| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <p id="description"></p> |
| <div id="console"></div> |
| <script> |
| description("Tests queryCommandState('justifyCenter'), queryCommandState('justifyFull'), queryCommandState('justifyLeft'), and queryCommandState('justifyRight')") |
| |
| var testContainer = document.createElement("div"); |
| testContainer.contentEditable = true; |
| document.body.appendChild(testContainer); |
| |
| function queryTextAlignment(selector, content, expected) |
| { |
| testContainer.innerHTML = content; |
| var selected = selector(testContainer); |
| var center = document.queryCommandState('justifyCenter'); |
| var full = document.queryCommandState('justifyFull'); |
| var left = document.queryCommandState('justifyLeft'); |
| var right = document.queryCommandState('justifyRight'); |
| var centerValue = document.queryCommandValue('justifyCenter'); |
| var fullValue = document.queryCommandValue('justifyFull'); |
| var leftValue = document.queryCommandValue('justifyLeft'); |
| var rightValue = document.queryCommandValue('justifyRight'); |
| if ((center && full) || (full && left) || (left && right) || (right && center)) |
| testFailed('Inconsistent state when selecting ' + selected + ' of "' + content + '". More than one of justifyCenter, justifyFull, justifyRight, and justifyLeft returned true.') |
| |
| var actual = center ? 'center' : full ? 'full' : left ? 'left' : right ? 'right' : ''; |
| var action = "queryCommand('format') returns \"" + actual + '" when selecting ' + selected + ' of "' + content + '"'; |
| if (actual != expected) |
| testFailed(action + ' but expected "' + expected + '"'); |
| else if (centerValue != center.toString() || fullValue != full.toString() |
| || leftValue != left.toString() || rightValue != right.toString()) |
| testFailed(action + ' but values returned by queryCommandState and queryCommandValue did not match'); |
| else |
| testPassed(action); |
| } |
| |
| function selectFirstPosition(container) { |
| while (container.firstChild) |
| container = container.firstChild; |
| window.getSelection().collapse(container, 0); |
| return 'first position'; |
| } |
| |
| function selectMiddleOfHelloWorld(container) { |
| window.getSelection().collapse(container, 0); |
| window.getSelection().modify('move', 'forward', 'character'); |
| window.getSelection().modify('move', 'forward', 'character'); |
| window.getSelection().modify('extend', 'forward', 'word'); |
| window.getSelection().modify('extend', 'forward', 'character'); |
| window.getSelection().modify('extend', 'forward', 'character'); |
| window.getSelection().modify('extend', 'forward', 'character'); |
| return 'middle'; |
| } |
| |
| debug('Caret'); |
| queryTextAlignment(function () {return 'no selection on'}, 'hello', ''); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, 'hello', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p>hello</p>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="center">hello</p>', 'center'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="justify">hello</p>', 'full'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="left">hello</p>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="right">hello</p>', 'right'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p style="text-align: center;">hello</p>', 'center'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p style="text-align: justify;">hello</p>', 'full'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p style="text-align: left;">hello</p>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p style="text-align: right;">hello</p>', 'right'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="center" style="text-align: justify;">hello</p>', 'full'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="right" style="text-align: left;">hello</p>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="center" style="text-align: right;">hello</p>', 'right'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="left" style="text-align: center;">hello</p>', 'center'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="right" style="text-align: left;">hello</p>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="center" style="text-align: right;">hello</p>', 'right'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<p align="left" style="text-align: center;">hello</p>', 'center'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<h1>hello</h1>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<h1 align="center">hello</h1>', 'center'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<h1 align="justify">hello</h1>', 'full'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<h2 align="left">hello</h2>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<h3 align="right">hello</h3>', 'right'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<h4 align="center">hello</h4>', 'center'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<h5 align="left">hello</h5>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<h6 align="right">hello</h6>', 'right'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<div align="justify">hello</div>', 'full'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<div align="center">hello</div>', 'center'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<div align="left">hello</div>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectFirstPosition, '<div align="right">hello</div>', 'right'); |
| |
| function runRangeTests(editingBehavior) |
| { |
| if (window.internals) |
| internals.settings.setEditingBehavior(editingBehavior); |
| debug('Tests for ' + editingBehavior); |
| |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p>hello</p><p>world</p>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p align="right">hello</p><p>world</p>', {'mac': 'right', 'windows': ''}[editingBehavior]); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p>hello</p><p align="left">world</p>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p align="left">hello</p><p align="right">world</p>', {'mac': 'left', 'windows': ''}[editingBehavior]); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p align="center">hello</p><p align="center">world</p>', 'center'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p align="justify">hello</p><p align="justify">world</p>', 'full'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p align="left">hello</p><p align="left">world</p>', 'left'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p align="right">hello</p><p align="right">world</p>', 'right'); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<div align="right">hello<p align="left">world</p></div>', {'mac': 'right', 'windows': ''}[editingBehavior]); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<div align="left"><p align="center">world</p>hello</div>', {'mac': 'center', 'windows': ''}[editingBehavior]); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p align="left">hello</p><p>w</p><p align="left">orld</p>', {'mac': 'left', 'windows': 'left'}[editingBehavior]); |
| queryTextAlignment(selectMiddleOfHelloWorld, '<p align="justify">hello</p><p>w</p><p align="center">orld</p>', {'mac': 'full', 'windows': ''}[editingBehavior]); |
| } |
| |
| debug(''); |
| runRangeTests('windows'); |
| debug(''); |
| runRangeTests('mac'); |
| |
| document.body.removeChild(testContainer); |
| var successfullyParsed = true; |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |