blob: c5dc2f1e4f6c435997e61a317f821c7086ec1f99 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include <limits.h>
#include <unicode/ustring.h>
#include <wtf/ASCIICType.h>
#include <wtf/CheckedArithmetic.h>
#include <wtf/CompactPtr.h>
#include <wtf/DebugHeap.h>
#include <wtf/Expected.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/Packed.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/text/ASCIIFastPath.h>
#include <wtf/text/ASCIILiteral.h>
#include <wtf/text/ConversionMode.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringBuffer.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringCommon.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringHasher.h>
#include <wtf/text/UTF8ConversionError.h>
#if USE(CF)
typedef const struct __CFString * CFStringRef;
#ifdef __OBJC__
@class NSString;
#define STRING_IMPL_ALIGNMENT alignas(16)
namespace JSC {
namespace LLInt { class Data; }
class LLIntOffsetsExtractor;
namespace WTF {
class SymbolImpl;
class SymbolRegistry;
struct CStringTranslator;
struct HashAndUTF8CharactersTranslator;
struct HashTranslatorASCIILiteral;
struct LCharBufferTranslator;
struct SubstringTranslator;
struct UCharBufferTranslator;
template<typename> class RetainPtr;
template<typename> struct BufferFromStaticDataTranslator;
template<typename> struct HashAndCharactersTranslator;
// Define STRING_STATS to 1 turn on runtime statistics of string sizes and memory usage.
#define STRING_STATS 0
template<bool isSpecialCharacter(UChar), typename CharacterType> bool isAllSpecialCharacters(const CharacterType*, size_t length);
struct StringStats {
void add8BitString(unsigned length, bool isSubString = false)
if (!isSubString)
m_total8BitData += length;
void add16BitString(unsigned length, bool isSubString = false)
if (!isSubString)
m_total16BitData += length;
void removeString(StringImpl&);
void printStats();
static constexpr unsigned s_printStringStatsFrequency = 5000;
static std::atomic<unsigned> s_stringRemovesTillPrintStats;
std::atomic<unsigned> m_refCalls;
std::atomic<unsigned> m_derefCalls;
std::atomic<unsigned> m_totalNumberStrings;
std::atomic<unsigned> m_number8BitStrings;
std::atomic<unsigned> m_number16BitStrings;
std::atomic<unsigned long long> m_total8BitData;
std::atomic<unsigned long long> m_total16BitData;
#define STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING(length) StringImpl::stringStats().add8BitString(length)
#define STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING2(length, isSubString) StringImpl::stringStats().add8BitString(length, isSubString)
#define STRING_STATS_ADD_16BIT_STRING(length) StringImpl::stringStats().add16BitString(length)
#define STRING_STATS_ADD_16BIT_STRING2(length, isSubString) StringImpl::stringStats().add16BitString(length, isSubString)
#define STRING_STATS_REMOVE_STRING(string) StringImpl::stringStats().removeString(string)
#define STRING_STATS_REF_STRING(string) ++StringImpl::stringStats().m_refCalls;
#define STRING_STATS_DEREF_STRING(string) ++StringImpl::stringStats().m_derefCalls;
#define STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING(length) ((void)0)
#define STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING2(length, isSubString) ((void)0)
#define STRING_STATS_ADD_16BIT_STRING(length) ((void)0)
#define STRING_STATS_ADD_16BIT_STRING2(length, isSubString) ((void)0)
#define STRING_STATS_REMOVE_STRING(string) ((void)0)
#define STRING_STATS_REF_STRING(string) ((void)0)
#define STRING_STATS_DEREF_STRING(string) ((void)0)
class STRING_IMPL_ALIGNMENT StringImplShape {
static constexpr unsigned MaxLength = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
StringImplShape(unsigned refCount, unsigned length, const LChar*, unsigned hashAndFlags);
StringImplShape(unsigned refCount, unsigned length, const UChar*, unsigned hashAndFlags);
enum ConstructWithConstExprTag { ConstructWithConstExpr };
template<unsigned characterCount> constexpr StringImplShape(unsigned refCount, unsigned length, const char (&characters)[characterCount], unsigned hashAndFlags, ConstructWithConstExprTag);
template<unsigned characterCount> constexpr StringImplShape(unsigned refCount, unsigned length, const char16_t (&characters)[characterCount], unsigned hashAndFlags, ConstructWithConstExprTag);
unsigned m_refCount;
unsigned m_length;
union {
const LChar* m_data8;
const UChar* m_data16;
// It seems that reinterpret_cast prevents constexpr's compile time initialization in VC++.
// These are needed to avoid reinterpret_cast.
const char* m_data8Char;
const char16_t* m_data16Char;
mutable unsigned m_hashAndFlags;
// FIXME: Use of StringImpl and const is rather confused.
// The actual string inside a StringImpl is immutable, so you can't modify a string using a StringImpl&.
// We could mark every member function const and always use "const StringImpl&" and "const StringImpl*".
// Or we could say that "const" doesn't make sense at all and use "StringImpl&" and "StringImpl*" everywhere.
// Right now we use a mix of both, which makes code more confusing and has no benefit.
class StringImpl : private StringImplShape {
friend class AtomStringImpl;
friend class JSC::LLInt::Data;
friend class JSC::LLIntOffsetsExtractor;
friend class PrivateSymbolImpl;
friend class RegisteredSymbolImpl;
friend class SymbolImpl;
friend class ExternalStringImpl;
friend struct WTF::CStringTranslator;
friend struct WTF::HashAndUTF8CharactersTranslator;
friend struct WTF::HashTranslatorASCIILiteral;
friend struct WTF::LCharBufferTranslator;
friend struct WTF::SubstringTranslator;
friend struct WTF::UCharBufferTranslator;
template<typename> friend struct WTF::BufferFromStaticDataTranslator;
template<typename> friend struct WTF::HashAndCharactersTranslator;
enum BufferOwnership { BufferInternal, BufferOwned, BufferSubstring, BufferExternal };
static constexpr unsigned MaxLength = StringImplShape::MaxLength;
// The bottom 6 bits in the hash are flags, but reserve 8 bits since StringHash only has 24 bits anyway.
static constexpr const unsigned s_flagCount = 8;
static constexpr const unsigned s_flagMask = (1u << s_flagCount) - 1;
static_assert(s_flagCount <= StringHasher::flagCount, "StringHasher reserves enough bits for StringImpl flags");
static constexpr const unsigned s_flagStringKindCount = 4;
static constexpr const unsigned s_hashZeroValue = 0;
static constexpr const unsigned s_hashFlagStringKindIsAtom = 1u << (s_flagStringKindCount);
static constexpr const unsigned s_hashFlagStringKindIsSymbol = 1u << (s_flagStringKindCount + 1);
static constexpr const unsigned s_hashMaskStringKind = s_hashFlagStringKindIsAtom | s_hashFlagStringKindIsSymbol;
static constexpr const unsigned s_hashFlagDidReportCost = 1u << 3;
static constexpr const unsigned s_hashFlag8BitBuffer = 1u << 2;
static constexpr const unsigned s_hashMaskBufferOwnership = (1u << 0) | (1u << 1);
enum StringKind {
StringNormal = 0u, // non-symbol, non-atomic
StringAtom = s_hashFlagStringKindIsAtom, // non-symbol, atomic
StringSymbol = s_hashFlagStringKindIsSymbol, // symbol, non-atomic
// Create a normal 8-bit string with internal storage (BufferInternal).
enum Force8Bit { Force8BitConstructor };
StringImpl(unsigned length, Force8Bit);
// Create a normal 16-bit string with internal storage (BufferInternal).
explicit StringImpl(unsigned length);
// Create a StringImpl adopting ownership of the provided buffer (BufferOwned).
template<typename Malloc> StringImpl(MallocPtr<LChar, Malloc>, unsigned length);
template<typename Malloc> StringImpl(MallocPtr<UChar, Malloc>, unsigned length);
enum ConstructWithoutCopyingTag { ConstructWithoutCopying };
StringImpl(const UChar*, unsigned length, ConstructWithoutCopyingTag);
StringImpl(const LChar*, unsigned length, ConstructWithoutCopyingTag);
// Used to create new strings that are a substring of an existing StringImpl (BufferSubstring).
StringImpl(const LChar*, unsigned length, Ref<StringImpl>&&);
StringImpl(const UChar*, unsigned length, Ref<StringImpl>&&);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void destroy(StringImpl*);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> create(const UChar*, unsigned length);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> create(const LChar*, unsigned length);
ALWAYS_INLINE static Ref<StringImpl> create(const char* characters, unsigned length) { return create(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(characters), length); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> create8BitIfPossible(const UChar*, unsigned length);
template<size_t inlineCapacity> static Ref<StringImpl> create8BitIfPossible(const Vector<UChar, inlineCapacity>&);
// Not using create() naming to encourage developers to call create(ASCIILiteral) when they have a string literal.
ALWAYS_INLINE static Ref<StringImpl> createFromCString(const char* characters) { return create(characters, strlen(characters)); }
static Ref<StringImpl> createSubstringSharingImpl(StringImpl&, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
ALWAYS_INLINE static Ref<StringImpl> create(ASCIILiteral literal) { return createWithoutCopying(literal.characters8(), literal.length()); }
static Ref<StringImpl> createWithoutCopying(const UChar* characters, unsigned length) { return length ? createWithoutCopyingNonEmpty(characters, length) : Ref { *empty() }; }
static Ref<StringImpl> createWithoutCopying(const LChar* characters, unsigned length) { return length ? createWithoutCopyingNonEmpty(characters, length) : Ref { *empty() }; }
ALWAYS_INLINE static Ref<StringImpl> createWithoutCopying(const char* characters, unsigned length) { return createWithoutCopying(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(characters), length); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> createUninitialized(unsigned length, LChar*&);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> createUninitialized(unsigned length, UChar*&);
template<typename CharacterType> static RefPtr<StringImpl> tryCreateUninitialized(unsigned length, CharacterType*&);
static Ref<StringImpl> createByReplacingInCharacters(const LChar*, unsigned length, UChar target, UChar replacement, unsigned indexOfFirstTargetCharacter);
static Ref<StringImpl> createByReplacingInCharacters(const UChar*, unsigned length, UChar target, UChar replacement, unsigned indexOfFirstTargetCharacter);
static Ref<StringImpl> createStaticStringImpl(const char* characters, unsigned length)
ASSERT(charactersAreAllASCII(bitwise_cast<const LChar*>(characters), length));
return createStaticStringImpl(bitwise_cast<const LChar*>(characters), length);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> createStaticStringImpl(const LChar*, unsigned length);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> createStaticStringImpl(const UChar*, unsigned length);
// Reallocate the StringImpl. The originalString must be only owned by the Ref,
// and the buffer ownership must be BufferInternal. Just like the input pointer of realloc(),
// the originalString can't be used after this function.
static Ref<StringImpl> reallocate(Ref<StringImpl>&& originalString, unsigned length, LChar*& data);
static Ref<StringImpl> reallocate(Ref<StringImpl>&& originalString, unsigned length, UChar*& data);
static Expected<Ref<StringImpl>, UTF8ConversionError> tryReallocate(Ref<StringImpl>&& originalString, unsigned length, LChar*& data);
static Expected<Ref<StringImpl>, UTF8ConversionError> tryReallocate(Ref<StringImpl>&& originalString, unsigned length, UChar*& data);
static unsigned flagsOffset() { return OBJECT_OFFSETOF(StringImpl, m_hashAndFlags); }
static constexpr unsigned flagIs8Bit() { return s_hashFlag8BitBuffer; }
static constexpr unsigned flagIsAtom() { return s_hashFlagStringKindIsAtom; }
static constexpr unsigned flagIsSymbol() { return s_hashFlagStringKindIsSymbol; }
static constexpr unsigned maskStringKind() { return s_hashMaskStringKind; }
static unsigned dataOffset() { return OBJECT_OFFSETOF(StringImpl, m_data8); }
template<typename CharacterType, size_t inlineCapacity, typename OverflowHandler, size_t minCapacity, typename Malloc>
static Ref<StringImpl> adopt(Vector<CharacterType, inlineCapacity, OverflowHandler, minCapacity, Malloc>&&);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> adopt(StringBuffer<UChar>&&);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> adopt(StringBuffer<LChar>&&);
unsigned length() const { return m_length; }
static ptrdiff_t lengthMemoryOffset() { return OBJECT_OFFSETOF(StringImpl, m_length); }
bool isEmpty() const { return !m_length; }
bool is8Bit() const { return m_hashAndFlags & s_hashFlag8BitBuffer; }
ALWAYS_INLINE const LChar* characters8() const { ASSERT(is8Bit()); return m_data8; }
ALWAYS_INLINE const UChar* characters16() const { ASSERT(!is8Bit()); return m_data16; }
template<typename CharacterType> const CharacterType* characters() const;
size_t cost() const;
size_t costDuringGC();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t sizeInBytes() const;
bool isSymbol() const { return m_hashAndFlags & s_hashFlagStringKindIsSymbol; }
bool isAtom() const { return m_hashAndFlags & s_hashFlagStringKindIsAtom; }
void setIsAtom(bool);
bool isExternal() const { return bufferOwnership() == BufferExternal; }
bool isSubString() const { return bufferOwnership() == BufferSubstring; }
static WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Expected<CString, UTF8ConversionError> utf8ForCharacters(const LChar* characters, unsigned length);
static WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Expected<CString, UTF8ConversionError> utf8ForCharacters(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, ConversionMode = LenientConversion);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Expected<CString, UTF8ConversionError> tryGetUtf8ForRange(unsigned offset, unsigned length, ConversionMode = LenientConversion) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Expected<CString, UTF8ConversionError> tryGetUtf8(ConversionMode = LenientConversion) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE CString utf8(ConversionMode = LenientConversion) const;
static WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE UTF8ConversionError utf8Impl(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, char*& buffer, size_t bufferSize, ConversionMode);
// The high bits of 'hash' are always empty, but we prefer to store our flags
// in the low bits because it makes them slightly more efficient to access.
// So, we shift left and right when setting and getting our hash code.
void setHash(unsigned) const;
unsigned rawHash() const { return m_hashAndFlags >> s_flagCount; }
bool hasHash() const { return !!rawHash(); }
unsigned existingHash() const { ASSERT(hasHash()); return rawHash(); }
unsigned hash() const { return hasHash() ? rawHash() : hashSlowCase(); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE unsigned concurrentHash() const;
unsigned symbolAwareHash() const;
unsigned existingSymbolAwareHash() const;
SUPPRESS_TSAN bool isStatic() const { return m_refCount & s_refCountFlagIsStaticString; }
size_t refCount() const { return m_refCount / s_refCountIncrement; }
bool hasOneRef() const { return m_refCount == s_refCountIncrement; }
bool hasAtLeastOneRef() const { return m_refCount; } // For assertions.
void ref();
void deref();
class StaticStringImpl : private StringImplShape {
// Used to construct static strings, which have an special refCount that can never hit zero.
// This means that the static string will never be destroyed, which is important because
// static strings will be shared across threads & ref-counted in a non-threadsafe manner.
// In order to make StaticStringImpl thread safe, we also need to ensure that the rest of
// the fields are never mutated by threads. We have this guarantee because:
// 1. m_length is only set on construction and never mutated thereafter.
// 2. m_data8 and m_data16 are only set on construction and never mutated thereafter.
// We also know that a StringImpl never changes from 8 bit to 16 bit because there
// is no way to set/clear the s_hashFlag8BitBuffer flag other than at construction.
// 3. m_hashAndFlags will not be mutated by different threads because:
// a. StaticStringImpl's constructor sets the s_hashFlagDidReportCost flag to ensure
// that StringImpl::cost() returns early.
// This means StaticStringImpl costs are not counted. But since there should only
// be a finite set of StaticStringImpls, their cost can be aggregated into a single
// system cost if needed.
// b. setIsAtom() is never called on a StaticStringImpl.
// setIsAtom() asserts !isStatic().
// c. setHash() is never called on a StaticStringImpl.
// StaticStringImpl's constructor sets the hash on construction.
// StringImpl::hash() only sets a new hash iff !hasHash().
// Additionally, StringImpl::setHash() asserts hasHash() and !isStatic().
template<unsigned characterCount> constexpr StaticStringImpl(const char (&characters)[characterCount], StringKind = StringNormal);
template<unsigned characterCount> constexpr StaticStringImpl(const char16_t (&characters)[characterCount], StringKind = StringNormal);
operator StringImpl&();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static StaticStringImpl s_emptyAtomString;
ALWAYS_INLINE static StringImpl* empty() { return reinterpret_cast<StringImpl*>(&s_emptyAtomString); }
// FIXME: Does this really belong in StringImpl?
template<typename SourceCharacterType, typename DestinationCharacterType> static void copyCharacters(DestinationCharacterType* destination, const SourceCharacterType* source, unsigned numCharacters);
// Some string features, like reference counting and the atomicity flag, are not
// thread-safe. We achieve thread safety by isolation, giving each thread
// its own copy of the string.
Ref<StringImpl> isolatedCopy() const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> substring(unsigned position, unsigned length = MaxLength);
UChar at(unsigned) const;
UChar operator[](unsigned i) const { return at(i); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE UChar32 characterStartingAt(unsigned);
// FIXME: Like the strict functions above, these give false for "ok" when there is trailing garbage.
// Like the non-strict functions above, these return the value when there is trailing garbage.
// It would be better if these were more consistent with the above functions instead.
double toDouble(bool* ok = nullptr);
float toFloat(bool* ok = nullptr);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> convertToASCIILowercase();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> convertToASCIIUppercase();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> convertToLowercaseWithoutLocale();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> convertToLowercaseWithoutLocaleStartingAtFailingIndex8Bit(unsigned);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> convertToUppercaseWithoutLocale();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> convertToLowercaseWithLocale(const AtomString& localeIdentifier);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> convertToUppercaseWithLocale(const AtomString& localeIdentifier);
Ref<StringImpl> foldCase();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> stripWhiteSpace();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> simplifyWhiteSpace();
Ref<StringImpl> simplifyWhiteSpace(CodeUnitMatchFunction);
Ref<StringImpl> stripLeadingAndTrailingCharacters(CodeUnitMatchFunction);
template<typename Predicate> Ref<StringImpl> removeCharacters(const Predicate&);
bool isAllASCII() const;
bool isAllLatin1() const;
template<bool isSpecialCharacter(UChar)> bool isAllSpecialCharacters() const;
size_t find(LChar character, unsigned start = 0);
size_t find(char character, unsigned start = 0);
size_t find(UChar character, unsigned start = 0);
template<typename CodeUnitMatchFunction, std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_r_v<bool, CodeUnitMatchFunction, UChar>>* = nullptr>
size_t find(CodeUnitMatchFunction, unsigned start = 0);
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t find(ASCIILiteral literal, unsigned start = 0) { return find(literal.characters8(), literal.length(), start); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t find(StringView);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t find(StringView, unsigned start);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t findIgnoringASCIICase(StringView) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t findIgnoringASCIICase(StringView, unsigned start) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t reverseFind(UChar, unsigned start = MaxLength);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t reverseFind(StringView, unsigned start = MaxLength);
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t reverseFind(ASCIILiteral literal, unsigned start = MaxLength) { return reverseFind(literal.characters8(), literal.length(), start); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool startsWith(StringView) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool startsWithIgnoringASCIICase(StringView) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool startsWith(UChar) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool startsWith(const char*, unsigned matchLength) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool hasInfixStartingAt(StringView, unsigned start) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool endsWith(StringView);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool endsWithIgnoringASCIICase(StringView) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool endsWith(UChar) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool endsWith(const char*, unsigned matchLength) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool hasInfixEndingAt(StringView, unsigned end) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> replace(UChar, UChar);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> replace(UChar, StringView);
ALWAYS_INLINE Ref<StringImpl> replace(UChar pattern, const char* replacement, unsigned replacementLength) { return replace(pattern, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(replacement), replacementLength); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> replace(UChar, const LChar*, unsigned replacementLength);
Ref<StringImpl> replace(UChar, const UChar*, unsigned replacementLength);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> replace(StringView, StringView);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Ref<StringImpl> replace(unsigned start, unsigned length, StringView);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE UCharDirection defaultWritingDirection(bool* hasStrongDirectionality = nullptr);
#if USE(CF)
RetainPtr<CFStringRef> createCFString();
#ifdef __OBJC__
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE operator NSString *();
ALWAYS_INLINE static StringStats& stringStats() { return m_stringStats; }
BufferOwnership bufferOwnership() const { return static_cast<BufferOwnership>(m_hashAndFlags & s_hashMaskBufferOwnership); }
template<typename T> static size_t headerSize() { return tailOffset<T>(); }
// Used to create new symbol string that holds an existing [[Description]] string as a substring buffer (BufferSubstring).
enum CreateSymbolTag { CreateSymbol };
StringImpl(CreateSymbolTag, const LChar*, unsigned length);
StringImpl(CreateSymbolTag, const UChar*, unsigned length);
// Null symbol.
explicit StringImpl(CreateSymbolTag);
template<typename> static size_t allocationSize(Checked<size_t> tailElementCount);
template<typename> static size_t maxInternalLength();
template<typename> static size_t tailOffset();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t find(const LChar*, unsigned length, unsigned start);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t reverseFind(const LChar*, unsigned length, unsigned start);
bool requiresCopy() const;
template<typename T> const T* tailPointer() const;
template<typename T> T* tailPointer();
StringImpl* const& substringBuffer() const;
StringImpl*& substringBuffer();
enum class CaseConvertType { Upper, Lower };
template<CaseConvertType, typename CharacterType> static Ref<StringImpl> convertASCIICase(StringImpl&, const CharacterType*, unsigned);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> createWithoutCopyingNonEmpty(const LChar*, unsigned length);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Ref<StringImpl> createWithoutCopyingNonEmpty(const UChar*, unsigned length);
template<class CodeUnitPredicate> Ref<StringImpl> stripMatchedCharacters(CodeUnitPredicate);
template<typename CharacterType, typename Predicate> ALWAYS_INLINE Ref<StringImpl> removeCharactersImpl(const CharacterType* characters, const Predicate&);
template<typename CharacterType, class CodeUnitPredicate> Ref<StringImpl> simplifyMatchedCharactersToSpace(CodeUnitPredicate);
template<typename CharacterType> static Ref<StringImpl> constructInternal(StringImpl&, unsigned);
template<typename CharacterType> static Ref<StringImpl> createUninitializedInternal(unsigned, CharacterType*&);
template<typename CharacterType> static Ref<StringImpl> createUninitializedInternalNonEmpty(unsigned, CharacterType*&);
template<typename CharacterType> static Expected<Ref<StringImpl>, UTF8ConversionError> reallocateInternal(Ref<StringImpl>&&, unsigned, CharacterType*&);
template<typename CharacterType> static Ref<StringImpl> createInternal(const CharacterType*, unsigned);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE NEVER_INLINE unsigned hashSlowCase() const;
// The bottom bit in the ref count indicates a static (immortal) string.
static constexpr unsigned s_refCountFlagIsStaticString = 0x1;
static constexpr unsigned s_refCountIncrement = 0x2; // This allows us to ref / deref without disturbing the static string flag.
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE static StringStats m_stringStats;
void assertHashIsCorrect() const;
using StaticStringImpl = StringImpl::StaticStringImpl;
static_assert(sizeof(StringImpl) == sizeof(StaticStringImpl));
template<typename CharacterType>
struct HashTranslatorCharBuffer {
const CharacterType* characters;
unsigned length;
unsigned hash;
HashTranslatorCharBuffer(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length)
: characters(characters)
, length(length)
, hash(StringHasher::computeHashAndMaskTop8Bits(characters, length))
HashTranslatorCharBuffer(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, unsigned hash)
: characters(characters)
, length(length)
, hash(hash)
// StringImpls created from StaticStringImpl will ASSERT in the generic ValueCheck<T>::checkConsistency
// as they are not allocated by fastMalloc. We don't currently have any way to detect that case
// so we ignore the consistency check for all StringImpl*.
template<> struct ValueCheck<StringImpl*> {
static void checkConsistency(const StringImpl*) { }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool equal(const StringImpl*, const StringImpl*);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool equal(const StringImpl*, const LChar*);
inline bool equal(const StringImpl* a, const char* b) { return equal(a, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(b)); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool equal(const StringImpl*, const LChar*, unsigned);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool equal(const StringImpl*, const UChar*, unsigned);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool equal(const StringImpl* a, ASCIILiteral b) { return equal(a, b.characters8(), b.length()); }
inline bool equal(const StringImpl* a, const char* b, unsigned length) { return equal(a, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(b), length); }
inline bool equal(const LChar* a, StringImpl* b) { return equal(b, a); }
inline bool equal(const char* a, StringImpl* b) { return equal(b, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(a)); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool equal(const StringImpl& a, const StringImpl& b);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool equalIgnoringNullity(StringImpl*, StringImpl*);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool equalIgnoringNullity(const UChar*, size_t length, StringImpl*);
bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl&, const StringImpl&);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl*, const StringImpl*);
bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl&, ASCIILiteral);
bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl*, ASCIILiteral);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool equalIgnoringASCIICaseNonNull(const StringImpl*, const StringImpl*);
bool equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl&, ASCIILiteral);
bool equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl*, ASCIILiteral);
template<typename CodeUnit, typename CodeUnitMatchFunction, std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_r_v<bool, CodeUnitMatchFunction, CodeUnit>>* = nullptr>
size_t find(const CodeUnit*, unsigned length, CodeUnitMatchFunction&&, unsigned start = 0);
template<typename CharacterType> size_t reverseFindLineTerminator(const CharacterType*, unsigned length, unsigned start = StringImpl::MaxLength);
template<typename CharacterType> size_t reverseFind(const CharacterType*, unsigned length, CharacterType matchCharacter, unsigned start = StringImpl::MaxLength);
size_t reverseFind(const UChar*, unsigned length, LChar matchCharacter, unsigned start = StringImpl::MaxLength);
size_t reverseFind(const LChar*, unsigned length, UChar matchCharacter, unsigned start = StringImpl::MaxLength);
template<size_t inlineCapacity> bool equalIgnoringNullity(const Vector<UChar, inlineCapacity>&, StringImpl*);
template<typename CharacterType1, typename CharacterType2> int codePointCompare(const CharacterType1*, unsigned length1, const CharacterType2*, unsigned length2);
int codePointCompare(const StringImpl*, const StringImpl*);
// FIXME: Should rename this to make clear it uses the Unicode definition of whitespace.
// Most WebKit callers don't want that would use isASCIISpace or isHTMLSpace instead.
bool isSpaceOrNewline(UChar32);
bool isNotSpaceOrNewline(UChar32);
// StringHashd is the default hash for StringImpl* and RefPtr<StringImpl>
template<typename> struct DefaultHash;
template<> struct DefaultHash<StringImpl*>;
template<> struct DefaultHash<RefPtr<StringImpl>>;
template<> struct DefaultHash<PackedPtr<StringImpl>>;
#define MAKE_STATIC_STRING_IMPL(characters) ([] { \
static StaticStringImpl impl(characters); \
return &impl; \
template<> ALWAYS_INLINE Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::constructInternal<LChar>(StringImpl& string, unsigned length)
return adoptRef(*new (NotNull, &string) StringImpl { length, Force8BitConstructor });
template<> ALWAYS_INLINE Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::constructInternal<UChar>(StringImpl& string, unsigned length)
return adoptRef(*new (NotNull, &string) StringImpl { length });
template<> ALWAYS_INLINE const LChar* StringImpl::characters<LChar>() const
return characters8();
template<> ALWAYS_INLINE const UChar* StringImpl::characters<UChar>() const
return characters16();
template<typename CodeUnit, typename CodeUnitMatchFunction, std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_r_v<bool, CodeUnitMatchFunction, CodeUnit>>*>
inline size_t find(const CodeUnit* characters, unsigned length, CodeUnitMatchFunction&& matchFunction, unsigned start)
while (start < length) {
if (matchFunction(characters[start]))
return start;
return notFound;
template<typename CharacterType> inline size_t reverseFindLineTerminator(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, unsigned start)
if (!length)
return notFound;
if (start >= length)
start = length - 1;
auto character = characters[start];
while (character != '\n' && character != '\r') {
if (!start--)
return notFound;
character = characters[start];
return start;
template<typename CharacterType> inline size_t reverseFind(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, CharacterType matchCharacter, unsigned start)
if (!length)
return notFound;
if (start >= length)
start = length - 1;
while (characters[start] != matchCharacter) {
if (!start--)
return notFound;
return start;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t reverseFind(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, LChar matchCharacter, unsigned start)
return reverseFind(characters, length, static_cast<UChar>(matchCharacter), start);
inline size_t reverseFind(const LChar* characters, unsigned length, UChar matchCharacter, unsigned start)
if (!isLatin1(matchCharacter))
return notFound;
return reverseFind(characters, length, static_cast<LChar>(matchCharacter), start);
inline size_t StringImpl::find(LChar character, unsigned start)
if (is8Bit())
return WTF::find(characters8(), m_length, character, start);
return WTF::find(characters16(), m_length, character, start);
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t StringImpl::find(char character, unsigned start)
return find(static_cast<LChar>(character), start);
inline size_t StringImpl::find(UChar character, unsigned start)
if (is8Bit())
return WTF::find(characters8(), m_length, character, start);
return WTF::find(characters16(), m_length, character, start);
template<typename CodeUnitMatchFunction, std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_r_v<bool, CodeUnitMatchFunction, UChar>>*>
size_t StringImpl::find(CodeUnitMatchFunction matchFunction, unsigned start)
if (is8Bit())
return WTF::find(characters8(), m_length, matchFunction, start);
return WTF::find(characters16(), m_length, matchFunction, start);
template<size_t inlineCapacity> inline bool equalIgnoringNullity(const Vector<UChar, inlineCapacity>& a, StringImpl* b)
return equalIgnoringNullity(, a.size(), b);
template<typename CharacterType1, typename CharacterType2> inline int codePointCompare(const CharacterType1* characters1, unsigned length1, const CharacterType2* characters2, unsigned length2)
unsigned commonLength = std::min(length1, length2);
unsigned position = 0;
while (position < commonLength && *characters1 == *characters2) {
if (position < commonLength)
return (characters1[0] > characters2[0]) ? 1 : -1;
if (length1 == length2)
return 0;
return (length1 > length2) ? 1 : -1;
inline int codePointCompare(const StringImpl* string1, const StringImpl* string2)
// FIXME: Should null strings compare as less than empty strings rather than equal to them?
if (!string1)
return (string2 && string2->length()) ? -1 : 0;
if (!string2)
return string1->length() ? 1 : 0;
bool string1Is8Bit = string1->is8Bit();
bool string2Is8Bit = string2->is8Bit();
if (string1Is8Bit) {
if (string2Is8Bit)
return codePointCompare(string1->characters8(), string1->length(), string2->characters8(), string2->length());
return codePointCompare(string1->characters8(), string1->length(), string2->characters16(), string2->length());
if (string2Is8Bit)
return codePointCompare(string1->characters16(), string1->length(), string2->characters8(), string2->length());
return codePointCompare(string1->characters16(), string1->length(), string2->characters16(), string2->length());
inline bool isSpaceOrNewline(UChar32 character)
// Use isASCIISpace() for all Latin-1 characters. This will include newlines, which aren't included in Unicode DirWS.
return isLatin1(character) ? isASCIISpace(character) : u_charDirection(character) == U_WHITE_SPACE_NEUTRAL;
inline bool isNotSpaceOrNewline(UChar32 character)
return !isSpaceOrNewline(character);
inline StringImplShape::StringImplShape(unsigned refCount, unsigned length, const LChar* data8, unsigned hashAndFlags)
: m_refCount(refCount)
, m_length(length)
, m_data8(data8)
, m_hashAndFlags(hashAndFlags)
inline StringImplShape::StringImplShape(unsigned refCount, unsigned length, const UChar* data16, unsigned hashAndFlags)
: m_refCount(refCount)
, m_length(length)
, m_data16(data16)
, m_hashAndFlags(hashAndFlags)
template<unsigned characterCount> constexpr StringImplShape::StringImplShape(unsigned refCount, unsigned length, const char (&characters)[characterCount], unsigned hashAndFlags, ConstructWithConstExprTag)
: m_refCount(refCount)
, m_length(length)
, m_data8Char(characters)
, m_hashAndFlags(hashAndFlags)
template<unsigned characterCount> constexpr StringImplShape::StringImplShape(unsigned refCount, unsigned length, const char16_t (&characters)[characterCount], unsigned hashAndFlags, ConstructWithConstExprTag)
: m_refCount(refCount)
, m_length(length)
, m_data16Char(characters)
, m_hashAndFlags(hashAndFlags)
inline Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::isolatedCopy() const
if (!requiresCopy()) {
if (is8Bit())
return StringImpl::createWithoutCopying(m_data8, m_length);
return StringImpl::createWithoutCopying(m_data16, m_length);
if (is8Bit())
return create(m_data8, m_length);
return create(m_data16, m_length);
inline bool StringImpl::isAllASCII() const
if (is8Bit())
return charactersAreAllASCII(characters8(), length());
return charactersAreAllASCII(characters16(), length());
inline bool StringImpl::isAllLatin1() const
if (is8Bit())
return true;
auto* characters = characters16();
UChar ored = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length(); ++i)
ored |= characters[i];
return !(ored & 0xFF00);
template<bool isSpecialCharacter(UChar), typename CharacterType> inline bool isAllSpecialCharacters(const CharacterType* characters, size_t length)
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!isSpecialCharacter(characters[i]))
return false;
return true;
template<bool isSpecialCharacter(UChar)> inline bool StringImpl::isAllSpecialCharacters() const
if (is8Bit())
return WTF::isAllSpecialCharacters<isSpecialCharacter>(characters8(), length());
return WTF::isAllSpecialCharacters<isSpecialCharacter>(characters16(), length());
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(unsigned length, Force8Bit)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, tailPointer<LChar>(), s_hashFlag8BitBuffer | StringNormal | BufferInternal)
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(unsigned length)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, tailPointer<UChar>(), s_hashZeroValue | StringNormal | BufferInternal)
template<typename Malloc>
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(MallocPtr<LChar, Malloc> characters, unsigned length)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, static_cast<const LChar*>(nullptr), s_hashFlag8BitBuffer | StringNormal | BufferOwned)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Malloc, StringImplMalloc>)
m_data8 = characters.leakPtr();
else {
auto data8 = static_cast<LChar*>(StringImplMalloc::malloc(length * sizeof(LChar)));
copyCharacters(data8, characters.get(), length);
m_data8 = data8;
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, ConstructWithoutCopyingTag)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, characters, s_hashZeroValue | StringNormal | BufferInternal)
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(const LChar* characters, unsigned length, ConstructWithoutCopyingTag)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, characters, s_hashFlag8BitBuffer | StringNormal | BufferInternal)
template<typename Malloc>
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(MallocPtr<UChar, Malloc> characters, unsigned length)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, static_cast<const UChar*>(nullptr), s_hashZeroValue | StringNormal | BufferOwned)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Malloc, StringImplMalloc>)
m_data16 = characters.leakPtr();
else {
auto data16 = static_cast<UChar*>(StringImplMalloc::malloc(length * sizeof(UChar)));
copyCharacters(data16, characters.get(), length);
m_data16 = data16;
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(const LChar* characters, unsigned length, Ref<StringImpl>&& base)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, characters, s_hashFlag8BitBuffer | StringNormal | BufferSubstring)
ASSERT(base->bufferOwnership() != BufferSubstring);
substringBuffer() = &base.leakRef();
STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING2(m_length, true);
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, Ref<StringImpl>&& base)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, characters, s_hashZeroValue | StringNormal | BufferSubstring)
ASSERT(base->bufferOwnership() != BufferSubstring);
substringBuffer() = &base.leakRef();
STRING_STATS_ADD_16BIT_STRING2(m_length, true);
template<size_t inlineCapacity> inline Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::create8BitIfPossible(const Vector<UChar, inlineCapacity>& vector)
return create8BitIfPossible(, vector.size());
ALWAYS_INLINE Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::createSubstringSharingImpl(StringImpl& rep, unsigned offset, unsigned length)
ASSERT(length <= rep.length());
if (!length)
return *empty();
// Copying the thing would save more memory sometimes, largely due to the size of pointer.
size_t substringSize = allocationSize<StringImpl*>(1);
if (rep.is8Bit()) {
if (substringSize >= allocationSize<LChar>(length))
return create(rep.m_data8 + offset, length);
} else {
if (substringSize >= allocationSize<UChar>(length))
return create(rep.m_data16 + offset, length);
auto* ownerRep = ((rep.bufferOwnership() == BufferSubstring) ? rep.substringBuffer() : &rep);
// We allocate a buffer that contains both the StringImpl struct as well as the pointer to the owner string.
auto* stringImpl = static_cast<StringImpl*>(StringImplMalloc::malloc(substringSize));
if (rep.is8Bit())
return adoptRef(*new (NotNull, stringImpl) StringImpl(rep.m_data8 + offset, length, *ownerRep));
return adoptRef(*new (NotNull, stringImpl) StringImpl(rep.m_data16 + offset, length, *ownerRep));
template<typename CharacterType> ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr<StringImpl> StringImpl::tryCreateUninitialized(unsigned length, CharacterType*& output)
if (!length) {
output = nullptr;
return empty();
if (length > maxInternalLength<CharacterType>()) {
output = nullptr;
return nullptr;
StringImpl* result;
result = (StringImpl*)StringImplMalloc::tryMalloc(allocationSize<CharacterType>(length));
if (!result) {
output = nullptr;
return nullptr;
output = result->tailPointer<CharacterType>();
return constructInternal<CharacterType>(*result, length);
template<typename CharacterType, size_t inlineCapacity, typename OverflowHandler, size_t minCapacity, typename Malloc>
inline Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::adopt(Vector<CharacterType, inlineCapacity, OverflowHandler, minCapacity, Malloc>&& vector)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Malloc, StringImplMalloc>) {
auto length = vector.size();
if (!length)
return *empty();
if (length > MaxLength)
return adoptRef(*new StringImpl(vector.releaseBuffer(), length));
} else
return create(, vector.size());
inline size_t StringImpl::cost() const
// For substrings, return the cost of the base string.
if (bufferOwnership() == BufferSubstring)
return substringBuffer()->cost();
// Note: we must not alter the m_hashAndFlags field in instances of StaticStringImpl.
// We ensure this by pre-setting the s_hashFlagDidReportCost bit in all instances of
// StaticStringImpl. As a result, StaticStringImpl instances will always return a cost of
// 0 here and avoid modifying m_hashAndFlags.
if (m_hashAndFlags & s_hashFlagDidReportCost)
return 0;
m_hashAndFlags |= s_hashFlagDidReportCost;
size_t result = m_length;
if (!is8Bit())
result <<= 1;
return result;
inline size_t StringImpl::costDuringGC()
if (isStatic())
return 0;
if (bufferOwnership() == BufferSubstring)
return divideRoundedUp(substringBuffer()->costDuringGC(), refCount());
size_t result = m_length;
if (!is8Bit())
result <<= 1;
return divideRoundedUp(result, refCount());
inline void StringImpl::setIsAtom(bool isAtom)
if (isAtom)
m_hashAndFlags |= s_hashFlagStringKindIsAtom;
m_hashAndFlags &= ~s_hashFlagStringKindIsAtom;
inline void StringImpl::setHash(unsigned hash) const
// The high bits of 'hash' are always empty, but we prefer to store our flags
// in the low bits because it makes them slightly more efficient to access.
// So, we shift left and right when setting and getting our hash code.
// Multiple clients assume that StringHasher is the canonical string hash function.
ASSERT(hash == (is8Bit() ? StringHasher::computeHashAndMaskTop8Bits(m_data8, m_length) : StringHasher::computeHashAndMaskTop8Bits(m_data16, m_length)));
ASSERT(!(hash & (s_flagMask << (8 * sizeof(hash) - s_flagCount)))); // Verify that enough high bits are empty.
hash <<= s_flagCount;
ASSERT(!(hash & m_hashAndFlags)); // Verify that enough low bits are empty after shift.
ASSERT(hash); // Verify that 0 is a valid sentinel hash value.
m_hashAndFlags |= hash; // Store hash with flags in low bits.
inline void StringImpl::ref()
if (isStatic())
m_refCount += s_refCountIncrement;
inline void StringImpl::deref()
if (isStatic())
unsigned tempRefCount = m_refCount - s_refCountIncrement;
if (!tempRefCount) {
m_refCount = tempRefCount;
template<typename SourceCharacterType, typename DestinationCharacterType>
inline void StringImpl::copyCharacters(DestinationCharacterType* destination, const SourceCharacterType* source, unsigned numCharacters)
ASSERT(destination || !numCharacters); // Workaround for clang static analyzer (<rdar://problem/82475719>).
static_assert(std::is_same_v<SourceCharacterType, LChar> || std::is_same_v<SourceCharacterType, UChar>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<DestinationCharacterType, LChar> || std::is_same_v<DestinationCharacterType, UChar>);
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<SourceCharacterType, DestinationCharacterType>) {
if (numCharacters == 1) {
*destination = *source;
memcpy(destination, source, numCharacters * sizeof(DestinationCharacterType));
} else {
// FIXME: We should ensure that UChar -> LChar copying happens when UChar only contains Latin-1.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numCharacters; ++i)
destination[i] = source[i];
inline UChar StringImpl::at(unsigned i) const
return is8Bit() ? m_data8[i] : m_data16[i];
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(CreateSymbolTag, const LChar* characters, unsigned length)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, characters, s_hashFlag8BitBuffer | StringSymbol | BufferSubstring)
STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING2(m_length, true);
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(CreateSymbolTag, const UChar* characters, unsigned length)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, length, characters, s_hashZeroValue | StringSymbol | BufferSubstring)
STRING_STATS_ADD_16BIT_STRING2(m_length, true);
inline StringImpl::StringImpl(CreateSymbolTag)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountIncrement, 0, empty()->characters8(), s_hashFlag8BitBuffer | StringSymbol | BufferSubstring)
STRING_STATS_ADD_8BIT_STRING2(m_length, true);
template<typename T> inline size_t StringImpl::allocationSize(Checked<size_t> tailElementCount)
return tailOffset<T>() + tailElementCount * sizeof(T);
template<typename CharacterType>
inline size_t StringImpl::maxInternalLength()
// In order to not overflow the unsigned length, the check for (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - sizeof(StringImpl)) is needed when sizeof(CharacterType) == 2.
return std::min(static_cast<size_t>(MaxLength), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - sizeof(StringImpl)) / sizeof(CharacterType));
template<typename T> inline size_t StringImpl::tailOffset()
// MSVC doesn't support alignof yet.
return roundUpToMultipleOf<sizeof(T)>(sizeof(StringImpl));
return roundUpToMultipleOf<alignof(T)>(offsetof(StringImpl, m_hashAndFlags) + sizeof(StringImpl::m_hashAndFlags));
inline bool StringImpl::requiresCopy() const
if (bufferOwnership() != BufferInternal)
return true;
if (is8Bit())
return m_data8 == tailPointer<LChar>();
return m_data16 == tailPointer<UChar>();
template<typename T> inline const T* StringImpl::tailPointer() const
return reinterpret_cast_ptr<const T*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this) + tailOffset<T>());
template<typename T> inline T* StringImpl::tailPointer()
return reinterpret_cast_ptr<T*>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(this) + tailOffset<T>());
inline StringImpl* const& StringImpl::substringBuffer() const
ASSERT(bufferOwnership() == BufferSubstring);
return *tailPointer<StringImpl*>();
inline StringImpl*& StringImpl::substringBuffer()
ASSERT(bufferOwnership() == BufferSubstring);
return *tailPointer<StringImpl*>();
inline void StringImpl::assertHashIsCorrect() const
ASSERT(existingHash() == StringHasher::computeHashAndMaskTop8Bits(characters8(), length()));
template<unsigned characterCount> constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl::StaticStringImpl(const char (&characters)[characterCount], StringKind stringKind)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountFlagIsStaticString, characterCount - 1, characters,
s_hashFlag8BitBuffer | s_hashFlagDidReportCost | stringKind | BufferInternal | (StringHasher::computeLiteralHashAndMaskTop8Bits(characters) << s_flagCount), ConstructWithConstExpr)
template<unsigned characterCount> constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl::StaticStringImpl(const char16_t (&characters)[characterCount], StringKind stringKind)
: StringImplShape(s_refCountFlagIsStaticString, characterCount - 1, characters,
s_hashFlagDidReportCost | stringKind | BufferInternal | (StringHasher::computeLiteralHashAndMaskTop8Bits(characters) << s_flagCount), ConstructWithConstExpr)
inline StringImpl::StaticStringImpl::operator StringImpl&()
return *reinterpret_cast<StringImpl*>(this);
inline bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl& a, const StringImpl& b)
return equalIgnoringASCIICaseCommon(a, b);
inline bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl& a, ASCIILiteral b)
return equalIgnoringASCIICaseCommon(a, b.characters());
inline bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl* a, ASCIILiteral b)
return a && equalIgnoringASCIICase(*a, b);
inline bool startsWithLettersIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl& string, ASCIILiteral literal)
return startsWithLettersIgnoringASCIICaseCommon(string, literal);
inline bool startsWithLettersIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl* string, ASCIILiteral literal)
return string && startsWithLettersIgnoringASCIICase(*string, literal);
inline bool equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl& string, ASCIILiteral literal)
return equalLettersIgnoringASCIICaseCommon(string, literal);
inline bool equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(const StringImpl* string, ASCIILiteral literal)
return string && equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(*string, literal);
template<typename CharacterType, typename Predicate> ALWAYS_INLINE Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::removeCharactersImpl(const CharacterType* characters, const Predicate& findMatch)
auto* from = characters;
auto* fromEnd = from + m_length;
// Assume the common case will not remove any characters
while (from != fromEnd && !findMatch(*from))
if (from == fromEnd)
return *this;
StringBuffer<CharacterType> data(m_length);
auto* to = data.characters();
unsigned outc = from - characters;
if (outc)
copyCharacters(to, characters, outc);
do {
while (from != fromEnd && findMatch(*from))
while (from != fromEnd && !findMatch(*from))
to[outc++] = *from++;
} while (from != fromEnd);
return adopt(WTFMove(data));
template<typename Predicate>
inline Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::removeCharacters(const Predicate& findMatch)
if (is8Bit())
return removeCharactersImpl(characters8(), findMatch);
return removeCharactersImpl(characters16(), findMatch);
inline Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::createByReplacingInCharacters(const LChar* characters, unsigned length, UChar target, UChar replacement, unsigned indexOfFirstTargetCharacter)
ASSERT(indexOfFirstTargetCharacter < length);
if (isLatin1(replacement)) {
LChar* data;
LChar oldChar = target;
LChar newChar = replacement;
auto newImpl = createUninitializedInternalNonEmpty(length, data);
memcpy(data, characters, indexOfFirstTargetCharacter);
for (unsigned i = indexOfFirstTargetCharacter; i != length; ++i) {
LChar character = characters[i];
data[i] = character == oldChar ? newChar : character;
return newImpl;
UChar* data;
auto newImpl = createUninitializedInternalNonEmpty(length, data);
for (unsigned i = 0; i != length; ++i) {
UChar character = characters[i];
data[i] = character == target ? replacement : character;
return newImpl;
inline Ref<StringImpl> StringImpl::createByReplacingInCharacters(const UChar* characters, unsigned length, UChar target, UChar replacement, unsigned indexOfFirstTargetCharacter)
ASSERT(indexOfFirstTargetCharacter < length);
UChar* data;
auto newImpl = createUninitializedInternalNonEmpty(length, data);
copyCharacters(data, characters, indexOfFirstTargetCharacter);
for (unsigned i = indexOfFirstTargetCharacter; i != length; ++i) {
UChar character = characters[i];
data[i] = character == target ? replacement : character;
return newImpl;
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::StaticStringImpl;
using WTF::StringImpl;
using WTF::equal;
using WTF::isNotSpaceOrNewline;
using WTF::isSpaceOrNewline;