| .. _reports-and-charts: |
| |
| Reports and Charts |
| ################## |
| |
| As well as the standard buglist, Bugzilla has two more ways of |
| viewing sets of bugs. These are the reports (which give different |
| views of the current state of the database) and charts (which plot |
| the changes in particular sets of bugs over time). |
| |
| .. _reports: |
| |
| Reports |
| ======= |
| |
| A report is a view of the current state of the bug database. |
| |
| You can run either an HTML-table-based report, or a graphical |
| line/pie/bar-chart-based one. The two have different pages to |
| define them but are close cousins - once you've defined and |
| viewed a report, you can switch between any of the different |
| views of the data at will. |
| |
| Both report types are based on the idea of defining a set of bugs |
| using the standard search interface and then choosing some |
| aspect of that set to plot on the horizontal and/or vertical axes. |
| You can also get a form of 3-dimensional report by choosing to have |
| multiple images or tables. |
| |
| So, for example, you could use the search form to choose "all |
| bugs in the WorldControl product" and then plot their severity |
| against their component to see which component had had the largest |
| number of bad bugs reported against it. |
| |
| Once you've defined your parameters and hit :guilabel:`Generate Report`, |
| you can switch between HTML, CSV, Bar, Line and Pie. (Note: Pie |
| is only available if you didn't define a vertical axis, as pie |
| charts don't have one.) The other controls are fairly self-explanatory; |
| you can change the size of the image if you find text is overwriting |
| other text, or the bars are too thin to see. |
| |
| .. _charts: |
| |
| Charts |
| ====== |
| |
| A chart is a view of the state of the bug database over time. |
| |
| Bugzilla currently has two charting systems - Old Charts and New |
| Charts. Old Charts have been part of Bugzilla for a long time; they |
| chart each status and resolution for each product, and that's all. |
| They are deprecated, and going away soon - we won't say any more |
| about them. |
| New Charts are the future - they allow you to chart anything you |
| can define as a search. |
| |
| .. note:: Both charting forms require the administrator to set up the |
| data-gathering script. If you can't see any charts, ask them whether |
| they have done so. |
| |
| An individual line on a chart is called a data set. |
| All data sets are organised into categories and subcategories. The |
| data sets that Bugzilla defines automatically use the Product name |
| as a :guilabel:`Category` and Component names as :guilabel:`Subcategories`, |
| but there is no need for you to follow that naming scheme with your own |
| charts if you don't want to. |
| |
| Data sets may be public or private. Everyone sees public data sets in |
| the list, but only their creator sees private data sets. Only |
| administrators can make data sets public. |
| No two data sets, even two private ones, can have the same set of |
| category, subcategory and name. So if you are creating private data |
| sets, one idea is to have the :guilabel:`Category` be your username. |
| |
| Creating Charts |
| --------------- |
| |
| You create a chart by selecting a number of data sets from the |
| list and pressing :guilabel:`Add To List` for each. In the |
| :guilabel:`List Of Data Sets To Plot`, you can define the label that data |
| set will have in the chart's legend and also ask Bugzilla to :guilabel:`Sum` |
| a number of data sets (e.g. you could :guilabel:`Sum` data sets representing |
| :guilabel:`RESOLVED`, :guilabel:`VERIFIED` and :guilabel:`CLOSED` in a |
| particular product to get a data set representing all the resolved bugs in |
| that product.) |
| |
| If you've erroneously added a data set to the list, select it |
| using the checkbox and click :guilabel:`Remove`. Once you add more than one |
| data set, a :guilabel:`Grand Total` line |
| automatically appears at the bottom of the list. If you don't want |
| this, simply remove it as you would remove any other line. |
| |
| You may also choose to plot only over a certain date range, and |
| to cumulate the results, that is, to plot each one using the |
| previous one as a baseline so the top line gives a sum of all |
| the data sets. It's easier to try than to explain :-) |
| |
| Once a data set is in the list, you can also perform certain |
| actions on it. For example, you can edit the |
| data set's parameters (name, frequency etc.) if it's one you |
| created or if you are an administrator. |
| |
| Once you are happy, click :guilabel:`Chart This List` to see the chart. |
| |
| .. _charts-new-series: |
| |
| Creating New Data Sets |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| You may also create new data sets of your own. To do this, |
| click the :guilabel:`create a new data set` link on the |
| :guilabel:`Create Chart` page. This takes you to a search-like interface |
| where you can define the search that Bugzilla will plot. At the bottom of the |
| page, you choose the category, sub-category and name of your new |
| data set. |
| |
| If you have sufficient permissions, you can make the data set public, |
| and reduce the frequency of data collection to less than the default |
| of seven days. |
| |