blob: fafb4b2bdad8ffe7b73cbc0a804590ab7662a2f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 Igalia S.L.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "AccessibilityAtspi.h"
#include "AccessibilityObjectInterface.h"
#include "IntRect.h"
#include <wtf/Atomics.h>
#include <wtf/Lock.h>
#include <wtf/OptionSet.h>
#include <wtf/ThreadSafeRefCounted.h>
#include <wtf/text/CString.h>
typedef struct _GDBusInterfaceVTable GDBusInterfaceVTable;
typedef struct _GVariant GVariant;
typedef struct _GVariantBuilder GVariantBuilder;
namespace WebCore {
class AXCoreObject;
class AccessibilityRootAtspi;
class AccessibilityObjectAtspi final : public ThreadSafeRefCounted<AccessibilityObjectAtspi> {
static Ref<AccessibilityObjectAtspi> create(AXCoreObject*);
~AccessibilityObjectAtspi() = default;
enum class Interface : uint16_t {
Accessible = 1 << 0,
Component = 1 << 1,
Text = 1 << 2,
Value = 1 << 3,
Hyperlink = 1 << 4,
Hypertext = 1 << 5,
Action = 1 << 6,
Document = 1 << 7,
Image = 1 << 8,
Selection = 1 << 9
const OptionSet<Interface>& interfaces() const { return m_interfaces; }
void setRoot(AccessibilityRootAtspi*);
WEBCORE_EXPORT AccessibilityRootAtspi* root() const;
void setParent(std::optional<AccessibilityObjectAtspi*>);
WEBCORE_EXPORT std::optional<AccessibilityObjectAtspi*> parent() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT void updateBackingStore();
void attach(AXCoreObject*);
void detach();
void elementDestroyed();
void cacheDestroyed();
int indexInParentForChildrenChanged(AccessibilityAtspi::ChildrenChanged);
const String& path();
GVariant* reference();
GVariant* hyperlinkReference();
void serialize(GVariantBuilder*) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT String id() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT CString name() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT CString description() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT String locale() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT unsigned role() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT unsigned childCount() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT Vector<RefPtr<AccessibilityObjectAtspi>> children() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT AccessibilityObjectAtspi* childAt(unsigned) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT uint64_t state() const;
void stateChanged(const char*, bool);
WEBCORE_EXPORT HashMap<String, String> attributes() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT HashMap<uint32_t, Vector<RefPtr<AccessibilityObjectAtspi>>> relationMap() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT AccessibilityObjectAtspi* hitTest(const IntPoint&, uint32_t) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect elementRect(uint32_t) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT void scrollToMakeVisible(uint32_t) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT void scrollToPoint(const IntPoint&, uint32_t) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT String text() const;
enum class TextGranularity {
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntPoint boundaryOffset(unsigned, TextGranularity) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect boundsForRange(unsigned, unsigned, uint32_t) const;
struct TextAttributes {
HashMap<String, String> attributes;
int startOffset;
int endOffset;
WEBCORE_EXPORT TextAttributes textAttributes(std::optional<unsigned> = std::nullopt, bool = false) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntPoint selectedRange() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT void setSelectedRange(unsigned, unsigned);
void textInserted(const String&, const VisiblePosition&);
void textDeleted(const String&, const VisiblePosition&);
void textAttributesChanged();
void selectionChanged(const VisibleSelection&);
WEBCORE_EXPORT double currentValue() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT bool setCurrentValue(double);
WEBCORE_EXPORT double minimumValue() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT double maximumValue() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT double minimumIncrement() const;
void valueChanged(double);
WEBCORE_EXPORT String actionName() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT bool doAction() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT String documentAttribute(const String&) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT unsigned selectionCount() const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT AccessibilityObjectAtspi* selectedChild(unsigned) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT bool setChildSelected(unsigned, bool) const;
WEBCORE_EXPORT bool clearSelection() const;
void selectionChanged();
explicit AccessibilityObjectAtspi(AXCoreObject*);
int indexInParent() const;
GVariant* parentReference() const;
void childAdded(AccessibilityObjectAtspi&);
void childRemoved(AccessibilityObjectAtspi&);
String roleName() const;
const char* localizedRoleName() const;
void buildAttributes(GVariantBuilder*) const;
void buildRelationSet(GVariantBuilder*) const;
void buildInterfaces(GVariantBuilder*) const;
bool focus() const;
float opacity() const;
static TextGranularity atspiBoundaryToTextGranularity(uint32_t);
static TextGranularity atspiGranularityToTextGranularity(uint32_t);
CString text(int, int) const;
CString textAtOffset(int, TextGranularity, int&, int&) const;
int characterAtOffset(int) const;
std::optional<unsigned> characterOffset(UChar, int) const;
std::optional<unsigned> characterIndex(UChar, unsigned) const;
IntRect textExtents(int, int, uint32_t) const;
int offsetAtPoint(const IntPoint&, uint32_t) const;
IntPoint boundsForSelection(const VisibleSelection&) const;
bool selectionBounds(int&, int&) const;
bool selectRange(int, int);
TextAttributes textAttributesWithUTF8Offset(std::optional<int> = std::nullopt, bool = false) const;
bool scrollToMakeVisible(int, int, uint32_t) const;
bool scrollToPoint(int, int, uint32_t, int, int) const;
unsigned offsetInParent() const;
unsigned hyperlinkCount() const;
AccessibilityObjectAtspi* hyperlink(unsigned) const;
std::optional<unsigned> hyperlinkIndex(unsigned) const;
String localizedActionName() const;
String actionKeyBinding() const;
HashMap<String, String> documentAttributes() const;
String documentLocale() const;
String imageDescription() const;
bool deselectSelectedChild(unsigned) const;
bool isChildSelected(unsigned) const;
bool selectAll() const;
static OptionSet<Interface> interfacesForObject(AXCoreObject&);
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_accessibleFunctions;
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_componentFunctions;
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_textFunctions;
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_valueFunctions;
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_hyperlinkFunctions;
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_hypertextFunctions;
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_actionFunctions;
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_documentFunctions;
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_imageFunctions;
static GDBusInterfaceVTable s_selectionFunctions;
AXCoreObject* m_axObject { nullptr };
AXCoreObject* m_coreObject { nullptr };
OptionSet<Interface> m_interfaces;
AccessibilityRootAtspi* m_root WTF_GUARDED_BY_LOCK(m_rootLock) { nullptr };
std::optional<AccessibilityObjectAtspi*> m_parent;
Atomic<bool> m_isRegistered { false };
String m_path;
String m_hyperlinkPath;
mutable int m_indexInParent { -1 };
mutable Lock m_rootLock;
} // namespace WebCore