContentController userScripts][1]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScriptAssociatedWithWorld2.get(), [userContentController userScripts][2]); |
| |
| [userContentController _removeAllUserScriptsAssociatedWithContentWorld:world.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, [userContentController userScripts].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScript.get(), [userContentController userScripts][0]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserScriptRemoveAllByNormalWorld) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKUserContentController> userContentController = adoptNS([[WKUserContentController alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"TestWorld"]; |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKUserScript> userScript = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:@"" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| RetainPtr<WKUserScript> userScriptAssociatedWithWorld = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] _initWithSource:@"" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] associatedURL:nil contentWorld:world.get() deferRunningUntilNotification:NO]); |
| RetainPtr<WKUserScript> userScriptAssociatedWithWorld2 = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] _initWithSource:@"" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] associatedURL:nil contentWorld:world.get() deferRunningUntilNotification:NO]); |
| |
| [userContentController addUserScript:userScript.get()]; |
| [userContentController addUserScript:userScriptAssociatedWithWorld.get()]; |
| [userContentController addUserScript:userScriptAssociatedWithWorld2.get()]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, [userContentController userScripts].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScript.get(), [userContentController userScripts][0]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScriptAssociatedWithWorld.get(), [userContentController userScripts][1]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScriptAssociatedWithWorld2.get(), [userContentController userScripts][2]); |
| |
| [userContentController _removeAllUserScriptsAssociatedWithContentWorld:[WKContentWorld pageWorld]]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, [userContentController userScripts].count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScriptAssociatedWithWorld.get(), [userContentController userScripts][0]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(userScriptAssociatedWithWorld2.get(), [userContentController userScripts][1]); |
| } |
| |
| static void waitForMessages(size_t expectedCount) |
| { |
| while (scriptMessagesVector.size() < expectedCount) { |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&receivedScriptMessage); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void compareMessages(Vector<const char*>&& expectedMessages) |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(expectedMessages.size(), scriptMessagesVector.size()); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < expectedMessages.size(); ++i) |
| EXPECT_STREQ([[scriptMessagesVector[i] body] UTF8String], expectedMessages[i]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, InjectUserScriptImmediately) |
| { |
| scriptMessagesVector.clear(); |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| |
| auto handler = adoptNS([[ScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| auto startAllFrames = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:@"window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('start all')" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:NO]); |
| auto endMainFrameOnly = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:@"window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('end main')" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentEnd forMainFrameOnly:YES]); |
| |
| auto configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"testHandler"]; |
| |
| auto webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| auto delegate = adoptNS([[SimpleNavigationDelegate alloc] init]); |
| [webView setNavigationDelegate:delegate.get()]; |
| |
| NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"simple-iframe" withExtension:@"html" subdirectory:@"TestWebKitAPI.resources"]]; |
| |
| isDoneWithNavigation = false; |
| [webView loadRequest:request]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&isDoneWithNavigation); |
| |
| receivedScriptMessage = false; |
| [[configuration userContentController] _addUserScriptImmediately:startAllFrames.get()]; |
| // simple-iframe.html has a main frame and one iframe. |
| waitForMessages(2); |
| [[configuration userContentController] _addUserScriptImmediately:endMainFrameOnly.get()]; |
| waitForMessages(3); |
| [webView reload]; |
| waitForMessages(6); |
| compareMessages({"start all", "start all", "end main", "start all", "end main", "start all"}); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, UserScriptNotification) |
| { |
| auto waitsForNotification = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] _initWithSource:@"alert('waited for notification')" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart forMainFrameOnly:YES includeMatchPatternStrings:@[] excludeMatchPatternStrings:@[] associatedURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"test:///script"] contentWorld:[WKContentWorld defaultClientWorld] deferRunningUntilNotification:YES]); |
| auto documentEnd = adoptNS([[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:@"alert('document parsing ended')" injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentEnd forMainFrameOnly:YES]); |
| |
| auto webView1 = adoptNS([TestWKWebView new]); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([webView1 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| [[webView1 configuration].userContentController addUserScript:waitsForNotification.get()]; |
| [[webView1 configuration].userContentController addUserScript:documentEnd.get()]; |
| auto delegate = adoptNS([TestUIDelegate new]); |
| [webView1 setUIDelegate:delegate.get()]; |
| [webView1 loadTestPageNamed:@"simple"]; |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "document parsing ended"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([webView1 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| [webView1 _notifyUserScripts]; |
| EXPECT_FALSE([webView1 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "waited for notification"); |
| |
| [webView1 _killWebContentProcessAndResetState]; |
| [webView1 reload]; |
| |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "document parsing ended"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([webView1 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| [webView1 _notifyUserScripts]; |
| EXPECT_FALSE([webView1 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "waited for notification"); |
| |
| [webView1 reload]; |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE([webView1 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "waited for notification"); |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "document parsing ended"); |
| |
| auto configuration = adoptNS([WKWebViewConfiguration new]); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([configuration _deferrableUserScriptsShouldWaitUntilNotification]); |
| configuration.get()._deferrableUserScriptsShouldWaitUntilNotification = NO; |
| auto webView2 = adoptNS([[TestWKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| EXPECT_FALSE([webView2 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| [[webView2 configuration].userContentController addUserScript:waitsForNotification.get()]; |
| [[webView2 configuration].userContentController addUserScript:documentEnd.get()]; |
| [webView2 setUIDelegate:delegate.get()]; |
| [webView2 loadTestPageNamed:@"simple"]; |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "waited for notification"); |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "document parsing ended"); |
| |
| auto webView3 = adoptNS([TestWKWebView new]); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([webView3 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| [[webView3 configuration].userContentController addUserScript:waitsForNotification.get()]; |
| [[webView3 configuration].userContentController addUserScript:documentEnd.get()]; |
| [webView3 setUIDelegate:delegate.get()]; |
| [webView3 loadTestPageNamed:@"simple"]; |
| [webView3 _notifyUserScripts]; |
| EXPECT_FALSE([webView3 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "waited for notification"); |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "document parsing ended"); |
| |
| auto webView4 = adoptNS([TestWKWebView new]); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([webView4 _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]); |
| [[webView4 configuration].userContentController addUserScript:waitsForNotification.get()]; |
| [[webView4 configuration].userContentController addUserScript:documentEnd.get()]; |
| [webView4 setUIDelegate:delegate.get()]; |
| [webView4 loadTestPageNamed:@"simple-iframe"]; |
| [webView4 _notifyUserScripts]; |
| |
| // If this is broken, two alerts would appear back-to-back with the same text due to the frame. |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "waited for notification"); |
| EXPECT_WK_STREQ([delegate waitForAlert], "document parsing ended"); |
| } |
| |
| @interface AsyncScriptMessageHandler : NSObject <WKScriptMessageHandlerWithReply> |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation AsyncScriptMessageHandler |
| |
| - (void)userContentController:(WKUserContentController *)userContentController didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage *)message replyHandler:(void (^)(id, NSString *errorMessage))replyHandler |
| { |
| if ([message.name isEqualToString:@"otherWorldHandler"]) |
| EXPECT_TRUE(message.world != nil); |
| if ([message.body isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { |
| if ([message.body isEqualToString:@"Fulfill"]) { |
| replyHandler(@"Fulfilled!", nil); |
| return; |
| } |
| if ([message.body isEqualToString:@"Reject"]) { |
| replyHandler(nil, @"Rejected!"); |
| return; |
| } |
| if ([message.body isEqualToString:@"Undefined"]) { |
| replyHandler(nil, nil); |
| bool caught = false; |
| @try { |
| replyHandler(nil, nil); |
| } @catch (NSException *exception) { |
| caught = true; |
| } |
| EXPECT_TRUE(caught); |
| return; |
| } |
| if ([message.body isEqualToString:@"Do nothing"]) { |
| // Drop the reply handler without responding to see what happens |
| return; |
| } |
| if ([message.body isEqualToString:@"Invalid reply"]) { |
| replyHandler(adoptNS([[NSData alloc] init]).get(), nil); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // All other inputs should just be round tripped back to the message handler |
| replyHandler(message.body, nil); |
| } |
| |
| @end |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, MessageHandlerAPI) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| auto handler = adoptNS([[AsyncScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandlerWithReply:handler.get() contentWorld:WKContentWorld.pageWorld name:@"testHandler1"]; |
| |
| bool hadException = false; |
| @try { |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandlerWithReply:handler.get() contentWorld:WKContentWorld.pageWorld name:@"testHandler1"]; |
| } @catch (NSException *exception) { |
| hadException = true; |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(hadException); |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandlerWithReply:handler.get() contentWorld:WKContentWorld.defaultClientWorld name:@"testHandler2"]; |
| |
| auto *world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"otherWorld"]; |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandlerWithReply:handler.get() contentWorld:world name:@"testHandler3"]; |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandlerWithReply:handler.get() contentWorld:world name:@"testHandler4"]; |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandlerWithReply:handler.get() contentWorld:world name:@"testHandler5"]; |
| |
| auto webView = adoptNS([[TestWKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| bool done = false; |
| NSString *functionBody = @"var p = window.webkit.messageHandlers[handler].postMessage(arg); await p; return p;"; |
| |
| // pageWorld is where testhandler1 lives |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler1", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:WKContentWorld.pageWorld completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToNumber:@1]); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| |
| // Trying to find testHandler1 in the defaultClientWorld should fail |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler1", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:WKContentWorld.defaultClientWorld completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(result); |
| EXPECT_NOT_NULL(error); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| |
| // defaultClientWorld is where testhandler2 lives |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler2", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:WKContentWorld.defaultClientWorld completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToNumber:@1]); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| |
| // But if we remvoe it, it should no longer live there, and using it should cause an error. |
| [[configuration userContentController] removeScriptMessageHandlerForName:@"testHandler2" contentWorld:WKContentWorld.defaultClientWorld]; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler2", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:WKContentWorld.defaultClientWorld completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(result); |
| EXPECT_NOT_NULL(error); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| |
| // Verify handlers 3, 4, and 5 are all in the custom world. |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler3", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToNumber:@1]); |
| }]; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler4", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToNumber:@1]); |
| }]; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler5", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToNumber:@1]); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| |
| // Remove 3 from the wrong world, verify it is still there in the custom world. |
| [[configuration userContentController] removeScriptMessageHandlerForName:@"testHandler3" contentWorld:WKContentWorld.defaultClientWorld]; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler3", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToNumber:@1]); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| |
| // Remove 3 from the correct world, verify it is gone, but 4 and 5 are still there. |
| [[configuration userContentController] removeScriptMessageHandlerForName:@"testHandler3" contentWorld:world]; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler3", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(result); |
| EXPECT_NOT_NULL(error); |
| }]; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler4", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToNumber:@1]); |
| }]; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler5", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToNumber:@1]); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| |
| // Remove "all" in the custom world, verify 4 and 5 are now gone. |
| [[configuration userContentController] removeAllScriptMessageHandlersFromContentWorld:world]; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler4", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(result); |
| EXPECT_NOT_NULL(error); |
| }]; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:@{ @"handler" : @"testHandler5", @"arg" : @1 } inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(result); |
| EXPECT_NOT_NULL(error); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, AsyncScriptMessageHandlerBasicPost) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| auto handler = adoptNS([[AsyncScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandlerWithReply:handler.get() contentWorld:WKContentWorld.pageWorld name:@"testHandler"]; |
| |
| auto webView = adoptNS([[TestWKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| bool done = false; |
| NSString *functionBody = @"var p = window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('Fulfill'); await p; return p;"; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:nil inFrame:nil inContentWorld:WKContentWorld.pageWorld completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToString:@"Fulfilled!"]); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| |
| done = false; |
| functionBody = @"var p = window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('Reject'); await p; return p;"; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:nil inFrame:nil inContentWorld:WKContentWorld.pageWorld completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(result); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(!!error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([[error description] containsString:@"Rejected!"]); |
| |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| |
| done = false; |
| functionBody = @"var p = window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('Undefined'); var result = await p; return result == undefined ? 'Yes' : 'No'"; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:nil inFrame:nil inContentWorld:WKContentWorld.pageWorld completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToString:@"Yes"]); |
| |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| |
| done = false; |
| functionBody = @"var p = window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('Do nothing'); await p; return p;"; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:nil inFrame:nil inContentWorld:WKContentWorld.pageWorld completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(result); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(!!error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([[error description] containsString:@"did not respond to this postMessage"]); |
| |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| |
| done = false; |
| functionBody = @"var p = window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage('Invalid reply'); await p; return p;"; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:nil inFrame:nil inContentWorld:WKContentWorld.pageWorld completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(result); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(!!error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([[error description] containsString:@"unable to be serialized"]); |
| |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, WorldLifetime) |
| { |
| RetainPtr<WKWebViewConfiguration> configuration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]); |
| auto handler = adoptNS([[AsyncScriptMessageHandler alloc] init]); |
| |
| RetainPtr<WKContentWorld> world = [WKContentWorld worldWithName:@"otherWorld"]; |
| [[configuration userContentController] addScriptMessageHandlerWithReply:handler.get() contentWorld:world.get() name:@"testHandler"]; |
| auto webView = adoptNS([[TestWKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:configuration.get()]); |
| |
| // Set a variable in the world. |
| bool done = false; |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript:@"var foo = 'bar'" inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world.get() completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| |
| // Have the message handler bounce back that value. |
| NSString *functionBody = @"var p = window.webkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage(foo); await p; return p;"; |
| [webView callAsyncJavaScript:functionBody arguments:nil inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world.get() completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToString:@"bar"]); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| |
| // Remove the message handler, which used to cause the world to be destroyed in the web process. |
| // But by evaluating JS make sure the value is still there. |
| [[configuration userContentController] removeAllScriptMessageHandlersFromContentWorld:world.get()]; |
| [webView evaluateJavaScript:@"foo" inFrame:nil inContentWorld:world.get() completionHandler:[&] (id result, NSError *error) { |
| EXPECT_NULL(error); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); |
| EXPECT_TRUE([result isEqualToString:@"bar"]); |
| done = true; |
| }]; |
| TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done); |
| done = false; |
| } |
| |
| TEST(WKUserContentController, RemoveAllScriptMessageHandlers) |
| { |
| WeakObjCPtr<ScriptMessageHandler> weakHandler; |
| auto handler = adoptNS([ScriptMessageHandler new]); |
| weakHandler = handler.get(); |
| auto controller = adoptNS([WKUserContentController new]); |
| [controller addScriptMessageHandler:handler.get() name:@"testname"]; |
| handler = nullptr; |
| EXPECT_NOT_NULL(weakHandler.get()); |
| [controller removeAllScriptMessageHandlers]; |
| EXPECT_NULL(weakHandler.get()); |
| } |