blob: ee94371d57871c7e8cd5da5eaaf6086f1dd07ec9 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests for content attributes of the output element.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS output1.type is "output"
PASS is "output1"
PASS output1.value is "A value"
PASS output2.htmlFor.length is 1
PASS output2.htmlFor[0] is "for-target1"
PASS String(output2.htmlFor) is "for-target1"
PASS output2.htmlFor.value is "for-target1"
PASS output3.htmlFor.length is 2
PASS output3.htmlFor[0] is "for-target1"
PASS output3.htmlFor[1] is "for-target2"
PASS String(output3.htmlFor) is " for-target1 for-target2 "
PASS output3.htmlFor.value is " for-target1 for-target2 "
PASS successfullyParsed is true
A value